This thread will demonstrate that the Nunes Amendment is directly related to the discovered #FISA702 abuses of the Obama DOJ/FBI. #SteeleDossier

Nunes lets everyone know that he is getting evidence from NSA Director Admiral Rodgers : "I will say this. The NSA has been VERY VERY HELPFUL....they [NSA] are in CONSTANT CONTACT with our team."
Question at 1:17 "Were the subjects of surveillance under FISA orders?"
Nunes: "It appears so."

Recognizing the danger Nunes now represents, the House Ethics Committee launches an investigation into whether Nunes disclosed classified information to the Trump White House.…

Nunes issues multiple subpoenas to the DOJ and FBI demanding information. We found this out from his December 28th follow up letter. He may not be able to view/handle classified information but he can request it be sent to the committee, and that's what he does.

Nunes introduces H.R.4478 - FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017…

Nunes is cleared of the bogus ethics charges. Access to classified information is restored. We have no idea what he is getting but we do know the NSA is "Very. very, helpful" and that additional information is reaching him again.…

Nunes letter to Rodstein demanding more information from the DOJ/FBI including the critical DF-1023's and FD-302's, one of which is highly classified. He also demands access to DOJ/FBI personnel for questioning.…

Nunes documents his conversation with Rosenstein in response to the December 28th letter and released it to the public. Everything in the document is per a verbal conversation THAT HE DID NOT HAVE TO DOCUMENT, yet he did.
Rosenstein and Wray delivered the classified information.…

House Resolution 682 is used to insert 115-35 (HR4478) into S139 The Rapid DNA Act of 2017.…

HRes682 passes 233-181 converting S.139 The Rapid DNA Act of 2017 to The FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017
S.139 as now amended passes the House 256-164. This is the exact moment when the DNA Act is taken over by the Nunes amendment.…

Analysis PDF:…
Actual Bill PDF:…

Inspector General
House Intel (Nunes)
House Judiciary (Goodlatte)
Inspector General (Horowitz)
The Obama DOJ/FBI were domestic abusers.
Never forget the man who grabbed their hand in mid air and stopped it from striking another blow. A true American hero Admiral Michael S. Rogers.

Next up President Trump.