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Oct 4th 2022
BREAKING: Flint water crisis charges dismissed against seven former officials. This is despicable. #flintwatercrisis šŸ§µ:ā€¦
I'll break down what happened. 1st, here's statement from prosecution team. "Despite the prosecutionā€™s tireless pursuit of justice for [#FlintWaterCrisis victims] the courts have...[sided with] wealthy individuals w/ political power & influence instead of the families& children."
"[The prosecution's #FlintWaterCrisis case was] thwarted based upon a new interpretation of a nearly century-old law."
Read 26 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
Hereā€™s a look at some more of our finds recently featured in the ā€˜The world of Stonehengeā€™ exhibition publication, this time from the unusual ā€˜Boscombe Bowmenā€™ grave which we excavated 600 metres north of the ā€˜Amesbury Archerā€™sā€™ grave at Amesbury Down, near Stonehenge.
The communal grave contained the remains of nine, possibly ten, individuals including one infant (cremated), two children, one teenager and five adult males.
#wessexarchaeology #wessexarch #stonehenge #stonehengelandscape #flint #flintarrowheads #prehistory #lateneolithic
Much of the bone had been curated and redeposited, placed in bundles within the grave lying around (generally just below) and ā€“ in the case of a few random bones ā€“ above the in situ (articulated) remains of one of the adult males.
#wessexarchaeology #wessexarch #stonehenge
Read 12 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
So, I understand that Federal taxes are used to offset Federal spending. Not actually paying for anything. Yet using the Neoliberal propagandized narrative. We just saved 300,000,000 a day, that we spent for over 20 Years. On a failed war. 1x
So why isnā€™t the Fed Gov using that money to cover all the renters and owners that are about to lose their home from eviction. They were forced to stay home. Businesses were forced to shut down. Rightly so under the circumstances. Yet they had no plan to make people whole.
I assuming now in Congress, there is a policy being written up as I type this, To replace all the lead pipes in #Flint. Also paying all medical expenses for the people of an entire town poisoned by Government. We can afford it now. (Always could)
Read 14 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
Per Mayor Neely:
Flint will be opening 15 police substations & distributing grants for neighborhood crime watch groups

#elections2021 #flint
License plates will be a priority for Flint police

#flint #elections2021
candidate Tonya Burns priorities:
1. Crime (public safety)
2. Blight (demolition of abandoned houses)
3. Economic Delopment
Read 21 tweets
Jan 14th 2021
Today, former Michigan governor Rick Snyder was arraigned in Genessee County along with 8 others in connection to the #FlintWaterCrisis - he's facing two counts of willful neglect of duty for the 2014 scandal

#Snyder #Flint @FOX17
Nick Lyons, former MDHHS director - 9 counts of involuntary manslaughter & 1 count of willful neglect of duty
Jarrod Agen, former chief of staff - 1 count of perjury
Read 9 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
BREAKING: Michigan reached a settlement to pay $600M to victims of the #Flint water crisis.

25,000+ people were sickened by lead poisoning after the city changed its water supply to cut costs, including 5,000+ young children. Most money will go to younger plaintiffs. Image
After #Flint changed its water supply, leaching from pipes exposed thousands of children to lead, which can cause developmental issues.

Since 2014:
ā–Ŗļø Special education needs almost doubled
ā–Ŗļø 70% of children screened need special accommodations for ADHD, dyslexia & other issues ImageImage
Officials in #Flint repeatedly claimed water was safe after switching its source to cut costs.

Exposure to lead/bacteria was linked to:
ā–Ŗļø Hair loss, rashes
ā–Ŗļø Child developmental problems
ā–Ŗļø At least 12 deaths

Many now use bottled water, saying they can't trust the government. Image
Read 4 tweets
May 27th 2020
But here's the thing. It's not just cops killing black people.

Capitalism kills black people at a rate cops could never begin to compete with.

For starters, there are grossly disproportionate black deaths to disease, whether it be COVID, heart disease, or diabetes.
The median black family owns a few cents for every dollar the median white family owns, which impacts everything from educational quality to medical care quality.

And that wealth difference means white people can afford to move away from black people and hoard public resources
White schools are better funded than black schools

White hospitals are better funded than black hospitals

Cops in white neighborhoods look like the smiling sheriff from the Andy Griffith Show, while cops in black neighborhoods act out their Punisher fantasy on our black bodies.
Read 10 tweets
May 14th 2020
So I'm intending to do a post/pick a day of art I've bought or commissioned from an artist hopefully along with @chiefy2shoes & @seddonism
Day 1 is #hellboy by the great @duncanfegredo This started a theme of characters eating ice cream, I've not got too many in this theme though Image
Day #2 of sketches/commissions posts of art that I've got over the years. Continuing the theme of characters with #icecream here is #thegoon by the amazing Eric Powell @goonguy done at @ThoughtBubbleUK in Leeds. #ComicCon #commissions #comics #goon @chiefy2shoes @seddonism Image
Day #3 of art/commissions bought over the years. Baroness eating an ice cream by @RachaelAtWork. Think this was my final "character eating an ice cream" so not many in that theme, need to do more @chiefy2shoes @seddonism @Talking_Joe @TheFullForce #GIJoe #Baroness #comicart Image
Read 200 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
Never mind what the insiders & powerbrokers tell you, if youā€™re SERIOUS about solving Michiganā€™s problems, @BernieSanders is THE ONLY real choice for
- union rights
- healthcare
- racial justice
- education
- Great Lakes protection
And SO many more...

A thread:

Nobody stands with unions like @BernieSanders. He opposed NAFTA, recognizing it would fundamentally destroy our manufacturing economy by giving corporations carte Blanche to exploit foreign labor.

He came to Detroit to picket w/ @UAW & helped put #Fightfor15 on the map.

Even after our ā€œcomeback,ā€ economists estimate we lost 250K jobs during the recession that are NEVER coming back.

Why? Wall St played fast & loose w/ our economy.

@BernieSanders wants to hold them accountable so it never happens again.

Read 14 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
A thread on @MikeBloombergā€™s history w/ #Flint:

He donated $3M to help elect Republican Gov Rick Snyder who passed the emergency manager law.

.@MikeBloomberg-backed Snyder had his original emergency manager law repealed in a REFERENDUM - like Michigan voters literally voted to repeal it.

But he passed a second version which couldnā€™t be repealed.

.@MikeBloomberg-backed Snyder directly oversaw the Emergency Manager who made the decision to change #Flint water source to corrosive Flint river water, despite many pleas not to.

It would save the city money, they decided.

It ended up poisoning 9000 kids.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
Google Flint, Michigan Councilman Eric Mays, he's a real piece of work
Flint Councilman Eric Mays charged for pawning laptop 9 timesā€¦
Flint councilman Eric Mays verbally attacks a member of the press

Read 5 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
We fight for a livable future. For the air we breathe. For the water we drink. For the places we call home.

But we also fight for a livable present. Polluters have poisoned the air, water, and soil in communities like #Flint or Kashmere Gardens.

Polluters poison us because there is money to be saved dumping waste in our backyards rather than disposing of it properly.

Just as companies like ExxonMobil lied about climate science so they could keep selling more oil, coal, and natural gas. They destroy our homes for profit.
They poison the air, sending asthma rates skyrocketing. They poison the water with lead, causing developmental disorders and brain damage. They poison the soil, elevating rates of cancer.

And it should come as no surprise to anybody that...
Read 9 tweets
Aug 28th 2019
We get asked A LOT about the #Recount in #Michigan. What happened? Why were the DNC's lawyers MIA? Why did Clinton give up without a fight.

This report from 2016, written by a volunteer observer with #RecountMichigan, is well worth a read:ā€¦
@democracynow The DNC and Clintonā€™s lawyers were literally missing in action. They did not protect the Black votersā€™ ballots of #Michigan. Trumpā€™s lawyers prevented the counting of the 75,355 uncounted ballots that would have unquestionably led to loss of a state he "won" by 10,700 votes.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 25th 2019
Here are just a few reasons why all #blackpeople #Blacktwitter #BlackLivesMatter should #GoogleAndrewYang

1) #FreedomDivided of 1K/mo for all US adults. Could help build black wealth quickly. 3 fam adults living together = $3K/Mo buy a 200K house in 5.5 years #YangGang
2) On top of the #FreedomDividend, he also recognizes the historical injustices done to us through slavery and supports the exploratory bill in Congress to figure out reparations logistics. #Yang2020

3) Our boy @AndrewYang also wants massive criminal justice reform. Every cop gets a camera and turning it off is assumption of guilt, no private prisons, decrim of weed and opiates, and mass pardoning for those in jail for nonviolent drug charges. #GoogleAndrewYang #YangGang
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6th 2019

RU trolls interfered in 2016 U.S. elex & made ad money
#Grifters (projection)

Twitterbots: The IRA archive reveals a vast, coordinated propaganda campaign that was incredibly successful at pushing out & amplifying its divisive (incite conflict) Right/Left messaging.

The core group of main accounts consisted mainly of "fake news" sources masquerading as regional news outlets or political organizations

The propaganda was "evenly split" in its efforts to aim at the extremes of both sides of the liberal/conservative political divide.

Federal investigators to examine equipment from 2016 N.C. election amid renewed fears of Russian hacking

Hackers could not directly alter vote totals by breaching poll books.

But they could create substantial delays or even prevent voters from casting ballots.
Read 57 tweets
Jun 4th 2019
šŸ‘ RainingšŸ‘ 

Queen Elizabeth: "As we face the new challenges of the 21st Century, the anniversary of D-Day reminds us all that our countries have achieved together." #EpicShade

Trump meets Queen at Palace after bemoaning lack of Fox News & insulting HRH PHā€™s wife.

šŸ‘ Raining2šŸ‘ 

Trump meets Queen at Palace after bemoaning lack of Fox News & insulting HRH PHā€™s wife.

As Melania boarded AF1 on Sunday evening, she wore a $4,400 (Ā£3,500) Gucci dress emblazoned with images of Tower Bridge, the Big Ben clock tower and a double-decker bus.šŸ˜³šŸ¤£
šŸ‘ Raining3šŸ‘ 

George Nader, key witness in Mueller invā€™n, linked to Trumpā€™s transition team, charged with transporting child pornography #SeychelleMeeting #Broidy

EG:ā€Donald Trump allowed our nation to be represented by a man who trafficked videos of torturing three-year olds.ā€
Read 80 tweets
Jun 1st 2019
ā€¼ļøThe Brexit Referendum & the 2016 Trump Campaign are intertwinedā€” the same co-conspirators are involved in both.

Brexit ( was a test run for the Trump 2016 presidential campaign.

This thread will illustrate the big picture. Trump = medium sized fish.
Both campaigns focused on common RW themes: Nationalism, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Soros, income disparity, etc.ā€”all issues exacerbated by the actions of TOC.

šŸ“ŒCambridge Analytica is the focal point through which we can see the relationships in play & reveals the elephant in the room: Britain tying its future to an America that is being remade - in a radical and alarming way - by TeamTrump.ā€¦
Read 72 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
1/ .@rexsantus wrote a great piece today in .@VICENews about why the most important strikes of time are illegal.

In my recent book #TEMP, I wrote about what #labor can learn from @Uber: power is more important than law.ā€¦?
2/ #Uber, when it started, was clearly illegal and its expansion smashed through all the regulations. Just like organized labor did in the 1930s. The industrial unions of the 1930s illegal seized property in a #sitdown strike in #Flint.

3/ When the #UAW shut down that one factoryā€”with only a few hundred workersā€”all of #GM stopped. Production collapsed from 50,000 cars a month to nearly zero. All of its suppliers stopped as well. The largest corporation in America was brought to its knees.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
Letā€™s talk about a real #NationalEmergency.

In 2014, #Flint, Michigan had such poor water treatment that their pipes leaked lead into the drinking water which affected more than 100k people.

It is January 8th, 2019 and the issue has STILL not been fully resolved.

I continue...
Can you imagine this happening in a rich white area? Of course not.

Letā€™s not pretend that this has nothing to do with race.

PERHAPS it has to do with the fact that the US census stated that 53.9% of the population is Black and 37.5% is Hispanic.
Now, the US census also states that there is 39.9% white population and letā€™s not forget that everyone is being effected by this.

The issue is that we seem to move really fucking slow when it comes to areas that are not ALL WHITE.

New Orleans anyone???
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Dec 20th 2018
& The Clintonā€™s. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
Read 23 tweets
Dec 12th 2018
šŸ¤” What do you think Dr Eden Wells know about Flintā€™s water that makes Governor Rich Snyder feel the need to creates a civil service physician job to keep her happyā‰ļøā¦@MingGao26ā©ā€¦
šŸ’„Ananich, Senate Minority Leader, said it was unprecedented that ā€œsomeone under a felony indictment, bound over for trial, would be given a classified job, meaning they have protections, with such a cloud hanging over their head.ā€šŸ’„#Flint
šŸ”„Dr Eden Wells is implicated in the Flint water crisis and Gov Rick Snyder has this to say about giving her this new positionšŸ‘‡
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Jun 30th 2018
Marches don't do shit to solve the problems we face as a nation. Due to gerrymandering, Citizens United, NRA and cheating (Scotus, stolen election) we have no opportunity to hold our representatives accountable $ is their only constituent. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch
#Resisters stop hoping that either #Mueller or #midterm2018 will right the wrongs of this regime. Realize we must be prepared to simultaneously attack and employ different tactics to win. We have to think out-of-the-box and #justdoit as 1st #womensmarch #msdstrong @MomsDemand
It's time to take a cue from our global trading partners and those who boycotted NC due to HB2 (Bathroom Bill). I propose a nation-wide boycott of GOP states and/or districts until families reunited, #puertorico #flint #BLM #DACA, #ACA #SCOTUSā€¦
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Jun 5th 2018
Have you set aside enough money for the multitude of medical and behavioral problems #FlintCitizens will face due to exposure to lead and carcinogenic trihalomethanes? @jimmy_dore #tytlive
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Jan 25th 2018
Here's the skinny: #Trump lost not just the popular vote, but also the vote in key swing states ā€” that is, if you counted all the ballots cast and allowed the blocked and purged voters to vote.ā€¦ #Resist #VoterSuppression via @truthout
Take Michigan. Trump officially won the state by 10,700 votes. But 75,355 ballots were never counted. Michiganders vote on these ridiculous paper ballots that old machines have a hard time reading. And critically, 87 machines simply broke down and didn't count the votes at all.
And where were these uncounted ballots and broken machines? I found them in #Detroit and #Flint, #Michigan ā€” two majority-Black cities. Do you think those 75,355 ballots in Detroit and Flint were Trump ballots?ā€¦
Read 7 tweets

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