Various types of #infrastructure#construction based projects typically drive the bulk of conversations amongst those of us vested in the arduous process of "progress" moving forward. #Highway improvement, #street & #road maintenance & #bridge building commonly take center stage.
By systematically continuing to #engineer advancing #infrastructure as an underlying foundational objective moving forward, genuine #community#structure in & of itself as a cohesive whole built up of distinctly unique parts will prove to be profoundly strengthened. #PublicHealth
Expand thought processes to allow for a broader understanding of #infrastructure as avenues of connectivity beyond mere supply chains efficiently moving goods&services, to encompass means of connecting households to higher quality opportunities. #education#healthcare#employment
By not only advocating for #HealthPromotion in general, but by also educating #patients directly and the public at large of the preventive measures necessary to avoid illness and injury, it's not an exaggeration to call #nurses out as #noble..
...or, at the very least their selfless #professional#nursing pursuits can be considered as such. Conjoined with providing actual #MedicalCare AND assisting with #rehabilitation AND providing emotional & psychological #support AND...