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nu de scholen 🏫weer open gaan is het belangrijk om te weten welke klachten "typisch #omicron" zijn

de Engelse #omicron-symptomen top 5⃣ =
loopneus, hoofdpijn, moeheid, niezen en keelpijn…
in Zuid Afrika 🇿🇦 stond #moeheid ook voorop, samen met een 'ruwe keel' (scratchy throat), #hoofdpijn en lichaamspijn.

en bijna geen: geur-smaakverlies of hoesten!…
áls we willen dat mensen met #omicron zich laten testen (GGD of #zelftest), dan moeten deze symptomen ook genoemd worden als testindicatie: #hoofdpijn, ruwe keel, (opvallende) #moeheid

ook voor kinderen, waar #Covid19 zich soms atypisch presenteert (hier thuis: vooral hoofdpijn)
Read 12 tweets
⚠️The #DeltaVariant causes 2.26x ⬆️ more hospitalization than older #B117 #AlphaVariant in new UK study—(results roughly similar whether unvaxxed or just 1-dose vaccinated). This means Delta is 3.6x more severe than Wuhan 1.0. Mask+booster vax+ventilate.…
2) Folks, I’ve been warning about #DeltaVariant being ~2.5x more severe than Alpha and ~4x more severe than original strain for many months. The data was already out there in earlier reports!!! Yet countless people tried to deny the data—despite it was from Scotland and UK’s CDC.
3) How do we get Delta is 3.6-4x more severe than Wuhan strain? Because Alpha variant #B117 was already 64% more severe than the original earlier strain. Thus 1.64*2.5= #DeltaVariant is *4.1x* the risk of hospitalization vs original! And 1.64*2.26= 3.6x. ?
Read 8 tweets
💡UPGRADE TO PREMIUM MASKS—"We need to talk about #BetterMasking. We need to talk #N95 Respirators—would do a lot for both people who are not yet vaccinated & protect others who might become infected." ➡️ WE NEED KN95/N95/ELASTOMERIC for #DeltaVariant.🧵
2) 7 months ago, I called on everyone to switch to premium masks when the #B117 #AlphaVariant was surging. Since then FFP2 and KN95 masks have become super cheap and common. Even N95 respirator has now become more common as well. And Elastomeric respirators are more common too.
3) Lots of studies show that the respirator-grade premium masks are what we truly need. The leaky partial protection of cloth and flimsy unfitted surgical alone just not enough.
Read 9 tweets
What hope is there for the health & safety of school children in🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 when the chair of @CommonsEd continues to promote & support the views of @UsforThemUK & @lensiseethrough which are ANTI-#COVID MITIGATION on every level!
Whilst @educationgovuk policy on #COVID19 mitigations in schools is so heavily influenced by this group, & others, there is little chance of any tangible change before 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools reopen in September.

16 months in to the pandemic, children here are FAR LESS PROTECTED, not more!
Does @halfon4harlowMP realise that school children are being unnecessarily exposed to #coronavirus as part of the government’s #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy” which has been internationally condemned as an unscientific & barbaric way to proceed?

#Murderous #COVID19UK
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📍1 in 5–Breakthrough & “Persistent Symptoms”: in fully vaccinated health care workers, lower neutralizing antibody titers ➡️ breakthrough #SARSCoV2 infections. Most were mild, but persistent symptoms occurred in ~1 in 5 (19%) breakthroughs for >6 weeks.…
2) And this wasn’t even #DeltaVariant — this was the older winter #B117 #alphaVariant from the UK 🇬🇧— so we expect #DeltaVariant to be maybe worse given the viral load. Also viral load only slightly higher in the breakthroughs.
3) Dr Hyde is right that it could be an overestimate since they probably missed a lot of asymptomatic cases. But still, even among symptomatic breakthroughs- that’s a lot.
Read 4 tweets
⚠️New #COVID19 recommendations amid spike in #DeltaVariant ➡️All Mississippi residents ages 65+ & anyone with chronic conditions, should avoid all indoor mass gatherings **regardless of vaccination status**. Good. Delta is ~4x more severe than old strain🧵… Image
2) The rapid rise of Delta variant cases and virus outbreaks combined with the state’s low vaccination rate led the Mississippi Department of Health to release a slew of new COVID-related guidelines on Friday.
3) The new recommendations, which will stay in place through July 26, also include:

📍All unvaccinated Mississippians wear a mask when indoors in public settings.

📍All Mississippians 12 years of age and older get vaccinated.
Read 27 tweets
I wanted to take a look at the trend in hospitalization census in states that are now predominantly #DeltaVariant according to the graphic below (including FL & IL, which are close). I'll do some comparisons to Alpha back in April as well.

First, here is a map of the 2-week change in 7-day-average hospitalization census for each of the states above (according to state dashboards as of yesterday's data, compared to the average on Friday 2 weeks prior):
At a glance, low vax states tend to be doing the worst, which makes intuitive sense (though we're discounting prior infection by looking only at vax status, of course). But there are outliers. For example, why should IN be on a better trajectory than CA?
Read 11 tweets
45% of all #DeltaVariant deaths in England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 in the past 1 week (June 8-14th) where among those fully vaccinated with 2 doses & post +14 days. Total Delta #COVID19 deaths up +31 in one week—of 31, 14 deaths in fully vaxxed. #Delta breakthrough concerning🧵…
2) To be clear, this is still a large benefit of vaccination. But we cannot say for certain that #DeltaVariant is “nothing to worry” about anymore. It is much faster transmission & 2.5x greater hospitalization risk than #Alphavariant which implies 4x hospitalization vs original.
3) We have to be worried when we see such numbers and the exponential rise of #DeltaVariant worldwide — especially in low vaccinated countries, and under vaccinated parts of US that are vaccine hesitant.
Read 16 tweets
It’s coming—#DeltaVariant is now >96% dominant in 3 major counties (UK, Russia, Portugal). It is surging exponentially in the US at now 31% of all cases, up from ~10% just a week ago. The #COVID19 rise & divergence hidden by fast dropping #AlphaVariant. 🧵 ImageImage
2) Notice the strong divergence of #DeltaVariant vs #Alphavariant. This was why the rise of Delta was hidden so long underneath total case counts dropping and plateauing Image
3) this was hospitalization in the UK one week earlier. Very different than before #DeltaVariant domination. ~30% of deaths even among those fully 2 dose vaccinated, according to PHE (England’s CDC). This is the Delta.
Read 22 tweets
10% of all #COVID19 hospitalizations last week were among fully vaccinated, despite >50% adults fully vaccinated in the UK— ➡️ this is the #DeltaVariant, which is 99% of all 🇬🇧 cases. I’m a big 2-dose vaccine advocate—but we still need strong precaution.🧵… Image
2) Please take #DeltaVariant seriously — it’s the fastest transmission variant known to date. Much much faster. And it has somewhat vaccine evasion, especially 1 dose, and it is much more severe (higher risk of hospitalization)
3) Because #DeltaVariant is roughly 2x more contagious — ie 2x the R0 of the original virus, the R0 of Delta is likely 6-7. Let’s assume 6, and someday hit 70% *2-dose* with 90% efficacy (but AZ is ~60%), only then can we stop it… but no country is there yet.
HT @GosiaGasperoPhD Image
Read 16 tweets
📍Serious—Biden warns #DeltaVariant “will leave unvaccinated people even more vulnerable. It is more easily transmissible, potentially deadlier & particularly dangerous for young people. if you have 1 shot, get 2nd shot as soon as you can” #COVID19…
2) #DeltaVariant is the most serious worrisome variant known to date— its leaps and bounds faster transmission than other variants. See new study thread 🧵
3) just this week, CDC (at last) declared and upgraded the warning level of #DeltaVariant a “variant of concern”
Read 5 tweets
⚠️Confirmed—#DeltaVariant is by far the *most contagious** variant found to date, with a transmissibility that is ~2x faster than older strain. #P1 is 2nd fastest, says @WHO study.🧵

📍#B117 #Alpha—29% faster

📍#B1351 #Beta—25%

📍#P1 #Gamma—38%

📍#B16172 #Delta—97% #COVID19 Image
2) “Effective reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern/interest compared against each other, 64 countries, data until 3 June 2021”… Image
3) “Of the six variants currently designated as VOI, five were considered in our analysis and among these, only B.1.617.1 (#Kappa) and B.1.525 #Eta demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the effective reproduction number of 48% and 29%, respectively.” Image
Read 29 tweets
Two patients positive for the #DeltaVariant in Calgary🇨🇦 have died. One death was in patient with 2 doses of #COVID19 vaccine and fully immunized. Although patient in 80s for age, it also suggestive of incomplete protection against Delta. Must be cautious.…
2) Delta Variant is more contagious and much more severe.
3) It took the CDC a long time to declare #DeltaVariant a variant of concern, even though @WHO declared it 3 weeks ago.
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DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS—‘Loss of smell’ is no longer a top 10 symptom of the new #DeltaVariant. A headache, sore throat & runny nose are now the most common. New study says catching Delta #COVID19 can feel different— "more like a bad cold" for younger people.🧵…
2) Since the start of May, we have been looking at the top symptoms in the app users - and they are not the same as they were," he says.
The change appears linked to the rise in the Delta variant, first identified in India and now accounting for 90% of Covid cases in the UK.
3) Fever remains quite common but loss of smell no longer appears in the top 10 symptoms, Prof Spector says.

"This variant seems to be working slightly differently," he says.
Read 11 tweets
BREAKING—CDC now officially declares #DeltaVariant a “variant of concern”—because much more transmissible (50% faster than #B117, 2x than original strain), more severe (2.5x hospitalization risk than B117, 4x original) & 1 dose vaccine evasive.🧵 #COVID19…
2) This comes on the heels of the urgent advocacy by many to demand CDC upgrade to VOC. Even WHO and UK 🇬🇧 raised #DeltaVariant to VOC weeks ago. CDC is very late on this.
3) We have known #DeltaVariant has been rising fast in the Us for quite a while. Over a week ago, we already knew it was exponentially rising across the US. It’s doubling every 2 weeks overall, but doubling every week in certain states.
Read 13 tweets
Good news—Novavax protein-subunit vaccine phase 3 trial shown to to be 90.4% effective overall, 100% against moderate to severe disease. This is different type from mRNA and from AZ/J&J adenovirus vaccines, and different from inactivated types. #COVID19…
2) Here is a good refresher on how the Novavax vaccine works.…
3) The protein units of the spike are harvested and then assembled together. There is no virus—just proteins linked together.
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⚠️90-96% of all #COVID19 in 🇬🇧 caused by #DeltaVariant.🧵

📍32% of all Delta cases visiting the hospital emergency room are at least 1 dose vaccinated

📍33% who are then hospitalized vaccinated

📍45% of all deaths got at least 1 shot—➡️ 29% got 2 shots.… Image
2) Similar #DeltaVariant worries from a Canadian hospital— ➡️Outbreak even w/ 2 dose of mRNA vaccines—16 patients & 6 healthcare staff #DeltaVariant positive. 6/16 patients & 5/6 HCWs had received 2 doses of #COVID19 vaccine; 7 patients & 1 HCW had 1 dose
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📍Outbreak even w/ 2 dose of mRNA vaccines—🇨🇦 hospital—16 patients & 6 healthcare staff #DeltaVariant positive. 6/16 patients & 5/6 HCWs had received 2 doses of #COVID19 vaccine; 7 patients & 1 healthcare worker had 1 dose. 1 patient now in ICU. #dontletup…
2) Outbreaks of the delta variant at the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary are sparking concern as some with both doses of the vaccine are still getting affected with the variant.
"We're scared, very concerned," said Wayne Stopa, a RN of United Nurses of Alberta Local 115.
3) "A lot of us have had the double vaccines already … and to find out people are still getting affected with the delta variants is quite concerning to all the staff."
Read 12 tweets
PAY ATTENTION—the #DeltaVariant is the biggest worry & becoming more dominant worldwide. Why?

📍More contagious

📍More severe (⬆️hospitalization risk)

📍Lower vaccine efficacy/neutralization—1 dose just not enough.

Video 📺 part 1 of 2 #COVID19

HT @VickiGSP @IndependentSage
2) It’s critical to recognize that the #DeltaVariant is rising underneath the decrease of the #AlphaVariant #B117. Many have been complacent about this. But Delta is doubling every week now in 🇬🇧! Image
3) India 🇮🇳 doctors have been sharing concerns that #DeltaVariant is more severe / affecting more kids. Singapore 🇸🇬 MOH is also warning it is affecting children a lot. Image
Read 32 tweets
Troubling—the worst variant to date, the #DeltaVariant is now the new fastest growing variant in US. This is the so-called “Indian” variant #B16172 that is ravaging UK 🇬🇧 despite high vaccinations because it has immune evasion properties. Here is why it’s trouble—🧵. #COVID19 Image
2) We are expecting the #DeltaVariant to continue growing in the US, outpacing all other variants just like it has in India 🇮🇳 and UK 🇬🇧, and become dominant in US by end of July, if not earlier.

Here is the prediction track - via @TWenseleers from @GISAID data. Image
3) here was how it overtook everything in the UK 🇬🇧— it will happen soon in the US as well.
Read 25 tweets
A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
“Immune escape” in #DeltaVariant. That’s the latest finding - that #B16172 is as bad for antibody neutralization as the Beta variant #B1351 from South Africa 🇿🇦. 1st dose alone very small effect— 2 doses needed, but weakest against Delta. Let’s walk through evidence 🧵 #COVID19
2) first, @chrischirp says “Now we have a dominant variant that is as bad as Beta for immune escape but much more transmissible.” — she says that because Beta #B1351 (green) was previously the worst neutralization variant. Now it seems #DeltaVariant is even worse.
3) The latest Lancet study also found waning neutralization over time, similar to other variants— but the difference is that #DeltaVariant #B16172 starts from a much lower baseline level to begin with.
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📍Delta variant #B16172:

50-70% more transmissible

2.7x more likely to be hospitalized than #B117

“Many people could end up in hospital, 🇬🇧 NHS could be thrown into another surge.”

Says @globalhlthtwit of @IndependentSage. #COVID19 #DeltaVariant
2) Latest UK @PHE_uk assessment on #DeltaVariant #B16172:

📌Severity is now RED (previously insufficient info)

📌Vaccines is now RED with high confidence (previously moderate) Image
3) Two separate studies on hospitalization severity—one from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and one from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿— both found Increased severity of #DeltaVariant #B16172

➡️ Risk of hospital admission (Hazard Ratio = 2.61 in England and HR = 2.39 in Scotland) compared to the Kent variant #B117! Image
Read 12 tweets

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