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𝐉𝐚𝐤 𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚̨𝐜́ 𝐫𝐳𝐚̨𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐚̨ 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐮𝐫𝐞̨? 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐤 𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐤 𝐩𝐨 𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐮

Strona „Najwyższego CZASu!” została zablokowana przez "tajemne siły". Niektórym z Państwa strona działa, jednak większość użytkowników nie ma do niej dostępu

🧵 1/17
𝐉𝐚𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐳̇𝐥𝐢𝐰𝐞, 𝐳̇𝐞 𝐧𝐜𝐳𝐚𝐬.𝐜𝐨𝐦 𝐣𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐲𝐦 𝐝𝐳𝐢𝐚ł𝐚, 𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐦 𝐧𝐢𝐞?

Nałożona na nczas blokada jest na poziomie serwerów DNS. DNS tłumaczy przeglądarkom „ludzkie” nazwy adresów na adresy „komputerowe” - IP docelowego serwera.

W praktyce każdy, kto używa domyślnych ustawień polskich serwerów DNS, nie wejdzie na Dopiero zmiana konfiguracji DNS w przeglądarce pozwala normalnie korzystać z Internetu.

Read 18 tweets
Hey everyone, let's talk about the business model of #Apple! As one of the world's most successful companies, Apple has a unique approach to generating revenue and profits. #AAPL $AAPL

One key element of Apple's business model is its focus on #premium products. Apple is known for producing high-quality, innovative products that command a higher price point than many of its competitors.
#iPhone #iPad

Apple also has a strong emphasis on branding and marketing. The company has built a loyal #customer base and a strong reputation for quality and design, which helps drive demand for its products.

Read 10 tweets
Sensational title that is contradicted by the article’s content. 😂 By 2025, “only” 75% of iPhones and 80% of iPads will be made in China.

OMG, the grand decoupling has began.…
Forecast of Apple shifting manufacturing and assembly away from China — to Vietnam, India etc.

#iPhone #iPad #Macbook #AirPod
Three problems with facts and logic in this article:

1) China is getting richer and older. Naturally, it WANTS to move away from labor-intensive and low-wage jobs.

2) The shift is very very slow. Why? Nobody can match China in efficiency, logistics and infrastructure
Read 5 tweets
The World's first Sharding-based Blockchain...

Meet @Zilliqa!

Here's an extensive project review! 🔍

All my info, blogs, crypto guides & much more can be found on my website 👇


@Zilliqa first launched in 2017, as they saw other blockchains struggling with one major problem, scalability. That is where 'Sharding' comes into play...
#Zilliqa's very own engineering team also created a programming language, 'Scilla' which is supposed to guarantee the safety of smart contracts by limiting the exposure to attacks on the blockchain.
Read 14 tweets
E ontem pela manhã, a EMEF Antônio Fenólio recebeu a visita de uma comitiva internacional do México e da Colômbia, para quem a Secretaria de Educação de Taboão da Serra apresentou o projeto que está sendo referência internacional utilizando tecnologia em sala de aula. 😍
A Secretária de Educação Dirce Takano e os educadores Apple Teacher dos respectivos países participaram das atividades pedagógicas com alunos do 3º e 4º anos. 📱

Para os exercícios, foram utilizados iPads e aplicativos como Apple Podcasts, Pages, Sala de Aula e StopMotion. 🍎
Os alunos mostraram suas habilidades com os equipamentos tecnológicos e o aprendizado propiciado pelos projetos no município! 🧡
Read 4 tweets
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
Welcome public beta testers to #iOS16, #tvOS16, #macOS Ventura, & #watchOS9! If you want a refresher or want to see the best new features, here is a thread of all the in-depth coverage and videos I've done thus far! What does everything think so far?!
Here is how to use Stage Manger on #iPadOS16 on #iPad and with an external display!
This video is how to modify your lock screen! Apple also added the new clownfish wallpaper since I did this video! It's an awesome throwback!
Read 11 tweets
Having fun with cyberstalking #UKGOV, attacking organisations, universities & individuals connected to the justice system, UK #military against #NCSC, treating #intelligence & #GCHQ as jokes to your 15- 20 yrs malicious #hacking for #China & #Russia inside #Britain, @Animez_UK?01
Converting #traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious #cyberattacker against the UK, for

1- #financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the #UKGOV.

@Animez_UK @NCSC

02 Image
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learned to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys to #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Read 188 tweets
Le département de @seinemaritime a reçu mardi les représentant•e•s de parents d’élèves pour leur vendre le projet #Ipad en #6ème. Le marché est tellement juteux que les responsables @AppleEDU avaient fait le trajet depuis Genève. (1/n)
Cette réunion a permis d’énoncer bon nombre de poncifs sur ces profs réactionnaires et hostiles au changement qui ont du mal à sortir de leur zone de confort - heureusement @seinemaritime est là ! (2/n)
La DASEN adjointe présente a ainsi pu expliquer aux parents que les profs n’avaient pas attendu les tablettes pour avoir des problèmes de gestion de classe ! C’eût en effet été dommage de ne pas faire un peu de #profbashing dans notre dos, n’est-ce pas @dsden76 ? (3/n)
Read 7 tweets
🧵THREAD: I’m now an #AppleTeacher with Portfolio Recognition!
Over the past year, this has been a fantastic professional learning experience, as I reflected on & developed how I integrate @AppleEDU #iPad in my classroom.
👀 Here’s my journey…
#AppleEDUchat #EveryoneCanCreate Image
Through #AppleTeacher Portfolio, a teacher creates a digital portfolio of 9 different lessons at three levels: Activate, Explore & Apply.
Teachers include aspirational examples, resources and — most importantly — reflections on each lessons.
#AppleEDUchat #EveryoneCanCreate Image
Activate Lesson 1: “Where do the animals live? Introduction to Global Climates”.
Students created a simple map showing the native habitat of animals using #Keynote on @AppleEDU #iPad
#AppleEDUchat #EveryoneCanCreate Image
Read 16 tweets
It’s time to start a #WWDC Wishlist Mega Thread. Here we go, will keep adding things until the event.
1. iOS 16: Add new languages in Apple Translate. I can hope for Indian languages, especially Hindi, but I think they have a long list before reaching there.
2. Wider rollout for Apple Pay, hopefully we get it in India as well. Indian market is quickly shifting towards Tap to Pay, and the government is encouraging digital payments more than any other country. Apple Pay would be a great addition.
Read 82 tweets
#Mac#iPad、Chromebook、Windows(Surface Pro 8)を比較しながら使ってきました。狭い机では #SurfacePro8 が使いやすいですが、

【神アプデ】ユニバーサルコントロールでMacとiPadが最強になりそう…! @yuta_hiraoka @YouTubeより
2台置くことができるならMac + iPad(Apple SideCar)が便利だと感じます(Surface Pro 8 + iPad via #DuetDisplayもできるのですが消費電力が少し大きいような?)。「ユニバーサルコントロール」で、このペアがさらに便利になりそうです。
iPadの最大の弱点はChromeブラウザ(と豊富な機能拡張)が使えないこと。2番目はMS Officeのレギュラー入りがまだ難しいこと。3番目はキーボードが使いにくいこと。なので、正直なところiPadはSideCarとしてしか使っていませんでした。たまにGoodNotes5を手書きで使うくらい。
Read 4 tweets
#Roam が月15ドルのサブスクであるのに対し、#obsdmd は基本的に無料である。#Obsidian部
While #Roam is a $15/month subscription, #obsdmd is essentially free.
This may seem at first glance to be "Roam support seems solid" and "Obsidian support is minimal", but there is more to it than that.

There are several Roam courses available, even after a short search. In contrast, Obsidian courses are few and far between.
Read 15 tweets
さっと何かしたい(今はスクリーンキャストを録りたい #cleanshotx)と思ったときに #Mac だと良いアプリがすぐ出てくる。
When I want to do something quickly (right now I want to record a screencast #cleanshotx), a good app comes up quickly on #Mac.
#Windows だといろいろ出てきて選別に時間がかかる。こういうときにWindowsは捨ててMac+ #iPad にしぼった方が良いだろうと思う。
But with #Windows, many things come up and it takes time to sort through them. I think it would be better to abandon Windows and focus on Mac + #iPad.
しかしiPadは #MagicKeyboard でもキーボードがひどいし私のMacは遅くてZoomでファンが回る。
But the iPad has a terrible keyboard even with #MagicKeyboard and my Mac is slow and fans out on Zoom.
Read 4 tweets
Alright, this Saturday we’re going to use Swift Playgrounds on iPad to start a ridiculous todo app: ToDon’t: where we add things to NOT DO to your todo list so that you can cross them off & feel more productive.

#iOSDev #SwiftUI #iPad

Starting with the little todo bit I made from Core Data in Swift Playgrounds here:…

One thing I want to do is use the new SectionedFetchResults from Core Data so that my crossed off items go to a different area. Also made my a non-optional string.

And I added a bit of animation and voila!

Read 20 tweets
Yesterday morning, @Apple released emergency software updates for their products (#iPhone, #AppleWatch, #iMac, #iPad) to prevent users from the critical #Pegasus spyware vulnerability:
The vulnerability, discovered by @citizenlab, are available for all Apple products. Details of the updates can be found in @MITREcorp’s recent CVEs.

The @nytimes released an article yesterday, on the eve of Apple’s Product Event, sharing Apple’s latest update, explaining the Pegasus #spyware to their audience, as well as where it comes from (@NSOgroup).…
Read 6 tweets
Live tweeting my listening experience for #donda
Wtf is track 1. Donda chant #dondatrack1 #donda
Track 2 jail. Kayne vocals are in the back ground and repeats. Jayzs lyrics are good
Read 30 tweets
Wie naar de podcast De Deventer Mediazaak luistert hoort hoe Maurice de Hond door onterechte verdachtmakingen het leven van de #klusjesman Michael de Jong tot een hel maakte.
En de media daar bij hielpen.
Lees over de vele miskleunen van De Hond.…
In 1981 begon de Hond bij het bureau Interview. In 1986 bracht hij dat bureau naar de beurs.
De belegger zag er geen heil in. In 1990 ging het bedrijf na fusie onder in Emis.
De introductiekoers van Interview was fl. 22,50. In 1990 nog fl.5.
Een beursdrama zo gezegd
Een ander en nog meer is na te lezen in @Quote dat in 2000 een profiel van De Hond publiceerde onder de kop "Nieuwe economie, oude streken". Daarin schilderde het blad De Hond af als iemand die niet visionair en betrouwbaar is.
Read 17 tweets
Merry #ChristmasEve to all the Twitter followers.

Have a lovely holiday...

And, If Santa was black: Many white people would phone the cops, and, complain that a fat, black dude was on the roof -- the middle of the night screaming "Ho ho ho".
"Even as an adult I find it difficult to sleep on #ChristmasEve.Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine -- no matter your age."

~Terri Guillemets
Read 7 tweets
De grootste nonsens van de #coronamaatregelen komen van Willem Engel, Thierry Baudet en Maurice de Hond.
De Hond wil koste wat kost aantonen dat hij de wijsheid in pacht heeft.
Dat doet hij al jaren over vele onderwerpen. Het is een slachtveld aan fouten en mislukkingen.
Draadje ImageImage
In 1999 moesten we allemaal van Maurice de Hond water inslaan vanwege de millenniumbug.
Ook toen wist De Hond het betere dan de mensen die er voor doorgeleerd hadden. We moesten gaan hamsteren.
het bleek complete flauwekul. ImageImageImageImage
Volgende "succesnummer" was #Newconomy. Een investeringsvehikel van Maurice de Hond (@volkskrant) . Bij Beursgang waren de winstscijfers opgeklopt waardoor de koers steeg van €10 naar €27. Toen de manipulatie uitkam zakte deze naar €3 waarna het fonds van de beurs verdween. Image
Read 13 tweets
Heutiges #ToolDesTages ist @GoodNotesApp Das iPad wird zum Notizblock. Papier war gestern!
GoodNotes empfiehlt sich besonders als App für den Einsatz des Apple-Pencils. #Tool3 #twitterlehrerzimmer #iPad @AppleEDU #appleteacher Image
Handschrift und Skizzen – hierfür ist GoodNotes geschaffen, und für all die Einsätze, wo man normalerweise einen Stift einsetzt. Mit der Tastatur kann man in dieser App zwar auch tippen, allerdings nur in Textfelder. #ToolDesTages Image
Verschiedene Notizbücher anlegen und Blätter nachträglich einfügen ist problemlos und zügig möglich.
Die Farben und Dicke des Stiftes kann man schnell anpassen, jeweils drei Einstellungen sind direkt in der Werkzeugleiste auswählbar. #ToolDesTages ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
During #lockdown I used @lumatouch to edit on my #iPad 15 to 25 minutes stories each week for @asturiassemanal, a @RTPAOficial #TV show

This was the workflow we designed overnight to work from home.

A workflow we partly keep in case we need it again in the second #covid19 wave
At work, I used to edit on a PC with @Adobe Premier: an average of a 35’ to 40’ minutes story each 3-4 weeks.

We changed to focus on #covid19

At home I had an iPad Pro 9’7’’ 256 Gg with @lumatouch

I use it 6 weeks until I updated to an iPad Pro 12,9’’ 1 Th to gain capacity
The raw material changed also.

Apart from .MXF files filmed by my colleague with a #Sony FS7M2, we received files shot by our audience (as seen on the pic) with our guidance or by ourselves with the phone (.mp4 and .mov), GOPRO or whatever.
Read 9 tweets
Come abilitare il Picture in Picture in #iOS14 anche su #Youtube? 📺

Serve un comando rapido da installare nell’app Comandi Rapidi, un’app da installare per poi seguire la procedura. Qui di seguito un breve #thread con le istruzioni step by step.

Sia per #iPhone che #iPad.
Step 1

Controllare che sia permesso all’app Comandi Rapidi di installare shortcuts anche dall’esterno.

Impostazioni -> Comandi Rapidi -> Comandi non attendibili

#iOS14 #tips #tricks #youtube
Step 2

Scaricare l’app Scriptable.
Qui il link:…

#iOS14 #tips #tricks #youtube
Read 6 tweets

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