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Dear international feminists, shortly after claiming to be „queer victims“ of NS crimes on #HolocaustMemorialDay, German males with identities claim to be victims of „cultural genocide“. Image
This is because women oppose the presence of their holy penis in every hole of this planet. Sorry to have to say it so drastically.
And of course because we don‘t bow to their misogynistic distortion of reality.
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DIESEN Männern haben Sie den roten Teppich ausgerollt, @MarcoBuschmann @lisapaus. Männer, für die 24/7 ihr ausschweifendes Sexualleben als „Lesbe“ im Mittelpunkt steht und die einen „Genozid“ behaupten, wenn sie mit der Realität konfrontiert werden.
Verbänden von Männern, die als „Kinderbotschafterin“ einen Jungen deutschlandweit vorführen, der chemisch kastriert wird und dessen Vater gleichzeitig sexuelle Gewalt als Lebensphilosophie und Markt vermittelt.
Verbänden von Männern, die mit einem Es-ist-ja-nur-ein-Schmetterling-Pädo-Symbol (bis in den Bundestag reisen und dort in Sitzungen einmütig mit Ihnen Sonderrechte zulasten von Frauen und Kindern verlangen. Männern, die als Mädchen Geburtstag feiern, /
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Me tomé el trabajo de traducir los discursos más significativos del Parlamento alemán del último año. La mayoría de la gente no entiende cómo #Alemania puede ser tan estúpida en lo que respecta a sus propios intereses nacionales. Pero aún quedan voces por la paz
Fecha: 08.09.22
Aquí está el discurso de Sahra #Wagenknecht del partido #DieLinke. Ella llama al gobierno alemán el más estúpido de Europa y exige la reapertura de los oleoductos #Northstream. 2 semanas después de esto fueron volados por #Biden & #CIA
Fecha: 08.02.23
Alice #Weidel, del partido de derechas #AfD, critica al canciller #Scholz por su reticencia a juzgar a los #EE.UU. por su #ataque terrorista contra el oleoducto alemán-ruso #Nordstream.
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Я взял на себя труд перевести наиболее значимые речи немецкого парламента за последний год. Большинство людей не понимают, как #Германия может быть настолько глупой в отношении своих собственных национальных интересов. Но еще остались голоса за мир
#NordstreamSabotage #Leopard
Дата: 08.09.22
Перед вами выступление Сахры #Вагенкнехт из левой партии #DieLinke. Она называет немецкое правительство самым глупым в Европе и требует возобновления работы трубопроводов #Northstream. Через 2 недели после этого они были взорваны #Баденом и.
Дата: 08.02.23
Алиса #Вайдель из правой партии #AfD критикует канцлера #Шольца за его нежелание судить США за их #террористическую атаку на немецкий/российский трубопровод #Nordstream. Она также ругает министра иностранных дел #Баербока как неграмотного.
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I took the effort to translate the most significant speeches of the German Parliament of the last year. Most people don't understand how #Germany could be so stupid concerning their own national interests. But there are still voices left for peace
#NordstreamSabotage #Leopard
Date: 08.09.22
Here is a speech of Sahra #Wagenknecht of the left party #DieLinke. She is calling the german government the most stupid in Europe and demand the reopening of the #Northstream pipelines. 2 weeks after this they were blown up by #Biden & #CIA
Date: 08.02.23
Alice #Weidel from the right wing party #AfD is calling out chancellor #Scholz about his reluctance to judge the #USA for their #TerrorAttack on German/Russian #Nordstream pipeline. She also scolds foreign minister #Baerbock as a illiterate.
Read 11 tweets
In Stockholm wollte ein Demonstrant eine Tora-Rolle verbrennen, als Gegenreaktion zur Verbrennung des Korans.

Der israelische Botschafter in Schweden schrieb daraufhin:

"Die israelische Botschaft in Stockholm ist entsetzt darüber,

dass eine extremistische muslimische Gruppe während einer Demonstration vor der Botschaft die Verbrennung einer Tora-Rolle anordnet. Wir waren in den letzten Tagen sehr damit beschäftigt, diesen hasserfüllten Vorfall zu verhindern,

und arbeiten mit den höchsten Ebenen des Außenministeriums und der örtlichen Polizei zusammen. Wir werden weiter daran arbeiten, einen solch beschämenden Vorfall zu verhindern."

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Look at the photo carefully. The face of a Polish girl dressed in the camp’s striped uniform is symbolic of Nazi policy towards children whose lives were considered unnecessary.…
#HolocaustGedenktag #Holocaust #HolocaustMemorialDay #HolocaustRemembranceDay
The German Generalplan Ost was created on the basis of the assumption that  a “living space” (“Lebensraum”) in the territories of Central and Eastern Europe was necessary for Nazi Germany’s development.

In practice, this meant the displacement of the native Polish population from those areas where German and (secondly) Ukrainian settlers had been introduced. In line with Heinrich Himmler’s intentions, the first resettlement took place in the Zamość region.

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1 Heute ist #HolocaustGedenktag, also der Tag an dem wir den unzähligen Opfern des #Nationalsozialismus gedenken. Wir gedenken all jenen Menschen, die entrechtet, verfolgt und ermordet wurden.

#Holocaust #WeRemember #HolocaustMemorialDay

!B Das Bild zeigt den gut gefü...
2 Jüdische Menschen, Menschen mit #Behinderung, Sinti*zze und Rom*nja und endlich auch queeren Menschen.

Dabei tun wir gerne so, als hätten wir aufgearbeitet, was damals passiert ist. Doch das ist nicht so.
3 Für viele Überlebende und Angehörige gab es keine Anerkennung, teilweise gibt es sie bis heute nicht. Die Stigmatisierung setzte sich in der Nachkriegszeit ebenso fort. Der §175 wurde erst 1994 vollständig aus dem StGB entfernt, erst 2017 wurden die letzten Urteile aufgehoben.
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During WW2, an entire village stood up to the Nazis.

It’s a story you’ve never heard of, in a town you’ve never been to.

Instead of fear and hatred, they chose kindness — and saved thousands of lives.

A Powerful Thread for #HolocaustMemorialDay
This is the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in Southern France.

It’s a picture perfect village on the rolling hills of the French countryside.

During WW2, when the villagers saw what the Nazis were doing, they knew they had to take a stand.
The village’s pastor, Andre Trocme, was a pacifist who had long preached against hate and discrimination.

Starting in 1940, he had already started secretly sending relief supplies to Jews held in concentration camps.

But Trocme wanted to do more.
Read 13 tweets
As a disabled Jew, I am angry this #HolocaustMemorialDay. Angry that eugenics is alive and well, that antisemitism is alive and well.

In the past week, I have read and heard horrifying eugenicist and ableist comments that are torn right from the Nazi playbook.

Let’s learn. 🧵
“On July 14, 1933, the Nazi government instituted the ‘Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases.’…
“This law, one of the first steps taken by the Nazis toward their goal of creating an Aryan ‘master race,’ called for the sterilization of all persons who suffered from diseases considered hereditary, such as mental illness, learning disabilities, physical deformity, epilepsy,
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On the 27th January 1945
Soviet-Jewish soldier David Dushman liberated Auschwitz concentration camp by driving his T-35 Soviet tank through the barbed wire electric fence of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in occupied Poland, thereby initiating the liberation (1/3)
of the camp by allowing Red Army ground troops in the 322nd Rifle Division to enter the camp. "Skeletons everywhere, they stumbled out of the barracks and lay among the dead.
Terrible. We threw them all of our canned food and immediately drove on, to hunt fascists," (2/3)
After the war he went on to become an Olympic fencer. He passed away at age 98 on
June 4th, 2021. (3/3) #HolocaustMemorialDay
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Heute endet für uns eine lange Recherche. Ab heute, zum #HolocaustMemorialDay, erzählen wir Euch von der kaum zu fassenden Geschichte von Stanislaw Szmajzner, kurz: #Shlomo. Ein Thread. (…) Image
Shlomo ist für mich ein beeindruckender Widerstandsheld & ein bislang noch nicht ausreichend gewürdigter Zeitzeuge, der Unglaubliches geleistet hat. (…)
Viele kennen #Ausschwitz, aber viele Menschen haben noch wenig oder kaum von #Sobibor gehört. Dort, in Ostpolen, an der Grenze zur Ukraine, wurden 1942 & ’43 bis zu 250.000 Juden ermordet - in gerade einmal etwa 17 Monaten. (…)
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A thread about #HolocaustMemorialDay

While at Thereisenstadt concentration camp I heard from the Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands.

He worked in a psychiatric hospital for decades.…
He treated Holocaust survivors who suffered from psychosis because of the unimaginable trauma they suffered.

One story stayed with him….
Yehuda was just 6 years old when he was freed from Theresienstadt concentration camp.

A starved, half dead, six year old boy with absolutely nothing…
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#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay is a good time to remember that the Soviet Union made a secret deal with the Nazis to carve up Europe

cc: @mfa_russia, @RussianEmbassy
@mfa_russia @RussianEmbassy The Soviet Union delivered raw materials like petroleum and grain to Nazis for years, keeping the German war machine running

#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #HolocaustMemorialDay
@mfa_russia @RussianEmbassy In 1941, two whole years after the WWII started, the Nazis were still welcomed guests in Moscow

#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #HolocaustMemorialDay
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🧵 The most haunting, awful description of the Holocaust in Ukraine from Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate for #HolocaustMemorialDay .

Grossman’s hero, Viktor, receives a letter of parting from his mother, who is about to die.
Grossman’s own mother was killed by the Nazis in the town of Berdychiv, in Zhytomyr. He was tormented at the idea that he could or should have saved her.
At ten year intervals, until his death in 1964, Grossman wrote unsent letters to his mother, confessing his grief and describing his life and the past. They’re available in archives and they’re utterly tragic.
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[thread] On this #HolocaustMemorialDay #HolocaustMemorialDay

I will start with the words of Maya Angelou
Those words taken from a chat between a poet and a comedian

And now to quote from the below

Its closing warning

" Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ "…
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Today on #HolocaustMemorialDay, the world remembers the millions of Jews & other minorities murdered in Holocaust.

Moldova is committed to protecting survivors, recording and teaching their stories to preserve memory and prevent similar horrors.
But as commemorations are held at the site of Auschwitz-Birkenau to mark the 78th anniversary of the Nazi death camp's liberation, I can’t help thinking that it lies only 300km from Ukraine, where Russian aggression is creating unthinkable death and destruction.
As the international community pays tribute to the victims of eight decades ago, we must redouble our efforts to stop and prevent new atrocities in Europe.
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On #HolocaustMemorialDay we reflect on the darkest time of European history, remembering the murdered six million Jews and all those persecuted by the Nazis, including Roma and Sinti people, disabled people, lesbians and gay men, trans people and political opponents to the Nazis.
We remember that when Adolf Hitler was named chancellor in 1933 he enacted policies to rid Germany of "Lebensunwertes Leben", "lives unworthy of living". What began as a sterilisation programme ultimately led to the extermination of millions, and the persecution of millions more.
We remember that it started with book burnings. The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft had provided LGBT people with education & healthcare, researched sexuality & gender, and promoted feminism & equality since 1919. Its library was burned in the street by the Hitler Youth in 1933.
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Today is the international holocaust remembrance day. Exactly today 78 years ago my grandmother (Sarah) and grandfather (Albert) were freed from Auschwitz, where they lost their parents, aunts, uncles, 3 sisters and an infant child, my uncle Wolf. All murdered by the Nazis /1
When my father was born 5 years later, my grandparents named him Heinrich Wolf so that his murdered brother would be commemorated in his own name. My father died in 2016 & when my son Noam was born we decided to continue this tradition & give him the second name Wolf as well. /2
I think remembering the holocaust is important for all mankind, it needs to be a lesson for all of us about fascism, cruelty, de-humanisation and what it means to be human. I always use this day to tell my students about my family during the holocaust. Hoping it has an effect /3
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Welcome to the daily news thread for Day 338 of the #RussianUkrainianWar, with all the important bits, hopefully some stories you won't see elsewhere and a bit of comment too as #Ukraine continues its heroic defence of freedom and democracy.

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Awful start to yesterday, but a quiet end to the day and still calm this Friday morning so far.

If you need to catch up on Thursday's events, here's the link to the start of yesterday's thread - scroll through at your leisure.


First let's update you on the territorial situation at the front. You probably know I seldom publish or link to maps; to be frank many are guesswork and often out of date.

The British MoD has validated my previous rebuttal of #Russia's claims of gains in #Zaporizhzhia oblast
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A survey commissioned in 2019 revealed the shocking result that over half of British people did not know that at least six millions Jews had been murdered during the #Holocaust.

#HolocaustMemorialDay #LightTheDarkness…
The #Holocaust, as a topic, has been part of the national curriculum in England & Wales since its creation in 1991. The 2014 iteration of the national curriculum has the Holocaust as a firm part of key stage 3 history – compulsory for all 11 to 14-year-olds in state schools.
However, research into what school pupils in England know about the #Holocaust shows that - like swathes of the adult population who are subject to highly partisan & divisive newspapers - they lack knowledge about its context.
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Holocaust-Gedenktag wie er sein sollte (links) und in Wokistan (rechts).

Prioritäten. So wichtig.

#queer #trans #Queerdenker #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz ImageImage
Muss man echt ALLES vereinnahmen? GERADE in Deutschland? Image
Mal am Rande...

GANZ dünnes Eis, liebe #queer-Fraktion.

Oder, @Ralf_Hoecker, @Steinhoefel (sh. vorige Tweets)?

#Bundestag #Ataman #lehmannruecktritt #WeRemember #HolocaustMemorialDay #LGBTQIA #trans Image
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The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.

Genocides do not begin with mass murder. That's where they end up.

Genocides & other mass atrocity crimes begin with words - specifically, with powerful people dehumanizing a minority.

Once they are seen as less than human, anything is possible, even mass murder.
= = =

You can speak out loudly today for the rights of others, or you can stay silent & wait for tomorrow, when your rights will be taken away too.

= = =
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