He contradicted several of the claims of the #WhistleblowerComplaint at the center of the Democrat's #ImpeachmentInquiry of President Trump. (Thread 👇) theepochtimes.com/ukraine-envoys…
The testimony directly contradicted a hearsay claim in the anonymous #WhistleblowersComplaint suggesting that #Volker and the @USAmbEU, #GordonSondland engaged with Ukrainian officials to…
“[At] no time was I aware of or took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden,” Volker said. scribd.com/document/42877…
He also said he did not know that #JoeBiden was mentioned in the July 25 call between Trump and #VolodymyrZelensky until the @WhiteHouse released the transcript on Sept. 25.
@TheJusticeDept reviewed the #WhistleblowerComplaint and determined no further action was necessary.
For example, the #Whistleblower claimed that the potential inquiry…

In one of message Volker appears to suggest that a meeting between Trump and Zelensky was dependent on Zelensky promising to help with “an investigation.”
The president’s view of Ukraine was soured by the allegations, and Volker worked to convince Trump that Ukraine’s new…
Volker resigned from his position on Sept. 27.