The RU intel officers conveyed the info to prominent RU & UKRs who then used a range of intermediaries, like oligarchs, businessmen & their assocs, to pass the material to US political figures & even some journalists, who were likely unaware of its origin🙄
Parnas and Fruman allegedly tried to use their political connec to replace the leadership at Naftogaz, which resisted the two men's efforts for a gas deal. #Firtash
Prosecutors are reportedly inv’g Giuliani for potential campaign finance violations &

I wonder if Hunter Biden was placed on the Burisma board to keep an eye on the oligarchs. Hmmm...
Dr. Hill calls right-wing Soros attacks the ‘new Protocols of the Elders of Zion’
UK (MI6) knew in 2016 of Trump’s ‘suspicious links’ to Russia, book claims
Obama Tells Democrats to ‘Chill Out’ and Focus on Trump
He urges candidates to ‘go beyond’ what he accomplished
But former president warns party not to use ‘purity tests’
In Ukraine's bleak east, US aid saves lives, raises morale
A Former Fox News Exec Divides Americans Using Russian Tactics
An inv’n found that several sites owned by Ken LaCorte push inflammatory items — hair on fire stories, petitions and the occasional conspiracy theory — to the L/R public.
Bayer's Monsanto pleads guilty to illegal Hawaii pesticide spraying
The World May Have a Bigger Problem Than a Potential Recession
OECD flags changes in global economy with long-term fallout
Highlights climate change, shift in geopolitical order😱
Bitcoin Tumbles to Six-Month Low as More Supports Give Way
Under US pressure, SK holds off ending intelligence pact with Japan
Berkeley was first U.S. city to prohibit gas in buildings— WTF?
📌Chef says it’s like taking “paint away from a painter”
"Mr. Parnas learned from former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin that Nunes had met with Shokin in Vienna last Dec," said Bondy.…
Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office…
A watchdog report will portray the pursuit of a wiretap of an ex-Trump adviser as sloppy, but it also debunks some accusations by Trump allies of F.B.I. wrongdoing.…
Semion Mogilevich
Vyacheslav Ivankov
Felix Komarov
Eduard Nektalov
David Bogatin
Felix Sater
Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov
Sam Kislin
Tevfik Arif
Dmytro Firtash
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman…
Justice Dept. inspector general’s draft Russia report finds FBI lawyer may have altered document - The Washington Post
Moscow has run a yearslong operation to blame Ukraine for its own 2016 election interference. Republicans have used similar talking points to defend Trump in impeachment proceedings.……
Now that the Ukraine hearings are over, Democrats want to hold at least one Mueller-related impeachment hearing on Trump's possible obstruction and perjury.…
She argued that Barr's remarks were "theologically ill-informed" and also "dangerous to the rule of law within our constitutional republic."………
H/T @ThomasS4217
Read more on UNIAN:…
He urges candidates to ‘go beyond’ what he accomplished
But former president warns party not to use ‘purity tests’…
An investigation found that several sites owned by Ken LaCorte push inflammatory items — stories, petitions and the occasional conspiracy theory — to the public.…
Federal prosecutors in New York have informed a major donor to Trump’s inaugural committee that they intend to charge him with obstruction of justice and failing to register as a foreign agent.………
No 10 did not ‘push matter’ to avoid offending US president, say commissioners of Steele dossier
MI6 was “already aware” in 2016 of “suspicious links” between Russia & the Trump campaign…
Agency calls the two Chinese telecommunications firms ‘national security threat’…
H/T @911CORLEBRA777…
A watchdog report will portray the pursuit of a wiretap of an ex-Trump adviser as sloppy, but it also debunks some accusations by Trump allies of FBI wrongdoing.…
To revive the oil giant’s long-delayed listing, the Saudi crown prince slashed through his bureaucracy to silence or remove naysayers…
OECD flags changes in global economy with long-term fallout
Highlights climate change, shift in geopolitical order😱……
Russian who filmed prisoner being tortured to death worked for firm with links to Kremlin
H/T @PaulHanley12…
H/T @MariaKChica…
Berkeley was first U.S. city to prohibit gas in buildings— WTF?
📌Chef says it’s like taking “paint away from a painter”…………
Biden said: "I say Lindsey, I just -- I'm just embarrassed by what you're doing, for you. I mean, my Lord." @LindseyGrahamSC…
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
November 22, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA