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Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
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Let us.. look at how #traditional people, of times when #Shankaracharya lived, treated him though him being one of the realised beings of his times & respected, when it comes to #scripts&how he responded
One incident is of the cremation of his #beloved #mother.
Thread follows
#AdiShakara’s father #Shivaguru passed away when he was a child.

#AdiShakara’s father #Shivaguru passed away when he was a child.

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#Abkhazia is NOT #occupied
Today, Georgian propaganda is actively spreading the myth that "Abkhazia is occupied by Russia."
Today, Georgian propaganda is actively spreading the myth that "Abkhazia is occupied by Russia." Compared to small #Abkhazia, Georgia has powerful resources to convince the #world community of its "truth", however, we advise you not to become victims of any propaganda and
in the language of irrefutable facts and real life examples we would like to provide you with arguments why #Abkhazia is not #occupied.
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Sum. of Dr.@Susanrosepower’s comments (Head of Research @alhaq_org) on the consequences of ICJ advisory opinion & #state_responsibility, during our webinar:On the Table of the ICJ: The Legality/Illegality of #Israeli_Occupation &the Subsequent Int’l Responsibility
Article 14 of the Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts state that the international #obligations on a state committing a continuing crime arise only for the period during which the act continues.
According to IL Commission, an example of continuing unlawful act is unlawful occupation . Therefore, #Israel is responsible for the consequences of the #occupation as long as it continues, even if it was deemed to be an act of self-defence initially.
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#Palestinian Authority: #IOF #Jenin raid 'organized #crime and a #massacre' | 12:54
- IOF raided the Jenin camp in Occupied Palestine's #WestBank on Thursday morning, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves
#Israeli forces #martyr another #Palestinian in occupied #WestBank | Jan 27
- The official Palestinian news agency #Wafa said he was shot in clashes which erupted during a protest against the killings of nine Palestinians during a raid in #Jenin.…
#Israel and #Gaza militans exchange #missiles following deadly raid in the #WestBank | Jan 27
- as tensions soared following an Israeli #raid killed nine #Palestinians, including at least seven militants and a 61-year-old woman.…
Read 19 tweets
(1/23) This thread is mainly addressed to my #German followers, but it could also be interesting for those who always wanted to know how Germany could become the most culturally leftist country on the European continent. Accordingly, this thread is a #political #commentary by me.
(2/23) It is about the historical personality of the first post-war chancellor, Konrad Adeneauer. I also would like to finally dispel a myth that still plagues German conservatives, by which I do not mean recationaries, but all those who do not want to destroy their own country.
(3/23) This myth is the myth of the "good old", #50s and #60s, #CDU (Christian Democratic Party) and the question of what role a post-war #Germany could have played if #Adenauer and his party had not made completely wrong decisions about essential political directions.
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Russia is creating an entire class of service-people that would be involved in managing #occupation of Ukraine.
Hundreds of administrators, teachers, doctors and policemen are being sent from across Russia will form a basis of an "outpost state"
Thread 1/7
Over the course of the last couple of months we've seen Presidential Administration of Russia recruit executive and administrators for key governing posts in occupied territories of Ukraine. But it goes beyond that: teachers, doctors, policemen are being offered big $ to
work in occupied Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts of Ukraine.
The entire process, as well as key personnel appointments are managed by deputy head of PA Sergei Kirienko.
Unlike Crimea, where most posts were taken by the locals, here we're seining only nomads being appointed
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#IsraeliOccupation #ApartheidIsrael

#Israel cerca di liberarsi da sempre della parola “occupazione”.
Ma malgrado gli artefici semantici la realtà è una sola: occupazione. ⬇1/16

#Palestine #HumanRights #SanctionIsrael #Occupation #14giugno…
"Il ministro della Giustizia #GideonSaAr era molto appassionato nel suo discorso. “Questa è una legge fondamentale!” gridava dal profondo della sua anima, e naturalmente intendeva la “Legge di Giudea e Samaria” che la Knesset, in un raro momento di illuminazione, ha bocciato. ⬇2
Una “legge fondamentale” diceva, e solo Dio sa cosa intendesse. Esistono leggi fondamentali e leggi non fondamentali? Non è chiaro. Forse Sa'ar sperava che dicendo "fondamentale" e non solo "di base", l'assemblea si sarebbe immediatamente convinta. ⬇3
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🧵We should stop weapons supply to #Ukraine, cause the more weapons, the longer war and the more casualties! Risky and manipulative argument, used by loyal to #Russia experts and politicians to stop soppier of UA. Here are several counter arguments to that. 1/
Military counter argument. UA army is efficient in repelling massive offensive. RU had to leave Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and almost all Kharkiv regions. 4 weeks of attacks in Luhansk obl. didn’t bring RU control over main cities, besides of Kreminna. RU occupied there rural areas
Success in repelling RU offensive happened BEFORE massive weapons delivery to UA. Decisions on new massive supplies, including of heavy offensive weapons, started being made on the edge of March-April and continues now.
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Original thread by @infrrrared on what it's like to live in in Svatove (Luhansk region of #Ukraine) under ru occupation

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #russia #occupation @Ukraine_DAO

There is no shooting in Svatove, but people disappear there ...
cars are hustled away, streets renamed, DSNS (ua emergency service acronym) renamed to MChS (ru equivalent), opened the banks of the so-called lnr (luhansk people's republic) and a tax office, MREO, GIBDD (ru public/state institutions) and other letter fuckery, which I ...
don't even know how to decipher. Also the occupants go from house to house and look for AFU (armed forces of Ukraine), ATO veterans (anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine).

Rubles were introduced. You can also pay in hryvnia, but mainly in cash, which you ...
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Sortie des premiers manifestants à l’intérieur de La Sorbonne.

#SorbonneOccupee #blocus #occupation

Les rues aux alentours de La Sorbonne sont désormais sous le gaz lacrymogène.

Des arrestations ont lieu rue Soufflot.

#SorbonneOccupee #blocus #occupation

Les unités de la BRAV sont présentes rue Soufflot

#SorbonneOccupee #blocus #occupation
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Sciences Po Paris est bloqué à l’entrée du 27 rue Saint-Guillaume.

#blocus #SciencesPo #SciencesPoParis

La mobilisation s’intensifie devant SciencesPo Paris, les manifestant.e.s entonnent des chants à l’encontre du @RNational_off.

#SciencesPo #SciencesPoParis #blocus

15h30 : le blocus de SciencesPo Paris 27 rue Saint-Guillaume continu, des banderoles sont déployées dont certaines « antifas ».

#SciencesPo #SciencesPoParis #blocus
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🧵In #Georgia you can go to sleep in your own house and wake up in Russian controlled territory. That's the reality of Russian #occupation and #borderization. Monthly 5-10 Georgians are kidnapped and unlawfully arrested by Russian-backed de facto authorities . Image
At the age of 80, one morning famous Data papa woke up and realized that the wire was going through his house. He had to decide where to stay in his home where he lived for his whole life or leave. He stayed with his wife and a year ago, at the age of 88 he passed away. Image
#Borderization: Occupiers continue marking and expanding their controlled territories. Huge amount of Georgian territories were annexed, which affect civilians living in the area. Borderization separates them from their farmlands, family, livelihoods and critical infrastructure.
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'ICSPR strongly condemns the international community’s continued silence and complicity, and condemns the Israeli malicious advantaging of the world’s preoccupation with the events of #Russia and #Ukraine to pass its racist policy...
...which contributes to the continuation and exacerbation of the suffering of the #Palestinian people and depriving them of their right to self political and economic determination.
ICSPR calls on the international community not to sacrifice the principles of international law and order, and to work hard to implement United Nations resolutions related to the Palestinian cause, and to impose sanctions on the #occupation state
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#NewZealand Scorched earth – police shunt occupiers off lawn, fire hoses turned on protesters
Ma 2
- #Riot police have successfully forced occupiers off Parliament's front lawn, but fresh violence has emerged as protesters attack officers…
#NewZealand #Protesters disperse from Parliament after major police operation | Mar 2
- Wednesday marked day 23 of the #occupation.…
#NewZealand's parliament protest ends with clashes, arrests | Mar 2
- "It was an attack on our front-line police, it was an attack on our parliament, it was an attack on our values, and it was wrong," Prime Minister Jacinda #Ardern…
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I wanted to thank the many people who expressed support for my brother who was arrested in Moscow protest #StandWithUkraine. This means a lot to us. His last message was that he was released close to midnight. I brought up his plight 1) (thread)
2) not because I see equival. in Moscow protesters' plight and of kids hiding in shelters in Kiev hearing rockets and sirens. It is to highlight the obvious-that #Putin claim that "Russian people" desire the #occupation is a sham. That he has been waging a war on his own people
3) That even prior to invading in 2014 he developed and tested during the 2011-12 anti-Putin #SnowflakeRevolution rallies sophisticated machinery of media misinformation defaming protesters as fascists and opportunists on West. payroll. On this see my and @koheiw7 et al. paper in
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2 weeks ago @amnesty published a report meticulously evidencing Israeli #apartheid. Much has been said since including by Amnesty—little of it to do with the report. @soheirasaad & I look at why that is & what this tells us about the limits of legitimate discourse on #Palestine.
In statements @amnesty has reaffirmed a "Jewish right to self-determination" & the Zionist nature of the Israeli state. Yet its report fails to recognize Palestinian self-determination stating it takes no political stance. We believe what's at stake is not a need to be "legal".
Further, the report does not recognize Zionist settler colonialism nor call for an end to the Israeli #occupation. So what is to be dismantled & how? "we believe it is dangerous to overlook some of the warning signs around @amnesty's recent messaging." @soheirasaad
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The research titled ‘The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Teachers’ was conducted by Turkish #Maarif Foundation in 25 countries across the #world to understand how the teachers and school administrators have been affected by the #pandemic. Image
After analysing the responses, 5 main #themes emerged by how the teachers and school administrators react to the #Covid19 Pandemic, which changed the all #education. Here is the thread with the findings from the research, and more will be discussed at the #IstanbulEducationSummit
The coping strategy is the most dominant main theme used by the participants to manage the challenges faced during the #pandemic. There are also subthemes under the coping strategy such as turning into an opportunity, crisis management, #adaptation, #occupation, #solidarity, etc. Image
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in all the discussions about #Afghanistan and Pakistan's independence, we seem to have forgotten about Occupied and Illegally Annexed Kashmir. this is what is happening: school teachers are told that if they don't hoist the Indian flag tomorrow, they will lose their jobs> #IOJK
>shopkeepers have been directed to not shut down tomorrow or their shops will be seized. we've already seen how the #Indian police & #army have been breaking into peoples' shops & forcibly opening them. @POTUS talks about democracy and democratic values. here's a test case. #IOJK
>@POTUS has to decide. is the talk about democracy and rights mere rhetoric when it comes to a 'strategic partner' or will be walk the talk? #India #Occupation #IOJK
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Mentre Netanyahu temperava le sue ambizioni nazionaliste quando parlava in inglese a un pubblico internazionale ancora concentrato su una soluzione a due stati, lo zelo sfacciato di Bennett a favore dei coloni, ispirato dalla Bibbia, avrebbe portato il paese in una nuova era. ⬇2
Nel 2013 disse che "i terroristi palestinesi dovrebbero essere uccisi, non rilasciati", e nel 2018, lo stesso anno in cui i raduni palestinesi alla frontiera di Gaza sono stati accolti con la forza letale, ⬇3
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Chi è #NaftaliBennett? Iª parte

"Bennett non crede in una soluzione alla crisi israelo-palestinese. Il suo scopo è “gestire” la questione in perpetuo e sempre da una posizione di controllo israeliano assoluto sui palestinesi. ⬇1/11

Nazionalista religioso intransigente, un tempo capo di un importante gruppo di coloni ebrei, destinato a diventare il prossimo primo ministro di Israele, è chiaro sui suoi piani per milioni di persone che vivono sotto occupazione. ⬇2
Un video pubblicato sulla sua pagina ufficiale YouTube presenta un resoconto vivacemente animato del piano del politico di estrema destra, con un tono spensierato che contrasta il suo messaggio profondamente serio.
"Ci sono alcune cose che sappiamo tutti non accadranno mai", ⬇3
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Il mondo sta finalmente parlando dei palestinesi. Durerà?
"Sollevare la questione dell'occupazione ogni volta che è possibile, ogni volta che il mondo è pronto ad ascoltare, è sempre la cosa giusta da fare."⬇1/18

#ApartheidIsrael #Palestina #HumanRights…
"La maggior parte degli israeliani e molti ebrei in tutto il mondo si sentono feriti dal fatto che, in quello che sembra loro un chiaro caso di autodifesa di Israele, il mondo parli ampiamente dei palestinesi.
Il discorso non riguarda solo la scioccante perdita di vite, ⬇2
non ultime quelle dei bambini, nell'ultima esplosione del conflitto (come osano! ), ma anche, ed è altrettanto scioccante per alcuni, sul più ampio contesto dell'occupazione israeliana.

Capisco questo sentimento. #Hamas, dopo tutto, è un'organizzazione terroristica che ⬇3
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The blackmailing #Morocco uses against the #EU& #Spain,and the use of two sensitive topics (#migration & #terrorism) has not started with what happened in #Ceuta. It has been the case along the #EU-#Morocco relations’ history. A quick flashback:
1:used to push #EU to accept #Morocco’s claims to join the #EU in the 90s after being lonely/unwanted in its natural continent,the #AU(b/c of its illegal military #occupation of the neighbouring #WesternSahara)->the #EU submitted but proposed an association agreement instead
2:migration used as key element during negotiations of the 2000 #Association_Agreement to maximise the funds provided to #Morocco by the #EU under the agreement and to get what the #EU calls “Advanced status” under the #ENP (European Neighbouring Policy) with related advantages
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1/ A year ago, @visualizingpal launched #PalestineToday, telling the story of 1,200 historical towns, villages and cities, and highlighting how the #Nakba and the foundation of #Israel in 1948 created the fractured #Palestinian geography that we see today
2/ Looking at the history of the region in this way helps us to put today's events in context. Eg. in "mixed cities" like #Jaffa, #Haifa or #Lydd, where many #Palestinians were forcibly displaced in 1948, and those that remained became an isolated minority
3/ In the #GazaStrip, where nearly 70% of the population are refugees originating from towns and villages in what became #Israel, the population of towns and cities like #Gaza, #Rafah and #KhanYounis have increased massively
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