One of most disreputable, toxic, selfish politicians I’ve ever met. As Tories choose between British Trump & ex-Health Sec who’s mission was to destroy health service, let's remember why #Johnson is #UnfitForOffice
[Many threads]
Wrote that women wearing niqab looked like “letterboxes” & “bank robbers”; triggering attacks on our Muslim community, “letterbox” graffitied on homes, and giving racists new language in hate speech
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice…
As editor of the Spectator he was responsible for - and clearly condoned - this racist drawl. He and his racist worldview has no place in Parliament, let alone @10DowningStreet
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice…
This blistering attack from his Telegraph boss concluded he's totally unfit to be PM
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice

2 racial slurs on African people: Picanninnies -racist term for dark-skinned African child- & re Blair visit “tribal warriors will break out in watermelon smiles to see big white chief”
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice…
Heads extremist alt-right academy, co-founded infamous #CambridgeAnalytica chaired hate-fuelled Breitbart, headed Trump campaign…
Even Tories disown him: Lord Cooper (ex Downing St strategist) his "rottenness goes deeper even than his causal racism and his equally casual courting of fascism..."
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice…
Lord Cooper (ex Downing St strategist and Tory peer)
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice
Your friends say lots about you. BNP: "As long as BNP policy is implemented, BNP wins" and mobilised hundreds of activists who attack online those who challenge him [like in this thread]
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice…
That monstrous lie of 2016: £350m to #NHS –figure VoteLeave admitted making up to trick people to back Brexit. In this clip he admits it was wrong. It’s a level of utterly horrifying deceit.
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice
Stunning incompetence endangered life of Brit with flippant remarks that reveal he lacks calibre/qualities of high office. 3yrs on she's on hunger strike now joined by husband
My thoughts are with them both…
Accused of “courting fascism” and of “moral emptiness” by Tory peer (former aide to David Cameron) after declining to apologise for remarks about the niqab.
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice…
He & Hunt each pocket £25k frm First Corporate Shipping owned by director of infamous Global Warming Policy Forum. At height of #ClimateEmergency in bed with those who profit from blocking regs
We need selfless, not self-obsessed; rigor, not chaos; focus, not “manically disorganised”; caring, not “nasty”
As Tories morphed into an ugly extremist #BLUKIP monster, they left members a choice of 10 toxic candidates, clinging to #PartyAboveCountry & Brexit obsession
They’ll gift Trump our #NHS, destroy food safety, wreck communities as car makers flee...
His views totally oppose the British values I know and love; his premiership would be nothing short of a national catastrophe. Demand better for UK.
#Johnson is #UnfitForOffice #DemandBetter
(but for record I'm no fan of Hunt either: dire choice)