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Mar 2nd 2023
Mar. 1:
1/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

#Putin's #Money for the #War may run out in the summer - @Forbes. A few important figures:

🔸#Russia is approaching a #Fiscal #Collapse

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine .@ZelenskyyUa .@DmytroKuleba…
Mar. 1:
2/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

Report by #Telegram @CrimeanWind
See for yourself:

- In 2022, #Russia's #Monthly check for the #War averaged $9.5 billion, @Forbes.

- In 2023, #Putin increased ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Budget…
Mar. 1:
3/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

.. increased the #Defense #Budget to about $12 billion a #Month.

The #Cost of the #War in tandem with a record drop in #Oil & #Gas #Revenues will empty the ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Money #War…
Read 16 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
🚩A month ago, the truce expired in #Yemen due to inacceptable last-minute Houthi demands to have the salaries of members of their “government” and even “armed forces” be paid through oil revenues.

A thread 🧵
The truce lasted six-months and helped ease the humanitarian crisis in the country. Shipments of fuel increased, regular flights to and from Sana’a reopened Image
The Houthi on the other hand did not uphold their end of the bargain, failing to reopen roads to the city of #Taiz. A recent deadly road accident in the dangerous mountain roads near the city shows the price of such failure. ImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
1/4 En 2021, en moyenne chaque semaine, 22 % des #salariés ont télétravaillé. Après avoir été élevé en début d’année, le recours au #télétravail a progressivement reculé à partir de juin 2021, avant de rebondir en fin d’année 👉… Image
2/4 Le #télétravail concerne majoritairement les #cadres : en 2021, en moyenne chaque semaine, 55 % d’entre eux ont télétravaillé 👉… Image
3/4 Le télétravail est moins fréquent pour les #jeunes ou les #salariés des petites #entreprises. À l’inverse, il est très répandu pour les salariés des zones d’habitation denses et notamment à Paris 👉… Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 6th 2022
#Turkish theater actor Orhan Aydın:

"From all corners of my country, #voices of #people are resounding and calling the #government to #resign, #protesting the #electricity #price increases."

#turkey #inflation
On the initiative of the @istanbul_tkp, people took to the streets against the price increases in Istanbul's Gazi district protesting: "Stand up against the robbery!".
@yemeksepeti and @banabi #couriers closed their contacts for the third time #protesting the low increase in their #salaries. Representing the unionized #couriers gathered in front of the company's General Directorate in #Levent.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 3rd 2022

#HearstCorp (#StevenSwartz - CEO)
- Fitch Ratings (Finance)
- First Databank (Health Care)
- A&E Networks (with #Disney including: History Channel)
- ESPN (with #Disney)

#APNews - "Non-profit" cooperative (#StevenSwartz - CEO)
Content: #Disney
. CBS Dream Team (5 hours)
. The More You Know (3 hours Kids)
. Weekend Adventure (3 hours Kids)
. One Magnificent Morning (5 hours teens)

They OWN your children.
How do we let a for-profit CEO also be CEO of a non-profit that "regulates" themselves (#APFactCheck).

Non-Profits are great places to dump undisclosed #expenses and pay #salaries.

#theft. #fraud
Read 10 tweets
Apr 17th 2021
Bengaluru is witnessing a massive surge in COVID-19 infections in the second wave of the pandemic. With the spike in deaths, crematoriums and graveyards are overflowing with bodies. Image
The workers at several of these facilities, however, say that they have not been paid for months and have threatened to stop operations in the coming days.
Anthony, who has been working as a gravedigger in Bengaluru since 1974, says that the pandemic has made his work more stressful. The 65-year-old, however, also alleged that he has not been paid for more than a year.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/06/2021…
A robotic revolution for urban nature…

#nature #robotic #revolution
Modern Monetary Theory Gains Traction…

Read 8 tweets
Nov 3rd 2019
Statistics show that the average Malaysian makes about RM2,308 (median) or RM3,087 (mean) monthly.

How much do you need to survive?

#Malaysia #Salaries
Are Malaysian salaries insufficient? How much do you make compared to the average in your field?

Read more:…

Are salaries keeping up with the cost of living? How does the national #inflation rate compare to the #growth of salaries in Malaysia?

Read More:…
Read 3 tweets

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