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Jun 17th 2023
1/ Das New England Journal of Medicine #NEJM spielte während der #Pandemie eine wichtige Rolle:

Viele der ersten Auswertungen der klinischen Studiendaten der #Covid19-#Impfstoffe wurden hierin veröffentlicht.

In seinem Buch schreibt @PGtzsche1 über das Fachjournal folgendes:
2/ „Auch das #NEJM ist in #Interessenkonflikte verstrickt. Es verdient Riesensummen durch den Verkauf von Nachdrucken von Studienberichten und durch Anzeigen von Arzneimittelherstellern - so viel, dass man uns nichts darüber sagen wollte, als wir nachfragten, und uns nicht …
3/ … einmal verriet, welcher Prozentsatz seiner Einnahmen aus Nachdrucken stammt.

Ich habe die Rolle der Herausgeber im #Vioxx-Skandal an anderer Stelle beschrieben. #Merck gab falsche Daten über Herzinfarkte an, die #Vioxx in einer zulassungsrelevanten Studie verursacht …
Read 9 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
As the Marxist agitator #AdamSmith once said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices."

1/ A caricature of a businessm...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Smith understood that capitalists hate capitalism. They don't want to compete with one another, because that would interfere with their ability to raise the prices their customers pay and reduce the wages they pay their workers.

Read 36 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
Read 198 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Merck et potentiellement d'autres géants pharmaceutiques travaillent dans les coulisses pour arrêter toute production générique d'ivermectine, en particulier en Inde, où plus de 50 entreprises différentes le fabriquent actuellement pour le marché mondial.…
Une ancienne étudiante-athlète attaque le géant #Merck sur les blessures par vaccin après injection avec le vaccin #Gardasil sur le papillomavirus humain ( HPV ).…
Le vaccin #Merck #Gardasil a paralysé un jeune homme – une tragédie médicale en cours qui doit être arrêtée.…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
A thread of excerpts from a 2011 presentation by Ray Obomsawin, Ph.D. on #vaccines , their alleged elimination of infectious diseases, and #vaccine #safety
Natural immunity is the only true immunity. Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature, and nature is never cheated.
Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, who worked among aboriginal peoples in Australia, authored Every Second Child as he observed the death rate among aboriginal children was nearly 50%. He discovered it was due to #vaccination
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May 11th 2022

It's getting crazier!

Is this the reason the West is willing to let #Ukraine burn?

Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, made several statements:
The special military operation of the #Russian Armed Forces made it possible to stop criminal experiments on civilians of ##Ukraine
#Ukraine is a training ground for the West for the development of #biological weapons components and testing of new samples of pharmaceuticals
Read 15 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
1/ Thread on diff #cyber skirmishes b/w #Russia and #Ukraine. Initially enlisting the ones alleged to Russia.

2014, Beginning of armed conflict in region started when Russia invaded and annexed the #Crimea Peninsula & started sp the regions of #Luhansk & #Donetsk.
2/ 2015, Post Russian invasion of the Crimean Peninsula, alleged Russian hackers managed to knock out electric power for around 230,000 customers in western Ukraine.
3/ 2016, Attackers repeated the same sequence, expanding the targets to incl govt & banking sector.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
Dive-in for a peek at my #process and #designthinking on how I made my latest science infographic: "Comparing How COVID-19 Vaccines and Antiviral Pills Work" ⬇️🧵#COVID #Pfizer #Merck #DIY #infographic #vaccines #WIP #development #Covid_19 #paxlovid A poster showing "How I Made This", and a reproduc
The original inspiration for this piece was the newly marketed antiviral pills by Pfizer and Merck for the treatment of COVID-19. I thought with hearing so much about vaccines this year, and with pills entering the arena, people might be curious about what each does in the body.
When I started researching, I quickly learned that there were many types of vaccines. Here's one chart I found that explains this (left; by Nikita Ramesh, made with @BioRender). My first idea (right) was to convey ALL these types of vaccines against antivirals. A chart showing 7 major types of vaccines technologies and hEarly sketch of research and my arrangement for the infograp
Read 20 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
The statement of ICMR chief Balaram Bhargav regarding Molnupiravir is without scientific rigour and must be withdrawn immediately. Please read this 🧵
#Molnupiravir #Merck #icmr @DonitaJose @AneeshaBedi @KanizaGarari @vinodscaria
Regarding mutagenicity of Molnupiravir, the initial test for any molecule is the Ames test which if negative indicates that the molecule in question has no mutagenicity. For Molnupiravir it was positive. If Ames test is positive, further tests are done for confirmation.
The in vivo MN study was negative. The Sprague-Dawley Rat Pig-α Assay was equivocal. But the conclusive test called Transgenic Rodent Assay in Big Blue Rat was unequivocally negative.
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Jan 1st 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/01/2022…
Gut health: Why scientists think this part of the body is "the first brain"…

#EntericNervousSystem, #FirstBrain, #GutHealth
Read 17 tweets
Dec 31st 2021
Vi saluto con questo post riassuntivo e panoramico di ciò è stato rilevante in ambito biologico/biotecnologico/medico nel 2021 secondo la rivista Science. Mi auguro sia un thread utile e piacevole. Partiamo 🧵
#COVID19 #Omicron #science Image
La scoperta dell'anno: l'intelligenza artificiale che predice la struttura delle proteine. La scorsa estate Science stessa pubblicava i risultati relativi alla capacità di un algoritmo artificiale (RoseTTA fold) nel predire la struttura di proteine e complessi proteici. 2/n
#IA Image
Pillole antivirali contro #COVID: i risultati da #Merck (#Molnupiravir) e #Pfizer (#Paxlovid) sono molto buoni: verranno utilizzate per i pazienti non ospedalizzati con malattia lieve-moderata di recente insorgenza con fattori di rischio per lo sviluppo di malattia grave. 3/n Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
#Molnupiravir desarrollado por #Merck y Ridgeback Biotherapeutics podría ser la 1a droga antiviral oral a nivel mundial contra #COVID19
Ha sido aprovado hoy en #ReinoUnido por la Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) con el nombre comercial de Lagevrio
#Molnupiravir es un antiviral de amplio espectro desarrollado por casi 10 años. Se usó por 1a vez como fármaco contra el ébola en Liberia (2016-2017). Otras terapias vs #COVID19:
#Remdesivir (Gilead Science) y cóctel de anticuerpos monoclonales (Regeneron) vía IV o inyección.
#Molnupiravir (MK-4482 / EIDD-2801) es una forma experimental de un potente análogo de ribonucleósido que inhibe la replicación del #SARSCoV2
Es activo en varios modelos preclínicos de SARS-CoV-2, incluso para la profilaxis, el tratamiento y la prevención de la transmisión.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
“Last Diwali to this Diwali: Summary of Momentum Investments/ Trades taken (#MostlyMomentum)!!”:

Introduction of my journey so far:
I started my #StockMarket journey Jul- 2016:

•During 2016-17, as a typical new investor, started with TV Tips, and IPOs,
this (IPOs) helped in a way, best #DMART has still been the best of IPOs I applied for, got allotment, and kept for couple of months and captured fastest 282% of my #StockMarket journey.

• During 2017-18, decided not to go after TV Tips,
and started doing something on my own including a little Option “BUYING” 12, lost some funds in Option Buying, but gained a lot of experience regarding not to so something you don’t know. Alongside this, also started exploring cash market strategies of buying what is going up and
Read 25 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
How Big Pharma DELIVERED CAMPAIGN CASH to key lawmakers with surgical precision

The pharmaceutical industry there is one agenda: Heading off Medicare drug price negotiation, which it considers an existential threat to its business model.

Campaign donations to members of Congress — which must be reported to the Federal Election Commission — are the tip of the iceberg, signaling far greater activity in influence peddling that includes spending millions on lobbying activities and advertising campaigns.

Pharmaceutical companies and their lobbying groups gave roughly $1.6 million to lawmakers during the first six months of 2021, with Republicans accepting $785,000 and Democrats $776,200, the Pharma Cash to Congress database shows.

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Oct 1st 2021
¡Tres nuevas opciones de tratamiento contra COVID19 en el horizonte! 🦠

PFIZER: Estudio fase 2/3 en 2,660 personas con el inhibidor de proteasa PF-07321332 administrado junto con ritonavir, como medicamento anti-viral para la prevención de COVID19 en personas expuestas al virus.
MERCK: Los resultados del análisis interim de Fase 3 en 775 pacientes muestran que su anti-viral oral molnupiravir reduce hospitalización por COVID19 de 14.1% a 7.3%, comparado con placebo.
ROCHE: Su anti-viral oral AT-527, desarrollado junto con Atea, mostró en Fase 2 ser seguro. Actualmente corre la Fase 3 con 1,400 pacientes extrahospitalarios con COVID19. También hacen un estudio de seguimiento para Long COVID19 en estos pacientes que recibieron AT-527 en Fase 3
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Oct 1st 2021


Why today's announcement that #molnupiravir cuts risk of #COVID19 hospitalization and death in half IS NOT GOOD NEWS, but a demonstration of #BigPharma murky business, or in the case of #Merck, #MerckyBusiness.
If you believe, for example, @DrEricDing, a senior fellow of the Federation of American Scientists, it is time to open our Champagne bottles. An antiviral drug can cut hospitalization and death in half in a randomized trial. Finally!

It is such great news that the U.S. government already made an advance purchase of 1.7 million doses of the drug at a cost of $1.2 billion.

Great news, we are being told.



Read 87 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
La réalité, est qu'il y avait un contrat sur sa tête, car elle devenait extrêmement dangereuse pour TOUTES les industries dites BigPharmas, surtout celles impliquées dans les vaccins.

📺 Conférence de Brandy Vaughan, une ancienne employée de Merck.…
Brandy Vaughan, 47 ans, ancienne employée de Merck a été retrouvée morte chez elle par son fils de 10 ans.

Elle est morte en quelques heures, et n'a pas appelé les secours.
La thèse officielle est que son décès serait lié à une pathologie chronique de la vésicule biliaire, personnellement, je n'y crois pas.

Elle commence à travailler pour l'entreprise pharmaceutique Merck en 2000 en tant qu'avocate pour propulser la vente du Vioxx.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
@LauriSum Mai Thi's Mann Matthias Leiendecker
@LauriSum Mai Thi's Mann Matthias Leiendecker arbeitet als Principal Scientist für die Firma Merck.

#Lügen #Maßnahmen #dieBasis
@LauriSum Die Firma #Merk, für die #MaiThi|s Ehemann als führender Wissenschaftler tätig ist, beliefert #BioNTech mit Lipiden.

#Lügen #Maßnahmen #dieBasis
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Aug 3rd 2021
Le scandale du #MEDIATOR
a tellement mis en avant des pbs de conflit d’intérêt entre les organismes de l’Etat et BIGPHARMA,

que l’AFSSAPS a changé de nom et c’est nommée #ANSM… Image


La sphère publique est juge et partie.
Cela peut mener a une sous-évaluation des incidents déclarés.

ANSM= une cible pour le lobby de BigPharma. Pb / Levothyrox, Depakine, Médiator… ImageImage

Des politiques influents peuvent être rémunérées par Bigpharma.
Il y a aussi des récompenses (offres de travail); ex de Monsanto.

Des « experts » Français décideurs ont des conflits d’intérêt.… Image
Read 57 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
#SDP #Kokoomus #PS #Keskusta #KD #Vas #Vihreät #rkp
#Nizza'ssa 'lähes 300 äärioikeistolaista vastustaa #rokotepassi -hanketta.' Hullu-#Macron'ia ei ole nähty yli viikkoon.
- #Finland'ssa 99,9% kannattaa #rokotepassi'ia, EMU-Niinistöä ja Veneakku-Marinia. #Nice #PassSanitaire
#PassSanitaire #rokotepassi Hundreds of Thousands March Across #France as Nationwide Opposition to Health Pass Solidifies (VIDEO) | August 1st
- Independent police unions who counted for themselves throughout the day put the number at around 1.2 MILLION.… Image
#PassSanitaire #rokotepassi Leaflets passed around containing constructive information about how to combat the health pass measures contained correct information about the #Rockefeller #Lockstep plan, for example.
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Apr 27th 2021
If you think this will be over after first round of #vaccinations - you could not be more wrong. This is a permanent program for #4IR era of global #surveillance, #data harvesting & future #biotech.

#Pandemic Action Network’s 100+ partners - "for a more pandemic-proof world." ImageImageImageImage
Launched April 2020, members include #BMGF (#Gates Found.), ONE (Bono), Global Goals, #GlobalCitizen (financed by Gates), #Rockefeller Foundation, #JohnsonandJohnson, UN (partnered w/ #WEF), #Wellcome, etc.

#GlobalGoals (#SDGs) are emerging markets. ImageImageImageImage
First follows chosen by #Pandemic Action Network Twitter account include members:

1. #Gates Foundation
2. Federation of American #Scientists
3. Global Health Strategies
4. #CDC Foundation
5. #GlobalCitizen
6. #GHTC
7. iHeartMedia - #media & #entertainment

#PandemicPlaybook ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 9th 2021
“La vacuna Covid de #AstraZeneca ha estado marcada por nobles intenciones, errores de comunicación, juicios complicados, pesadillas de fabricación y rivalidad política y económica. ¿Cómo fue que todo salió tan mal? vía @BW #Bloomberg
“Mene Pangalos, jefe de investigación biofarmacéutica de #AstraZeneca Plc, se acostó el lunes 22 de marzo sintiéndose bien por primera vez en mucho tiempo. Después de trabajar las 24 hs del día durante el fin de semana, acababa de anunciar mejor que los resultados intermedios”.
“Eran resultados del gran ensayo de vacunación de la compañía en EEUU 🇺🇸: La inyección fue segura y 79% efectiva para prevenir casos de #Covid19 sintomático. Noticias positivas, por fin, después de meses de preguntas sobre todo, incluida la seguridad y la escasez de suministros”.
Read 78 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
La noticia no està gens malament però el titular és de jutjat de guàrdia. Horrorós i implica nul·la comprensió. #ebola NO està eradicat del Congo. Senzillament està "pausat" gràcies a la vacuna #ervebo de #Merck.…
I també gràcies a monoclonals com #mAb114 o #RegnEB3, i a molta feina de seguiment de contactes. Però només fins al proper salt #zoonotic. Mentre hi hagi reservori animal un virus NO podrà ser eradicat, a menys que matem a tots els membres del reservori. I això no és just, oi?
I després un tema lèxic, per què el #polio natural és "salvatge"? Primer, q més aviat seria silvestre, però el q va arribar després és el polio vacunal; per tant el primer, el paralitzant, seria polio, ras i curt, i el q genera la vacuna en alguns casos, seria el #poliovacunal.
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Dec 27th 2020
Començaré fort. Si no arribem a taxes de vacunació entre el 50-70% l’efecte de les vacunes vs #SARSCoV2 es veurà clarament compromesa. Recordin que les vacunes no ens protegiran, el que ens protegeix és la vacunació, i com més estesa en l’espai geogràfic i grups d’edat millor.
I la rapidesa amb que s’han obtingut aquestes vacunes fa malfiar alguna gent; òbviament hi ha els que no se la poden posar per estar en grups particulars on el quocient benefici/cost no és favorable (immunocompromesos per exemple, gent amb certes patologies) però també estan...
els a-mi-no-em-passarà-res, o els jo-no-la-necessito, jo-controlo, i després els conspiranoics, aquests ja directament estúpids.
Com és possible que hagin trigat NOMÉS 11 mesos en aprovar una vacuna? Si abans s’estaven anys, 5, 7 anys per aprovar-les, oi? Algunes coses que...
Read 25 tweets

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