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Auf "Truth Social "hat @realDonaldTrump eine Video mit lustigen Szenen von #JoeBiden gepostet.😂

Deshalb hier im folgenden mal die besten Joe Biden Memes, die ich noch so habe.😜

Wer will, kann gerne in den Kommentaren noch welche reinhauen!😉

#JoeBiden #POTUS #PresidentBiden
Read 14 tweets
Biden thinks non-nuclear threats will stop Putin. His military doesn't...

Sources have lifted the lid on the divide between Biden's administration and his military advisers over nuclear weapons and Putin.

#Newsweek exclusive THREAD: 🧵

🧷:… Image
Civilians fear "It's the closest we've been to the use of nuclear weapons in over 50 years"
#JoeBiden #NuclearWeapons Image
"But I'm not so sure that we are communicating the right thing to deter Putin," says one civilian working at the Omaha, Nebraska-based Strategic Command.
#VladimirPutin #Putin Image
Read 11 tweets
Thank you #PresidentBiden for SAVING our BEAUTIFUL CITIES from all the fentanyl!!! So much of it must have gotten through under Trump, but not you sir! You're POWERFULLY intercepting it at the border!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #maba
A strong man, a powerful man, a big man -- very big -- came up to me with tears in his eyes, and he said "Sir, thank you for intercepting the fentanyl sir, thank you for giving me back my country!!!"
The fentanyl interception has never been so hot before, folks. It's hot, very hot. Our beautiful border agents are intercepting millions and millions of tons of fentanyl, fentanyl the very bad people were going to use to kill CITIES FULL of people, but we stopped them folks.
Read 5 tweets
1. This coming Sunday we celebrate the #TransfigurationofOurLord. There, before the horrible events of His torture and execution, Jesus Christ revealed to Peter, John, and James that He was and is God the Son.
2. The glory of Jesus is undimmed and He promises His presence to the suffering world and everlasting life to all who take up their cross and follow Him.

The bullies of this world will not prevail. The future (an eternal future) belongs to those who trust in Christ.
3. I pray that Vladimir Putin will hear the Gospel, repent for his sin, trust in Christ, and end this invasion.

I pray that #Ukraine will know and trust in Jesus Christ and His grace.

I pray that #PresidentBiden and the civilized world will stand against Putin's evil.
Read 3 tweets
As #ItalianPolitics is almost entirely focused on the election of the new #PresidentOfTheRepublic (long thread on this coming soon)… a thread to make sense of #Italy’s stand on the #UkraineCrisis

cc: @gmfus @IAIonline
Today, #RussianPresident Vladimir #Putin will attend a meeting promoted by the Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce focused on "trade, economic and investment cooperation between #Russia and #Italy"
Such a meeting is indeed “extraordinary” as noted by @NonaMikhelidze on @formichenews: Putin usually delegates meetings like this to others. His presence suggests that, for him, this is crucial…
Read 23 tweets
We witness how Wall St and the #G20 Allies,tailor self-promotion schemes for #PresidentBiden:EV and #coronavirus,resp.The latter hinders this rule.
Later,he just has to tap debt and,illegally, FnF, to pay for this scheme of economic devastation.
This rule is about accumulation of forex reserves through:
-Capital inflows
-External debt
The more forex reserves, the more money is printed out by the Ctl Banks... Image
for circulation throughout the economy, at a ratio dollar-for-dollar increase.
The bondholders make sure that the Govts aren't reckless, otherwise it increases the prospects of default on the payments. So, the bondholders are the regulators of the politicians and not like today,
Read 6 tweets
#FBI @FBI #ChristopherWray suggests ‘serious charges’ coming in probe of #Capitol attack #Jan6th #DomesticTerrorism #Terrorism #WashingtonDC
@RepJerryNadler #Judiciary
What does #AndrewMcCabe Recall May9-Aug2,2017?#July302015- #Jan292018…
Fmr #CIADirectorBrennan @JohnBrennan
What are the #Names of people who were #UnMasked by FMR #CIAChief & #SecretaryOfState #MikePompeo @mikepompeo during his rip off the mask blitz in
late 2019, early 2020
Read 6 tweets
#Israeli Spokesman: Here's video of #Hamas firing rockets at Israel!

#Biden: Israel has right to defend itself.

Uh, about that video 👇 it's from 2018, and the rockets were fired at Daara, Syria, not Israel. Israel lied. Our gov't is complicit in those lies to manipulate us
Just to be clear, the protests by Palestinians arose because the #IDF helped Israeli settlers evict Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem:…
Israel has used Rubber Bullets, tear gas, flash grenades against Palestinian Civilians to maim hundreds of them, including an attack on the Al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan.
Read 7 tweets
Under #PresidentBiden, jobless claims are COLLAPSING! Americans are WORKING AGAIN, they're getting POWERFUL VACCINES and the country is OPENING UP!! Biden is STRONGLY leading America out of the economic COLLAPSE and is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! #maba #jobs #jerbs ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
"A strong man, powerful man, this is a big guy, very rough, ok? Very rough guy, he comes up to me and says 'Sir, I don't think the jobless claims will go down, sir.' And I looked him in the eye and I said 'it will.' And now look at it it is powerfully down."
"And now the claims are down, I mean way down, wow they've never been more down before they're saying the down is unprecedented. And this man, a strong guy okay? He comes up to me, tears streaming down his face, and he says, 'Thank you sir, we got our country back, sir.' True."
Read 4 tweets
Yesterday's #PresidentBiden press conference had very few questions on economy, so here is a synopsis on the #BuildBackBetter plan with a focus on #Infrastructure and possible #TaxReform as a way to pay for it
The Biden "Build Back Better” plan focuses on four main national challenges:
1. Infrastructure and Clean Energy
•Biden will make a $1.7 trillion accelerated investment, with a plan to deploy those resources over the first four years.
The plan will create millions of private sector jobs, and rebuild roads, bridges, water systems, battery charging stations, and electricity grids. This pillar also emphasizes access to clean air & water by providing zero-emissions public transportation to cities
Read 19 tweets
President Biden POWERFULLY signing rescue plan today! Checks STRONGLY going out! People going back to work, getting vaccines!!! Now your beautiful 401(k) can grow!!! He is making America great again, and you have your country back, ENJOY!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #MABA
"Sir, you must sign the rescue plan on Friday, sir"
"Malarkey, I'm signing it today"
"But sir--"
"Signing it today"
*Man, strong man, has tears in his eyes, very rough guy, rough*
#PresidentBiden is WINNING for you! Powerfully winning, stocks are STRONGER THAN THEY HAVE EVER BEEN. Enjoy!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #MABA
Read 4 tweets
#PresidentBiden powerfully signing executive orders, STRONGLY ignoring his SAD critics who don't want him to WORK HARD for America. He is RELENTLESS!!! #SigningDocs #SignSignSign #FortySix #SignedAnotherOne #MABA ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
"Mr President, sir, what are you doing? Enjoying the night, sir?"

"No, I am reviewing documents. Constantly reviewing documents of all lengths, the people sent me here to work and so I work!"


#MABA #FortySix #AlwaysDocuments ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
"I told Joe to come over and pet the dog, but that was three hours ago, I know he'll eventually come and pet the pooch but he's very busy SIGNING DOCUMENTS FOR THE PEOPLE" ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Read 6 tweets
#PresidentBiden has just announced 300 MILLION DOSES of vaccine are surging their way through America!! He STRONGLY worked hard to deliver for the American people. He never sleeps never eats he is relentless. #maba #fortysix #jabjabjab ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
"Mr President sir you have to rest! You've been awake for 96 straight hours!"

"I cannot. I have to sign documents to get vaccines to my people!!!"

"Madam Vice President are the vaccines out?"

"The machines are churning sir but we still need more vaccine"

"Then we vow not to sleep until all the vaccines are out."

"It is a blood bond Mr President"

RELENTLESS ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Read 6 tweets
It's a new beginning with hope. Not only for USA.There are things like #ClimateCrisis requires a strong leadership and active participation.

All the best
@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris 💐👍
I expect @BernieSanders @SenWarren @AOC to play a active role in this new administration. 💪
Four years of horror movie ends like a bad dream.

People can bring change.💪🖤❤️💙
In this moment , I want to thank @staceyabrams for her tireless work. It requires a hard work and determination to turn a dream into a reality.💐💪
The President Biden

46th USA President @POTUS
Read 4 tweets
1) Was on Macquarie Street yesterday. There was another floral display just near the statue of Queen Victoria (second photo below shot from its base). It featured a large #pyramid-shaped structure. #Sydney ImageImage
2) It was just like one I saw in #MartinPlace mid last year. It was associated with others like it (tho smaller and flat) around Sydney CBD. I speculated this was the start of a symbolic incantation to help usher us into the #GreatReset/#NewNormal.
3) It's *interdasting* that #pyramid is back now. It was placed just before #PresidentBiden inauguration. He is full-on globalist who supports #NWO hellscape #globalistelite have planned. So I think this was Clover Moore's way of sending him some good vibes.
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612 hours.

36,720 minutes.

2.2 million seconds.
Another way of thinking about the time left until #PresidentBiden:

4 years = 48 months.
1 day = 48 half hours.

Therefore, each month is like a half hour.

If Trump's presidency was a single day that started at midnight, it would be about 11:35 pm right now.
Taking it a step further:

One month = ~30 days.
Half hour = 30 minutes.

Each day brings us one minute closer to midnight
Read 4 tweets
Congratulations #PresidentBiden!
Now let's get to work.
We must reassert the climate leadership that was lost under Trump.
A lot of us stand ready to help!
Here's my full statement below.
Let's hit the ground running in January! 🙂
Congratulations to President Elect @JoeBiden!
And congratulations to US for having used the power of our vote to create an opportunity for meaningful progress on climate going forward (thread)
Biden's victory ushers in a new era of global cooperation, allowing us to begin to repair the damage that was done by Donald Trump over the past four years both to domestic climate efforts and to our reputation on the world stage.
Read 12 tweets
𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚎 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎, 𝚠𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚗.

“Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States of America.”

Race called at 11-06 08:50 AM EST [per @DecisionDeskHQ]
Read 5 tweets
Thread highlights from. @JoeBiden's INSPIRING CALMING much needed #GettysburgSpeech #PresidentBiden all we need to is VOTE!
Biden: "We must vote. We will vote, no matter how many obstacles are thrown in our way. Because when America votes, America will be heard."
Biden in Gettysburg: "It cannot be that after all this country has been through, after all that America has accomplished ... that here and now in 2020 we will allow the government of the people, by the people and for the people to perish from this earth."
Biden: "There's something bigger going on in this nation than just our broken politics. Something darker and more dangerous. ... What we're experiencing today is neither good nor normal."
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I am truly enjoying listening to some real leadership for a change.

Biden just called for a national mask mandate.

#PresidentBiden #BidenHarris
"Every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing."
via @therecount
Trump: Let's inject bleach and shine lights up our butts!

Biden: You know what to do. Be a patriot. Wear a mask.

2020 in a nutshell.

Read 3 tweets
💥The trouble with the GOP and the CDC - Lancet, leading medical journal - Thread…
Funding to the CDC for a long time has been subject to conserv politics that have increasingly eroded the agency's ability to mount effective, evidence-based public health responses.

In the 1980s, the Reagan admin resisted providing the sufficient budget that the CDC needed to
fight the HIV/AIDS crisis. The GWB admin put restrictions on global and domestic HIV prevention and reproductive health programming.

The Trump admin further chipped away at the CDC's capacity to combat infectious diseases.
Read 11 tweets
#WeKnowJoe Joe is getting ahead of the curve so he can hit the ground running!

He’s toying with the idea of creating new Cabinet posts and possibly even naming potential agency secretaries…
Biden said that he has started constructing a presidential transition team a process he said has been underway for several weeks

Discussions are in progress about the prospect of elevating some WH offices to Cabinet-level positions. Among those under consideration:
the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the global health security pandemic office and a separate climate change operation that goes beyond the EPA
Read 4 tweets

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