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1. Britain’s colonial legislative history is not deeply buried. It lies just beneath the surface. Successive governments have made that clear with 70 years of racialised immigration legislation. This week’s #Windrush u-turn is just the tip of that iceberg.
2. Tory Home Sec 1962 Immigration Bill “We must recognise that, although the scheme purports to relate solely to employment & to be non-discriminatory,its aim is primarily social & its restrictive effect intended to & would, in fact, operate on coloured people almost exclusively”
3. Lab Home Sec Jim Callaghan on his 1968 Immigration Bill: “We need, as a matter of urgency, to introduce a Bill extending immigration control to Citizens of the UK and Colonies who do not belong to the UK”
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1/12 No one will be surprised that I'm not shocked by the Home Secretary's announcement that she'll be dropping some of the key recommendations in the #Windrush Lessons Learned Review (WLLR). She posits this with information that 21 of the 30 recommendations in the review
2/12 have been met or partially met, & provides some detail as to what this means. But what does implementation mean? The recommendations seek the undoing of decades of organisational, structural & cultural rot. How is this implementation being manifested? What are
3/12 the outcomes? How are applicants, appellants, lawyers & stakeholders experiencing this implementation? It sounds to me that the idea that 21 recommendations have been implemented, even partially, is unlikely to be real or to the standard expected of the review. Those
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Daughter of Tory MP Sir Robert Atkins, Tory MP Victoria Atkins. is now competing with Nadine Dorries' for the role of 'Chief Dead Cat Thrower & Shit-Stirrer': she's full of snide remarks, culture war crap, & now a whiny & unwarranted complaint.…
Prior to her political career, Atkins worked as a barrister specialising in the field of fraud - which is handy considering how $BILLIONS of our money has been "spaffed up the wall" by her Govt of liars, & seeing as Britain is now world-beating in fraud.

Privately educated Atkins was selected for the safe Conservative seat of Louth & Horncastle, continuously held by the party since 1924. In April 2018, now working in the Home Office, she said she did not know the number of police officers in the country.…
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Au Royaume-Uni après le scandale #Windrush, des stages obligatoires de formation sur l'histoire coloniale devaient être proposés ce mois-ci aux 36 000 agents du ministère de l'intérieur.
Ms l'administration est accusée d'en avoir édulcoré le contenu👇1/4…
D'après le Prof Jason Arday, sollicité pr le programme : "j'ai eu l'impression qu'on nous demandait de participer à un exercice d'amnésie historique. On m'a dit que le ministère voulait omettre certaines informations parce qu'elles auraient risqué de gêner les gens." 2/4 Image
Il s'agit du même gouvernement britannique qui, depuis 2 ans, dit défendre le respect de l'histoire face aux interpellations et aux travaux comme le rapport du @nationaltrust sur les traces de la colonisation et de l'esclavage ds l'espace public et le patrimoine. 3/4
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1/3 The #Windrush Lessons Learned Review recommended that the Home Office commission an historian to examine the causes of the #Windrush scandal. But the report will not be published nor will the identity of the historian be revealed. Media sources today say that the report
2/3 confirms that, “deep-rooted racism of the Windrush scandal” lie in the fact that “during the period 1950-1981, every single piece of immigration or citizenship legislation was designed at least in part to reduce the number of people with black or brown skin who were permitted
3/3 to live & work in the UK”.
It goes further than that as more contemporary legislation does the same thing. To suppress a debate on the issues by concealing this report is further evidence that no lessons have been learnt & that there's no intention of righting the wrongs.
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Hitler, Trump, May, Orban & Johnson have all demonised vulnerable minorities to win power.

On the 10th anniversary of the #HostileEnvironment, Home Office staff have warned of a “culture of fear” where they may be asked to act illegally.

#HostileEnvironment policies have changed the fabric of society. No other policy in living memory has left such a malign mark, a stain like an oil slick. It's racist, xenophobic, immoral, illegal, unfair, punishing, divisive, mean-spirited, discriminatory & counterproductive.”
Shami Chakrabarti, a former shadow attorney general, said: “Ten years of the hostile environment have been a disaster for race relations, community cohesion and national pride. Using starvation and destitution as a means of control led directly to the #Windrush scandal.”
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Britain treated Jews from Germany in the 1930s as economic migrants rather than genuine refugees. Sounds familiar.

In 1938, Home Secretary Samuel Hoare told Parliament "very careful selection" should be made of Jewish Asylum Seekers to ensure they create jobs for Britons.
2/ From 1952 to 1960, the British used Concentration Camps, in then British Kenya, during the Mau Mau rebellion.

The use of castration ,& denying access to medical aid to the detainees by the British was widespread & common, as was slicing off ears to extract information.
3/ #Windrush - In the last decade, the British Government has deported people who came to the UK in the 60s because they didn't have 40 years of paper receipts to prove residence.
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The #RoyalTourCaribbean is a disaster. Terrible optics, overtones of colonialism. Desire to lose the monarchy had risen by 20%in Jamaica over 10 years to 62%. #BLM, #Windrush. The world has changed. But this tour proceeded as if it was 1932 not 2022. Catastrophic. ImageImage
It has succeeded in accelerating desire of countries to break away from the monarchy and left people in the UK questioning how appropriate such tours are.
When Harry and Meghan asked to step back from the royal model, half earn their own money, half represent the Queen, they said they wished to do Commonwealth Tours. Told no. Riiight….
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On #MigrantsDay consider exploring w/students the complex history of HMT Empire #Windrush. The story of this ship - now so iconic in British culture & society - begins not in 1948, but in Hamburg in 1930. Then known as #MonteRosa, the ship was originally a cruise ship...1/4 RT
...which, on occasions, visited London. Repurposed for military means during WW2, the ship was used at one point to transport Norwegian Jews to the continental mainland, for deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau. After being seized by the British in 1945 the ship was renamed... 2/4
...the #Windrush in 1946. Today this complicated history isn't common knowledge. Yet the story of poses timeless Qs: how & why people move (& are moved) in time & space; what we remember & what we forget; & how difficult histories overlap & intersect w/each other. 3/4
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A #THREAD on free-market fundamentalist ex-banker Sajid Javid's recent grotesque & condescending speech to the opaquely funded free market think tank, the Centre for Social Justice: "The hidden costs of #COVID19: the social backlog"…
The 'Centre for Social Justice' is another opaquely funded free-market think tank, co-founded by IDS, Tim Montgomerie, Mark Florman & Philippa Stroud, specialising in generating moral panics which demonise the poor using 'decision-based evidence making'.…
He starts off with condescending & insensitive remarks: "I’VE faced some challenges in MY time in government. The crisis of rough sleeping. The tragedy of #Grenfell. The injustice of #Windrush" - disgraceful episodes, caused primarily by deregulation & the Culture War Tory Govt.
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Who are #Jamaica50 ? It’s important to get truth out fast about people @ukhomeoffice have swept up in racist dragnet of Jamaican community ahead of Aug mass deportation charter flight. This thread tells some of their stories #StopThePlane #StopCharterFlights #EndDetention (1/16)
1. MM came UK age 11 to join father, indefinite leave to remain (ILR), 19 yrs UK. 7 British kids, 5 w/wife inc newborn. Convicted possession/intent, original trial judge gave suspended sentence noting good character & deserved second chance. CPS appealed, revised to 3yrs (2/16)
That was 1st & only offence, out of prison since 2019. Wife is carer & he took care of kids as she worked through pandemic. Constituent of @AlexNorrisNN who is making reps on his behalf. This govt doesn’t believe in ‘second chances’ for the black community. #yesItsRacist (3/16)
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Tonight on #C4News - the Home Office says the EU settlement scheme will provide people with a secure, digital status - but @the3million tell us computer glitches mean many who’ve been granted settled status can’t prove it. My report with @Stanleigh77 and @jogandshuttle at 7pm:
“We are risking another #Windrush, the creation of a new group of undocumented migrants unable to prove their status,” @maikebohn of @the3million tells me.
More on #c4news at 7pm.
“It feels so unfair, it’s almost impossible to prove I am legal.”

Debora Fonseca from Portugal has lived in the UK for around 20 years, working and paying taxes. She has EU settled status - but says employers don’t understand the digital “share code” issued by the Home Office.
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Losing track, but I think this is the 8th detailed and damning investigation into #Windrush and the hostile environment that I've written about for the Guardian

Victims not compensated quickly enough, report finds…
Actually maybe the 9th
I think the first was this one on
Windrush generation detention, by Joint Committee on Human Rights, which concluded: "We take the view that there was in all likelihood a systemic failure"…
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Home Office chief responds to that devastating long read by @trillingual.

The two pieces capture the central schizophrenia of pledges to become more humane after #Windrush while dialing up hate against asylum seekers in service of the Conservative re-election strategy.
We see this schizophrenia every day in our dealings with Home Office leaders.

I don't doubt the sincerity of their commitment to implement lessons from the #Windrush review.
I've seen at close range the changes in mindset when it comes to thinking about institutionalised cruelty & discrimination.

Some Home Office leaders even wrote to me with their reflections on a piece that @SatbirLSingh and I wrote on the #Windrush review…
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I'd never heard of Boris Johnson's senior advisor & one of Carrie Symond's "favourite people" 'chatty rat' Henry Newman, but I've been looking at Andrew Neil's connections to the Orbán regime, &, well, 'it's a small world'...

#THREAD on the Hungarian & British hard right elite.
In 2018, Andrew Neil chaired the #Project28 opinion poll based research event for Viktor Orban's 'Think Tank' the Századvég Foundation - basically the propaganda wing of Fidesz party, set up to spread xenophobia, islamophobia & antisemitism across the EU.…
Andrew Neil Chaired the event, but let's take a look at the other speakers.

First up, keynote speaker & Fidesz party MEP József Szájer, who discussed the #Project28 'findings', basically that the EU population had lost their confidence in their ability to influence leaders.
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Boris Johnson's fake race commission report is a #whitewash & an insult to UK ethnic minorities.

Despite overwhelming evidence, it DENIES institutional racism, & borrowing from the the National Front, has the gall to focus on the "white working class".
From #Windrush & #Grenfell to the disproportionate amount of deaths in childbirth, from stop & search to #COVID-related deaths - evidence of institutional & structural racism is CRYSTAL CLEAR.

What a nasty, grotesque & disturbing insult to millions of decent British people.
Foregrounding "white working class" educational attainment is pure gaslighting: in 2019 the least educational progress was made by Irish Traveller & Gypsy/Roma Heritage kids, technically "white working class" - but what a grotesque & contemptuous ideological distortion of truth.
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Jews escaping the Nazis were asylum seekers.

Instead of pandering to racists, bigots, & the far-right, the UK Govt should welcome asylum seekers with open arms - not whip up anger & hatred by demonizing them & those who help them.

Sadly, rabid intolerance - among both press & government - has a strong British pedigree.

The Daily Mail has been an 'anti-alien' newspaper since the 1900s - great continuity - & the Daily Express on the run-up to the EU referendum was utterly grotesque.…
These antiquated, inhumane, & revolting attitudes appearing in our press & amplified by the UK Govt - especially the cruel & shameless Home Secretary Priti Patel - permeate British society & keep rancid ideas alive which belong in the dustbin of history.

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Short THREAD on rising #racism & far-right extremism, based on very concerning updates from @IRR_News.

Please follow & support The Institute of Race Relations & the @RunnymedeTrust - organisations struggling for racial justice in very worrying times.…
Not just in the UK, but in Spain, Portugal & France, governments & quangos are warning universities & institutions that re-evaluations of colonial history will bring dire consequences – at the exact same time presenting themselves as 'champions of free speech' & academic freedom.
The DoE's proposal for ‘free speech champions’ suggests ‘unacceptable silencing & censorship’ is now widespread on campuses.

It builds on the Govt’s attacks on critical race theory, the ‘dreadful’ (Priti Patel) #BLM protests, as well as the nebulous concept of a ‘woke agenda’.
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"Tens of thousands of #austerity deaths. The haunting memory of #Grenfell Tower & its fatal cladding. The #Windrush scandal. #FoodBanks as far as the eye can see. The twin horrors of the #Covid crisis & #Brexit bedlam."

@theQuietus reviews @sleafordmods…
"A pro-death-penalty Home Secretary with a black-belt certificate in actual bullying. Toby Young, Darren Grimes and Laurence Fox cunting around every TV channel and internet site as they pretend they're being silenced."

@sleafordmods provide the soundtrack to #Britain2021
"When else in history have the purportedly censored sounded so unbearably loud? Political correctness – that fusty old Enlightenment idea of making an effort to treat people fairly & equally – is castigated as the worst possible tyranny imaginable."
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Anti-deportation campaigners need to get real smart real quick. Patel is now considering deporting people with 6 month convictions. That’s petty theft, cannabis, minor offences like fraud.…
In the context of #BlackLivesMatter and #windrush - the government response is to make it easier to deport people whose rights are being violated.
We need to work on this together - we cannot let this take place without a fight. Anyone who works on migrants rights, criminal justice reform, decriminalisation and a fair legal system needs to stand against this.
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News that the #Jamaica50 flight left carrying the grand & great grandchildren of the #Windrush generation is shocking. Despite much success in getting stays in individual cases, a JR regarding the interests of children failed to obtain interim relief but continues. 1/16
Thankfully, much fewer men have gone than planned. We believe 13 of 50. This flight, during the height of a pandemic which the government has mismanaged is irresponsible. It is believed that the Jamaicans had tried to raise this as a public health issue but in the end, their 2/16
former colonial master cracked the whip. It is a myth that Jamaica gets a bounty per body which lands but they might as well. The ruling party there is a conservative party allied to the UK Conservatives; both are members of the right wing International Democratic Union.3/16
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To mark Black History Month the College is featuring a series of profile stories…. Among those featured is Dr Ron Reid-Edwards who, in this thread, reflects on the month and how people might best honour its message #BlackHistoryMonthUK 1/10
Dr Ron Reid-Edwards: “This year in particular, the shaping of many of our public institutions such as the NHS by people traveling from the Caribbean to make new lives in the UK, often meeting tremendous hostility at the time, deserves recollecting.” #nhs #windrush 2/10
“The juxtaposition of this part of our history, the outpouring of gratitude towards those who work in & support the #NHS during the coronavirus pandemic..." 3/10
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Today is the start of #SHW2020! Each day this week, I'll be tweeting about Britain's long, tempestuous and ever-so-slightly bonkers love–hate relationship with its #sexualhealth.

Darlings, brace yourselves. 💋 #SHW20 Image
We begin with the Victorians, who, contrary to popular belief, were obsessed with sex. In the C19, the only known #STIs were syphilis and gonorrhoea. Diagnosis depended on observable symptoms (no blood tests/smears). Effective treatments were non-existent. Image: @ExploreWellcome Image
In 1864 the British government introduced the Contagious Diseases Acts, intended to protect the armed forces through 'regulation' of 'common prostitutes'. The Acts gave police almost-unlimited discretionary powers to arrest any woman they thought might be soliciting. Image: HCPP Image
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In a few minutes, the @CommonsPAC will be questioning @ukhomeoffice officials on a number of issues, including the #Windrush Compensation Scheme. You can watch live here:…. We're tuned in and will be live-tweeting the questioning.
Home Office witnesses are: Matthew Rycroft (MR), Permanent Home Secretary; Charu Gorasia (CG), Director General for Capabilities and Resources; Joanna Davinson (JD), Data and Technology Officer. We suspect only MR will be speaking on the Windrush Compensation Scheme
Chairing the Committee is Labour MP Meg Hillier (MH) and in attendance is Labour MP Yvette Cooper (YC), Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee. We'll try get the names of other MPs asking questions right but bear with us.
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