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May 5th 2023
We're at our wits' end with Mahindra Team's lack of follow-up. Our van has been out of commission for two months due to non-availability of parts,and its only getting worse. We've scoured every spare part shop in Noida, Delhi,and Gurgoan and even placed an order with Mahindra
Our vans are used for animal welfare projects, and we're now hiring a van daily, costing us Rs. 1000 a day. It's been a frustrating experience with Mahindra's lack of urgency, and we're disappointed that their dealership is not pushing to get this fixed
We're now wondering if opting for Mahindra Vans was the worst decision. Our van is depreciating and rusting in the local workshop. We hope that Mahindra will step up and address this issue soon
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Mar 16th 2023
🚨🚨🚨 NEW EVIDENCE #zoonosis
Chinese researchers (who have had troubles getting data out) finally managed to sneak upload full #sequencing data from environmental swaps at Huanan market.

Show: Co-occurance of #animal sequences with SARS-CoV-2 RNA

Added to the evidence map 🔽
@KatherineJWu 's atlantic article first reported on this new development.

(independent reseachers have been waiting on these data to come out for over a year)

I will give some context in the next few tweets:…
1⃣ Does this prove that SARS-CoV-2 came from racoon dogs?

Not definitively. Co-occurance of sequences could be from chance contamination in theory. Also, even if racoon dogs were indeed infected, they might just have been amplifiers at market, not the original source.

Read 8 tweets
Feb 24th 2023

En EEUU y Canadá hay una #invasión de este #animal de 300 kg es una mezcla entre #jabalí europeo y #cerdo doméstico. Están produciendo una devastación devorando todo a su paso.
Lo extraño es como utiliza su #inteligencia para evadir a los #humanos...

Fox News Digital…
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Feb 12th 2023
#Virginia has once again failed 1) #elephant🐘#Asha & 2) the issue of public safety (HB2483).

The personal ‘wants’ of a few were favored over public safety & the needs of a captive wild #animal.
.@MichaelWebert You have said:

“Life is easy when you’re a Democrat politician because you can twist whatever legislation you want to fit your narrative.”

With all due respect, you did just that in response to HB2483. 2/
.@MichaelWebert Your remarks & those in opposition to the bill were *personal, emotional, not based in science*.

Ironically, these are words used to invalidate concerned citizens when advocating for animal welfare issues and public safety concerns. 3/
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Jan 27th 2023
@euro writes (vital thread) to warn us that

1/ EU regulations are not perfect but are not ‘red tape’ either. They improve the quality of our everyday lives by protecting our rights as #workers and #consumers, our #environment and #wildlife and the quality of the #food we eat.
Please, read on 2/ to get more detail on the #REUL Bill (Retained EU Law)
I personally experienced that EU decisions were all scrutinised by UK Parliamentary Committees before they became law!…
2/ These EU laws were created with the support of the governments of all the political parties when the UK was in the EU.
EU laws – that the Government now wants to dismantle – protect us in the workplace. They guarantee our paid holidays, reduce the gender pay gap and protect
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Nov 14th 2022
Let me start with #insulin. In the 1970s, insulin was extracted from the pancreas of animals. In the 1980s, @Genentech, working with Eli Lilly (@LillyPad), developed insulin using a new technology that I call #PrecisionFermentation. It wasn’t animal insulin. It was human insulin.
The mainstream would say: “health care is slow, it can’t be disrupted.”

Well, here’s the S-curve of #PrecisionFermentation human insulin. Human insulin disrupted animal insulin in about 13 years.
#PrecisionFermentation is a concept that I coined in my @rethink_x report ‘Rethinking Food and Agriculture’ with @CatherineTubb in September 2019.
Read 30 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
Our mission at @Sentient_Media is to tell animal stories and hold mainstream outlets accountable for misrepresenting #animal issues.

As October comes to a close, we are taking a look at six articles that caught our attention this month. 👇1/13 Image
🚫In a piece published via @unherd, @JLewisStempel warned that the rise of vegan companies threatens to create a #FoodSystem similar to the dystopia described by Aldous Huxley in "Brave New World." 2/13…
🔎The article failed to consider that a system run by massive agribusinesses that depend on industrially-produced crops and reproductive exploitation similar to #BraveNewWorld already exists.

@hemikim reports on modern #dairy farming. 3/13
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Oct 21st 2022
#astrology & #animal feeding for correcting your #Karma/deeds

In Astrology we have provision to correct our deeds or actions by performing punya karmas related to Herbs, Plants, Trees, rivers, animals & land etc

We are indebted to them as they are nourishing & taking care us.
Whereas as Cow is considered as mother of all animals & it is connected with planet venus & earthy element fulfills all your material, family & monetary needs.

Feed regularly to cow with bare hands with Aaati ki Roti, Jeggery, honey or any sweet thing which cow likes
Cow is symbol of Kaamdhenu, worshipped as a God stature, favourable to Lord shiri krishna & 33 koti devi & devtas all are in the cow. If one is having Afflicted venus in chart regularly feed cows and contribute & clear your Rina toward Mother Cow.
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Oct 5th 2022
Fifth post of the #Wildlife Week #Reintroduction Series.

Day 5 – Return of the #Barasingha to #Satpura #Tiger Reserve !!!

Swamp Deer commonly known as Barasingha have three subspecies, Wetland Barasingha, Hardground Barasingha and Eastern Barasingha.
Once #swamp #deer inhabited areas from Central India to the Godavari river in the south. Currently, they are found in five discrete populations in 3 regions of central, north-east and northern India.
Before the 1950s, the number of Hard ground Barasingha was estimated to be around 3,000 in Banjar Valley of Kanha National Park (KNP). However, by the 1960s the number had dwindled to a meagre 66 due to expansion of #agricultural activities into barasingha habitats...
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Sep 23rd 2022
Esta de aquí es una termita, un #insecto que vive en comunidad y se alimenta de madera y otros productos con celulosa. Justo por esta dieta tan especial la conocemos en casa 🪑🚪🍽️ ¿Cómo os quedáis si os digo que este #animal tan pequeño acelera el #cambioclimático? 😱 ¡Hilo va! Wood-feeding termites from Far North Queensland, Australia.
El aumento de temperaturas asociado al #CalentamientoGlobal es muy favorable para las termitas glotonas 🌡️ Si ya ahora las consideramos una #plaga, cabe decir que en un mundo más cálido se expandirán todavía más. Y esto implica que comerán muuucha madera 🪵🪵📈 Termitero donde viven las colonias de termitas y se cuida a
Si la descomposición de la madera muerta va ‘in crescendo’ con tantísimas termitas, se multiplicaran también las emisiones de #metano y #CO2 que se producen 💨💨 Y si aumentan estos gases de efecto invernadero, aumentará al mismo tiempo el propio calentamiento global. ¡Todo UP!
Read 8 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
One month ago, the Norwegian fishing ministry shot #FreyatheWalrus dead, leading to media coverage saying she was “euthanized.”

Today, we look at four euphemistic terms used by industries that profit from #animal death and at outlets repeating this lingo without scrutiny. 1/10
Outlets like @guardian, @euronews, @CNN and @NPR were among many that used the word “euthanized” to describe Freya’s death.

A rare exception, which did not repeat the language used by the #fishing ministry, was a piece by @jasondhorowitz at @nytimes. 2/10…
Animal #euthanasia is supposed to be an act that reduces suffering, says veterinarian @iltaylorwriter.

Freya was neither ill nor suffering. She was shot because Norway’s #fishing ministry @fiskeridir declared relocation “not a viable option.” 3/10
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Sep 16th 2022
[TREAD] Les animaux sont fantastiques.
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Sep 8th 2022
This week, people have been discussing if eating #oysters conflicts with following a plant-based diet.

Today, we’re taking a look at the definition of sentience and #veganism—and at animal species that have been proven to be more sentient than humans used to think. 👇1/14 Image
Although there is legal and scientific disagreement about #sentience, there are some standards that are broadly accepted.

According to @SentienceInst, sentience is simply the ability to have positive and negative experiences, including pain. 2/14
The concept of animal #sentience is important for ethical reasons.

If #animals are sentient beings capable of feeling pain, most humans would agree that it is morally wrong to cause unnecessary pain or suffering to them. 3/14…
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Aug 12th 2022
This week, the media reported on a @Cornell study, warning that #meat alternatives could cost millions of jobs.

The reports did not consider the human costs of animal agriculture and that a more #PlantBased food system would create jobs that don't involve slaughter.👇1/13
🚫A new study has shown the devastating impact of #PlantBased beef alternatives on jobs, Rob Waugh reported via @YahooNews.

The article warned that #meat alternatives cost 440,000 jobs in the UK. 2/13…
🔍 The @Cornell study estimated that a shift to #PlantBased alternatives would result in job losses being offset by growth in other sectors.

The authors predict that workers in the beef sector "are likely to experience most of the economic losses." 3/13…
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Aug 10th 2022
Here is a heart touching story of Tuktuk’s recovery ...
All our rescues are very close to our hearts. Lots of running around behind sick and injured furballs, follow-ups, much patience is required
#IDAIndia #DogsofTwittter #doglovers
Tuk-tuk’s case was reported by one of the trustees and immediately our compassionate driver was determined to catch hold of him and help Tuk-tuk as he had hit by stone and had been hiding since long. When rescued he had a foul smelling #wound filled with live #maggots
Tuk-tuk gave a good chase but finally our senior staff driver managed to catch him. Tuk-tuk is under our care since May 2021. Sr Vet has advised medication to be dusted every day else his little wet wound will resurface again which can lead to a bad open wound. #Dog #treatment
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Jul 15th 2022
Soy is one of the most well-known sources of #PlantBased protein.

While many people enjoy dishes made from #soy, others are concerned about soy’s environmental and health impacts.

Today, we are taking a close look at the impacts of soy and the many myths that surround it.👇 1/8
Many people worry that #soy increases cancer risks.

However, these concerns are based on #animal studies, which found that rodents who were exposed to high doses of isoflavones, compounds found in soy, showed an increased risk of breast cancer. 2/8
Human studies produced different results.

A study, which followed 70,000 women over 7 years, showed that those who consumed the highest amounts of #soy had a 22% lower chance of getting breast cancer than those who consumed the least. @HarvardChanSPH 3/8…
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Jul 12th 2022
De madrugada sufrí uno de los episodios más dolorosos y tristes. Llevé a mi perro a un hospital veterinario de urgencias.(hospital Veterinario La Salle)
Dijeron que la consulta eran 90 €, y yo tenía 50 €, le pedí que lo atendiese y le traía 40 € a primera hora, se negaron 👇
He tardado un día en escribir este hilo porque no tenía fuerzas, a las 3 de la madrugada mi perro empezó a tener mucha calor. Le di en la nuca con un paño húmedo y un poco de agua, poco a poco fue a más, empezó a vomitar y cago diarrea. Y llamé a un taxi preocupado
Abajo esperándolo, empezó a costarle respirar y se estiraba para coger aire, vomitó balsa. Me monté en el taxi, fuí a la clínica que había de urgencias, la cual fui cliente durante años. Por la muerte de mi padre y no tener vehículo deje de ir, para ir a una más cercana.
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Jul 12th 2022
⭐️ Of The Show

“Down Is Up”
Welcome To Hell

Read 5 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
11 standout #animal photos from this year's Urban #Wildlife Photo Awards…
Interisano's winning photo was taken in the Ontario, #Canada, town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.

"I thought it was my car that had caught their attention as I rounded the corner, and maybe it had at first," the amateur photographer told Picfair of the #animals in his photo.

#wildlife Overall Winner: "Date Night" by Andrew Interisano
.@Austin_Montero1's photo shows a rat moments after emerging from a sewer. The biologist took the winning photo in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

#wildlife Nightlife Winner: "Life Beyond the Sewer" by Austi
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Jun 24th 2022
This week, investigators found that German #meat companies sold sausages made from bones.

The #livestock sector is highly secretive, hiding its practices from the public eye. As a result, many people don't know what animal products are made of, including these 8 examples.👇1/11
Many #ChickenNuggets contain very little actual meat.

Instead, they mostly consist of fat and other body parts, including #chicken nerves, bone, skin, and connective tissue. @iltaylorwriter reports. 2/11…
Few people know that #horse blood can be involved in the production of pork and beef.

Farmers across Europe use a hormone derived from pregnant mares to increase reproduction in pigs, #cows & other farmed animals. @KevanySophie reports via @guardian. 3/11…
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May 18th 2022
Diet news that presents ever-changing and sometimes contradictory advice creates the impression that #nutrition scientists constantly change their minds.

How can newsreaders better navigate the difficult landscape of #diet news? Here are five useful steps and resources.👇 1/7
Check out these 10 red flags to identify misleading diet claims by @ColoradoStateU, including:

- non-scientific testimonials
- lists of “good” & “bad” #foods
- recommendations based on one study
- simplistic conclusions drawn from a complex study

➡️… Image
A @HarvardChanSPH guide encourages readers to put #HealthNews into context by asking 7 questions, including:

- How does the study fit into the body of evidence on a topic?
- How large was its sample size?
- Was it done on #animals or humans?

➡️… Image
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May 3rd 2022
At Sentient Media, we report on an industry that touches all our lives yet operates in secrecy: factory farming.

On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we call on governments to lift #AgGag laws and share 13 findings we could only report thanks to the help of undercover investigators.👇1/17 Image
“Ag-gag” laws punish whistleblowers and investigators for recording footage inside #FactoryFarms.

In 2021, @ALDF released a film on how #AgGag laws conflict with the First Amendment while concealing pollution, food safety threats, and animal cruelty. 2/17…
“These companies keep their practices under wraps because they know that the public would be horrified.”

Former @AnimalOutlook investigator Scott David reports how #AgGag laws enable farmers to conceal the realities of #meat, dairy & egg production. 3/17…
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Mar 11th 2022
Russia's attack on #Ukraine has intensified calls for a transition away from #FossilFuels.

The war also highlights the need for #FoodSystem change. Today, we explore how #AnimalAgriculture fuels global crises by creating high levels of dependency between countries. 1/11👇
Ukraine produces large quantities of wheat, barley, rye, and #maize. Russia is the world’s top #wheat exporter.

The two countries taken together account for almost a third of the global wheat export market, @weizent reports via @CNBC. 2/11…
Maize and wheat are just two examples of crops #meat and dairy producers feed to animals.

The #livestock sector currently uses 61% of global maize and 20% of global wheat as animal fodder, according to a 2021 study about #FoodSecurity. 3/11…
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Mar 10th 2022
We're excited to announce a new Writers' Collective course titled Collaborative Advocacy.

This course will help you understand anti-oppression and how writers can build a stronger #AnimalRights movement by collaborating with other #SocialJustice movements. Meet our speakers 👇 Image
Editor and writer @zane_crittheory is a scholar-activist with a BA in History and MA in Political Science.

He is an experienced organizer and has worked in the spheres of public policy, government relations, and #animal law in the #nonprofit sector. Image
Deniz Kavur is an activist w/ a BA in sociology & MA in political philosophy and is certified in international labor law & organizational analysis.

She has worked for @BeyondCarnism, @ProVeg_Int & @animalsavemvmt and is the co-founder of RARA—Rights for #AnimalRights Advocates. Image
Read 5 tweets

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