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Feb 16th 2020
Chinese FM Wang Yi’s speech on multilateralism at the #MSC2020 hasn’t gotten that much attention (it is full of bland CCPisms like ("5000 years of civilization!" and "socialism w/ Chinese characteristics"). (Short thread) 1/12
But I think it deserves more attention as a statement of how the Chinese govt would like to shape the global narrative about how it approaches intl institutions and intl law. 2/12
First, Wang frames China-West relations as a problem of prejudice toward China’s attempt to assert its “right of development.” It then blends China’s “cultural traditions” with the “socialism” and then (of course) the leadership of the CCP. 3/12
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Feb 16th 2020
It’s time for my traditional train Twitter thread after @MunSecConf. As our Chairman @ischinger said, we’re all tired now. But the most important thing is that we had a weekend of vivid debates! #MSC2020
I’m glad that the title of our #MSCreport#Westlessness – triggered some of them. We think of the MSR as a conversation starter for the conference, and it worked well this year – in particular because some thought it accurately described the zeitgeist, and others disagreed.
Are you still wondering – like my my two-year old (“Papa, was soll das heißen?"| "Dad, what does this even mean?”) – what this term is meant to convey? You can re-watch my presentation of the #MSCreport in Berlin. #Westlessness…
Read 23 tweets
Feb 16th 2020
#Macron fordert bei der #MSC2020 den Aufbau besserer Beziehungen zwischen der #EU und #Russland und ein Mehr an Dialog. Auf welcher Grundlage die Annäherung zwischen der EU und Russland in Zukunft erfolgen soll, sagt er aber nicht.…
Überhaupt bleibt Macron die Antwort auf so gut wie alle wichtigen Fragen schuldig: Welche langfristigen Zielsetzungen möchte die EU in der Beziehung mit Russland erreichen? Wie soll das Verhältnis im Jahr 2030 aussehen? 1/9
Welche Rolle soll die Verfolgung gemeinsamer Interessen im Verhältnis zur Wahrung EU-europäischer Werte spielen? Wie ist das vierte der fünf von Federica Mogherini aufgestellten Prinzipien, das Prinzip "selektiver Zusammenarbeit", mit Leben zu erfüllen? usw. 2/9
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Feb 15th 2020
Live with @DrTedros on health security from the @MunSecConf. #MSC2020…
@DrTedros @MunSecConf Yesterday I was in Kinshasa, in #DRC, meeting with the President & other senior ministers to review progress against the #Ebola outbreak & to work together on a plan to strengthen 🇨🇩’s health system so that it never sees another outbreak like this again”-@DrTedros at #MSC2020
@DrTedros @MunSecConf "I’d like to thank the 🇨🇩 President for his leadership & for his vision of a healthier & safer #DRC"-@DrTedros at #MSC2020
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Feb 15th 2020
As Wang Yi starts to speak at the @MunSecConf, the first thing he wants to mention is that the effort to fight coronavirus is happening under firm leadership of Xi Jinping, talks at some length about Xi's inspections and instructions. #MSC2020
@MunSecConf Of course, the way China fights the virus has "highlighted the advantages of the Chinese governance system." At least, according to Wang Yi. #MSC2020
@MunSecConf Wang Yo thanks countries that have helped China to fight coronavirus. Russia, Belarus, ROK are mentioned by name, he than goes at length to thank Italy #MSC2020
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Feb 15th 2020
This is crazy.
You guys continue to IGNORE & even NOT NAME #Russia when it comes to creating 1,2 Million Syrian refugees in 10 months – the biggest indirect threat to 🇩🇪 domestic policy. At the same time, you keep talking about "bridges" – like what? The illegal #Crimea bridge?!
And what is your (unsuccessful) "special representative for the gas transfer through Ukraine", Georg Graf Waldersee, doing at the table?
Didn't you notice that - thanks to #US sanctions against #NordStream2 - his duties are not needed anymore? Or is he our new "man at #Gazprom"?!
By the way.
FM @HeikoMaas wrote an opinion piece in the context of the #MSC2020 yesterday, in which he touched upon "signs of Western paralysis in view of a loss in global significance".

He did NOT mention #Russia and #Syria in it. Now you know why.…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
Two US cabinet secretaries, defense and foreign have now spoken at #MSC2020 and failed to mention the word "Trump."
Anyway room is now filling up because people want to hear the next, more important speaker: President Macron
Read 3 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
Esper is arguing the idea engagement with China dating back to the end of the Cold War would entice China to be a responsible world actor have failed. #MSC2020
Esper: “It is essential that we as members of the international community wake up” to the Chinese Communist Party’s strategy to undermine the rules based international order. #MSC2020
Esper says the world should be deeply concerned about the PRC’s use of AI and surveillance to repress Muslims, political dissidents, journalists and many more. Says Beijing’s exportation of these tools also concerning. #MSC2020
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Feb 15th 2020
SecDef @EsperDoD speaking around @MunSecConf: “It is essential that we – as an international community – wake up to the challenges presented by China’s manipulation of the long-standing international, rules-based order that has benefited all of us for many decades.” #MSC2020
“Let me state up front, though, the United States does not seek conflict with China. In fact, we look for areas of cooperation when our interests converge in the hope that they will choose the other path they didn’t take twenty years ago.” -@EsperDoD #MSC2020
“We should take the Chinese govt at its word.
■ By 2035, the PRC intends to complete its military modernization,
■ By 2049, it seeks to dominate Asia as the preeminent global military power.” -@EsperDoD
Read 8 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
.@EsperDoD - #NDS says priority is first China then Russia. Must shift away from low intensity conflict to preparing for high intensity. Rogue states are secondary. Terrorism enduring background problem. 🎯 1/ #MSC2020
Speech will focus on Pentagon’s top problem: China. 2/
Xi is leading China faster and farther in wrong direction including more aggressive military posture. Intl community must wake up to what China presents. 3/
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Feb 15th 2020
Pompeo: “I’m happy to report the death of the transatlantic alliance is grossly exaggerated. The West is winning.” #MSC2020
Pompeo: “Huawei and other Chinese state backed tech companies are Trojan horses for Chinese intelligence.” #MSC2020
Pompeo: “The United States has armed Ukraine, to help defend that brave nation from Russian aggression.” #MSC2020
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Feb 14th 2020
In speaking at a dinner tonight on "Will Democracy Win?" #MSC2020 , yes we need to start w/ (1) world democratic recession is in its 13th year; (2) Russian and China autocracies are on the rise (3) illiberal populists are on the moved in old democracies (4) US not promoting demo
BUT I also argued the following several points: (1) Bad today compared to what? 1930s? 1940? 1950s? 1970s? Most of human history? (The recession more mild than previous democratic reversals.)
(2) still more democracies today that autocracies.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
Trump is trumping, again, and it's still all hands on-deck to #DefendOurDemocracy.

Meanwhile, @SpeakerPelosi is leading a bicameral delegation at the Munich Security Conference where her words on the state of democracy in the US and abroad resonated with new urgency. #MSC2020
@SpeakerPelosi Nodding to our rich history of welcoming newcomers who bring their clear-eyed optimism & hard-won wisdom to our American life, Madam Speaker's words brought hope that we may yet be uniquely resilient to authoritarian forces threatening the world's democracies now. #CA12 #MSC2020
@SpeakerPelosi Mindful that meaningful alliances are strengthened by moments of agreement and principled candor relying on a reserve of trust built over time, Speaker Pelosi minced no words in conveying America's disapproval of Huawei's (and China's) position of leverage re 5G. #CA12 #MSC2020
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Feb 14th 2020
We can draw three conclusions from the crisis in international cooperation and the emergence of a new world order, says Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas at the opening of @MunSecConf #MSC2020: Image
1. When it comes to building a 🇪🇺security and defence order, it is no longer about the if, but about the how, says Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas. 🇩🇪 is prepared to become more involved in this most important 🇪🇺 design task of the 2020s. #MSC2020 Image
2. We need concrete policies for European sovereignty: political, economic, technological and value-based, says Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas. We want to ensure this together with the @EU_Commission and within the framework of our EU Council Presidency. #MSC2020 Image
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Feb 14th 2020
Susan Pompeo, the wife of Mike Pompeo, is listed in the Munich Security Conference program as “Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.” (And read the note at the bottom.) 🤨 #MSC2020
For those having a hard time reading the note at the bottom, the key sentence is: "Their names, titles and origin are listed in the way each participant has chosen."
I've asked the @StateDept about Susan Pompeo's title, whether she's getting paid, whether she has an office or an assistant ... they've not responded.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
The presence of Mullahs’ Foreign Minister at Munich Security Conference(#MSC) is a shame for #MSC2020, to say the least. How can the West be so carefree and seat in one conference with a mass murderer?
Here is why he shouldn't be allowed to?…
Inviting mullahs’ chief diplomat-terrorist only emboldens his regime to continue &intensify egregious &systematic #HumanRightsViolations inside #Iran,&the export of #terrorism &warmongering to the region. It will undermine regional&global security&must b canceled.
#IRGCTerrorists Image
#Zarif brags about his relationship with such criminals as the eliminated #QassemSoleimani, #Syria’s murderous dictator Bashar Al-Assad, #Hezbollah's Nasrallah, &Imad Mughniyah. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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