Having fun with cyberstalking #UKGOV, attacking organisations, universities & individuals connected to the justice system, UK #military against #NCSC, treating #intelligence & #GCHQ as jokes to your 15- 20 yrs malicious #hacking for #China & #Russia inside #Britain, @Animez_UK?01
Converting #traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious #cyberattacker against the UK, for

1- #financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the #UKGOV.

@Animez_UK @NCSC

02 Image
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learned to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys to #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
2nd stage phase 1: cyber-enabled crime+cyberattack
-hacks customer accounts to stalk for marketing.
-adopted #Japanese physical #stalking activities to #harass #women.
-#hatred toward anyone against his will. Find cyberspace can #abuse power against anyone.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
2nd stage phase 2:
- maliciously #hacks & #compromises several online accounts-violates #privacy.
- collects info from customers for account hacking.
- continues to monitor all hacked accounts & devices.
- expand #botnet
- steal sensitive info as he sees fit.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
3rd stage: convert to cyberattack
Launches cyberattack against anyone for @ukgov+security.
damage/destroy target’s all associates’ accounts+devices with zero-day attack or pre-stored malware.
Track target’s location against the UK.
@Animez_UK’s attacks matched @NCSC reports Image
1- #Aggression and #violence:
He does not speak up and verbally reveals his #extreme aggression and violence towards any individuals, organisations and #Britain.
He expresses all forms of anger and violence via #cyberattack.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 2 Enjoys persistent #revenge for total #domination online
-hack& #control his customer interests.
-sends #pornographic videos to #women to how to have #sex with him.
-whoever is for the @ukgov will be #damaged/ #destroyed for China and Russia. @Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 3 #Hatred
He hates #failure, #rejection & #losing #control on cyberspace against UK.
Hatred-prime purpose of his #persistent, #unchangeable, #inflexible #criminaliy to attack targets until all summit under his unconditional will. #dictatorship
@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 4- narcissist:
tells whoever tracks him to ‘piss off’ with a cold smile.

He believes:
-the best to cyberattack anyone anytime inside the UK.
-The @ukgov would not be able to do anything.
-his lone capabilities were greater than all intelligence. @Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 5
Highly aware of any abnormal detections to reveal his #malicious #hacking-completely purse any attacks- prevent being detected;stalk, monitor & attack organisations including #NHS, various universities, #army and anyone for the UK. @Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 6
impersonates himself as Chinese agent (2018>) & for #Morocco, #Russia (2022)
Both ideologies may not directly connected to #China and Russia but based on own national interests to manipulate and divide countries further. @Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 7- extremely persistent in his daily hacking routines. He won’t stop his hacking & attacking until he meets his goal, even it takes weeks, months, years or decades, keep failing till he becomes the #dictator

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Characteristics 7a: He never stopped his #persistent physical daily routine patterns to maliciously #hacking and #attacking any individuals online.if fails, he prepares and attempts to continue the malicious cyberattacks when appropriate.
@Animez_UK @NCSC ImageImageImage
Characteristics 7b
Thespecific date & month of cyberattacks are his #anniversaries when he found his victims or targets. #Obsessions. The level of #cyberattack illustrates #punishment against his unconditional will for #money, #sex or #political outcome.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Observation against cyberattack: Confirmed hacker identity, unethical #hacking skill strength & vulnerabilities, intention, characteristics, time & schedules, #prevention and languages. @Animez_UK @NCSC Image
What do you want to do with the #Britisharmy & their info with your #hate deep down to your core, @Animez_UK ? Still a joke for you to cyberattack whoever is for the UK #Justice and @ukgov? Having enough fun labelling yourself to hack for China and Russia inside the UK? @NCSC
You have #Britisharmy’s info from at least since 2017, hack their family, friends & associates. Having rewards from steal info? You quietly monitor & stalk their activities. You hate the UK isn’t under your command, You hate whoever associates with @ukgov so much, @Animez_UK
Why do you think you can cyber #control and #destroy the UK citizens without @ukgov’s acknowledgement? You had weekends off from the shop, but you couldn't #cyberattack on Mondays. Mondays seem special, @Animez_UK.
Sending #phishing emails and #malware to #compromise, monitor and #cyberattack British #organisation, #institutions, #univerity facilities, staff, #students, #researchers and #professionals against the @ukgov, why do you hate the UK so much? @Animez_UK @NCSC
Enjoy launching #DoS and #DDoS #cyberattacks to whoever is for the UK? Enjoy #coding to send #zeroday exploits and attacks? Enjoy finding #vulnerabilities in some old applications to attack whoever benefits the @ukgov, @Animez_UK? @NCSC
#Excited to #cyberattack women’s account to #stalk them online violate #privacy for nearly two decades, sends #pornographic videos on how #women should have #sex with you, @Animez_UK? #sexualharassment #feminism #pornography #porn @NCSC
Enjoy hacking into all your customers’ online and social media accounts to #monitor and #controling all your customers #interest and #behaviour or #threat them with #cyberattack for #finanical profit, @Animez_UK? #cybercrime @NCSC
Enjoy launching #cyberattack to #damage and #destroy other’s life for the UK with all your #hate to #uplift your quality of life with #positivity and #harmony around individuals physically, @Animez_UK? @NCSC?
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, @Animez_UK? @NCSC @GCHQ
@Animez_UK maliciously hacks & stole #IPaddress to #fabricate some #Googlemap #reviews for his shop, so it appears to be more legitimate & popular for profit as well as to conceal his actual #unethical #hacking activities against the UK. #blackmarket #fruadulent #cyberattack
Enjoy maliciously hacking to stalk, #humiliate #women and bullying, harming, damaging and destroying all individuals who are for the UK but have the lack of knowledge in coding, programming and #cybersecurity, @Animez_UK?
If anyone intends to mass report and suspend this Twitter account with @Animez_UK, this is the malicious intention to eliminate 1st-hand analysis against his ongoing 14yrs of #harassment online,offline & zero-day #cyberattacks against me, my family, friends and all my associates.
I am one of his many targets he finds to #cyberattack for financial,#sexual & #political motives. Hence, I expose his malicious conduct against not only me but any individual and organisation for the UK inside the UK as @Animez_UK sees fit. I do not need to handle him alone.
@Animez_UK’s #vulnerability to #cyberattack: shows difficulties launching attacks against up-to-date #cybersecurity; show some glitches in coding to launch some #zeroday exploits(app); the patterns of #malicious #hacking activties online are #persistent and #consistent. #APT Image
@Animez_UK’s associate demands #women to take #selfie+hold paper with handwritten note to please #abuser-#sexual& #online #harassment,connects to #pornography, #sexual #abuse. #CyberHell shows #sexualoffender used the exact same method to abuse #victims.

msn.com/en-gb/news/wor… Image
Individuals cannot provide analysis unless the accused chooses to commit crimes. It is the accused's own criminal activities that destroy the accused’s personal quality of life rather than the analysis of the accused’s crime. Take responsibility for your own doings. @Animez_UK
I was so young when I walked into @Animez_UK’s shop as a customer in NCL April 2008.I carried ignorance.We never friends but you took my Facebook&phone number for granted,began your physical stalking to 14yrs long cyber malicious activities to me & everyone around me.1 @Animez_UK
I spent 12 years just forgive you & hoped my cyber preventions will stop your malicious online activities, but you took those forgiveness as weakness & rejection and increase the seriousness of your cyberattack to hate with your everlasting cyber revenge over time. 2 @Animez_UK
I never talked to you wks after I met you in 2008. I blocked you. you shouldn't have tagged @metpoliceuk ,I never mentioned my physical locations anywhere online. I met you in NCL, you should have tagged @npnewcaslte, except you always monitored my physical activties.3 @Animez_UK Image
You do not have any position to ask for my apologies to your criminal activities and ever try to oppress everything you have done to everyone of us but to only thought of your own pleasure and profit, so you can continue to cyberattack anyone you see fit. 4 @Animez_UK
I finished my analysis of your cybercime. If you choose to continue attacking everyone you hate via networking, I won’t be the one who stops you but the authority. So take this long thread as a LAST act of mercy for you to still can live freely. 5 @Animez_UK
Remember, it is never my thread that damages your life. It has always been you, yourself & the choice you make for you & how you treat people around you to determine how you can live inside a country. Stop your cyberattack, delete prohibited files and walk away. 6 @Animez_UK
Life doesn’t merely build upon punishment and prosecution but with mercy and forgiveness. So eventually you can still live as a free man < This is the main purpose of the entire thread to you directly. You have one very LAST chance to stop yourself. 7 @Animez_UK
After @Animez_UK told me he made presistent silent calls to me in 2008 on #Facebook, I blocked him but forgave his unacceptable behaviour online & offline bc his confession indicates he can’t control his #malicious #hacking. So I had to stop him over time.
If anyone mass reports against my Twitter account for @Animez_UK based on #disinformation, this is the #malicious intend to eliminate 1st-hand evidence against his 14yrs of #harassment online,offline & all zero-day #cyberattacks against me,my family, friends & all my associates.
Exploit #disinformation & using #transpride #TERF, to intend to #gaslight & #suspend my account based on separate issue- my experience of 14yrs of #harassment and #cyberattack from @Animez_UK against me and many, to support @Animez_UK’s #malicious #hacking activity.

I expose Image
I will begin step by step and eventually explain the dots and connections why @Animez_UK hates the #UKGOV and has the info from #Britisharmy.

How @Animez_UK perceives me as a threat, which is for the UKGOV & launches #cyberattack to me & spread #disinformation to #silent me.
NCL #TravellingManUK employee given name begins M, employee given name begins R,former employee given name begins K&her husband(employee) know me in reality. Former employee K knows I have gone to @Animez_UK 2008, told me to avoid Animez for business bc of his odd behaviour 2009.
Must correct my misinformation:
I arrived in NCL 28Feb2008,stayed at an accommodation for 6 mths.I moved to a flat with Vrigin Wifi & provided landline number. I gave my Facebook and Landline number to @Animez_UK must be from August or September 2008. It is testing my memory...
I was excited that I had my 1st landline num. I gave this num to 5 people, 4 ladies 1 man. The man was @Animez_UK. I asked Animez, name begins W, ‘I moved to my 1st flat and I have my 1st landline number, I am so happy, do you want the number?’ It wasn’t my first time to meet W.
After I gave my num to @Animez_UK based on excitement then I stopped giving out bc I kept receiving silent phone calls. I kept thinking who did it. I only gave out my num to 5 people. I was so annoyed but wouldn't assume.Then I received W’s message on Facebook that he did it.
I was so shocked and scared that I wouldn't want to reply and talk to @Animez_UK anymore so I blocked him on Facebook. I was so annoyed by those silent calls and I wouldn't want to talk to W again.
It was 2008, 14yrs ago. if I provided misinformation, I will accept it and correct myself. Everything registered with my name will be on the database, and the fact and people who know me in NCL can’t fabricate stories.

The truth cannot be lies and lies cannot be the truth.
The 6mths accommodation for 2008 postcode was NE4 5AU.

My very first flat from late 2008 was NE1 4DD, where I had my first landline number. I chose Vrigin bcs I thought the name was ‘cool’(not anymore) I still remember how excited I was with my 1stnum.

I do not live in either of the addresses now, it is not necessary to show the full addresses, for now at least.
All addresses are registered and I still have those registered documents with me.
Side note: I am so proud that I can understand Northern British English accent, Geodie and Scottish accents English but not the direct dialects themselves. I met Manchester people and I can understand theirs too. Not every British has this ability to understand them.
I still remember @Animez_UK ruined my excitement to have my 1st landline num. I cancelled my landline a yr later & gave my three physical landline phones (Panasonic) to my parents & use mobile phones only till now. I won’t forget the frustration of receiving silent calls. Image
New analysis (15 july 2022 - 17th July 2022) how he organised mass bullies with his ‘friends’ who did not acknowledge his #cyberattack in secret while ‘friends’ attacking on social media and his true intention for him to eliminate his targets @Animez_UK ImageImage
The girl you met was never the woman you know 14 yrs later. I forgive everyone who believed in @Animez_UK and came to attack me because he lied to you too, and he pretended so well because he has been doing and acting with all these #malicious activities for the past 15-20 yrs.
These 2 quotes look alike. @Animez_UK more of using #coercivecontrol with #cyberattack but was #techabuse to him. I had only known him for wks on Facebook in 2008, and barely talked in person. He does fit #coercivecontrol’s characteristics, horrific. Image
Have to keep learning so much more from the professionals in different fields. #Coercivecontrol fits @Animez_UK’s malicious hacking patterns so well. Selecting targets and persistently assaulting them but he has a lot od targets though.

Wanted to end the thread before, but people made noise. So I continue the analysis bcs W’s #malicious #behaviour reminds me of his malicious #hacking activities I haven’t mentioned - exploit targets’ break-time to plot serious #cyberattack against his targets. @Animez_UK Image
#cyber-enabled #crime: blocking W from @Animez_UK on #Facebook was merely the beginning for him to plot an over decade long #revenge to #punish his targets & accosiates who choose to reject his unconditional #abusive #criminal activities. He won’t let go of the targets he owns.
Correct my misinformation: former employee K told me to avoid @Animez_UK for business in 2010 rather than in 2009.

I doubled check my document to ensure the facts are correct and accurate.
If @Animez_UK W is quiet from malicious #hacking, he is cracking #passwords & securing his access to every account, wait & prepare for a #cyberattack when he believes the time is appropriate to his targets who would suffer a significant loss compare to attack in regular days.
I stopped interacting with all 5 people who had my landline, including @Animez_UK. He confessed his #harassment,hope I would talk to him again. He lost my #Facebook after I blocked him. So he ensured I felt the great suffering and pain he felt from not having my Facebook #revenge
@Animez_UK waited & prepared for his entire 2009. The 1st or 2nd week after I landed in Tokyo,June 2010, my Facebook(FB) & the Hotmail(HM) for FB were hacked. I couldn’t gain access to my HM and I still can’t today. I had to call FB physically to grant my access again.
This was @Animez_UK 1st revenge(2010) for me to feel the suffering & pain by losing my accounts. So he guaranteed he #maliciously hacked & took 2 accounts from me for me to suffer a significant loss, so he felt the #domination and #control over me.
Evidence2: he still has my HM.
Sidenote: I was only to declare every of @Animez_UK W’s #malicious #hacking characteristics to hope others can stay cautious of his #criminality and cyberattack. His malicious online conduct (15-17July 2022) forced me to expose everything he did to me. So I will expose them all.
I told the former employee K that my HM was hacked and I can’t gain access to it at all 2010. She told me to create #Gmail account(more secure). I hoped the incidence in 2010 had nothing to do with @Animez_UK.
My FB: 2012- 2014: had glitches to my FB
I changed password, added SMS 2nd authentication, but it was not enough.
2016: W registered his login device to my FB account twice: 永恆 (Chinese: Yǒnghéng), means ‘eternal’,the Chinese is also his FB account name. (evidence) @Animez_UK
There were never notification someone logged into my FB/ SMS to login to my FB. ‘How can he do this? It has been 8yrs since I met @Animez_UK W. Why is he still here with me?’ 2016
I never known my accounts & devices were all #compromised by W.

He never stopped #stalking me.
From 2010- 2017, @Animez_UK W gradually compromised all my, all my family’s, all my sister’s family’s, all possible friends, all my male associates’ accounts,devices, wifi & all networking. #stalking #revenge #monitor #control

I never known I dealt with a pro #malicious #hacker.
I dated men between 2008-2016; @Animez_UK W never attacked me until I started to date a man F from #britisharmy in 2017. I was still unaware of W’s malicious #hacking and #stalking activities when I was with F in and out of the #military campsite.
All men I dated, @Animez_UK W picked up the military man. You hate him to your core & hope they receives the deadliest, most extreme & unreversible #cyberattack that ruins & destroys their life, their lives are uprooted from EVERYTHING they have built-in life to serve a country.
@Animez_UK W, you hate them. You made sure anyone who associates with the #Britisharmy will have the same deadliest result from your most extreme form of cyberattack that would ruin people’s lives for good. So you feel victories that nobody shall overcome your national interest.
@Animez_UK W, your purpose is to maliciously hack and stalk many people so they will all be under your supervision and control. Hence, you can continue to hide from everyone while seeking prohibited information & punish whoever rejects your domination behind those toys.
Your toys fooled me that you weren't extreme but a sick stalker. I was wrong about you until I associated with the military, you hoped I was destroyed psychologically & emotionally with the most deadly #cyberattack to ruin my profession for crime prevention 2018.
I realised @Animez_UK W you have a malicious hacking life behind those toys and your genuine intention inside the UK. You wake up and open the shop to launch cyberattack against everyone you hate till you close your shop, to continue to attack everyone back home.
@Animez_UK W, you added me to your list to attack us all till we are all destroyed one by one. I was a girl you wanted to punish based on male domination, to now I am an official enemy of yours who, against your national interest, to attack and ruin the UK inside out.
I had zero knowledge of cybersecurity in 2018. It only took me 4mths to observe, comprehend, learnt and analyse your extreme malicious hacking activity patterns. What is wrong with you? Where are your ego and arrogance coming from, @Animez_UK W?
Those persistent & repetitive #cyberattacks got so boring lately. I had nothing else to observe from @Animez_UK W. I was like, ‘it is getting so BORING.’ So I cut you off and converted all your malicious hacking skills into networking security. #cybersecurity
You who found me and picked me as your target. So I was forced to take up all your knowledge and everything you have to prevent cybercriminals like you. So I wouldn't get destroyed by you. My understandings in cybersecurity is more advanced than usual citizens, @Animez_UK W.
After you chose to attacked me for 120days daily(except your Mon morn & noons), I can draw a complete picture of you. I shut down this computer and store it somewhere safe. It stores all your malware, app attacks and all your footprints everywhere, @Animez_UK W.
This physical computer stored somewhere safe. The evidence is stored inside this computer will trace back to your cyberattack 2018, @Animez_UK W. (Evidence 4)

You never wanted to stop the deadly cyberattacks after 120days. It was me who cut you off bcs of boredom.
After 3mths of observing #cyberattack 2018, all the facts pointed to @Animez_UK W. I was so disappointed. I wished someone else hated what I was doing for people in the UK, but it was Wing(W). Why does a person who sells Japanese toys wish me destroyed for good?
Sidenote: why did you deny that you know me as a customer, Wing? You wouldn’t have had anything to hide by knowing a person in reality, except you are so guilty of everything you have done that you even exploit people’s trust in you to eliminate us ‘eternally’. @Animez_UK
Till the very last moment, the very last chance when people choose to have mercy, forgiveness and hope in you, you mocked people’s kindness, chose humiliation, destruction and tried even harder to destroy anyone you hate, @Animez_UK
You only know to hide behind #toys, hide behind legitimate status, and hide behind computers to watch #porn & #cyberattack for your #COWARDLY goal. You're never powerful but a #COWARD from the beginning and a COWARD to the end. You only know to Hide in the dark, @Animez_UK
You spread rumours that the #UKGOV that monitored locals. It is #criminals like you who exploit the name of UKGOV to #control citizens, monitor and fool them psychologically; induce conflict and division among the trust between the UKGOV and citizens. @Animez_UK
You thought people would believe in your rumours. You felt powerful to #monitor & #control their activities to ensure they do not betroy your national interest (#China and #Russia). You want to become the government. You never respected or thought of #UKGOV existed, @Animez_UK
You believe #cyberattack could treat anyone you hate to spread false #political messages online; individuals would trust your #disinformation about anything. You thought you were powerful to influenced them #politically. You are nothing but a toy seller, Wing from @Animez_UK
Do not try to #manipulate & influence any British citizen that malicious #Russian #hacker attacked them rather than a toy seller, you @Animez_UK, or it was #UKGOV to #monitor & control local citizens. So you can continue to #hide and attack anyone like a COWARD.
After I kicked you out, you did not stop from there. You continued to #punish your official #enemy everywhere, including my #elderly #parents. You believe they deserved to be punished bcs of the British #military. You exploit the name of #governance to control people. @Animez_UK
@Animez_UK you sent #pornographic videos to #sexually #harassment me 2018. You want #women to be #housewife. You treat women as #sexual objects, #submissive to #domestic abuse. You #humiliate women;you treat us based on #porn; women were secondary & used for #sex & #prostitution.
How @Animez_UK perceives women is a disgrace. Using #porn video to tell #women should behave. You, Wing want me to be uneducated,lack of intelligence & incapable of anything. So you have absolute control over me & submit to your abusive domination or cyberattack us for obedience.
@Animez_UK even sent a #pron video to me to detail how you wanted to have a #pornographic characterised #woman, ME, to sit on the top of you. You warned me on Twitter if I spoke against your 14yrs continual #harassment, I would be sentenced for 6mths? You tried hard to #abuse me.
This thread doesn’t end,does it? Bcs you labelled yourself the ‘eternal’, your malicious stalking, harassment & hacking activities against anyone never end. Good to know your shop keeps all your crimes, @animez_UK/Wing / 永恆. I am refunding your criminalities as a customer.
Now you officially labeled me as your formal enemy after I associate with British #military, you are determined to destroy my life ’eternally’. You made sure my family, associates are under your #supervisions & #consequences based on your national interest @Animez_UK
2017-2022 You began treating your malicious #hacking life as an ‘eternal’ MISSION to attack the UK for China and #Russia.
You are determined and guaranteed that anyone close to me will receive your #punishment through persistent cyberattack and threats of being targeted by #Russian(or just you, th toy selling life) because of association with the #Britishamy. @Animez_UK
Enjoying your ‘mission’ continuing to launch #cyberattack against the UK for #Russia ever since #Russians began the war(2022)? Enjoy witnessing how #soldiers are #dead because of Russia @Animez_UK
Never thought of sexually harassing & stalking a young girl would receive great confidential information from the military, @Animez_UK? You are so excited and passionate in destroying anyone who associates with #Britisharmy. You seek excitment from destruction. @Animez_UK
Now Wing from animez_UK, what do you want to do with the locations of #military locations? What do you want to do with soldier F, my friends, his friends and all associates’ identity and their online accounts, their positions from the military all for #Britisharmy?
Having fun labelling yourself as #Russian to launch #cyberatack against the UK right inside the UK? Having lots of excitement? Is it funny? And exploiting British justice system to threaten your targets with criminal prosecution will justify your act against the UK? @Animez_UK
Why don’t you put your national interest against the UK in the shop front and declare to the public that you hate the UK try destorying the UK daily via #cyberattack inside your shop and your home, that the toy shop is the cover to your malicious intend against the UK? @Animez_UK
What do you want from soldier F, and our friends in the military, theirs parents & family outside of the campsite -not 24/7 protected? What have you done to them? What do you want from my friends at the camp? You identified yourself as Russian,Wing @Animez_UK don’t you hurt them
What do you want to get from monitoring us, the Britisharmy and their family ? What do you want to do with military’s family? They are lovely people. What do you want to do with them? @Animez_UK you identified yourself as Russian to against the UK. What do you want to do with us?
I have friends/ associates who are not directly associated with soldier F, and some are military's close friends outside of the military with an army background. @Animez_UK Don't hide behind toys to maliciously seeking and stalking everyone and cyberattack your enemies, Wing.
Although I am extremely secured with everything connected to the #networking, you saved all my personal sensitive information. I acknowledged all your methods to #track me. I won’t allow you to exploit my cyber #vulnerabilities for you to steal any information, @Animez_UK
@Animez_UK sent a #porn video to me to detail how he wants a #pornographic characterised #woman, ME, to sit on top of Him. He warned me on Twitter if I spoke against your 14yrs continual #harassment, I would be sentenced for 6mths? You tried hard to #abuse women.#feminsm
If use @Animez_UK’s made up #threat of #imprisonment to me to calculate his sentence regardless of the rule of law:
1 week of harassment=6mths imprison
12mth1 yrs x 2yrs=24yrs
24 yearsx14yrs=
He would be imprisoned for 366yrs.Please don’t send legal threats so randomly.
I cut you out in 2018, but it was only the 1st step of your 2nd #revenge. You #compromised as many account as possible for 10yrs to ensure I was #monitored. So when I opposed your national interest, you executed the deadliest #cyberattack to #hate, @Animez_UK, Wing or 永恆.
Sidenote: the country of China or Russia might not involve in @Animez_UK, Wing / 永恆’s extreme political view, who uses these countries to divide the unity inside the UK & hate each other. It is his reason to harm and destroy other people’s lives through #cyberattack.
After I associate with the military, @Animez_UK; he launched #cyberattack against my BFF who is #programmer, said ‘W #hates you so much, he used accounts & tried his best to delete my files permanently.’. I traced some of the accounts he used to #attack me(evidence 6)’-2018
Other two BFF told me they couldn’t login to #IG & couldn’t contact me. @Animez_UK tried to #cyberattack & remove my BFF so he could #isolate me from social life & #exclusively own me, #control, #monitor & #abuse me #sexually via #networking completely. (evidence 7)-2018
During the #cyberattack in 2018, @Animez_UK removed all my friends & associates’ contact on my #whatsapp, indicating he tried to #isolate me so he could enjoy owning me #exclusively, to #control, #monitor, and #abuse me via #malicious #having activities. #Coercivecontrol
Soldier F from #Britisharmy was fine. @Animez_UK didn’t dare to confront the national security. So he #cyberattack, #bully, #abuse, #harm, #dmaage and #destory me to express his hate against the military & #HIDE like a #coward when UKGOV realises his cowardly being (evidence 9)
So @Animez_UK if you every try to #harass my friend for one second again bcs of your #hate against anyone including me, if you ever try to #cyberattack any of my BFF & associates because of their lack of knowledge in #cybersecurity, you are going to sit behind bars even quicker.
It isn’t #hateful or #offensive to love the UK that taught me much about #humanity, loving UK is not to hate other countries, but your @Animez_UK’s hate that chooses to destroy any that opposes your will. This has nothing to do with #loyalty but pure #destruction to humanity.
My friend Q’s IG @Animez_UK W hacked against me is the high Chinese gov figures’ daughter(she never mentioned it online). W identified himself to #hack for China too, but #China never sent him. Chinese GOV restricts Q’s IG access after she left England in 2019. W messed up.
She said in 2018 ‘ a lot live outside of China #hack citizens #maliciously bcs the Chinese GOV cannot monitor their networking usage. You(me) have no interest to the Chinese Gov bcs you do not speak up to provoke against China.’ @Animez_UK’s ethnicity is Chinese (Sichuan/四川)’.
This was what my friend said & her IG was hacked & restricted later, I can’t assume other ideas @Animez_UK chooses to label me as his enemy,& he #hates me with everything he has after I associate with the #military. He hopes everyone around me receives the deadliest #cyberattack.
2019-Q: ‘someone changed my IG pw, I couldn’t login(2018-19), I thought I lost you(me)’. 2019-21-Q: ‘the gov restricted my access to IG, I can’t talk to you.’ Me:’you need this security.They’re protecting you.’ I knew @Animez_UK was maliciously #hacking Q.W offended 2 countries.
Q is my BFF-a great school teacher. @Animez_UK W did the same to her similar to me in 2010, tried to #steal her account bcs she associates with me who W #hates the most, so my close associates shall receive the #consequence by interacting with people that W hates; Q wasn’t alone.
The programmer K (UK), my BFF, @Animez_UK W tried his best to delete K’s files permanently- also similar to the #revenge I had in 2010. W warned my BFF whoever associates with me would receive his cyber #punishment - #cyberattack to express his #rage over our disobedience.
My best BFF A, who @Animez_UK W hates the most also suffered the same consequence Q & more. A couldn’t gain access to his IG accounts to contact me in 2018-19(UK).W pretended to be #Russian to #harassment A 2019-22(Japan).W ensures my BFF #harassed bcs of me.Will come back to it.
@Animez_UK W’s intention is clear, to isolate me, so he enjoys #abusing his prey. It is his political #hatred against the military, but his action to #isolate me indicates he‘s #lonely man who doesn’t have social life. He is envious of us & determined to destroy me ‘eternally’.
@Animez_UK W’s intention to #destroy me and everyone around me, ‘If the targets disobey my #abuse that I need to seek #power and #joy, but she enjoys her life, I guarantee she #suffers everything that I am suffering today. If I am suffering, I guarantee she will fall with me’.
I have other BFF he didn’t #attack. I shared most photos or had the most online chats in 2018 with my BFF Q,K & A on IG when @Animez_UK W lanuch #cyberattack.I talked to another BFF verbally. W attacked Q,K&A based on my online activities.He doesn’t know my social life offline.
@Animez_UK W maliciously hacks into my friends’ & associates’ online accounts. Although my accounts are secured(& private account), he logs into my friends’ accounts #illegally to browse & #monitor my online activities.His can still stalking me using this method today on IG(2022)
Side Note: I didn't even remember @Animez_UK W existed until all the evidence of #malicious #hacking & #cyberattack linked to W in 2018. I still asked, ‘what is he doing here?’He is never in my life,but he imagined that he was with me daily from 2008 till today. He‘s #delusional.
Think 01: I mean @Animez_UK is easily charged with stalking & harassment if I hand in the evidence. He knows zero-day malicious cyberattack and other all sorts of malicious hacking activities. He sends phishing emails to inbox so easily.
Think 02: It was after the military he revealed all his capabilities in cyberattacks. Does @Animez_UK want to send a message that he was better than the military, but no one actually cares?
Think 03: @Animez_UK is more than just a stalker, although in my personal case that he maybe stalking and harassing based on his criminality. A conviction as a harasser conceals his other serious criminal activities. There are many gaps in between his malicious activities.
Think 04: I will keep posting what happened to me personally to connect the missing dots gradually. @Aninez_UK has been doing so much more than just stalking me all alone.
According to @Animez_UK’s #cyberstalking activities & cyberattack activities, he attempted to put himself with 2 characters: a stalker/harasser & a #Chinese or #Russian cyberattacker. He expected I would not be able to gather evidence that he, a toy seller attacked me in 2018. 01
So he wanted me to believe it had been the #Chibese & #Russians who targeted me, my family and my friends who cyberattacked me. Yet it has always been him alone. He wanted me to link my connection with Russians. But it was just a toy seller instead, @Animez_UK 02
Example, if I was a fooled & didn’t find that @Animez_UK attacked me. Then my messages would be ‘#Russians cyberattacked me’ on Twitter bcs I had a #military connection’ which filful a malicious #hacker’s purpose to bring #political influence over his #cyberattack against me.03
Now the agencies and intelligence comprehend the purposes of cyberattacking individuals based on political conflict. Those #malicious #hackers #impersonate themselves to induce several #disinformations about the #war in public from different countries. @Animez_UK 04
Hence, he felt arrogance in his #coercivecontrol, #manipulation and #disinformation that would undoubtedly eliminate his targets bcs he had been using this technique to divide people.He wanted me to carry his disinformation about ‘Russian who attacked the military associates’. 05
This technique was used on @Animez_UK’s ‘friends’ who trusted him and came to attack me on Twitter earlier. He knew this technique of half truth well, and people heard the #halftruth and would believe he had the ground against the whole truth.PLEASE have a read into this book 06 Image
Then society breakout and citizens #panic because of the #fear of war. Hence, @Animez_UK will feel #delighted to watch how his lone #malicious #hacking activities can drive society into #chaos. He tried, did he? well, it is me he tried to fool around. I mean, come on, really? 07
@Aninez_UK stalking activities from 2008-17 were different compared to after I associated with the military. He punished me for blocking him on Facebook(FB) 2010; signalled that he monitored me on FB 2016; I met soldier F. He attacked me as a Chinese or Russian agent in 2018. 08
The meaning ‘Russian targeted & attacked #Britisharmy’s associate will be completely different if ‘a British #toy seller pretended to be #Russian to attack military’s associates,induce political fear & conflict to divide citizens’, @Animez_UK’s ugly game is so apparent. 09
His motivation to influence #politics against the UK is more severe than to stalk and harass his so-called ‘victims’. His criminal activities are more severe than just being a sick stalker. His malicious #hacking skills are too good to use on pure stalking and harassing. 10
If his advanced malicious hacking skills were merely used to harass women, but a one-off opportunity to influence politics. He would be #harassing more #women than just me. Either way, he does not have a conviction from 1 woman, me. His crime is more severe than my case alone. 11
A lot of secrets behind those innocent toys from @Animez_UK. He is not just a stalker and harasser. He wanted me to label his stalking, harassing and cyberattack with the name of Russia, which he failed. 12
It is because I exposed him who tried all these planning that he attempted to exploit the connection with the #military and spread #disinformation about #Russia’s #cyberattack. He appears to be a mere sick #stalker and #harasser now. The reality may say otherwise. 13
Criminal accusation of:
- cyberstalking
- cyber harassing
- malicious hacking
- cyberattack
- Malicious disinformation affects individuals and political beliefs via cyberattack against a country.

Note: @Animez_UK enjoys harassing his enemies regardless of sex and gender.
Regardless of @Animez_UK characters that he is trying to impersonate, some techniques and patterns to use on cyber #revenge and #punishment are similar.
The process @Animez_UK punishes individuals via cyberattack follows layers of the OSI model:

Wing's process launch cyberattacks are prominent. He is highly organised & plans cyberattack carefully to ensure he compromise his targets and all the systems for good. 01 ImageImage
(Application layer) @Animez_UK first targets and exploits individuals' websites - to attempt to affect the #DNS ( Nov 2021), trap the target and install #malware onto their computers ( March 2022).

(Presentation layer) @Animez_UK sends out #phishing emails - to attempt to install #malware onto the target's computer system ( Feb 2022).

(App layer)After @Animez_UK failed the previous to install #malware onto my computer systems, He uses stolen info from me in 2018. An app called 'Deskapp for YouTube '- old app, not updated for it. He exploited it to launch #DoS attacks or #BufferOverflow ( April 2022). 04
(Session & Network layer) @Animez_UK uses stolen info from me in 2018, launches severe #DDoS attack against me (since April 2022), but I #spoof my MAC address so. He stopped after I am using Twitter(18th July 2022), he tried harder to attack me-15th July 2022 to 17th July 2022.05
(Network layer) @Animez_UK uses my IP &MAC addresses to track my #IoT, tried to crack my Outlook password registered on my IoT ( Mid-April 2022- 17th July 2022). The Outlook email are very critical to him;2nd authentication is his vulnerability, which failed his attack in 2018.06 ImageImageImageImage
(Application layer) @Animez_UK sent out another #phishing #email that was able o track the user's #DNS & #IP address (17th July 2022); it is the #warning or the #threat that he is now offended bcs of the #tweets. He signals me that he is ready to launch severe cyberattack. 07 Image
(Application layer) @Animez_UK tried to #crack my #password to login to my Bible app from Your Version (17 July 2022) on my iPhone, disturbing individual’s #religious belief? If you think you can do whatever you want to do, it is you who increases the time to sit behind bars. 08
@Animez_UK failed all his steps to install #malware on my systems & #compromise my computers and devices to penetrate my network layer 1 and 2 since November 2021 to July 2022. Hence, he uses #DDoS to try his best to affect my life as much as possible since April 2022. 09
(Application) it is the low and slow attack rather than the buffer overflow that used against my parents’ devices(explain later) by @Animez_UK
1-9 @Animez_UK process of punishing individuals via cyberattack, follows layers of the #OSImodel:
#cyberattacks are prominent...highly #organised and plans every cyberattack carefully to ensure he #compromises his targets and all the target systems for good. ImageImageImageImage
The current #cyberattack from 2021- now July 2022, my BFF A is very frustrated with several notifications from #IG that @Animez_UK the toy seller Wing keeps logging into his #account as a #Russian. Wing exploits my BFF to deliver #disinformation about Russian’s cyberattack.
I decided to speak up about @Animez_UK Wing's #cyberattack after I keep hearing my close associates around me being cyber #harassed by W based on his #hate towards me. I never meant to speak up for myself bcs I am not annoyed emotionally but is handling him with logic+knowledge.
When I was analysing @Animez_UK in 2018, I found one of his intentions to attack me was to cause psychological distress and other negative attitudes. Staying logical, analytical, productive, #positive & #happy to enjoy life will prevent him from achieving his goal of cyberattack.
25th July 2022 night detected another 2 attempts to malicious #hacking via #networking/wifi IP address crack #outlook #email passwords twice that are registered on Apple #iPad by @Animez_UK

I will continue to draft out everything he has done. And report him to the authority.
@Animez_UK Wing decided to maliciously #hack & #compromise all of my BFF A’s home devices & networking since 2018. Wing use their #IoT for #Botnet, use #keyloggers to memorise passwords. So Wing can login to A’s IG to harass him after A changed his IG #passwords several times.
@Animez_UK Wing #hacked into my BFF A’s IG account to unfriend & blocked me from A 2018.

Wing changed A’s account #password later to prevent A from #communicating with me(2018).

Wing disturbed my calls with A on A’s IG (2018-2022) & used him to deliver #political messages.
Side note: My family & BFFs always feel everything he does is so #pointless and #boring but with #frustration. There isn’t contribution but #nuance. I still have to remind @Animez_UK to acknowledge how boring he is with his actions to us and a mere #harassment to all of us.
How boring @Animez_UK W’s life is?

-W #hacked my BFF A’s IG, unfriended & blocked me from A,
-A added me back to his IG.
-Wing changed A’s IG password.
-A got back his IG a yr later,
-Wing keeps logging into A’s IG as #Rissian & disturb A’s calls to me.

That lasts for 4 yrs.😩
@NWDevonPolice please support me to speak up against this 14years harassment to me, my family & my friends(2008-2022). I have sent you an email with reference no CR/66771/22. Please contact me for all the details that he has done to all of us. #harassment #hacking #cyberattack Image
I‘ve never experienced anything like this personally that he‘s still #claiming that he doesn't know me since 2008 and has been #harassing me since. And he reported himself to the police with #disinformation about him knowing me to #silent me. He puts himself in trouble. #women
Please help me @NWDevonPolice I have been harassed by @Animez_UK for the past 14years to me, my family, & my friends. He filed a police report against me to speak up against his harassment with #disinformation that he did not know me since 2008 to silent me about his harassment. Image
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for your service. I give you all my respect ❤️ Now the local police is involved & they will stop him. I can finally stop this thread, I never enjoyed it. I will follow what I must do next to protect myself, my family and my friends. 🕊🕊🕊 ImageImage
I pray to God daily to ask for guidance and wisdom before I post tweets here about this everlasting harassment, so we can finally be free from this nightmare. I love Jesus so much ❤️ Praise God✨ Image
My #Yahoo, #Gmail and #Outlook are #password attacked today. The technique changed to not focusing on 2SF. It seems very clear to #abuse the #policepower and #silence the #victim in order to abuse the #victim further. #hacking #CoerciveControl #stalker #harassment
I must speak up. My #serialtalker recently tried to #track my #IP address and #locate my physical location after I spoke up. I must keep updating to ensure the public knows my #safety. If anything happens to me, everyone knows why. #hacking #stalk #harassment #CoerciveControl
Serial #stalker made a false crime report that he didn’t know me, #threatened me if I speak up again, he would use #policepower to identity my twitter source. The same purpose to the email he sent on 16/7/22 tried to track my #IPaddress. I informed the police that he knows me.
This is #coercivecontrol over #techabuse by a toy seller I met in 2008 as a customer? I was only 18. He has been #stalking me, #harassing and tech #abusing me for 14 years? Now using #disinformation & false #crime report to silence me. You pick up a #feminist for #domesticabuse
A serial #stalker definitely comes back to the targets’ social media to update their online activities & ensure they are #monitored and are under #controlled. Otherwise, they will execute demands by force to #abuse the target.

This Twitter is now watched by the toy seller.
When you realise a toy seller becomes serial #stalker in my life for the past 14 years and fits #psychopathic profile. I am worried actually about how many #women as well as their associates, including men, maybe victims. #coercivecontrol #abuse #hacking #techabuse
I never harassed you when you voluntarily come to my Twitter to read my tweets about #stalking & #harass. Don't #stalk, #control & #abuse how I should tweet or exploit police power to report tweets that don’t please the subjectivity as harassment to silence me. #Coercivecontrol
This Animez_UK shop owner admits he knows me as a customer complaining about his #stalking, #harassment, and #techabuse. So he voluntarily stalked me further on my Twitter, screenshot my complaints about him & made #falsereport that I harassed him. What‘s harassment? #Lawlessness
There isn’t any #harassment to speak facts & complaints about a shop. I am a customer who Animez_UK acknowledges, and he has become my serial #stalker. I have so many rights to speak up and complain about him that exploiting police power cannot silence me to complaint further.
So stop #stalking my Twitter 24/7 to #monitor & #control every of my tweet to silence my legitimate complaints as a customer of Animez_UK or #abuse police power to silence me who has been seriously #stalked by the shop owner. I will never make complaint if he had good reputation.
Dont #stalk me to #control & #silence my legit complaint to a shop Animez_UK bcs the shop owner doesn't like 1 star feedback from a customer.
The more men tries to silence a woman’s voice. The more noise we make against serious #stalking, #harassment & #techabuse against women.
Police officer, don’t tell me to stop complaining his horrific behaviour to me. If need this issue to end, it is he who needs to stop stalking me and oppress customer’s voice who experienced 1-star service from Animez_UK.

I AM #ABUSED and police silences me to help the abuser.
This is my civil rights to complaint about a shop! After I visited Animez_UK as a customer in 2008. I have been seriously #stalked, #harass & #techabused by the shop owner, now abuse #falsereport to silence me further.

I #protest against this shop till he stops abusing me 💪💪💪
This shop owner Animez_UK he voluntarily came to my Twitter, screenshot my tweets daily, lied to the police that I sent him my tweets & made or forced him to read my complaint. I am a customer who makes factual complaints on my platform only, my civil rights never harassed him.
Happiness and Freedom 😄❤️😄❤️😄 Image

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