Many don’t realize, but US Republicans and Canadian Conservatives follow this ideology. This is what the modern far right conservative movement represents. It’s what they believe and what they are aiming to implement in North America.
He’s known as the father of modern conservatism.
The result is volumes of justification for far right ideals being god’s will.
Weird how it aligns so nicely with 7 Mountains mandate.…
The people who have adopted this ideology no longer support social democracy. Their beliefs values and policies are antithetical to western civilization.
Social democracy is antithetical to their plans for ordered liberty.
This is why no leader of the Canadian Conservatives is aiming to change the ideology.
This is what far right think tanks have been indoctrinating society with in op eds and reports.
This is why LGBTQ rights will never be supported by conservatives.
This is why conservatives reject immigration from non-Christian nations.
This is the belief system the new K-12 curriculum in Alberta will reflect.
This is what they are offering to Canadians.………
Electing them gives them the power to transform society. To Ordered Liberty.
It’s happening in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick. Moving towards Ordered Liberty in Manitoba, Quebec, & NWT.
The choice is up to Canadians. Do you value Social Democracy or Ordered Liberty?
Know the governance system the candidate you vote for supports. Not all of them offer democracy.
Did the Ontario and Alberta electorate know they chose an autocratic regressive political party and governance system? 🤷🏻♀️
Don’t make that mistake federally.