Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #MARATHON

Most recents (20)

So, I’ve made #TokyoMarathon2023 today.

All goddamn 42 195m. However, not in #Tokyo, but from #Borodianka through #Irpin and #Bucha to #Kyiv.

Danger: long 🧵 ahead.
Why. Bcoz we have to be ready for #marathon in this war, in UZ, in our lives.

It was my 2nd marathon (1st one was @nycmarathon in 2019).

Today I had 3 goals:
1. Not to die - ✔️
2. Not to stop - ✔️
3. Run in <5h - ✔️

My result today is worse than 1st one, but I'm fine with it.
I've started training exactly one month ago. On 5th of Feb. My trainer Alexander Kuzin drafted my training plan right on the napkin. 4 weeks, 3 trainings a week.
Read 16 tweets
#LongCovid #Leistungssport #COVIDistnichtMild - Kanutin Kriegerstein beendet Karriere
Stand: 17.08.2022 13:01 Uhr
Die Kanu-Olympia-Zweite von Rio de Janeiro, Steffi Kriegerstein, hat ihre Karriere wegen der Folgen einer Corona-Infektion beendet. See…
Long Covid: Biathletin Eckhoff denkt an Karriereende…
Rennrodeln | Long Covid
Dajana Eitberger über Corona-Folgen: "Kriege das Puzzle nicht mehr zusammen"…
Read 24 tweets
Running is not detrimental to #knee #cartilage

1. The general health benefits of #running are well-established, yet concern exists regarding the development and progression of #osteoarthritis
A recent research examined the effects of running on knee cartilage using MRI scans.
2. Knee cartilage thickness and volume decreased immediately after running, with declines ranging from 3.3% for weight-bearing femoral cartilage volume to 4.9% for patellar cartilage volume.
#MedTwitter #marathon #fitness
3. Tibiofemoral cartilage T2 relaxation times on MRI recovered to baseline levels within 91 minutes.
Existing cartilage defects were unchanged within 48 hours post-run, as examined on MRI.
Read 5 tweets
Erinnert ihr euch noch an den 23.10.2022? Naja. Ich schon :D

Da hab ich einen Ausflug mit der #Pöstlingbergbahn gemacht. Inkl. Besuch im #Pöstlingbergbahnmuseum.

Und während die Stadt unten im Nebel versunken ist, hat oben die Sonne gescheint.

Thread 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Aufgrund des #Linz #Marathon konnte die Pöstlingbergbahn nur bis zur alten Talstation fahren.

Die alte Talstation ist gleichzeitig ein #Museum mit Ausstellung zu Geschichte und Technik der Pöstlingbergbahn.

Bis 2008 endete die Meterspurige Bahn hier.

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In Skandinavien ist es üblich, dass bei Museen die Ausstellungen auch online abrufbar sind. Bei uns leider nicht. Deshalb mach ich das hier mal für euch:

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Read 8 tweets
Hallo zusammen!
Heute habe ich eine besondere #Geschichte aus der Welt des #Sport|s für euch auf Lager. Sie handelt vom japanischen #Läufer Kanaguri #Shiso und einem sehr kuriosen #Weltrekord, den er aufgestellt hat. Mehr dazu im folgenden 🧵.
Viel Spaß dabei! 1/10 Foto: Der japanische Läufer Kanaguri Shiso (1891 - 1983), a
Kanaguri #Shiso ist einer der beiden japanischen Athleten, die sich für #Olympia 1912 in #Stockholm qualifizieren - es ist das erste Mal, das #Japan bei den Spielen vertreten ist. Und Shiso will in der Königsdisziplin antreten: dem #Marathon. 2/10
Die Reise von #Japan dauert ganze 18 Tage: per Schiff, mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn und über Finnland nach #Schweden. #Shiso kommt völlig erschöpft an und kann erst nach 5 Tagen mit dem Training beginnen. 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Relationship of #distance #run per week to coronary #Heart disease risk factors

1. Guidelines recommend 30 minutes of vigorous #exercise on most days, if not all days. What is the effect if one exceeds these limits? Is it beneficial or harmful?
#running #fitness #marathon
2. Compared with runners who ran less than 16 km (10 miles) per week, long-distance runners (≥80 km/wk) showed:
#2.5 times higher prevalence of HDL>60 (protective against heart disease)
#50% reduction in hypertension
#>50% reduction in need to BP or cholesterol lowering drugs
3. Estimated age-adjusted 10-year coronary heart disease (CHD) risk was 30% lower in runners who averaged more than 64 km/week than in those who averaged less than 16 km/week (42 vs 61 events per 1000 men).
Read 5 tweets
Core strengthening should be an important part of long distance runner's schedule. Here, I am presenting some easy exercises that can be done at home. I thank my colleague Dr Sudar Sreekumar for her inputs.
#running #fitness #marathon
Importance of core strengthening
Read 21 tweets
Même #LEquipe se met au stupide wokisme : "1 millions d'américains sElOn UnE eTuDE d'UnE uNiVeRsItE dE lOs AnGelEs se disent 'non-binaires'… cE n'EsT pLuS aNecDotiQuE…"
Le "genre" ne se choisi pas ni se décrète!
Bientôt un topo sur les écoles Steiner aussi ?!
#Marathon #NewYork
T'as une bite, t'es un homme .
T'as une chatte, t'es une femme .
Le reste c'est du délire de bourgeois ne sachant pas quoi foutre de sa vie pour "exister" afin d'effacer ceux qui existent par leurs talents & travail!
Les performances...
#LEquipe #Wokisme #Marathon #NewYork
Read 10 tweets
Heart rate during work out: What is desirable and what is unsafe?
1. For an aerobic activity to be effective, the intensity should be at least moderate. The best way to measure the intensity of workout such as running is to check the #Heart rate. This thread is about heart rate.
2. What is resting HR?
Resting HR is the HR noted on waking up after a good night's #sleep before you leave the bed. For most adults, it ranges between 60-100/min. For physically #fit people, it may be lower, and may range between 40-60/minute.
3. Which is better- lower or higher resting HR?
Lower resting HR is better. It means- heart has to contract lesser number of times to do its work. Studies have found that a HIGHER resting heart rate is linked with LOWER physical #fitness, HIGHER blood pressure and body #weight.
Read 6 tweets

99. #Marathon (2004)

"Autism குறைபாடுள்ள ஒருத்தன் தான் எப்படியாவது மாரத்தான் போட்டியில் கலந்து கொண்டு அதை கடைசி வரை ஓடி முடிக்கனும்னு குறிக்கோளோட இருக்கான். ஆனால் அவனோட குறையால்
யாரும் Chance தர மாட்டேங்குறாங்க. ஆனா அவனோட அம்மாவும் அவனுக்கு புதுசா வர்ர Coachயும் அவனை எப்படியாவது மாரத்தான் போட்டியில் கலந்துக்க வைக்க எடுக்கும் முயற்சிகள் தான் இந்த படம்"
படம் முழுக்க நிறைய Heartwarming காட்சிகள் இருக்கும்.
அப்பப்ப வருகிற கொஞ்சம் ஜாலியான காட்சிகள் நம்பல ரொம்ப Engaging ah வைத்து இருக்கும்.
கண்கலங்க வைக்கும் கிளைமேக்ஸ்‌.
இந்த மாதிரி படம் பிடிக்கும்னா இது Must Watch
Rating - 3.5/5
Read 4 tweets
I’m running the @nycmarathon in November, together with my dad and younger brother, to raise money for @Shalva_Center.

Read this 🧵to see why 👇

Help me reach my goal of 12 ETH🚀

Crypto donations can be sent to GiveShalva.eth

For fiat donations:…
2/ When I was 18, before I started the army, I had the opportunity to #volunteer, for almost two years, at the Shalva National Center in Jerusalem
3/ Shalva’s state-of-the-art facility in Jerusalem provides a magical after-school recreation center, which services thousands of children with #disabilities, from infancy to adulthood, and their families, every day.
Read 13 tweets
Detailed Study of Stocks that became 5X in past 2 Years
A Mega Thread🧵

Concepts :
Relative Strength
Stage Analysis

Retweet and Comment If you want a PDF
We have Got around 86 Stocks that became 5X in 2 years
These Belonged to various sectors and Groups
Excel Link for List of Stocks…
( As on 30th March 2022)

All stocks had few things in common :

Stocks doubled Before entering into Stage 2 Uptrend
52 week RS was positive in stage 2
90% stocks even gave all time high breakout after Stage 2
60 Stocks had market cap less than 1000 Cr

Examples : OLECTRA , PGEL
Read 19 tweets
📌Running 🏃🏻‍♂️ is one of the most demanding forms of endurance exercise in terms of energy spent/minute. Let’s see how Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) training helps runners in building an endurance.
Before that, to understand how endurance is core part of marathon training, read/save my precious thread here:
➡️What if you’re asked to chose between a chopper 🚁 Vs turbo jet engine aircraft 🛫 to make fastest circles around the earth? Obviously a wise human would choose the turbojet aircraft, right? MAF is all about building the bigger aerobic engine to enable us run faster 💨
Read 19 tweets
I was on @StephenNolan’s show on @bbc5live ystday at 23:20. After me, @PeterTatchell gave us all a lesson on #marathon physiology, inc saying TW are at a *disadvantage* compared to biological women bc the latter “have greater fatigue resistance & recover faster”. This is made-up,
unscientific nonsense. Obvs I know bc I’ve done it ! 🤬Peter, why is the male (which is what TW are) WR over TWELVE minutes faster than the female WR? @bbc should not be allowing outright lies to go unchallenged on their programmes. @FondOfBeetles @Scienceofsport @TLexercise
Peter also pushed case by case assessment of TW for sport. This is totally unworkable & would be discriminatory against some TW. @fairplaywomen explain here 👇.…
Read 5 tweets
A #marathon running project in drought-prone Marathwada has opened up the possibility of govt jobs for young women. As parents begin to view their daughters as economic prospects, one behavioural shift is that girls may be fed the same as boys. My story +
Dowry remains a prevalent problem here: a doctor son-in-law costs about Rs 51 lakh plus a kilo of gold, a teacher Rs 10 lakh plus some gold. Higher education doesn't seem to pay off in terms of a dowry discount. On the other hand, sports offers more viable job prospects +
It also offers opportunity for extraordinary achievement. The second Indian woman to qualify for a track and field final at the Olympics is Lalita Babar at 2016 Rio for the steeplechase. A girl from a drought prone village in Satara, she became one of India's finest marathoners +
Read 7 tweets
#bitcoin is fungible because #Bitcoin is neutral. It makes no difference to the network what gov't issued list denounces a UTXO. Applying externalities onto the network only serves to exclude oneself from the network, with plenty of room to route around the obstruction. #marathon
"Taint" is a non-quantifiable, opaque scare tactic used by rent-seeking chainanalysis companies to manufacture crises so they can sell their solutions for problems nobody has.
The existence of a traceable history for each UTXO does not mean it's non-fungible. This is where common sense accounting practices are conflated with fungibility.
Read 10 tweets
Will be part of the panel on 10th talking about #FitIndiaMovement

Any movement gets success only when public become part of it& take it as its own responsibility.

Isn't #fitness about our own health?

Give your points,how to make #FitIndiaMovement a success?

In series of tweets I'll share my journey of #fitness.
From death in #KargilWar
1stAmputee marathon runner
1stBlade runner
1stSolo disabled Skydiver

&how thru @majdpsingh_TCO amputees are being enabled to be #fit using #sports

I have 50 bomb particles in my body(1 in liver)

Rt leg is amputated& lt underwent open knee surgery and its thigh&calf muscle are sliced by bomb.

Knee&ribs pain 24x7

Intestines partly removed leading to indigestion troubles

Phantom pain


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#Godzilla: #FinalWars is a little too polished for my tastes. #TooMuchBlood #NeedsMoreKaiju less #FakeAssMagnumPI

"You have the power to master the entire universe...and yet you side with cows" #dialog #Magic #kaigu @Elreynetwork #Durham #GreenvilleSC
Godzilla: Haw!
#MechaGhidorah might come in handy at some point. #kaiju #Godzilla
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It's time: #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah! Scientist 2 meddling kids: First u warn me to not make an oxygen destroyer. Now U want me to make one! #kidsthesedays @Elreynetwork #kaiju
I said I could make one. I didn't say it would be easy. #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah @Elreynetwork #kaiju
Ooh-this movie ha=is #graphic sensitive viewers' warning! @Elreynetwork on the scourge of magamonster violence. #Killitwithfire #Kaiju #cadmiummissles #Godzilla
Read 42 tweets
It’s only April and Melissa Singleton has nearly finished the 1,245km @ForRangers ​ Ol Pejeta #VirtualUltra. With the support of her husband Brad and daughter Zahra, Melissa has maintained a dedicated routine that has left her with just 65kms to go.
A few years ago, she visited Ol Pejeta and met Sudan, which played a huge part in her desire to participate in the #marathon and do what she could to raise money for #rhino conservation.
The race isn’t quite over yet - she still needs to raise a bit more to reach the necessary US$1,000. Help her help rhinos by donating on her page here…. Melissa, we are very grateful for your efforts.
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