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Most recents (24)

1/ Heimlich, still und leise:

„Das #BMG bringt seit Anfang 2022 das zentral beschaffte Arzneimittel Lagevrio (Wirkstoff Molnupiravir) auf Grundlage der MedBVSV

Jetzt Stopp wegen fehlenden klinischen Nutzens. ……
2/ Kein klinischer Nutzen, aber offenbar viele Risiken und mehr Mutationen durch den Wirkstoff gegen #Covid19:
3/ Aus 01/22:

„Zu berücksichtigen ist insbesondere das mutagene und wahrscheinlich auch teratogene Potential von Molnupiravir (Lagevrio), … .

Aufgrund der derzeit noch begrenzten Daten zur Sicherheit der neuartigen Arzneimittel ist das Monitoring ……
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DON’T RECOMMEND USING THIS—the #COVID antiviral #molnupiravir is basically a genetic🧬 grenade that kills viruses but also spawns new mutant variants—new study finds mutant SARS2 coronaviruses SURVIVE & COMPETE! Dr @WmHaseltine: “WE ARE COURTING DISASTER”.…
2) A widely used COVID-19 drug may be driving the appearance of new SARS-CoV-2 variants, sparking concerns it could prolong and even reinvigorate the pandemic. The drug, molnupiravir, produced by Merck & Co., is designed to kill the virus by inducing mutations in the viral genome
3) A survey of viral genomes reported in a new preprint, however, suggests some people treated generate novel viruses that not only remain viable, but spread.
“It’s clear that viable mutant viruses can survive [molnupiravir] & compete [with existing variants],” says @WmHaseltine
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Thread 1/14) Pfizer Paxlovid Safety Study Adverse Events:
ONLY UNVACCINATED COULD PARTICIPATE. Out of only 2224 total participants, 1001 had adverse events.
Whatever was used as placebo, at LEAST 13 PEOPLE DIED (just wait, it gets crazier...)… ImageImageImage
2/14) The Paxlovid Safety Study "Placebo" was made for Pfizer by "Hetero Labs Limited", located in India. Guess what they make? #Remdesivir
The placebo ingredients are not listed anywhere. ImageImage
3/14) Although the study SUMMARY published on says 7 "placebo" people died, the detailed version shows 12 DIED.…
Let's look at SOME of the Paxlovid (NOT Placebo) adverse events... ImageImageImageImage
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MOLNUPIRAVIR weg mit dem Sch***

Dr Ryan Hier @LongDesertTrain hat waste water lineage's gefunden die drei Jahre SC2 Evolution in zwei Wochen geschafft haben...

Wenn wir einen dritten SC2-Serotyp haben wollen dann nur weiter raus mit dem Zeug an die Patienten^^
Und er findet immer mehr und krasseres Zeug. Und er hat betont: wenn so ein surveillance Typ wie ich schon auf eindeutige #Molnupiravir #Varianten im Abwasser stosse, ohne überhaupt danach zu suchen, dann müssen weltweit davon #Tausende zirkulieren


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Mars 2022 : l’OMS rejette la #Fluvoxamine mais recommande le #Molnupiravir de Merck, un traitement décrit comme une « pilule miracle » (BFMTV*).

Octobre 2022 : un essai randomisé sur 25,783 patients** (PANORAMIC) montre que le médicament n’a pas d’effet sur les hospis ou décès.
** Source PANORAMIC :…
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Major COVID drug bites the dust—Merck’s #COVID-fighting antiviral #molnupiravir failed to prevent #COVID19 hospitalizations/deaths is a large trial of ~25,000 people, despite drug shortening recovery time & lowering viral load. Damn—COVID19 is a tough nut.…
2) Yes #molnupiravir did improve recovery a little— but if you look at the chart, it was mostly just around the 7-12 day mark that the drug had biggest effect, and then the drug seemed to stay parallel and even converge with the placebo group beyond 2 weeks. ➡️benefit didn’t last
3) for the combined endpoint of HOSPITALIZATIONS/DEATHS… no obvious subgroup benefit. There was even a borderline increased risk in the immunocompromised (P for subgroup interaction=0.06, bordeline). Not sure if that is real or bad luck but it’s not good.
Read 8 tweets
🔴 Aç tok farketmez,Farketmezde...

#Molnupiravir, Bu ilaç 200,400,800 mg olarak denendi,FDA geçici onay verdi
📌 Toplam 5 günluk insan (775 kişi) deneyleri var.
📌Hamilelerde kullanilmaz

●Sıçanlarda (femur -tibia) bacak kemiklerinde deformasyon
●Erkek Sıçanlarda trakea
Kıkırdak dokularda değişiklikler(cartilage)

●Hemoglobin anomolisi

●DNA üzerinde mutajenik etki(mutasyon) var

●MK-4482-001 Kodlu protokolla hastanede yatan 293 hasta üzerinde denendi

●ölüm oranı plasebo gurubunda %2.7 iken ilaç gurubunda %6.4 bulunmuştur ve yatan hastada
Uygun görülmedi

📌İşte tam burada bir nokta var

●Hastayi yatırıp yatırmamak her ülkede farklı kriterlere sahip (sağlık alt yapısı)
●Hatta hekimden hekime degisir,biri uygun görür öbürü evde tedavi der.
●yatması gereken hastayı eve göndermiş ve Molnupiravir vermissek...
Read 4 tweets
Ein Thread zu #Covid19 #Immunsuppression mit Medikamenten.

Es gibt inzwischen aussichtsreiche Behandlungsoptionen selbst für die am stärksten gefährdeten Gruppen. Allerdings sind die nicht ohne Probleme.
Wie der Stand ist und worauf ihr achten müsst.

Daten zeigen, dass die meisten Immunschwachen nach 3 Impfungen einen ordentlichen Schutz aufbauen. Z.B. 60% Serokonversion nach 2 Impfungen bei Krebs. Weitere Impfungen steigern die Serokonversion, d.h. auf jeden Fall 3. & 4. Dosis holen.
Bei zwei Gruppen wirken die Impfungen kaum: Organtransplantierte und Leute, die das Medikament #Rituximab bekommen.
Da gibt es aber inzwischen auch Optionen. Primär sind das monoklonale #Antikörper, die in DE nach meinen Infos weithin mit gutem Erfolg eingesetzt werden.
Read 15 tweets
1. #Ukraine et Bulgarie ont connu la + forte mortalité d'Europe en novembre mais la flambée des cas en février a été bcp + forte en Ukraine.
La diminution puis l'arrêt des tests plonge dans l'inconnu.
Les 700 morts/j atteints en novembre pourraient être largement dépassé⏬
2. Et ce pourrait être la même chose côté russe, tant les destins covid semblent similaires, à part le taux de vaccination (moyen en Russie, faible en Ukraine)⏬
3. Rappelons que ces 2 pays étaient les 2 premiers, en nombre de sites (hors USA), pour les essais du #Molnupiravir, l'antiviral de Merck, puissant mutagène.
Car pour ces essais, on a besoin de volontaires infectés mais surtout pas vaccinés…⏬
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La gente en #Venezuela anda comprando #Molnupiravir y #Remdesivir como si fuera Acetaminofen. Muchas veces sin prescripción médica, solo porque el familiar, el amigo o la vecina se lo recomendo.

Aquí les explico cuál es su uso correcto

Tenemos 4 #antivirales disponibles para #COVID19  hasta el momento.

#Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir) (oral)
#Sotrovimab (endovenoso)
#Remdesivir (endovenoso)
#Molnupiravir (oral)

De las cuáles, solo tenemos disponibles en Venezuela los 2 últimos.
¿Cuando usarlos?

Se recomienda el uso de #antivirales orales en pacientes NO hospitalizados con enfermedad leve/moderada (Saturación mayor o igual a 94%) que tienen ALTO RIESGO DE PROGRESIÓN.

Ese riesgo será definido por su médico, pero les voy a aclarar a que se refiere eso.
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Plongée dans la sphère de désinformation complotiste.
Oui vous savez, celle où l'#IVM, l'#AZT, le #zinc et les #vitamines sont "portentiellement dangereuses", la #fluvoxamine "manque de preuves", mais où le #molnupiravir et les AC monoclonaux hors de prix sont "efficaces" !
Ah ces théories du complot, où ces complotistes de la HAS interdisent le bon vieux molnupiravir, et où l'Académie de Médecine et la Revue du Practicien recommandent la Vitamine D. Et que dire de ces pays corrompus comme l'Inde ou le Japon qui utilisent avec succès l'Ivermectine ?
Cette sphère d'une #bienveillance ... extrême
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1. Le travail de sape de l'OMS a fini par payer…
Jusqu'au 23 déc, on trouvait uniquement cela sur le site @MoHFW_INDIA, section "Hospitals"…
2. Avec un lien vers ce protocole, où on trouvait, page 11:…
3. Mais le 24 déc. @ICMRDELHI & @aiims_nd, organes de conseil et de recherche, beaucoup plus sensibles aux arguments de l'OMS, ont enfin réussi à faire référencer leurs recommandations, sans toutefois réussir à faire disparaître le protocole complet.
Read 7 tweets
Should we use #molnupiravir (MOV) to treat #SARSCoV2 #COVID19?

With new @NIH treatment guidelines out, it's time to review the evidence behind them.

Here's #HowIReadThisPaper on the MOVe-OUT trial by Bernal et al in @NEJM

How does this drug work?

MOV is a RNA nucleotide prodrug of n-hydroxycytidine, a cytidine analogue that is a potent mutagen for viruses.

It works by tricking viral RNA polymerase into making errors during replication.…
In which patients was this drug studied?

1,433 unvaccinated outpatients

>18 years old

with symptomatic #COVID19

for <5 days

and at least one risk factor for severe disease:
Read 18 tweets
The statement of ICMR chief Balaram Bhargav regarding Molnupiravir is without scientific rigour and must be withdrawn immediately. Please read this 🧵
#Molnupiravir #Merck #icmr @DonitaJose @AneeshaBedi @KanizaGarari @vinodscaria
Regarding mutagenicity of Molnupiravir, the initial test for any molecule is the Ames test which if negative indicates that the molecule in question has no mutagenicity. For Molnupiravir it was positive. If Ames test is positive, further tests are done for confirmation.
The in vivo MN study was negative. The Sprague-Dawley Rat Pig-α Assay was equivocal. But the conclusive test called Transgenic Rodent Assay in Big Blue Rat was unequivocally negative.
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Ab heute kann das antivirale #Molnupiravir-haltige Präparat #Lagevrio der Firma MSD zur gezielten Behandlung Covid-19-Erkrankter ärztlich verordnet werden. Damit steht das erste oral einzunehmende Mediment gegen Covid im ambulanten Bereich zur Verfügung. Was kann es? 🧵 1/11
Zuerst: DasArzneimittel ist hinsichtlich seiner pharmazeutischen Qualität, Wirksamkeit und
Sicherheit noch nicht vollständig geprüft und noch nicht durch die Europäische
Arzneimittelbehörde (EMA) oder das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte
(BfArM) zugelassen.2/11
Die Einnahme von Lagevrio muss innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach dem Einsetzen von COVID-19 Symptomen beginnen. Man nimmt vier 200 mg Kapseln (insgesamt 800 mg), jeweils morgens und abends an 5 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen ein. 3/11
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Vi saluto con questo post riassuntivo e panoramico di ciò è stato rilevante in ambito biologico/biotecnologico/medico nel 2021 secondo la rivista Science. Mi auguro sia un thread utile e piacevole. Partiamo 🧵
#COVID19 #Omicron #science Image
La scoperta dell'anno: l'intelligenza artificiale che predice la struttura delle proteine. La scorsa estate Science stessa pubblicava i risultati relativi alla capacità di un algoritmo artificiale (RoseTTA fold) nel predire la struttura di proteine e complessi proteici. 2/n
#IA Image
Pillole antivirali contro #COVID: i risultati da #Merck (#Molnupiravir) e #Pfizer (#Paxlovid) sono molto buoni: verranno utilizzate per i pazienti non ospedalizzati con malattia lieve-moderata di recente insorgenza con fattori di rischio per lo sviluppo di malattia grave. 3/n Image
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In a world with #Omicron (a rare mutational event), the drug #molnupiravir (a mutagen) was just authorized by the @US_FDA despite:

1⃣ NO estimate of the number of mutations it causes per virus

2⃣ NO estimate of onward viral transmission while on the drug…
@US_FDA Given #molnupiravir's usage to treat #COVID19 is inevitable, what can be done to prevent the potential acceleration of #SARSCoV2 variants?
1⃣patients should strictly ISOLATE WHILE TAKING, especially in the first days on the drug

2⃣ALL DOSES should be taken PRECISELY as directed
@US_FDA Our own reasons for these recommendations are presented here 👇
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1/🧵 Molnupiravir & Paxlovid are BOTH approved for EAU (emergency use) as pills for #Covid to reduce hospitalization and/or death if taken EARLY (w/in 5 days).

This ⬆️ our need for Rapid Tests!

Primary prevention is #Vaxx. 🤛

A few thoughts…

FDA - Image
2/ Which drug? When? Why?

Both drugs reduce likelihood of you being hospitalized if you take them early. The actual scientific publication of Pfizer’s #Paxlovid is not out yet, so I’m waiting to read peer-review data before firm stance.

3/ Molnupiravir - 👇 @NEJM paper & conclusion.

You might think the story is clear. But it’s not.

1st half of study period yielded strong results but 2nd half did not…see 1 & 2.

Only 3% difference, so 1 improvement for every 33 pts treated. Image
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ICYMI: Another reason not to take #molnupiravir is mutagenesis of the patient DNA hasn't been ruled out.

We've already ruled *in* viral mutagenesis.

The push to approve molnupiravir feels like Challenger-style "go fever".

Sanity needs to prevail.…
When we discovered boceprevir has activity against SARSCoV2, we contacted Merck and let them know, because it was their drug and we figured they could modify the compound for even better activity.

Boceprevir activity below, also published by others.…
Well Merck didn't pursue a boceprevir derivative for COVID19, and chose instead to bet on a new drug that creates mutations in the virus as its only mechanism of action. This had never been tried before (there's a belief ribavirin does, but it has other inhibitory effects).
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🧵The @US_FDA's materials on @Merck's #Molnupiravir and its potential to induce problematic #SARSCoV2 variants are HERE:

📄section (pp. 30-36)

📺at 2h51m, 3h46m, 4h5m, 5h12m, 7h32m

Observations to follow.
@US_FDA @Merck First, @Merck and the @US_FDA panelists have done excellent work compiling and analyzing the available data. This was not an easy vote (13 YES/10 NO).

However, specifically on the potential for molnupiravir to induce new viral variants, the results only augment my concerns.
@US_FDA @Merck 1⃣MUTATION VS. SELECTION. The materials repeatedly confuse mutation and selection (e.g., "The Spike protein is already under evolutionary pressure with or without molnupiravir", 3hr).

Contrarily, the concern is this drug is a mutagen and provides RAW MATERIAL, not selection.
3/n Image
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Résumé du #Molnupiravir, vraiment efficace seulement < 5 jours après infection, dont l’essai sur-optimisé (exclusions de patients, hospitalisations définies comme un séjour de +de 24h, adhésion au max) arrive à peine à faire sortir 30% d’efficacité, et pas sur tous les variants. Image
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TODAY at #Virological: throughout the #COVID19 pandemic, there has been a tendency to underestimate the potential of #SARSCoV2 to mutate and adapt.

As the @US_FDA meets Tuesday to discuss #molnupiravir, @sarperotto and I fear another oversight.🧵
To be clear, I believe vaccines and antiviral drugs BOTH have critical parts to play in the fight against #COVID19.

Oral antivirals are of particular interest given their potential for equitable distribution.

This is NOT an argument against antivirals.
Antivirals can work via several mechanisms.

🦠PROTEASE INHIBITORS, like #paxlovid and #masitinib, prevent the production of mature viral proteins.

🧬MUTAGENS, like #molnupiravir, instead increase the viral mutation rate to intolerable levels, causing LETHAL MUTAGENESIS.
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Le Professeur Jacques Fantini , professeur de Biochimie a l’Université d’Aix-Marseille, conclue de ses analyses que le variant #Omicron ne supplantera pas le #Delta.

Les vaccins ne protègeront pas ou peu contre ce variant mais il est moins transmissible que le Delta

L’analyse de la séquence du virus OMÉGA montre

✅Une avalanche de mutations n’obéissant à aucune logique de sélection
➡️patient immunodéprimé et/ou traitements antiviraux mutagènes (#molnupiravir ?) ?

✅Affinité du RBD d’#Omicron pour ACE-2 diminuée

✅ les anticorps neutralisants des vaccins auront une activité très faible sur ce variant.

✅ L’épitope facilitant du NTD (ADE) est également détruit par les réarrangements de la protéine #Spike d’#Omicron

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