I now understand from source, there will be NO IMPACT ASSESSMENTS... /2
This is NOT about relitigation of #Brexit. It is about taking an 'evidence-based' approach, about listening. /3
Do I need to decode that statement? WILL YOU PEOPLE LISTEN TO US? /7
We need "pragmatic arrangements" ...we are "disappointed" the govt is not seeking more ambitious approach to aviation safety, says policy director @cullasys *Disappointed*. /8
English translation? Please, please listen to us...pretty please. /11
Brexit is happening, course it is, but it is remarkable to listen to the roll-call of despair from those who employ folks, pay mortages etc. /13
But as we embark on this great adventure next week, the UK govt will hold a consultation on these impacts "later this sprin".
Does anyone seriously think they'll listen? ENDS