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Jul 6th 2022
"The Evolution of Strangers and Foreigners"

🧵 Today's SFI Seminar by @DoctorBugs (@Smithsonian)…

cc @templeton_fdn
First, a loop back to his LAST (2020) SFI Seminar on 3D structure of living systems from biofilms to rainforest canopies:

And his #ComplexityPodcast episode on ideas from that talk and this one:…
"People often think of societies as cooperative, but some societies are NOT very cooperative. I prefer to put the focus on them as groups."

"Societies are just one aspect of belonging. There are groups *within* societies & that's what psychologists mostly focus on."

Read 15 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
*New paper* in #ProcB @RSocPublishing!
Can #plant🌱 trait approaches explain how competition drives #ant 🐜 invasions and structures ant communities? A 🧵on the final paper from my DPhil @UniofOxford...… ImageImage
One recurring theme I encountered while reviewing animal trait studies: the implicit assumption that species’ trait differences reflect niche differences. This often underlies inferences on the importance of Environmental Filtering vs. Competition in structuring communities... ImageImage
But modern coexistence theory & many plant 🌱 studies suggest that species’ trait differences can also reflect differences in their competitive abilities for the same resources. May such trait-mediated hierarchical competition likewise structure animal communities?... ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
6 months anniversary of @colonylab! 🥳

Born at the top of the bull market, now thriving in the bear market. It has been quite a journey already!🔺

A thread to review what has been achieved and what’s next! A big thank you to our amazing community 🤗

🧵Thread to celebrate!
To start with, the team is glad to build on #Avalanche. It’s a robust platform, with amazing uptime & performances! 💯

From a development perspective we couldn’t ask for more (almost 😉)!

Many other platforms can’t say the same so I want to highlight this one! 🚀

The nascent #Avalanche community is amazing & everyone is starting to realize it.

We’re going through hardship together and you all know the destination! 💫

It’s a pleasure to ship innovative features with @colonylab for our beloved community! 🙌🏼

Read 21 tweets
May 16th 2022
#deleuze #guattari #rhizom

- nicht hierarchisch
- nicht dichotomisch…

der eintrag @Wikipedia erwähnt nicht, dass für enzyklopädisches wissen genau dies #wikipedia realisiert hat. im unterschied zum gedruckten #brockhaus ;-) ImageImage
rhyzom und #ant @BrunoLatourAIME?… setzt beim #handlungsbegriff an. und handelt sich dabei ein dramatische problem ein: es braucht akteuere, aktanten, menschen.

darum lehnte dies #NiklasLuhmann ab... Image
#GdG s32 | gesellschaft der gesellschaft @LuhmannArchiv @suhrkamp

wenige seiten vorher die 4 #denkblockaden, welche aktuelle #soziologWie? spätestens seit #CoronaVirus wieder inbrünstig beackert ;-) 😀😅😂🤣

selbst - und insbesondere - jene von #IrgendwasMitWeltgesellschaft 😭 Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
#FANu - #MarineNationale 🇫🇷
#RafaleM #PA #CVN

➡️ Aux actuelles composantes permanentes aéroportée (1964) et océanique (1972), existe une composante non-permanente de la dissuasion ☢️: la « Force Aéronavale Nucléaire » (#FANu), créée en 1978, déployée ponctuellement par le #GAN.
➡️ Les origines de la #FANu peuvent être trouvées dans quatre projets distincts mais liés par lesquelles la Marine nationale proposait de créer l'une des composantes de la dissuasion nucléaire aux côtés de l'Armée de l'Air (Blog (29 septembre 2016) :…) :
▪️ l’Etat-Major de la Marine (EMM) souhaitait la mise sur cale d'une troisième unité, dérivée des Clemenceau (2) : le #PA58 (1957 - mai 1958) : son déplacement aurait atteint 35 000 tW - contre 22 000 tW pour les Clemenceau (2) - et s’inspirant du concept de
Read 25 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
காலை வணக்கம் உறவுகளே!
தமிழ் குடிகாப்போம், தமிழ் மூச்சி, மத்தவங்கெல்லாம் வந்தேறிகள் nu சொல்லும் என் "தம்பிகள்" தங்கைகள் இதை படிக்கவும். இதுவே தமிழ் தொண்டு. தமிழ் மேல் உள்ள காதல்.

#teakadaibench #letztalk #ParundhuSMM #ParundhuNews @iDharun7_0 #ShriTwitz

Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
@VarunKumarIPSTN எத்தனை நாள் இதை செய்து கொண்டு இருக்க போகிறார்?
It's being normalised,that anyone can abuse a women for their ideology in SM.
@tnpoliceoffl @mkstalin
Lets voice out our opinion
@johnyraja kindly stop this.
Apologise to @IshaTwitz @anburakshashi @Aanthai_Kannu
நன்றி @bharath_kiddo
Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
100 Days in Twitter.
To all My Friends
உங்களைப்பற்றிய ஒரு உளவியல் வாக்கெடுப்பு.
இது தன்னைத்தானே புரிந்துகொள்ளவும், தனிநபரின் மனநிலையை அறிந்து ஒப்பீடு செய்ய மட்டுமே.
Self Check
Vote &, RT Please.
#teakadaibench #letztalk #ParundhuNews

Nandri : PeriyaPalluPuli

n/1 Image
உங்களின் சிறந்த குணமாக நீங்கள் கருதுவது எதை?

@Rajakut30773941 @thivybala @InsideJourney1 @azhagiyaasura @sj10bsrinivasan @Anumainthan1

#teakadaibench #letztalk #Parundhu #ParundhuNews #ant #FPM #TKB

n/2 poll 1
உங்களிடம் உள்ள குறைகளில் பெரியதாக நீங்கள் கருதுவது எது?

#teakadaibench #letztalk #Parundhu #ParundhuNews #ant #FPM #TKB

@kishorekarthik @here_prasanth @junaid2605 @evil_sara_ @BlackMentee @RajenPad @white_kingpin

n/3 poll 2
Read 26 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
எங்களுக்கு கணக்கு தெரிய வேண்டாம். ஆனால் இந்த வர்ணாசிரமம் பத்தி நல்லாவே தெரியும். @NaveenFilmmaker அட்டகாசமான பதிவு 🙏

சிலர் தொலைகாட்சியில் மட்டும் தான் பகுத்தறிவு பிரச்சாரம் செய்வார்கள். Casteist?இப்போ புரியுது, விரைவில் உங்களை BJP yil பார்க்க ஆசைப்படுகிறோம்.@KasthuriShankar Image
Read 3 tweets
Sep 26th 2021
1/6 #ChinaTech #Event #Watch: World Internet Conference 2021 opened in WuZhen, Zhejiang. Generally who's who in gov't and businesses showed up with topics as future themes: AI, Cybersecurity, CyberLaw, Internet Charity/ESG, 5G, Internet+Edu
2/6 Panel 1 Guests on AI
3/6 Panel 2 guests. Notice #Megvii and #Iflytek, both on US sanction lists.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 20th 2021
1/12 A thread on #ANT and how to read #China #PBOC Governor speech on Fintech(#ANT) yesterday. The headline says only FinTech, but Wink Wink, ANT is all over. Get strapped because I will sprinkle some wide guesses and rumors in the end.…
2/12 My quick take on Fintech (Ant) SINS: 1. Monopoly power 2. Winner takes all 3. Payment system seeping into finance, insurance, small loan and asset mgt. 4. FIN must be separated from Tech, Payment from FIN. 5. Data Security 6. Global Coop on Fintech regulation
3/12 Points 3, 4, 5 has been addressed! I'v written on ANT credit scoring JV+ SASAC take stakes in the three private credit scoring companies. And Alipay has been ordered to be separated from financial services, because FinTech is more Finny than Techy!
Read 14 tweets
Sep 6th 2021
1/21 A long thread of local context for Ant Financials’ Credit Scoring Joint Venture and Chinese state ownership. There has been significant recent news of Chinese SOEs taking stakes in private companies. #PBOC #BABA #China #Ant #Didi #ByteDance #Hefei #ZheJiang #Evergrand
2/21 How to make sense of this trend? ONE: the government’s goal is to take enough equity to acquire a seat in the board, bail out a locally troubled company, or pure investment return, not necessarily ownership and control per se.
3/21 Taking state ownership means government needs to pony up significant capital. In BOE Tech deal, Hefei city put in more than $2 billion. It had four more investment deals with >$1 billion. Many numerous deals like PuDao Credit, the Beijing-affiliated SOE put up $52.5million.
Read 22 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021

A partir das 08h, ao vivo na Globo, SporTV e BandSports!
#Tokyo2020 #JogosOlímpicos
20 MINUTOS! Bruno e Ketleyn já estão no preparo!

📸 Christian Dawes/COB
Read 101 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
Few major headlines recently seem to be connected;

- #Greensill #Cameron #Softbank #Wirecard #Fintech
- #Bitcoin #Coinbase #Crypto #NFTs
- #Ant #JackMa #China #BeltandRoad
- New opportunities & Race to 'be first' in the new era
🇺🇸💪🇨🇳 💰🌏🌎🌍
- #GeoPolitics
- #disruption
While lockdown has been slow for some, it's certainly not been for others who have smelt the winds of change!

#SPACs are bypassing Direct Listings & IPO's in a race to market - Sucking up all that 💰 hunting for returns 📈

#Fintech joining 'Democratise & Digitalise everything'
#China seem poised to become the worlds leading power - #US are on guard! 🧐

Little bit like their former communist friends (Russia) the leadership are getting their Oligarchs/Titans in-line & on-message before their potential big push.

Everything seems to be changing around us
Read 12 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
The world’s second-largest economy, #China, has recently launched an #antitrust investigation into Asia’s leading e-commerce company, #Alibaba, listed on the biggest #stock market in the world.
#eCommerce juggernaut seems to be in hot water over its affiliate company, better known as #Ant Group, as #Chinese antitrust regulators plan to review if it was in any way #monopolistic
Such a move by the #Chinese regulators is seen by some market commentators as a huge hit to #JackMa’s e-commerce and #fintech empire
Read 8 tweets

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