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NEW: US targeting #Russia|n-linked destabilization/influence campaigns in #Moldova

@USTreasury sanctioning 7 individuals, 1 entity, all linked to #Russia|n intelligence ImageImageImage
Per @USTreasury, those sanctioned include:

-Konstantin Prokopyevich Sapozhnikov, the leader of the malign influence group who organized a plot to destabilize the #Moldova|N gvt earlier this year

-Yury Yuryevich Makolov, who helped w/logistical support for the plot
Per @USTreasury, those sanctioned include:

-Gleb Maksimovich Khloponin, who gathered info/intel for the plot to destabilize the #Moldova|N gvt

-Svetlana Andreyevna Boyko, a member of the malign influence group who helped with budgeting for the destabilization plot
Read 6 tweets
#GuerreEnUkraine D+453 (22/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, Hyp. Z, frappes
2/Dniepr, rive gauche & #Crimee, frappes (bis)
3/Arrière-scène, Wagner rime avec mercenaires Image

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDLII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/Front X, Hyp. Z,


🟢"no-fly-zone" (Patriot+F16), dotée
🟠Test & modelage de la ligne de front, généralisé
🟠Préparation dans la profondeur, débuté
•détruire PC, EW, DM, logistique
•effondrer la chaîne du carburant
🟠Opé. déception, débuté
Read 11 tweets
🔴 Stratégies sanglantes
par Adrian Onciu

Certains des objectifs américains en Europe de l'Est peuvent être devinés, d'autres résultent de diverses réactions d'anciens ou d'actuels fonctionnaires américains. L'un d'entre eux, James L. Olson, vient d'être interviewé en 🔽
exclusivité par le quotidien (roumain) Adevărul. (La Vérité)

Aujourd'hui professeur d'université, James L. Olson a travaillé pendant 30 ans à la CIA (un temps en tant que chef du contre-espionnage), où il a servi comme officier à Moscou, Vienne, Paris et Mexico. Il a 🔽
écrit deux livres sur sa longue expérience à la CIA : Fair Play : The Moral Dilemmas of Spying (2006) et To Catch a Spy : The Art of Counterintelligence (2021). Il s'agit donc d'un homme doté d'une vaste expérience, et pas seulement d'un théoricien ennuyeux.

Deux idées 🔽
Read 14 tweets
It's Wednesday, Day 385 of the war, #Ukraine's existential fight for its' existence.

Here's another daily thread documenting #Russia's ongoing invasion, war crimes and all the news, all the time, updated throughout the day.

If you can support my work, see the link in my bio💙💛
There was a lot of important news on Tuesday.
More awful shelling and missiles fired at #Ukraine citizens. An American drone downed by #Russia's air force, a car bomb attack in occupied #Melitopol and a new #Wagner cemetery.

Missed it? Click here:

Firstly reports of explosions in #Sloviansk - probably we will get more details in the morning.

But, while #Bakhmut holds, #Russia is creeping closer to Sloviansk and #Kramatorsk. Confirmed that the invaders have taken the village of #Zaliznyanske, north-west of Bakhmut.
Read 35 tweets
🚨🇲🇩 Proteste in corso a #Chisinau, in #Moldova. Slogan contro la presidente #MaiaSandu. Manifestanti davanti al Parlamento e al palazzo presidenziale. Apro il thread. Image
🚨🇲🇩Allarme bomba all'aeroporto di #Chisinau. Tutti i passeggeri e il personale sono stati evacuati dallo scalo.

🚨🇲🇩 Poliziotti in assetto anti-sommossa schierati per cercare di circoscrivere la marcia dei manifestanti a #Chisinau. A guidare il corteo alcuni esponenti del partito filorusso Șor.


Foto: MarcMacKinnon Image
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Large-scale anti-government #protests take place in #Moldova. Protesters chant slogans: "Down with Maya #Sandu" and "Down with the dictatorship." Police are attempting to prevent protesters from reaching the center of #Chisinau. Also, some roads to the capital are blocked.
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A #Chisinau in #Moldavia manifestanti filo #russi legati al partito dell'oligarca Sohr, arrivati in città in colonne di autobus, hanno tentato di assaltare il palazzo del governo.
Questo non riesce a capire le domande del giornalista moldavo, perché parla solo russo.
È esattamente quello che successe a #Kharkiv il 3 Marzo 2014, quando una colonna di autobus con targa di Belgorod portò centinaia di agitatori dalla #Russia che assaltarono il palazzo del governatore dell'oblast.
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La persona che si arrampicò sul tetto del palazzo per togliere la bandiera #ucraina e issare quella #russa fu identificato come un moscovita, arrivato in città allo scopo e alloggiato in un albergo vicino al palazzo. Oggi è un propagandista e ha un canale YouTube.
3/5 ImageImageImage
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Rappresenta un segnale inquietante per le serenità della #Moldova la decisione annunciata pochi minuti fa dalla compagnia aerea ungherese #WizzAir. Il maggiore vettore low-cost dell'Europa centrale e orientale ha infatti comunicato la volontà di sospendere, a partire
dal 14 marzo, tutti i suoi voli "da" e "per" la capitale moldava, #Chisinau, denunciando "rischi per la sicurezza". Ancora più allarmante il comunicato con cui la compagnia ha motivato la sua scelta.
"Wizz Air - si legge - ha monitorato da vicino la situazione della sicurezza
in Moldova e si è tenuta costantemente in contatto con varie autorità e agenzie locali e internazionali per garantire il massimo livello di sicurezza e protezione delle operazioni. La sicurezza dei passeggeri e dell'equipaggio rimane la priorità numero uno di Wizz Air e, a
Read 8 tweets
Hello again. It's Day 369 of the war. #Russia's 10-day war on #Ukraine that is.

Hope your week starts well. It wasn't a great start for Ukrainians with a drone attack as the new week began, but as I write no feared cruise missile attack although there is a warning as I type...
Sunday proved to be quite a newsworthy day concerning #Ukraine, meaning more work for me, including a 4 page essay for Elon Musk - still no reply yet!

To see what you missed, take a scroll back through daily thread number 368 right here:

Much lower losses again for #Russia in the figures published daily by #Ukraine.

Is it the weekend lag or a case of fewer suicidal waves of Russkiy lemmings trying to take #Bakhmut, #Vuhledar et al?

Looks pretty certain now to hit 150k dead soldiers on the first day of spring. Image
Read 29 tweets
I absolutely hate predicting things, yet here we go again. #Moldovan coup d'etat planned by #Moscow: I have been warning in November 2022. This is extremely dangerous to the EU and the whole world. 🧵 #StopRussiaNow
Below are two articles with interviews and reports from #Moldova, answering all possible whys and hows.…
Read 9 tweets
It's Day 242 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine - you know that war where Moscow bragged it would be in Kyiv in 3 days and have control on Day 4.

This is the daily news thread of all the relevant developments as we complete the 8th month of the illegal conflict.

A lot of interesting news came in late last night, including explosion and deaths at a gunpowder factory in #Russia and freedom for two more villages in #Kherson.

If you want to catch up on yesterday's stories, here's the start of Saturday's thread:

The #UK update today takes a look at the "Wagner Line" of defence.

I covered this a few days ago and Whitehall also concludes #Russia has accepted that its defence needs to be way behind current front lines.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Read 36 tweets

Nell'intervista concessa da Sergej #Lavrov a #ZonaBianca, il passaggio più importante a livello geopolitico è quello in cui il ministro degli Esteri di Mosca ha ammesso la sorpresa provata al Cremlino dinanzi
all'atteggiamento dell'Italia dall'inizio della guerra. Roma, ha detto, "è in prima fila tra coloro che adottano e promuovono le sanzioni anti-russe: per noi è stata una sorpresa".
Ammissione non casuale da parte di un esperto diplomatico come #Lavrov, segno inequivocabile
che indietro non si tornerà. Non con questo governo. Ma soprattutto: medaglia al valore di Mario #Draghi, capace nel giro di un anno di invertire il destino all'apparenza segnato di una piccola potenza come quella italica, vigoroso nell'atto di schierare lo Stivale dal
Read 16 tweets
#Moldova - Today the Moldovan President Maia Sandu acknowledged that the #Moldovan military was not combat ready. She said, ""For 30 years, the Moldovan army has been left without equipment, without military equipment and combat-ready means. Now we are aware of the consequences,"
The #Moldovan military is one of the smallest in the region with only 6,000 active soldiers and 58,000 reservists. The Armed Forces of #Moldova had an annual budget of $43 Million or just 0.37% of GDP in 2020. Unlike #Ukraine, whose military budget $5.94 billion or 4% of GDP.
In addition, #Moldova has a strict neutrality clause in its constitution that does not allow the deployment of armed forces of other states on its territory. This means any sort of defensive alliance would be unconstitutional. Because of this, Moldova has no plans to join #NATO.
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Aggiornamenti sulla situazione in #Transnistria. Poco fa ha parlato alla nazione Maia Sandu, presidente della #Moldova (49 anni, prima donna presidente della Repubblica), dopo la riunione del Consiglio di sicurezza. Riporto le sue dichiarazioni.👇 Image
"Buon pomeriggio,
Oggi abbiamo convocato una riunione del Consiglio Supremo di Sicurezza sul tema degli incidenti nella regione della #Transnistria e sugli sviluppi della sicurezza nella regione. Quello che è successo nelle ultime 24 ore nella regione della
#Transnistria è un'escalation di tensione. Vorrei ricordare che da diverse settimane ci sono state diverse minacce di bombe nelle scuole e negli istituti medici della regione transnistriana. A questo hanno fatto seguito le esplosioni di ieri al Image
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Israel’s Consul Itzhak Kagan saved a group of women and children from spending the night at freezing cold in #Palanca crossing #Moldova by organizing a bus that took them safely at midnight to #Chisinău . Thank you David!❤️🙏💪
Like David in this picture, out in the border from our office in Chișinău, @IsraelMFA sent representatives to all of Ukraine’s borders across Eastern Europe to help with the refugee effort.
The Refugees hardly got out from the war zone in #Mykolayiv. Many of these groups manage to get to the borders with the assistance of @GeorgiiLogvynskyi Member of 🇺🇦 Parliament who coordinates rescue inside #Ukraine on behalf of the government.
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I am in Moldova and will use this thread to share stories, videos, and photos while on the ground here.
DAY 1: Started the day linking up with @UnitedHatzalah, an Israeli-based group of doctors/volunteers. Over 50 people from the org are now on the ground and are running a massive operation shuttling refugees from the border to their makeshift base… a temple in #Chisinău.
Rabbi Saltzman of Chișinău has opened the doors to his temple to provide shelter, medical attention, & food to refugees as well as space for @UnitedHatzalah (give them a follow) to work on logistics + operations. He is now sleeping in his car after giving his own bed to refugees.
Read 12 tweets
#UkraineRussiaWar ⎮ Here's your roundup of #France's 🇫🇷 engagement and solidarity with #Ukraine 🇺🇦 on a national level, at the #UN 🇺🇳 and within the #EU 🇪🇺⤵️
@francediplo_EN @francediplo @Elysee @franceonu @EmmanuelMacron @Europe2022FR @EUintheUS @EU_Commission @EUCouncilPress @JY_LeDrian #Macron 🇫🇷⎮ "I spoke to Pres. #Putin this morning. He refuses to stop his attacks on #Ukraine at this point. It is vital to maintain dialogue to avoid human tragedy. I will continue my efforts and contacts. We must avoid the worst."
@francediplo_EN @francediplo @Elysee @franceonu @EmmanuelMacron @Europe2022FR @EUintheUS @EU_Commission @EUCouncilPress @JY_LeDrian #Macron 🇫🇷⎮ "Maintaining dialogue to protect the people, obtaining measures that will avoid human tragedy, putting an end to this war: this is the purpose of my commitment alongside Pres. #Zelensky and the international community. I am and will remain fully determined."
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#Moldova #UAE #Chisinau #Coronavirus #VACCINE

In response to a request from acting Moldovan Prime Minister Aureliu Ciocoi to Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE's Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the UAE donated 2,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines
to the Republic of Moldova. Aureliu Ciocoi expressed gratitude to the authorities in Abu Dhabi for their gesture of solidarity, stating that the arrival of the vaccines confirms the Republic of Moldova's good and cooperative relations with the United Arab Emirates.
“The Government of the Republic of Moldova will continue to promote an active dialogue with the foreign partners at bilateral level so as to achieve the strategic objective of ensuring access to COVID-19 vaccines,” says a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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#Moldova #Chisinau #Coronavirus

A municipal health official warned on Monday that the continuous increase in the number of COVID-19 patients has brought the medical system close to the limit in Chisinau, Moldova's capital, ImageImageImage
with less than 100 free hospital beds currently left in the city. Tatiana Bucearschi, Head of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Health, told a municipal services meeting,
"1,320 coronavirus patients are hospitalized in municipal health institutions, and the maximum capacity is 1,400 treatment beds," official statistics show that almost 40 percent of the country's people hospitalized for COVID-19 are now in the capital's hospitals.
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#Moldova #Chisinau #Coronavirus

In hospitals, as many as 803 patients confirmed with COVID-19 are in critical condition and 44 of them have been placed on a ventilator. The overall number of infections, of which 17,700 are active cases, grew to over 73,300.
6,800 individuals are being treated at home with moderate forms of COVID-19, while 24,400 are being supervised at home. A total of 861 new novel coronavirus infections have been confirmed today in Moldova.
3,632 PRC tests were performed, 3,256 of which were primary ones, while 376 were on run. Among those reported today with the infection, 56 are health workers. Nineteen individuals died, so the COVID-19 death toll increased to 1,700.
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#Moldova’s pro-reformist @sandumaiamd gov collapsed last week. A new phase of political instability. How it happened, what comes next for #Moldova & impact on #EasternPartnership in this thread 1/7

@dgapev @GERonOstpolitik @D_Schwarzer @MilanN_inBerlin @CHRussiaEurasia
No-confidence vote against #Sandu gov passed by coalition partners Socialists #PSRM + highly corrupt ex-#Plahotniuc's Democrats #PD. This new covert PSRM-PD coalition in the making since summer but had no justification until last week 2/7
Trigger came in early Nov when #Sandu clashed w President #Dodon over selection process of Prosecutor General. Costs of having an independent ProsGen too high for old elites (#Dodon, #PSRM, #PD) 3/7
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Ten years ago this week I was in #Moldova and attended the annual #Chisinau city celebration. Shortly after I left a grenade exploded in the crowd, injuring dozens. ImageImageImageImage
Next I visited Transdneister, which had proclaimed independence from Moldova but is only recognized by Russia. I went through three border checkpoints upon entry. ImageImageImageImage
And I stopped by this place, recently brought back into the spotlight thanks to a T.V. miniseries. ImageImageImageImage
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💬Pleased to be here today with our partner #PPDA, its leadership & of course PPDA President @AndreiNastaseDA who since yesterday is the #ACUM candidate for mayor of #Chisinau. I am fully convinced he will turn the city into a modern & developed capital, said @JosephDaul Image
@AndreiNastaseDA @JosephDaul 💬#PAS & #PPDA are truly pro-European parties. It is thanks to their efforts & representation that the #EU has opened the process to allocate 🇪🇺 funds in #Moldova🇲🇩. This is not a small achievement, said @EPP President @JosephDaul
@AndreiNastaseDA @JosephDaul 💬I would like to thank @AndreiNastaseDA & #PPDA for playing an important role in rebuilding #Moldova's democracy & bringing hope to the people of 🇲🇩 for a better future. Image
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EPP Pres. @JosephDaul is at Moldova State University in #Chisinau to meet the next 🇲🇩 generations to discuss the importance of their involvement in the reforms that #Moldova is undertaking. He was met by Dean Gheorghe Ciocanu & was honoured to sign the university's guestbook ImageImage
@JosephDaul 💬Today's young generation are fortunate to have pro-European leaders committed to the democratic future of #Moldova built on #RuleOfLaw, equal justice for all & prosperity. This change can only happen with the energy & ideas of the 🇲🇩 youth, said EPP President @JosephDaul ImageImage
@JosephDaul 💬#Moldova is at a historic turning point but it is important to be patient. Things do not change over night, completely reforming a country takes time & patience. When a law is passed it must be implemented & the results are not seen immediately, said EPP President @JosephDaul
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