That's the patch they just pushed last night.…
Let me explain why this is SIGNIFICANT.
1st, this is what REC (Rental Equipment Credits means. Note that it's from Chris Roberts. Back in 2015. Wait, it gets better.…
"REC Ships are no longer available in the Persistent Universe"
in patch notes, you know that CIG just found another way to screw you out of money.
The PU is Star Citizen proper. It's the focus of everything they are currently working on
Now, following 3.1 - which crashes abound, and LONG wait times for insurance claims means that you have to wait or BUY ships, they have REMOVED it.
This is what Chris Roberts said back in Feb 2015.
Read it. All of it.…
"Ships obtained with REC were never intended for use in the Persistent Universe. While they have been available for a little while, the root cause of their presence in the PU has been corrected"
You have to buy ships. For cash or whatever credits you have.
It gets worse.
Well, for a project with approx 500K backers (that 2m number is nonsense, due to duplicate accounts), NOBODY IS PLAYING THEM.
Here's proof...

Star Marine:
1.3 average concurrent players, 99.9 uniques/day
Arena Commander:
1.0 average concurrent players, 27.9 uniques/day
0.3 average concurrent players, 18.7 uniques/day
All modes combined:
2.6 average concurrent players, 139.5 uniques/day
NOTE: Squadron Battle leaderboards do not update because, well, NOBODY IS PLAYING!!!
That's right. They don't MAKE MONEY.
This is where we are now. Yet another promise that Chris has now walked back - with impunity.
Because he can.
Note, CIG does NOT generate these. They are scrubbed by data mining the publicly available data directly from the games.…
You mad yet?