Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #zCash

Most recents (24)

🚨 Halborn discovered massive #ZeroDay impacting Dogecoin and 280+ networks including Litecoin and Zcash, putting over $25 Billion of digital assets at risk!

1/ In March 2022, Halborn started to evaluate #dogecoin under a contract and found several vulnerabilities which were fixed by the Dogecoin team.
2/ During the assessment, it was found that the same vulns affected over 280 other networks including #litecoin and #zcash, which have since then been addressed and patched.
Read 10 tweets
براهين المعرفة الصفرية "Zero-Knowledge proofs" أحد أهم تقنيات التشفير التي يتم العمل على تطويرها

‼️ فهم هذه التقنية أخذ من وقتي أكثر من 10 ساعات لكني الآن أستطيع أن أشرحها بأقل من عشر دقائق!

🧵هُنا ثريد مفصل عن هذه التقنية:

1 Image
- ماهي
- لماذا نحتاجها
- كيف تعمل (بدون تفاصيل تقنية)
- أنواعها
- استخدامتها
- مساوئها
- مشاريع يجب أن تكون على رادارك

🔹ماهي تقنية ZK-Proofs؟

- طريقة تُمكن الطرف (أ) من إقناع الطرف (ب) أن المعلومات التي يملكها صحيحة دون الكشف عن هذه المعلومات

- كأن يعلم خالد كلمة مرور أحمد على تويتر (الله على الفضائح 😆) ويثبت ذلك دون إخبار أحمد بكلمة المرور

- التقنية قديمة من 1989 ويتم تطويرها بشكل متواصل

3 Image
Read 20 tweets
1/65 Thread comparing #Monero vs #Bitcoin-#Zcash-#Litecoin 🧵
2/65 It is 4 projects with one thing in common: they are intended to be used as an alternative to fiduciary money. They are also the highest ranked in terms of market capitalization for what they are intended for (digital money)
3/65 To begin I would like to clarify that the Monero codebase has nothing to do with the Bitcoin codebase, the anonymity provided by CryptoNote by design is not possible with the Bitcoin codebase. #ZEC #LTC we were launched with the #BTC code base
Read 66 tweets
The use of #Monero is darknet markets in often overblown.

The true picture with reasons below 👇..

21 points..
Some statistics on darkweb activity:

1. ~2.5M people use TOR browser everyday.

2. There are ~76,000 TOR sites incl. copies (18K being original) as of Dec' 20

3. Most sold goods are CC, bank acct, drugs, voterID/ passport, employee logins, organs, whistleblower

4. As per #Chainalysis, Darknet market set a new revenue record of $2.1 Billion in 2021.

5. Hydra, a market that serves on Russian-speaking countries only, was the largest darknet market in 2020 accounting 75% of darknet (crypto) market share.

Read 14 tweets
QUELQUES #Cryptos que j'accumule en cette PÉRIODE de législation/regulation, et de #bearmarket

$BTC #Bitcoin
$ETH #Ethereum

Privacy Coins
$XMR #Monero
$ZEC #Zcash
$SCRT #SecretNetwork

Cosmos Ecosystem
$ATOM #Cosmos
$TORI #Teritori
$EVMOS #Evmos
$JUNO #JunoNetwork

$FLUX #Flux
$QNT #Quant
$HFT #hashflow
$VRSC #VerusCoin
$KAI #KardiaChain 

DEX Tokens
$UNI #Uniswap
$LRC #Loopring
$CRV #CurveDAO

Yield Farming
$AAVE #Aave
$SNX #Syntetix
$BAL #Balancer 
$BIFI #BeefyFinance

$GRT #TheGraph
$LINK #Chainlink
$THETA #ThetaNetwork
$ENS #EthereumNameService

Médias, Gaming, Sports, Vidéos
$CHZ #Chilliz
$VRA #Verasity
$ENJ #EnjinCoin
$TFUEL #ThetaFuel
$THETA #ThetaNetwork
$UFC #UltimateFCFanToken
$VIT #TeamVitalityFanToken

Read 5 tweets
🧵 THREAD - Peut-on criminaliser un outil ?

Tornado cash, un mixeur de #cryptomonnaies subit des attaques de toutes parts de la part des institutions.

Est-il raisonnable d'interdire #TornadoCash ? 👇 Image
Juridiquement parlant, Ca n'a aucun sens.

La capacité d'un individu à penser et à juger de manière indépendante est un critère très important.

C'est pour ça que les condamnations des malades mentaux sont très différentes des autres.

Mais revenons sur ce qu'est #TornadoCash
Tornado Cash est un protocole entièrement décentralisé. Les gens peuvent y déposer des jetons et les retirer via différentes adresses.

Cet outil peut mélanger tous les actifs déposés et générer une clé privée pour que l'on puisse retirer des actifs à différentes adresses.
Read 15 tweets

A Short History Of #Monero Network Upgrades, and What The Upcoming Network Upgrade In August 2022 Means To You!
Since #Bitcoin’s blocksize war came to a head in 2017, hardforks of blockchain protcols have been largely stigmatized. A Bitcoin maximalist is likely to tell you hardforks are bad, however this mindset or approach can stifle innovation and development.
We have seen many other protocols blossom in regards to innovation and development when they welcome improvements.
Read 37 tweets
I think escape velocity is an important concept for the #Zcash community to consider.

Escape velocity is the velocity needed to escape the gravitational pull back to a massive object.

If you don’t expend enough energy to escape the Earth’s gravity, you will always fall back to Earth.

In physics, escape velocity is easy to calculate. For a crypto project, it is not.

The gravitational object #Zcash is trying to escape is the mass of crypto projects that are sort of on the sidelines, trying to get worldwide recognition and adoption.

Pretty much everything but #Bitcoin and #Ethereum have yet to escape orbit IMO

Read 16 tweets
And we're LIVE with @P3b7_ and @zooko discussing our Freedom by Design initiative!
"People are not completely aware of the data that is collected and shared - that's why awareness is important in this area." -@P3b7_
"The word privacy means different things for different people. Some think it's to minimize sharing. It's about sharing or not being your choice. It's a consent." -@zooko
Read 19 tweets
Time for a deep dive 🧵 on one of the most promising projects on Cosmos:

👉Secret Network👈

Secret Network is "the first blockchain with data privacy by default for every dapp - 100x'ing the possibilities for #DeFi, #NFTs, .."

Crypto is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our financial lives, and with that everything is stored visibly on the blockchain.
This means that privacy is going to play an important role, so that crypto users have a choice to keep their transaction history and wallet balances to themselves.

"But I have nothing to hide".

Classic example of any free person's famous last words.

Privacy is a human right.
Read 13 tweets
How #Monero is Eating #Bitcoin's Lunch – And Ten Other Things You Didn’t Know About Monero.

A Tweet Thread for the Monero curious 🧵👇
#Monero transactions are higher than ever. In particular, Monero’s total number of transactions compared to Bitcoin (ratio) are rising. This means more people are choosing to transact with #XMR instead of #BTC.

Are other privacy coins being used today? No, unfortunately not. #Monero vastly makes up for the total number of private crypto transactions, with over 98% of volume.

(src: @JEhrenhofer)
Read 26 tweets
NU5 has been a talking point for some of crypto’s biggest names.

Let’s dive into the largest network upgrade in #Zcash’s history ⬇️
The first phase of Halo deployment in Zcash introduces a new shielded-transaction protocol, Orchard, which creates the first shielded-transfer capability that does not rely on a trusted setup.
This third shielded pool, underpinned by the Halo proving system, represents the continued evolution of Zcash’s zk-SNARK technology stack and would be guarded by the same shielded-pool turnstile design as used between Sprout and Sapling.
Read 9 tweets
ZK-Rollups represent the future of Layer-2 #Blockchain scaling

@orbisproject is building the first ZK-Rollup on #Cardano

& Orbis plays an indispensable role in scaling #Cardano

Here’s a breakdown of the ZK-Proof Orbis is using to build its scaling solution on #Cardano: 🧵👇 Image
So what is a zero-knowledge proof?

It is a cryptographic technique,

where one party (The Prover) can prove that a specific statement is true to the other party (The Verifier)

without disclosing any additional information

apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true Image
When it comes to computational zero-knowledge, there are 2 types of ZK-Proofs

- Interactive ZK-Proofs
- non-interactive ZK-Proofs

So let's try and understand the major differences between the two

and why non-interactive ZK-Proofs are superior to the former?
Read 23 tweets
Summary of fee mechanisms studied by GMU 4 #Zcash shielded assets…

1. Computational Costs: Identical to the current one

Pros: Straightforward and easy to implement

Cons: Unfair to $ZEC holders if ZSA's become popular + could potentially weaken privacy
2. Shielding Hosting: ZSA's pay fee equivalent to the dilution of ZEC holders. Fees are cumulative while assets remain shielded

Pros: Fairness between ZEC holders & ZSA

Cons: Incentivises quick ZSA redemption & complicates overhead for miners + tx's might get censored
3. Shielding Hosting + Mandatory ZEC market buys: Similar to previous but fees are automatically converted at some rate to ZEC through a Zcash DEX

Pros: More mangeable overhead for miners
Cons: Need to rely on price oracles, ZEC liquidity providers & fosters arbitrage behavior
Read 8 tweets
What are privacy coins? How do they work? What are some of the best options out there? Do they make a good investment? 🔍

Here are some pointers 👇 1/10
/2 Privacy coins are a kind of cryptocurrency focused on making transactions fully secure, anonymous, and untraceable.

Although in the public debate they are often looked down at as 'criminals' coins' they are actually the safest choice for protecting financial information❗️
/3 Pros of privacy coins:

-Recent Success - In the face of a challenging market cycle
-Greater Privacy
-Deliver on on promise of decentralization
-Growing Name Recognition - Chance to get in before they really take off
Read 10 tweets
Financial Privacy Is Not a Crime: #Bitcoin, #Zcash and #Monero.

A thread 🧵👇
This is what Zooko, CEO and developer of #Zcash , said a few years ago:

"I think we can successfully make Zcash too traceable for criminals like WannaCry, but still completely private & fungible."

Developers’ judgement matter.

It can be concerning when developers building tools for public use get to decide what’s right or wrong, and talk about censoring users at their discretion.

There's a reason why most darknet markets and hackers don't use #Zcash.

Read 17 tweets
1/ Privacy is essential to human creativity. A thread...

The first Jean-Michel Basquiat painting ever sold was bought for $200 and signed with the alias SAMO.

Who was SAMO? And how did their work impact a young Basquiat? Cadillac Moon by Jean-Miche...
2/ In 1978, not far from where I grew up, provocative graffiti from the pseudonymous SAMO began appearing around the Lower East Side.

The street art employed subversive tones, targeting established art institutions with messages like “SAMO FOR THE SO-CALLED AVANT-GARDE.” Image
3/ As a budding artist and school dropout, Basquiat relied on the pseudonym SAMO to develop his voice + explore sensitive topics like class struggle and traditional power structures.

Without the freedom provided by privacy, Basquiat may never have fully formed as an artist. Image
Read 7 tweets
[#Thread & #Giveaways] Autour du projet @RunOnFlux sur lequel @MiningTk est incollable.

Un lot de 150 $FLUX à se partager pour lequel vous devez :
🔹 Follow @FLUX_France & @From0To10K
🔹 RT & Like
🔹 Commenter : "Wen $FLUX listing on @BybitFr sir?"

Infos, tirage & Thread ⬇️
Les 150 $FLUX seront divisés en 3 :

🔸 100 FLUX
🔸 30 FLUX
🔸 20 FLUX

Le tirage du #Giveaways / #Concours aura lieu le 13 Décembre.

Ce concours sponsorisé vous est offert en partenariat avec @FLUX_France que je remercie pour leur confiance.

Aller, découvrons @RunOnFlux ⬇️
$FLUX, histoire & origines

Né du « fork » de la #crypto anonyme #ZCash, FLUX se nommait autrefois ZELCash et son coin le $ZEL. Le but était de créer une plateforme décentralisée, sécurisée et évolutive.

Ce n’est que le 27 Mars 2021, que le projet fût rebaptisé $FLUX.
Read 25 tweets
1/ When I was young and first learning to code, I would marvel at stories of the open Internet and the creative freedoms it provided✌️.

I idolized the Builders who made it a reality and the #Cypherpunks who helped protect our online freedoms.
2/ Unfortunately, the “free” centralized platforms we’ve come to rely on are corrupted by the power and data they’ve accumulated.

They exploit us, subverting the very values that first helped them flourish. Our oasis is under threat.
3/ Megacorps and authoritarian governments exploit our digital lives and the data we create online. We’ve become slaves under the yoke of unscrupulous Internet overlords.

It doesn’t sit well with me. The model needs to change—we need a digital revolution ✊.
Read 6 tweets
Some thoughts on #eth culture:

The thing I've always appreciated most about the #Ethereum community is that we don't take ourselves too seriously. This is an underrated characteristic and one well worth protecting. Why?
Because it creates openness and makes it easier to enter a community for the first time. Everyone starts at zero, so if each tiny fact you don't know yet is A Big Deal there's no ramp to gradually build skill and acquire knowledge, just a cliff you fall off with one misstep.
It's also allowed Ethereum, as the blockchain space grows, to make use of insights gained from other chains. Important PoS components were first deployed by #Zcash. People weren't sure about EIP 1557 at first, but seeing it run in production on #Filecoin improved confidence. Etc.
Read 26 tweets
State of the Market by @hasufl and @zhusu
Thread (1/n)

Apple Podcast:…
Is the Bull Market over?

People generally have trouble zooming out:
> YoY Total Value Lock in protocols
> YoY Activity in Addresses
> Daily Volumes
We are at monumental figures, healthy signs of adoption & continued interest
>Some coins went up every month for 9 months straight pullback not necessary a bad thing
>Gives entry point to new comers
>Bull Market definitely not over
>Also allows institutional participants to get involved Good chance to get into ETH
Read 22 tweets
موضوع: تحلیل سبد سرمایه گذاری 15 شرکت معتبر سرمایه گذاری #کریپتوکارنسی
1-اعلام #رمزارز های مشترک در #پرتفوی شرکتها
2-معرفی پروژه ها و توکن های فوق ، پتانسیل رشد و ارائه توضیحات شخصی
در صورتی که محتوا مناسب و دارای جنبه های آموزشی برای سایرین است لطفا #ریتویت کنید.
لیست شرکت های سرمایه گذاری بررسی شده:
#a16z #polychain #boostvc #dcg #hashkey #pantera#Placeholder_Ventures #cms_holding #blockchain #Coinfund#fabric_ventures#CMS_Holdings #binance_labs#Multicoin#DragonFly
خیلی مهم- رمزارزهای ذیل صرفا انتخاب کارشناسان شرکت های فوق است و زمان خرید آنها توسط شرکت های فوق فاکتور خیلی مهمی است، به نفع شماست که بدون تحلیل، تحقیق و بررسی، آنها را معیار سرمایه گذاری خود قرار ندهید.

توکن های مشترک در پرتفوی سرمایه گذاری شرکتهای بررسی شده: Image
Read 12 tweets
Fee comparison, mini-research

(Based on Binance withdrawal transactions, 03/2021)

@Bitcoin : 0.0005 $BTC
≈ $27.02

@ethereum : 0.008 $ETH
≈ $14.56

@Polkadot : 0.1 $DOT
≈ $3.61


#crypto #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Polkadot #DeFi #fees
@OntologyNetwork :1 $ONT
≈ $1.19

@Cardano : 1 $ADA
≈ $1.18

@Dogecoin : 20 $DOGE
≈ $1.14


#crypto #Bitcoin #Ontology #Dogecoin #Cardano
@Dahspay : 0.002 $DASH
≈ $0.475380

@avalancheavax : 0.01 $AVAX
≈ $0.273549

@binance : 0.0008 $BNB on #BSC
≈ $0.218595


#crypto #Binance #BinanceSmartChain #BSC #BNB #Avalanche #Dash
Read 7 tweets

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