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1. Thread on Marina Abramovic... #MarinaAbramovic Image
2. Marina Abramovic became megafamous for her Spirit Cooking... #SpiritCooking #MarinaAbramovic
3. She wrote on walls in pigs blood - Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights #MarinaAbramovic #spiritcooking Image
Read 53 tweets
<Guerre de dénazification>

Depuis le tentaculaire #AzovFilms (Canada>Ukraine #OpSpade)

au bataillon #Azov (#Blackwater...)

le terme atteint en Ukraine fût de longue entreprise

Crimée était une station balnéaire de VIP pédocriminels #LSmodels… ImageImageImageImage
De hauts responsables politiques ukrainiens font face à des allégations d'abus sexuels sur des enfants dans un camp de vacances en mer Noire. 2009 (#Azov)

Violés, forcés d'être filmés

Selon des témoins, plusieurs politiciens sont impliqués
dont des députés du #Rada 📝 ImageImageImageImage
#OpSpade c'est 400 enfants délivrés

Tourisme d'#IgorRusanov ImageImageImageImage
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Andreu Riera founded #Scytl in 2001. The cryptography expert came up with the idea during the 2000 U.S. presidential election.

Although, Riera died in a car accident 2006, missing out on Scytl’s biggest phase of growth and its sunset.…
But in 2000, during the Florida recount, which decided the election between #Bush and #Gore, Andreu #Riera became an idea, that an electronic vote would have to be more effective than the business of paper ballots and hanging chads.
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1. nessuno ha ritenuto sconvolgente che a ridosso dei dibattiti presidenziali di ottobre,immediatamente prima delle elezioni USA, il #NewYorkTimes abbia pubblicato un megascoop proteggendo le fonti. Ma per le email della #Clinton,è stato l'inferno
2. voglio dire:se sei un giornalista,hai un immenso scoop su un caso di impatto mondiale, come sono elezioni USA, lo pubblichi.E lo pubblichi quando ha il massimo impatto.E' vero oggi per #NYTimes con #tasse #Trump,è stato vero nel 2016, per #WikiLeaks con #email #HillaryClinton
3. se non pubblichi un immenso scoop su un caso di impatto mondiale, come sono elezioni USA, sei un venduto. Punto.
Read 4 tweets

Seeing TONS of paid ads (many not marked as such) on @Facebook like this one by the @amprog (Center for American Progress) that are pushing HARD on mask mandates and endless lockdowns.

CAP Is founded & run by #JohnPodesta, and it's principal funders are Apple Inc., Embassy of United Arab Emirates, Google, Microsoft Corporation, National Education Association, George Soros' Open Society Foundations and  the Rockefeller Foundation.

Actionsprout is a Portland-based software company founded in 2012 to 'network people and orgs' across Facebook. It is NOT a 'news site' and surely not any kind of medical authority.

Read 12 tweets
Wat is #Pizzagate...? Pizzagate is ontdekt door #wikileaks die de mails van #JohnPodesta te pakken kregen. Daaruit bleek dat er veel gebruik werd gemaakt van codetaal uit de pedofilie. Image
Codetaal gevonden in de #PodestaEmails Image
Men zegt dat #Pizzagate fakenews is, maar door wie? Door #StephenColbert die zeer goede vrienden ls met #Podesta... En door onder andere Snopes, die betaald worden door Soros.... Ik zou zeggen #DoTheMath Image
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To all of the @linkinpark fans. We have all suffered a great loss by losing #chesterbennington 3 years ago. I’m seeing a lot of posts of people crying for him, crying for his loss, missing him. We all miss him but
2. Wake up to the reason he’s gone. #InTheEnd he was fighting the battle of his life! He had been fighting against the evil that pushed him into his depression. Did you ever ask why he was “depressed”? He had so much to live for. The music, a beautiful wife, beautiful children.
3. Does everyone understand the evil #chesterbennington and #ChrisCornell were #Exposing ?

They were working to expose #PedophileRings of Hollywood and the music industry.

Seems like everyone who tries to expose these rings, dies.......
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1) #Covid19 #CultOfPodesta #PodestaGroup #Covidien @snjbear68 A FB thread by Brian Skroski transferred to Twit via screenshots with a pictures at the end.
The masterminds of the coup, #Coronavirus #ContactTracing, #Vaccinations and the destruction of our #ConstitutionalRights
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@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets

El video filtrado de la deep web (PIZZAGATE).

(Por razones obvias solo coloco una captura de pantalla del video.)
Pizzagate es una teoría conspirativa, la cual se hizo viral durante las elecciones presidenciales de EE.UU en 2016. La misma ha sido desacreditada por muchas organizaciones.
La deep web (internet profunda) posee el contenido de internet que no esta disponible para los motores de busqueda convencionales.
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#Xfiles Il Pentagono ha un virus.. ogni anno tira fuori praticamente gli stessi video #UFO ripresi dagli F18 Hornet..oh my gosh… Image
#JohnPodesta Il mio più grande fallimento del 2014 è stato quello di non aver garantito la divulgazione degli #XFiles...oh my gosh Image
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Talande symbolik=>Efter deras #FalseFlag#Drottninggatan2017 så ställer polisen fram en polisbil med #symbolen & #secretsociety förkortningen O.T.O. Notera även att den #DjupaStaten's lakej #DanEliasson var placerad som rikspolichef under denna tid; #ThereAreNoCoincidences!
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.@SenSanders' silence to Hinduphobic attacks against @TulsiGabbard👇no coincidence
@fshakir's wife Sarah Miller is part of Pierre Omidyar's network
How a Pakistani/Islamic Lobby took over @BernieSanders 2020 presidential campaign sabotaging his aspirations…
#eBay's billionaire smear campaign against @TulsiGabbard through his personally funded media @theintercept & @CivilBeat
Glenn is honest.
But read below 2 articles by @MaxBlumenthal,
who is #eBay's billionaire media monarch #PierreOmidyar, he's empire of influence and his dizzying national security state connections begins with a look at his support for neocon #BillKristol
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1. remember what happened in 2016 with #primaries? we know what happened because we have the internal email of the US Democratic Party revealed by #WikiLeaks in July 2016: the #DNCEmails
2. in 2016 #BernieSanders enjoyed support, BUT the US Democratic establishment did NOT like #BernieSanders: the establishment liked a centrist candidate: the usual centrist candidate in bed with #WallStreet and the #military-industrial complex.
3. #DNCemails revealed by #WikiLeaks in July 2016 exposed how the US #Dem establishment wasn't neutral and boycotted #BernieSanders to support #HillaryClinton. When #DNCEmails let this internal manoeuvring surface, the #DNC chairwoman,#DebbieWassermanSchultz, resigned
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1. ricordate cosa accadde nel 2016 con le primarie USA? Sappiamo cosa accadde esattamente, perché abbiamo le email interne del Partito Democratico USA: le #DNCEmails pubblicate da #WikiLeaks
2. nel 2016 #BernieSanders andava bene,ma ai signori del Partito Democratico USA, #BernieSanders NON piaceva assolutamente: volevano un candidato centrista. Solito candidato finta sinistra a letto con #WallStreet e #Pentagono, così i signori del Partito Dem boicottarono #Sanders
3. le email interne del Partito Democratico rivelate nel 2016 da #WikiLeaks lasciarono emergere proprio queste manovre interne ai danni del candidato di sinistra, #BernieSanders, e a favore del candidato centrista #Hillary
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Witchcraft is by no means harmless as it is a practice to summon demons for added power. When @realDonaldTrump speaks of Witch Hunts, one meaning is that we must recognize that millions of Luciferians are behind evil practices.

#Witch #BelizeanGrove #blackmagic
#BelizeanGrove is the female version of #BohemianGrove
Through secret rituals and dark magic, they summon demons to do their bidding.…
As described by Juan O'Saven
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Establishment Turned Against @TulsiGabbard👇TIMELINE
Nov 2015
- Criticized Pres. Obama Strategy Removing Assad from Power
- Criticizing the Head of the #DNC for Leaving her & other Com. Members out of the Debates Schedule
Feb 28, 2016 Endorsed #BernieSanders
Jan 26, 2017 #Syria
The Civil Beat Poll - May 24, 2018
Civil Beat Poll: @TulsiGabbard Is Hawaii’s Most Popular Politician
Only former President Obama gets higher marks than the Hawaii congresswoman.

#Tulsi2020🌺#TulsiGabbard @TulsiPress #Hawaii…
Before the Establishment Turned on #TulsiGabbard for Standing Firm Against #US' Regime Change Strategy in #Syria
2013 VOGUE ISSUE 👇Glowing Editorial Full of Praise
Making a Splash: Is Tulsi Gabbard the Next Democratic Party Star?…
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👇😡@charliearchy, writer of the @HuffPost hit-piece about Niko to smear @TulsiGabbard, a regime-change aficionado who has devoted years of his life to attacking the anti-war left, is a serial liar
Read this article by Ben Norton from @GrayzoneProject:…👈🤨
The dishonesty was so clear that #GlennGreenwald publicly spoke out. The Pulitzer Prize-winning journo wrote,“Even for him, what @charliearchy did in manipulating that screen grab to delete the key info of the exchange was shockingly deceitful”👇
Not surprising @TulsiGabbard is being smeared by👇😡👉@charliearchy, who claims to be a journo & frequently contributes to @thedailybeast, owned by IAC, & #ChelseaClinton SITS ON THEIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS, is gifted in the art of fabricating ludicrous lies.…
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Merry Christmas everyone.

Powerful synthesis of the evidence thus far on #Guccifer2 from @with_integrity:

Guccifer 2.0 Game Over – Year End Review…
A Christmas present that everyone who appreciates the truth will thoroughly enjoy.…
Discussing the #Forensicator's first analysis of #NGPVAN:

"That study has been the subject of some controversy, although mostly built on conflating the findings with various interpretations of them, and with reporting on the study conducted by third parties."
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Recent reports have indicated that formerly secret charges pending against #JulianAssange will focus on material relating to @xychelsea and the earliest releases published by #WikiLeaks.
This latest news directly counters allegations published by #Russiagate hysterics, who suggested the charges would relate to WikiLeaks’ 2016 publications of the #DNC and #JohnPodesta emails.
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@USNJack @Imperator_Rex3 @damartin32 @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @PressSec @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson Obviously this is theory.
So far I've found that Iran's 90% enriched U (enough for 3 warheads) and 3 tons of 3.6% enriched U were shipped "out of country" the day of the Iran deal, and $1B US cash was flown into Iran. I'll thred the story when i have more answers.
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