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Feb 5th 2023
#SikandarSingh Alias #SikandarChhokar led @MahiraGroup 's firm #CZARBuildwell has completed massive 0% Construction on #AffordableGroupHousing colony #MahiraHomes104 Project site in Gurgaon in return of 50% payment it has demanded from its #homebuyers
Out of the 90Cr paid by #MahiraHomes104 allottees in Dec2021 as part of the 25% of their unit cost,the #SikandarSingh alias #SikandarChhokar,led @MahiraGroup illegally &fraudulently siphoned off around 60Cr from MahiraHomes104 Project Bank Accounts &held guilty by #HRERA_Gurugram
Despite #HRERA_Gurugram orders #SikandarSingh alias #SikandarChhokar led @MahiraGroup has not deposited 60Cr (approx.) to #MahiraHomes104 Project bank accounts. The balance in the Project #Escrow account as of 03.02.2023 was Rs.4.64 Lacs & in the free account was Rs.6.21 (approx)
Read 14 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
Rapid FactCheck: The city's Daily Shelter & Occupancy Service Usage is "a daily snapshot of the occupancy and capacity of the system".
Specifically, on Dec 6 2021, Sinead Canavan, Project Director, Issues Mgmt for SSHA, speaking on behalf of General Manager Gord Tanner, said:
1/  Sent: December 6, 2021 4:1...From: Sinead Canavan <Sinea...
"The actual capacity figures reported in the Daily Shelter & Overnight Service Usage report reflect the number of rooms or beds/spaces online in SMIS at 4:00 a.m. Rooms under renovation would not be included in this data, as they would be taken offline in SMIS."
I have treated the numbers as only "online" beds were counted based on this written statement from a Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Director speaking on behalf of the organization.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
Yesterdays budget was about recognising that people are struggling & protecting people from the shocks being caused by cost of living spikes.
The @sinnfeinireland criticism was written weeks ago, it’s the same old stuff. Opposition for opposition sake.
In their alternative housing budget they budgeted €302M for a tax credit which would cost €600M. They say they will deliver more social homes next year but base their costings on pre-2021 figures - before war, double digit inflation&supply chain issues

The numbers don’t add up
Their alternative budget abolishes three key supports for homebuyers: Help-to-Buy, First Home & Croí Conaithe which is a grant for buyers of vacant and derelict homes.

Further proof that they do not believe in home ownership.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
A significant and progressive budget announced by Govt today. One which recognises people are struggling and safeguards from cost of living shocks while strengthening our public services.

In @DeptHousingIRL 🏡 we have a record €4.5BN budget for 2023.
More than €1.3BN will be invested in affordability measures in 2023 including for the delivery of 5,550 affordable purchase & cost rental homes, the First Home Scheme, Local Authority Home Loan & Help-to-Buy ensuring we meet our objectives under #HousingforAll
11,830 new social homes will be delivered including 9,100 new build homes
€97m to provide homes for people with a disability, older people, those who have experienced homelessness.
€92m for home adaptation & improvement grants
€27m to support Traveller community
Read 7 tweets
Jul 22nd 2022
Starting right now: a robust discussion on homelessness. Watch live here:
There are many faces of homelessness. Most people are one check away from homelessness, says Mary Scott of @OpenDoorNet in Bakersfield
1603 homeless people live in #Bakersfield These include veterans, the elderly, and entire families. #Endhomelessness #HousingForAll #ProjectHomekey
Read 20 tweets
May 15th 2022
They don’t want a Vacant Homes Tax so they fail to count the full scale of #VacantIreland & then use this as an excuse for not bringing in a Vacant Homes Tax

🧵20 reasons why I believe the Land Property Tax survey was set up to show low vacancy rates

This is #DerelictIreland
22.4% didn’t fill out the LPT survey, that’s 380,000 homes – how many of these are vacant?
The LPT survey is self-reporting – so who would raise their hands to pay an extra tax?
Read 23 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
Non-comprehensive-list-of-wins-from-the-off-year-election-that-make-my-heart-flutter, a thread 🧵:
Abdullah Hammoud is going to be the new mayor of Dearborn, Michigan! First Arab-American & Muslim person to serve in this role 💪🏽
Danica Roem won her third consecutive term tonight in VA!
Read 13 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021
I’ve been doing a side project lately, seeking to understand recent federal housing investments in historical context.

The graph below shows affordable housing units funded by the federal government between 1946 and 2019.
#affordablehousing #HousingForAll
This graph requires additional refinement, but essentially shows approved units and acquisitions under CMHC’s various programs through time. My source for these data is a CMHC publication entitled “Canadian Housing Statistics”, which was published continually from 1955 to 2012
You can find a link to each one of these reports here: Data for the National Housing Strategy + Investment in Affordable Housing are taken from a Progress Report on Housing Investments (Annex C), found here:
Read 3 tweets
Oct 14th 2021
@ThatSeanKeenan @AtlantaMagazine since i was not asked for my answers; here they are:
@ThatSeanKeenan @AtlantaMagazine #1-"the cop one"
unlike most mayoral candidates contending in this race; i believe in the abolition of our policing institutions. we can build a safety department which doesn't wield any lethal power(power no state should hold btw) #AbolishThePolice
@ThatSeanKeenan @AtlantaMagazine #2-"the crime one"
most crime is not a something we should fight from the top down but eliminate from the bottom up via assuring a society where needs are provided for; acts of desperation will be drastically reduced..
Read 21 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
This is hard to write but it is true for many. What I’m about to say is a harsh reality of what people go through.

What I am about to say is also the reason why a lot of people don’t ask for help.

People do not ask for help because of the fears and stigmas that exist.

Here Is Something to think about,

What if you were a #singleparent with a #child

You work full time for $15.00/hr

You take home roughly $960.00 per paycheck (bi-weekly after taxes)

#singleparent #parenting #Blessed #grateful #calgary #calgarylife #alberta #yyc

Your bills per month:

$1,000 or more for rent
$150 or more for cable/internet
$250 or more for utilities
$150 per month for car insurance

So let’s do the math

You bring home about
$1,920.00 a month

Your bills average about $1,500(give or take)

@GrannyGTArp @BallerGearCA
Read 25 tweets
May 5th 2021
The #First100Days of a president’s term are historically their best chance to enact their agenda. What has Biden done?
Biden and Harris promised to implement a public option and lower the age of Medicare to 60, policies that fail to cover the 92 million Americans who are uninsured or underinsured and save the 68,000 who die every year from a lack of insurance. #MedicareForAll
But Biden and the Democrats didn’t even live up to these moderate pledges. Instead, they expanded COBRA subsidies, funneling tens of billions of dollars to health insurance corporations that are already making record profits as they jack up premiums and increasingly deny claims.
Read 25 tweets
Apr 27th 2021
I believe that housing is a human right and it is past time that our federal laws recognized it. My #housingforall platform includes designating the unhoused as a federally protected class and providing a monthly income to the unhoused and formerly incarcerated. (thread) Policy priorities - Housing for allHousing for all policy overview- End criminalization of our
We have around 66,000 unhoused community members in LA County alone. Instead of leading with empathy and care, we continue to criminalize and traumatize them.

Five unhoused community members die PER DAY. Poverty should not be a crime and it should not be a death sentence. When it comes to housing affordability and houselessness, LoFrom 2019 to 2020, rates of our unhoused community members iThese housing challenges are made worse by a toxic combinati
I will fight for the unhoused because there is no reason the wealthiest country in the world cannot provide shelter to its most vulnerable.

Please follow/support these amazing orgs who have been doing incredible work to provide care to our unhoused. Where can we go from here?It is past time that our federal laws recognized that truth These challenges won’t be solved by small ideas, or by incHere is a list of local orgs doing amazing work. Please foll
Read 5 tweets
Mar 29th 2021
As we grapple with LA's failure to house its people, we want to reaffirm a commitment to equity and fairness in our approach. @CamnerLeonora wrote about why it is important for the #yimby movement to center WHERE to put housing and for WHOM:…
Abundant Housing LA is building the pro-housing movement for LA. But it’s not enough to just be supportive of housing in general. Achieving housing abundance requires thoughtful approaches that center equity, racial justice, and environmentalism.
Abundant Housing is committed to critically reexamining our approach to housing, our past positions, and direction in the context of equity and racial justice.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
This week sees my life and peace of mind, housing security and finances all messed with by the Department of Housing, Qld and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment - JSP’s oversight body. Social Housing screw up! & threats of loss of JobSeeker from anon body. #auspol
I am so over this draconian system. Where is the recourse? I have an active on-foot complaint about Job Search Providers, unresolved - and some anonymous JSP sms’s me today, Saturday morning, saying I’m jeapardising my JobSeeker payment - they don’t say how. #auspol #RaiseTheRate
This directly affects my ability to pay my rent and survive.
Read 31 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
In just two weeks I have experienced contacts with the Department of Housing, Job Service Providers, the hotline for same with Dept of Education, Skills & Wmployment and Centrelink. All have taken hours of my time in calls & appointments with them that bring zero hope. #auspol
For each one of these contacts, I am required to give my Centrelink Reference Number - I feel I no longer have a name, I am simply to be referred to as 123456789A nine numbers and one letter. After which all manner of other identifying details become relevant and required.
I am working in a underemployed capacity, and literally am only eligible for a whopping just under twenty dollars of the set rate of JobSeeker (sans Covid19 supplement) and has been on this payment for years - what help is provided? What assistance? Why is now different?
Read 40 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
THREAD: I’m voting early for #BidenHarris2020.

Here’s why, against many of my core values, I’m doing so, why you should too if you’re able, AND why voting in this election is not revolutionary, and deeply insufficient:
I believe we need to use every tool we have at this moment. I believe a contested election gives us more fodder than one where Trump wins easily. I believe a racist establishment president is NOT BETTER but MORE NAVIGABLE than a fascist for of our most marginalized communities.
That being said, the idea that fascism can be voted away is dangerous, not only because fascism doesn’t care about the laws of democracy, but also because fascist movements that are mobilized at this moment will continue to be, regardless of how the election plays out.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
10.28 lakh more houses were sanctioned & 9.27 lakhs were cancelled for various reasons conveyed by States today under PMAY-U in 51st CSMC meeting. This takes total number of sanctioned houses under Hon’ble PM's visionary Mission of providing #HousingForAll to 1.07 crore. ImageImageImageImage
This is against validated demand of 1.12 crore.
About 67 Lakh houses are now grounded for construction. More than 35 Lakh homes have been completed & occupied. Also, States/UTs showed tremendous positive response to the Scheme of Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs). ImageImageImageImage
ARHCs scheme has been designed for Urban Migrants/Poor.

States/UTs were fully familiarized with the new Scheme & requested to take appropriate measures for its effective implementation. It offers major step towards making of an #AatmaNirbharBharat. ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 31st 2020
Delighted to get Affordable Rental Housing Scheme (ARHC) Knowledge Pack launched by Hon’ble Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs today.

He also stated e-Commerce Web Portals of @NaredcoNational & @CREDAINational.

#AtmaNirbharBharat ImageImageImage
#HousingForAll Mission has been delivering results at unprecedented speed & scale with 1.06 crore homes sanctioned, 66 lakhs grounded for construction & 36 lakhs delivered to beneficiaries till date, fulfilling the dreams of millions of citizens for owning a house. ImageImageImage
Now in line with Hon’ble PM’s vision of #AtmaNirbharBharat, Scheme for Affordable Rental Housing Complexes has also been launched by my Ministry which will provide dignified & affordable living spaces for urban migrants/poor to improve their quality of life & productivity. ImageImage
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Jul 28th 2020
When we face unprecedented challenges—a global pandemic, a worsening climate crisis, & the violence of racism & xenophobia—we need to meet them with big, bold solutions.

I believe we need a #GreenNewDeal & nothing less.
That means:

✅ Decarbonizing our existing housing stock & guaranteeing #HousingForAll;

✅ A #FederalJobsGuarantee with a $15/hr living wage & the right to form a union for all workers;

✅ Ensuring healthcare's a human right via #MedicareForAll & cancelling all medical debt.
It means:

✅ Investing in our current & future generations of young people by enacting tuition-free public colleges & trade schools while also eliminating student debt;

✅ & an immediate transition away from all fossil fuels & towards clean, renewable energy.
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Jul 19th 2020
#HousingForAll #AndhraPradesh

Total houses sanctioned by government- 20,15,458

Amount sanctioned -30,440 Cr

Houses grounded -7,98,372

Construction completed -3,34,368

👆Courtesy: @narendramodi govt

Number of ‘poor’ got houses - “0”

👆Courtesy: @ncbn & @ysjagan govts Image
ప్రతీ పేదవాడికి ఇల్లు - బిజెపి కల.

ప్రతీ ఇంటి బిల్లు లో కమిషన్ - టిడిపి-వైసీపీ లీల
ఇటుక ఇటుకలో అవినీతి - చంద్రన్న పాలన....
అడుగు అడుగులో అరాచకం- జగనన్న పాలన....
Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Delighted to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our flagship missions @amrut_MoHUA , @SmartCities_HUA & @PMAYUrban today. These five years had been tremendous exciting journey in #TransformingUrbanLandscape of our country. ImageImageImage
Our transformative missions have contributed in changing lives of lakhs of citizens that have enhanced their ‘Ease of Living’ through assured drinking water & other infrastructure, #HousingForAll and innovative smart solutions to address various needs. ImageImageImageImage
They have proved to be of great values to citizens in testing times of #Covid_19 pandemic.
Success in delivery of our missions is attributed to Team India- central/state/city govts. State mission directors, civil/political executives of ULBs. ImageImageImageImage
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Jun 24th 2020
so many #homeless, so many empty property in #Corkcity this home has a lot of character & potential #socialcrime #homeless @CorkHealthyCity @corkcitycouncil #pfg #programmeforgovernment #Cork Image
here is another, great location too, someone's home, piece of history just boarded up @CorkHealthyCity @corkcitycouncil #socialcrime #homeless #cork #inequality #programmeforgovernment Image
& another, this one looks Dutch influenced, beautiful aesthetic, someone's #home, sadly ready to collapse #Homeless #socialcrime @CorkHealthyCity @corkcitycouncil #inequality #programmeforgovernment Image
Read 81 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Addressed the Virtual Conference on Real Estate Resurgence of @FollowCII. Lockdown to curtail spread of Covid-19 has impacted all sectors adversely including real estate. Reverse migration of construction labour & break in supply of materials, have disrupted works considerably. ImageImageImage
On Ministry’s Advise, RERA of 27 States/UTs have revised timelines of registered projects by 6/9 months automatically as force majeure. Also, States/ Agencies have extended validity of various approvals/ clearances by one year. ImageImageImage
RBI has recently provided 6 months moratorium to all loans. All these steps will save projects from getting stalled/ stressed, obviate unnecessary litigations, and ensure timely delivery of houses with new milestones to homebuyers- a win-win for all, specially the homebuyers. ImageImage
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May 16th 2020
It gives me immense happiness that our real estate developers @NaredcoNational & @CREDAINational have come up with their own guidelines in tune with the guidelines issued by MHA/ MoH&FW for restarting work at construction sites to ensure safety of the labour.
I thank them for taking good care of all the workers, who are backbone of construction industry by providing them housing near the sites, hygienic food, necessary medical & financial assistance & taking all other safety precautions to protect them from COVID-19.
I congratulate NAREDCO for getting Hon’ble MoS(IC), HUA to unveil video on their guidelines.

It is not only the labour but all urban poor whose livelihoods have been affected due to COVID-19. We should take care of all these important contributors to urban economy. ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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