@HeerJeet is amazed that even when these guys “win” they feel like victims.
It’s definitely counterintuitive that members of the Fox-Trump-GOP view themselves as victims—but they do.
Yale Professor @jasonintrator explains . . .
Thus when “inferior” groups seek equality, the dominant group thinks the inferior group want to displace them at the top.

But if people hold a hierarchal view of nature, the demand for equality feels threatening, because they think the people demanding equality are actually trying to achieve power over them.
This feeling of loss has been variously explained by numerous scholars and theorists. See, for example, my thread on the ideas of Harvard Prof. Levitsky from yesterday:
(For most of U.S. history, rights and privileges were for white men only)
The GOP isn't taking us someplace entirely new.
They’re taking us back to the 19th century, when the idea of paternalism was deeply entrenched in much of American culture.
This is how 19th century VP John Calhoun could argue that slavery was a “positive good."
“What?" you ask, "rape was a property crime?”
People who assume that nature prefers a hierarchy look at a true liberal democracy as chaotic and unnatural.

If Trump and pals succeed in rolling us backwards, what happens next?
Will it be hard?
This time, though, we know how to do it. Susan B. Anthony, Thurgood Marshall, and many others taught us how.