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Mar 18th 2023
#EastPalestine, #Ohio #NorfolkSouthern train disaster:

Dioxin levels incredibly unsafe.

I continue to question why we can only get solid reporting on Ohio from Britain.

#DemocracyNow has been reporting on #EastPalestine, Ohio, but often following The Guardian because the best information is there.

NPR unable to make links between East Palestine and #CopCity in Atlanta, so they're reporting is almost useless.

On TikTok, #NickDrom has good info.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
Alan Kohler: Farmers and business demand Morrison give them back their ‘slaves’ | The New Daily… Pleased to see a journalist who 'gets it'. Immigration for wage suppression. #MorrisonFail #DemocracyNow
Also to fudge the 'growth' statistics, and to add demand to keep prices up and 'opportunities' for business.
'Boat people' policy is not just aimed at xenophobes. The government actively encourages xenophobia, by word and deed. Even now, Dutton warns us that Afghan refugees could be terrorists. #MorrisonFail #DemocracyNow
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
Seven minutes before a judgement is handed down in a refugee case, Karen Andrews changes the status of a refugee, invalidating the judge's decision. The judge is not informed, and makes his judgement accordingly.
This is a clear case of the Government interfering in a legal case in progress. Previously, the Government has responded to losing environment cases by changing the law. What's wrong with our legal establishment?
Is it not obvious that these actions by the government attack the basis of law? Why would we bother to oppose the government, when the government can unilaterally invalidate a win for us? There is no law! #MorrisonFail #democracynow
Read 3 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
Dear #Corporations -

While we appreciate your well intentioned gesture to cut off the flow of money to #Seditionists who tried to thwart the will of the People by refusing to certify valid vote counts, it's not enough. 1/13
Because nothing stops you from funding their challengers in the next cycle. And that does nothing to stop the corruption of our body politic.

What we need is for you to #CloseYourCheckbook and get out of the politics business. 2/13
You cannot claim to value #democracy while you devalue its purpose to represent the people. And I hate to be the one to tell you this but in spite of what @MittRomney said, corporations are not people. I'll believe they are when Texas executes one. 3/13
Read 13 tweets
Mar 24th 2019
#DemocracyNow #Israel #GolanHeights
Human Rights Attorney @4noura to Trump: “Israel Is Not Interested in the Golan Heights for Security.

#Syria #UN #Jerusalem #Trump #IsraelGate
I wish that @4noura had not compared Russia's annexation of Crimea to would be scenario of Trump recognition of #Israel's land grab of the #GolanHeights.
1. #Crimea held a public referendum and voted by a big majority to leave #Ukraine and another referendum to join #Russia.
2. #Crimea in its entire history bf 1954 (that's when Khrushchev unilaterally decided to give Crimea to Ukraine), had never & repeat NEVER in its entire history been part of Ukraine
At the time the transfer to was largely symbolic, as both #Russia & #Ukraine were part of the USSR
Read 6 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
Failed Coup in #Venezuela, #US involved?
Jan 22, 2019
U.S. VP #MikePence released a video message in support of the Venezuelan protesters & underline US backing for unelected right-wing opposition leader #JuanGuaido.
Violence in #Venezuela intensifies as #US backs non-elected leader
Jan 22, 2019
Venezuela's Security Forces have detained 27 members of the National Guard caught stealing arms, accusing them of trying to stage a violent #uprising against the #Maduro's govt.

#RegimeChange #BigOil
DEVELOPING STORY👇Turmoil in #Venezuela:
"Unrest is direct result of #US meddling" ~ Radio host Comissiong
Jan 23, 2019
Two people reportedly killed in on-going #protests in Venezuela against President #Maduro.

#RegimeChange #BigOil #USMeddling #Democracy
Read 48 tweets
Oct 28th 2018
#Netanyahu says #EU has agreed to stop funding an association of left-wing NGOs - Aug 7,2018
The #FreedomProtectionCouncil was established in 2017, a media freedom NGO,
composed of representatives of dozens of leftist #Israel-i NGOs inc. #BTselem & #Adalah…
#BTselem is a “disgrace,” PM #Netanyahu said on October 14, 2018 as he lashed out at the left-wing #Israeli NGO over its plans to speak out against #Israel at the #UnitedNations Security Council later that week.
#Palestine #Gaza #Occupation…
At #UN, #BTselem chief blasts #Israel; Envoy calls him a ‘collaborator’
Head of dovish Israeli #HumanRights group urges #SecurityCouncil to act against Jewish state,which he compares to #apartheid-era #SouthAfrica. Oct 18, 2018
#Palestine #Gaza #Occupation…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Meet #Israel's #Hasbara, which means #Propaganda, MSM Censorship Application👇🤨
This app came out about last year, and it is still on the iTunes store.
The app posts daily missions & TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY
#Trolls #Palestine #Gaza #BDS #JeremyCorbyn #JC4PM
6yrs ago #Jerusalem, #IDF Rep:
"we are now located in the SAME building where the Foreign Journalists are,we have close working relationships w/ hundreds of journalists. In addition we launched media project working in many platforms,twitter in Arabic, Russian, French & English."
How #Israel-i Propaganda (#Hasbara) Works: #TheLuntzDocument
If you want to understand how the #propaganda works you need to read the Luntz document -- "The Key," Luntz says, "is the Claim that the Fight is Over Ideology, Not Land. About Terror, & Not Territory."
#Palestine #BDS
Read 35 tweets

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