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Most recents (13)

Apr 19th 2023
1/ Exciting news for VASPs (Read: #crypto businesses)! 🤩

We're launching #VeriscopeIaC, a powerful solution 💪 streamlining the Veriscope server deployment process. 🚀

More details here 👉 Image
2/ It integrates with popular platforms & tools like #AWS, #Terraform, and #Ansible, & is flexible enough to work with other cloud platforms too! ☁️🔧

 VASPs, get ready to experience smooth deployment, from setup to usage! 🌟
3/ Follow our comprehensive guide 📖 and your Veriscope Server will be up & running in no time! ⏱️ 

Dive into the "infra" folder 📂 in the Veriscope repo to find the IaC magic. ✨

Veriscope IaC makes managing multiple environments (test, dev, staging, prod) a breeze! 🍃💻
Read 6 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
Day 12 of #100DayswithMachineLearning

Topic - Installing Anaconda & Gather Basic Knowledge About these Tools - Jupyter Notebook || Google Colab

1⃣ Anaconda is a distribution of the #Python and R #programming languages for scientific computing (#datascience, #machinelearning applications, large-scale #data processing, predictive analytics, etc.), that aims to simplify package management and #deployment.
2⃣ The #JupyterNotebook is an open source #web application that you can use to create and share documents that contain live #code, equations, #visualizations, and text. Jupyter #Notebook is maintained by the people at Project Jupyter.

Blog Link -…
Read 7 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
👨🏻‍💻 Ever tried deploying a model? and ended up entangled in scripts?

Here’s how MLEM lets us do “single command deployments” ⚡️:

- Deployment Options
- Setting up the Environment
- Run the command
- Getting Predictions

@Iterativeai @DVCorg
#mlem #aws #deployment

🚀 MLEM gives us a simple and powerful API to deploy to platforms such as:

@awscloud Sagemaker
✅ Docker Container
✅ Heroku
✅ Kubernetes

🌱 Setting up the Environment

Setting up the environment varies for each case, but here let's take the example of Heroku.

We can either set “HEROKU_API_KEY” environment variable or use Heroku CLI to run “heroku login”.

Read 6 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
1) I lived under the regime of the #SEC for 25 years as an investment banker. So what I am about to tell you is nothing new to me. Every member of the securities industry can corroborate and every securities lawyer with integrity can back these statements.
2) DISCLAIMER: Before you proceed, you must know that I am not a #securities lawyer, and this is not legal advice. In addition, these are only my own opinions.
3) The SEC designs rules that makes them "operatively contagious", like a virus. If Im sick and I touch you, you get sick. To understand what this means one first MUST understand the term #Gatekeeper as it is has been commonly used in the regulatory community.
Read 24 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
(1/n) All about Shiny. My go to approach for building shiny apps is finding an example I like, going to the github to review the code, and retrofitting it for my use case (w/ credits!).
(2/n) I learned this approach via an online course where we deployed models via Shiny to show performance. It was daunting at first and my first foray into building an application.

If you are just getting into Shiny and feel overwhelmed, you've got this & keep at it.
(3/n) Version control & Peer review: Something I like about code based dashboards (vs. low/no code solutions) is that it version control becomes possible via git, and dashboards that require complicated calculations are more visible/transparent in a single script.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 18th 2022
#Kubernetes es una de las principales herramientas y de las mas usadas en #DevOps, en un cluster de kubernetes todo se conoce como un objeto, cada objeto se escribe en un fichero .yaml y los principales objetos de son:👇👇
#Pod: Es la unidad mas pequeña que se puede desplegar y administrar en kubernetes, básicamente representan a las aplicaciones, que pueden ser uno o mas contenedor compartiendo recursos de almacenamiento y red. Son efímeros.
#Deployment: Un fichero .YAML en el cual se define el estado deseado de la implementación ("aplicación") se define el numero de replicas de cada contenedor, recursos como almacenamiento, red,cpu,ram, modo de gestión, básicamente aquí se escribe como queremos que sean los pods.
Read 9 tweets
May 17th 2021
Worked with @andrecnferreira on a end to end #DeepLearning project for @full_stack_dl. I learned a lot from fundamentals of DL to #testing, #troubleshooting #deployment and #AIEthics. Thanks for organising #FSDL course @sergeykarayev @josh_tobin_ @pabbeel
Trained a @fastdotai model
Set up data infra on @googlecloud
Developed + deployed a @streamlit dashboard

Github Code:…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
Here's the latest episode of #COVID19 : Updates from Singapore
This series of webinars is brought to you by @WHOGOARN and @NUSMedicine

It's hosted by @profdalefisher , Prof. David Allen, and Dr. Louisa Sun
Watch here:
Read 70 tweets
Jan 23rd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/23/2021…
Irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa are consistently falling short of their promises…

#africa #irrigation
‘We feel incredibly betrayed’: Thousands of Guardsmen forced to vacate Capitol…

#military #deployment #domestic
Read 10 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
100+ IMPORTANT articles & videos from a perspective corporate media won’t show you in Thursday’s @ProgNewsDaily. Topics include how the Rs tried to rig the #2020census, Dems allow expanding surveillance powers…

Please ❤️, RT Follow & Subscribe
the Senate’s vote against cutting military spending by 10%, #FoxNews #SexualHarassment lawsuit, sewage indicating #Yosemite may have infected visitors with #COVID19 & many more! Click to see them all!…

Please ❤️, RT Follow & Subscribe to @ProgNewsDaily
Thursday’s Top Articles:

* White the vote - @JuddLegum, Popular Information
#2020Census #Census2020 #Census #gerrymandering #redistricting #RepublicansAreTheProblem #citizenship…

Please ❤️, RT Follow & Subscribe to @ProgNewsDaily
Read 13 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
D1 of #50daysofudacity
I finished up to Lesson 2.19
My notes can be found here for quick refernce…
D2 of #50daysofUdacity
I finished up to Lesson 2.25
Also completed lab assignment for a linear regression model to predict the price of taxi in new york city
My notes can be found here for quick reference…
D3 of #50daysofudacity
I finished Lesson 2
Also completed lab assignment for linear regression model to predict the price of taxi in new york city
My notes can be found here for quick reference…
Read 53 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
#Rockefeller is rolling out the "largest public health testing program in American history" & aims to form a "#Pandemic Testing Board" that utilizes US national guard to deploy testing.

#COVID19 #Surveillance System

Thank you @hagarrish for the critical link. Image
Embargoed until 12:01am EDT, Tuesday, April 21, 2020: The #Rockefeller Foundation has created a National #Covid19 Testing Action Plan intended to serve as a resource guide for the "largest public health testing program in American history". Image
"The effort will ultimately grow to billions of dollars per month although innovations in testing technology should eventually drop costs...Coordination of such a massive program should be treated as a wartime effort, with a public/private bipartisan #Pandemic Testing Board..." Image
Read 24 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
1/Tweetorial on #TMVR for #ASEchoJC 12/11 8 pm

transcatheter mitral valve replacement #TMVR for failed valve & ⬆️ #STS risk

#VHD 2017 update reoperation➡️ reintervention

🎈expandable SAPIEN S3 only @FDA bioprosthesis for implant
2/#Transeptal developed @MayoClinicCV 48 pts

After 🇨🇦 initial experience with #transapical 2009

sick patients with ⬇️ EF #transeptal preserves EF better avoids apical purse string suture

Currently #TMVR registry
>50 % are transeptal & in house mortality 7%
3/#EchoFirst #TTE
#PLAX & off-axis( inflow can be II to septum not apex/posteriorly & eccentric/coanda
👀 origin MR➡️#TMVR may 🚫resolve severe paravalvular MR
#CWD #MV proximal flow convergence location: on ventricular side in regurgitation & on atrial side in stenosis
Read 10 tweets

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