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The graph on the left has been getting a lot of attention the past few days.

So should the graph on the right.
For those who ask about adjusting by age (or other factors:…
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📣📣📣 NEW: YES, Republicans have been dying of COVID at a much higher rate than Democrats. NO, it’s not even close to 5x higher:…
A week ago, a tweet from a supposedly left-leaning Ph.D went semi-viral which claimed that a) 800 Republican voters are currently dying of COVID per day & b) this is 5x the rate of Democratic voters. While the partisan COVID death gap is large, both of these claims are nonsense.
I wrote a couple of threads about this over the weekend, but I've also delved deeper into the issue to look at both a) what the actual data indicates and b) where this *very* specific claim originated.
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🧵 Scores of people have called my attention to the new NBER study by @paulgp, @jwswallace and @jasonlschwartz confirming that COVID deaths have been MUCH higher among Republicans than Democrats since the moment the vaccines became widely available. 1/…
It's worth noting that one of the stories
linked to in his original thread a few days ago, from the NY Times last November, uses data from, 2/
The NY Times story links to this post of mine from last fall:…
Read 31 tweets
Well, it was fun while it lasted. And remember that official case counts are just the tip of the iceberg. Most people are being diagnosed via rapid testing at home & never appear in these totals at all. If you aren’t #Boosted, now’s the time. #MaskUp #COVID19
Let me add that my major reason for concern at this point is less about deaths in the short-term. Though we continue to lose a couple thousand Americans per wk to #COVID19, & it wasn’t mild for any of them, deaths are much lower than they’ve been in a long time. /2
I’m worried about the people we are now seeing with persistent cognitive impairment (like early dementia kind of symptoms), given that we now know #COVID19 can shrink the brain even in otherwise “mild” cases.…
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Juxtaposing these without further comment, because 🤦🏾‍♀️.

Alt txt: Two screen captures of headlines.
On L, piece about rise in school covid cases; on R: piece about transit mask mandate being lifted by a judge.
Okay—yes further comment.

First article: 👇🏾 2/4
Second article 👇🏾… 3/4
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📣 UPDATED: COVID case/death rates by vaccination rate & partisan lean:…
Once again, these two graphs side by side pretty much say it all. Both measure COVID death rates since May 1, 2021 (when all U.S. adults could get vaccinated). One breaks this out by vaccination rate; the other, by 2020 Trump vote.

Yes, they're basically mirror images.
Left: County-level case rates by vaccination rates since 5/1/21.
Right: County-level *death* rates by vaccination rates since 5/1/21.
#GetVaxxed #GetBoosted
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My Dad, Felix, proudly served the US as a RECON Marine. He was stationed at Camp Lejeune in the 1960s during a water contamination that resulted in lymphoma later in life. This is a travesty that has impacted 1000s and that the US govt acknowledges. He died over Christmas (1/7)
in the exceptional #VA hospital of southwest Virginia. He had contracted #COVID and it had damaged his lungs to the point where he could not breathe or survive without 60L of high flow O2. His doctors and nurses were remarkable on all levels. He was vaccinated, but (2/7)
his lymphoma made his B cells unable to generate antibodies. His VA doctor explained how she had many men with my Dad’s lymphoma that could not make antibodies and had an unusually poor prognosis with COVID even with monoclonal antibody treatment— just not getting better. (3/7)
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If you're confused about why #omicron is suddenly a crisis, it's exponential growth. Even if fewer people get seriously ill w/ this #covidvariant than priors (not clear, but hopeful data from #SouthAfrica), so many people abruptly ill with anything can grind the world to a halt.
With so many sick at once, you may lack school bus drivers, teachers, truck drivers to move supplies, grocery store shelf stockers, doctors & nurses, & so on. The world isn't set up for everyone to be sick simultaneously w/ #omicron. There's not enough redundancy in the system.
So even if NO ONE got seriously ill, but a large # of ppl were sick enough to be unable to work for a few days, it would be tough. Now add in that some % will get hospitalized, or die, of #Omicron. Even a small % of a very large # of cases is a big #. That's why we are worried.
Read 6 tweets
📣📣 THREAD: Last week I posted the *county-level* COVID vaccination rates of all 50 states by partisan lean.

TODAY, I'm posting the county-level COVID *death rates* of all 50 states by partisan lean.

Note: These don't include a small # whose county of residence is unknown. 1/
--I'm posting the vaxx graphs side by side with the death rate graphs for easy comparison.

--Death rates for all counties are since 6/30/21, since a) that's roughly when the Delta wave started in the U.S. and b) every American 12+ had ample ability to get vaxxed by that point.
ALABAMA: Not much of a pattern in death rates...but also not much of one in vaxx rates (basically, vaxx rates are low across the board):
Read 53 tweets
The unvaccinated I know IRL are women 40-65 who use organic herbal remedies, oil of oregano, tea tree, spirulina, Angel Cards & magic mushrooms. They believe Covid is real, mask with no complaints, but won’t vax because ‘Big Pharma.’ I’m exhausted trying to sway them. #GetVaxxed
These are women who KNOW they were mis-dosed bc drug test subjects didn't include women, who took birth control pills WILDY too strong. We got bloated, nauseas, then were told it was just us. Their mistrust is not unearned. Big Pharma has betrayed them down in the past.
But holy Mother of all the Sweet Goddesses in the world, I can't believe after almost two years of this pandemic, they can't see that these vaccinations work, that it's a medicine that can bring us all to safety. I'm scared shitless for them. It's breaking my heart.
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At this stage, being in denial about #COVID19 and the need to #GetVaxxed is ridiculous, but because I STILL meet these people I want to post what I see ALL THE TIME:
1) At first the covid denier and antivaxxer arrives in the hospital (strange huh) still in denial about the
serious nature of what they just got.
2) They will many times still sit with their Fox News and their social media, complaining about the alarms in the room.(the alarm annoying is alarming because their oxygen levels are dropping but they dont feel it.....yet)
3) After the oxygen level has reached a level where the organs aren't getting enough oxygen to survive, we place them on a higher flow. What does that mean you ask? Well
4) The air you breath every day has 20% oxygen in it. (Yup thats right). When you're placed on that little
Read 11 tweets
'Siri, show me in one image the relationship between #COVID19 conspiracy theorists, fascists, and far-right grifters.'
Under the terms of the #AUKUS treaty & British common & United States constitutional law, I'm obliged to share:

Anyway, here's Putin's No.1 Aussie/Cossack fanboy Simeon Boikov w some bloke called John(?):
Read 13 tweets
You’ve probably heard that Idaho is under “Crisis Standards of Care” but what does that mean?
If you’re not deemed bad enough EMS may not pick you up
Surge capacity of ICU to 3x normal level
Hospital beds in unusual areas like cafeterias and classrooms
Non critical care staff /3
caring for ICU patients
Unsafe patient ratios
Color coded triaging that’s scary in the implications that if certain people aren’t expected to live they’ll just be made comfortable instead of using resources
Non life saving surgeries postponed
And the scariest part? The entire
state is under a universal DNR order! What does that mean? If you go in to cardiac or respiratory arrest, they will not attempt to resuscitate you! This isn’t just for Covid-19 patients; this is for anybody.
Stay out of Idaho if you can and don’t make this happen everywhere else!
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📣 UPDATED: How much difference does Population Density and Urban/Rural status make re. Americans getting vaccinated?

SPOILER: Hardly any at all, believe it or not.…
In late July I took a look at how U.S. vaccination rates were doing by county based on both *population density* as well as the USDA Economic Research Service's Rural-Urban Continuum Code.

Today I re-ran both using the latest vaxx data *and* official 2020 Census data. 2/
Here's what it looks like via population density. While the vaxx rate does climb *slightly* as density increases, it's a surprisingly weak correlation. In fact, it's far weaker than it looks here because I had to use a LOGARITHMIC scale to fit every county. 3/
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From @latimes based on interview with Karen Gallardo a respiratory therapist at a hospital in Ventura County, CA
#GetVaccinated #WearAMask or what to expect if you have severe COVID-19
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This is good thread by WG and I think Sask should display the data this way too (in the red box). Using that data, we can actually do something interesting. We can calculate "excess hospitalizations".

Hospitalizations in excess of those we'd expect if everyone was vaccinated.
See that red box that WG put together. Risk of current hospitalization in Alberta of those who are double-vaxxed is 1.6 per 100,000.

If we applied that to non-vaxxed population, you'd have ~13 people in hospital instead (checks notes) 206!!

~193 excess people in hospital!
We can do more than though. We can attribute a hospitalization cost to that.

CIHI data gives a Canadian average cost of $3592 per day in ICU and $1135 per day in a general medical ward.

That's money paid for by taxpayers.
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1/🧵 Elite Black Swimmers are taking a wonderful place in Sports History!
When I was a boy, we had no Black swimmers on my AAU team. At 2015 NCAA’s, 3 Black women stood on the podium in the 100 free: Simone Manuel, Lia Neal & Natalie Hinds.
@WomenSportsFdn @swimswamnews Image
2/ The #Olympic 4x100 free relay had 2 of those women (@swimone & Natalie) on the podium wearing bronze in Tokyo. Natialie came back after quitting swimming & hough Simone was not in top 6 at trials, coaches put her in finals & she had the fastest split! Image
3/ About that historic 2015 NCAA’s, Maritza McClendon said of Manuel, Neal & Hinds🥇sweep: "A tear instantly came to my eyes, I couldn’t believe it. This is a true moment in history for minorities. 3 women of color take 1,2, 3 in the 100 free!”
@GDavid01 Image
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🔊 Audio up: “99.5%. Why in the world would I get the vaccine?”

During one of his last radio shows, COVID infected Phil Valentine explained his “educated decision” to skip the vaccine.

Phil believed he was recovering and was now immune. Phil died. Don’t be like Phil. #GetVaxxed
July Facebook post: “It look like I’m going to make it.”

August: His family says Phil regretted not getting the vaccine and not promoting it on his show while on his deathbed.
Phil Valentine had this pic with Herman Cain posted to his Facebook. They both died from covid after ignoring self preservation measures.
Read 10 tweets
📣 Weekly Update: U.S. #COVID19 Vaccination Levels by *county* & partisan w/official @uscensusbureau population data! (thread) 1/…
Last night I posted a poll asking how much of a difference people thought switching from *estimated* 2019 population data to *official* 2020 Census data would make.

The options were "a lot" or "a little." 2/
It was a trick question, however, because the answer is...BOTH!

--In 85% of the 3,114 counties in the 50 states + DC, the population difference is less than 5% higher or lower than the 2019 estimate. 3/
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In San Francisco, 16 people who are fully vaccinated have been hospitalized and none have died.

This is out of the over 3000 who have been hospitalized overall, meaning vaccinated people are about .5% of those hospitalized.
There are absolutely breakthrough cases, and everyone, including vaccinated people have to be careful and vigilant.

But vaccines work. They protect against the virus, and offer very strong protection against severe cases.

Get vaccinated and encourage others to do the same.
This is in a city where over 75% of adults are fully vaccinated. So to have such an under representation of people who are vaccinated among those who are hospitalized is especially notable. #GetVaccinated #GetVaccinatedNow #GetVaxxed
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Yeah, I’m posting this while waiting for my own COVID test. I’ve been fully vaxxed for a couple months, wear a mask indoors anytime I’m in public etc. but have been feeling crappy the past few days including shortness of breath and general lethargy, so…
One thing which would help is if you didn’t have to fill out the same half-dozen forms EVERY TIME you get tested (this is the 3rd time I’ve done so at the same location each time…the prior cases were required for minor medical procedures).
If it’s positive that means I get to include myself on tomorrow’s “new cases” spreadsheet and scatter plot graph. Great.
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I'm seeing a lot of people calling for those who choose not to #GetVaxxed to have higher insurance premiums.

I understand your frustration, but this is explicitly prohibited by the #ACA.

In fact, "community rating" is one of the most popular provisions of the #ACA. 1/
Under the #ACA, health insurance premiums *for the same policy* can only vary based on 3 things:
1. Where you live (rating areas, usually composed of several counties within a state)
2. How old you are (but limited to a 3:1 range)
3. Whether you smoke (up to a 50% surcharge).
Smoking is the ONLY medical/behavorial factor which is insurers can charge more for (and that 50% surcharge doesn't get to take advantage of the financial subsidies either).

Now, perhaps refusing to #GetVaxxed *should* be added as well, but that's a slippery slope scenario. 3/
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I came down with a nasty case of shingles right after the first ACA Open Enrollment Period ended in April 2014. It was awful, worst pain I’ve ever felt and I couldn’t sleep for weeks. To this day I still suffer from mild Postherpetic neuralgia.
Postherpetic neuralgia basically means that your pain neurons keep firing long after the shingles itself has gone away; it’s like they get stuck in a loop. To this day (7 yrs later) my right eyebrow itches like mad ALL THE TIME. Not too bad for me but much worse for some people.
Also, my right cornea was damaged to the point that I can never get lasik surgery because there’s too much risk of going blind in my right eye.

Shingles sucks on multiple levels.
Read 6 tweets
Decided to check in on a few states at the county level again. Here's California. Good grief.
cc: @ForecasterEnten Image
Here's what it looks like w/the counties sized by population. Image
Colorado as of today. Image
Read 86 tweets

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