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Jun 3rd 2021
šŸ”„Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Matt Gaetz *obstructed justice* during a phone call he had with a witness in the child #SexTrafficking case being built against him.

#ObstructionOfJustice is punishable by up to 20 years in the slammer.šŸ˜Ž

The obstruction probe stems from a phone call the witness had w/Gaetzā€™s ex-girlfriend (fmr Capitol Hill intern), who patched Gaetz into the callā€”Gaetzā€™s ex-girlfriend & the witness are friends with the trafficked girl.

The witness spoke with prosecutorsšŸ˜Žā€¦
Gaetzā€™s ex-girlfriend, who was on the call in question, is seeking an #immunity deal from prosecutors and has expressed fears that she may have obstructed justice. She told friends that she feared the alleged trafficking victim may have recorded her in another phone call.šŸ§
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Jun 17th 2020

Bolton says Trump asked #China to help him win the 2020 election.

When meeting with Xi in 2019, Trump ā€œstunningly, turned the conversation to the coming US @POTUS election...pleading with Xi to ensure heā€™d win.ā€šŸ’„

#TrumpChina @thespybriefā€¦
Bolton says Trump alluded to #Chinaā€™s economic capability to affect the US campaigns: ā€œHe stressed the importance of farmers, and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome.ā€šŸ¤¬

Bolton: ā€œI would print Trumpā€™s exact words but the governmentā€™s prepublication review process has decided otherwise.ā€
Read 15 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
šŸ”„John Boltonā€™s book says the @HouseDemocratsā€™ #impeachment inquiry should have investigated @realDonaldTrumpā€”not just for #Ukraineā€”but for seeking to obstruct justice for political reasons.

#TrumpRussia @thespybrief #ObstructionOfJusticeā€¦
Bolton says Trump tried to stop criminal investigations to ā€œgive personal favors to dictators he liked,ā€ citing cases involving firms in #China & #Turkey. ā€œThe pattern looked like #ObstructionOfJustice as a way of lifeā€”which we couldnā€™t accept.ā€
Bolton reported his concerns about Trumpā€™s #ObstructionOfJustice to AG Bill Barr, who did NOTHING.šŸ¤¬
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Dec 18th 2019
While we wait for the vote in the US House of Representatives on Articles of Impeachment against Donald J. Trump, I think it is worth taking some time to remember all the hard work that got us to this historic moment. A personal journey of 2019.... #ImpeachmentDay
Accountability began with the #BlueWave2018 in November 2018, where people all over the country said ENOUGH! Voters turned out in massive numbers to give a majority to the @HouseDemocrats. This was no fluke, but a MASSIVE effort by citizens all over America.
Then the real crazy started, with new offenses every day and a long gov't shutdown driven by Trump's racism and spite. It is here where Trump made his first major attempt to take away the power of the purse away from Congress with his #FakeNationalEmergency.
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Dec 7th 2019
1. Question posed by Norman Eisen, Democratic Counsel, House Judiciary Committee. "Can you say a little bit more about what the framers concerns were about corruption of elections and betrayal of the national interest involving foreign powers and how they come into play here?"
2. Professor Pamela S. Karlan answers "So the framers were very worried that elections could be corrupted, they could be corrupted in a variety of different ways and they spent alot of time trying to design an election system that wouldn't be subject to that kind of corruption.
3. And there are a number of different provisions in the Constitution that deal with the kinds of corruption they were worried about....
Read 19 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
šŸšØBREAKING: Prosecutors #subpoena people tied to @RudyGiuliani and his #Ukrainegate henchmenā€”Les Parnas and Igor Frumanā€”indicating a BROAD federal probe into alleged #MoneyLaundering, #ObstructionOfJustice, and campaign-finance violations.

ā€œAmong the entities named in the #subpoenas are Giuliani Partners, a security-consulting firm...that had multiple foreign clients, including a city in #Ukraine. The subpoenas also sought info on a company co-founded by Parnas that paid Giuliani for business and legal advice.ā€šŸ”„
Subpoenas listed >6 potential charges: #ObstructionOfJustice, #MoneyLaundering, #conspiracy to defraud the US, making false statements, serving as a foreign agent w/o registering, donating funds from foreign nationals, making straw donations, mail #fraud and wire fraud. šŸ”„
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2019
šŸ’„BREAKING NEWSšŸ’„PROOF Trumpā€™s foreign policy decisions are SOLELY focused on winning the #2020Election. After restaurant call, Sondland told Holmes that Trump didnā€™t give a shit about Ukraine- only Biden, Burisma and server investigation- but Trump also mentioned A$AP on call šŸ¤”
šŸ—³#QuidProQuo: A$AP, a black rapper, was detained in Sweden on assault charges and Trumpā€™s buddies, @kanyewest & @KimKardashian wanted @realDonaldTrump to (Quid) help get charges dropped and released- (Quo)Trump gets credit and gains the black votešŸ™„ā€¦
šŸ”„At the same time that @realDonaldTrump is trying to extort Zelensky to investigate the Bidens, heā€™s also trying to sweet talk the Prime Minister of Sweden to do him a solid and release A$AP, ASAP... Keep in mind that Sondland was advising him on this caper too..šŸ”„
Read 13 tweets
Oct 27th 2019
BEFORE READING THIS THREAD, do you think this statement is TRUE or FALSE?

Despite being a documented #epidemic for decades, @HHSGov's #CenterForDiseaseControl(@CDCgov) intentionally obstructs its collecting #statistics on what causes at least 10% of deaths NEEDLESSLY every year.

HINT: You already know of these systemic #DataScams due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture:

šŸ¤„#UScensus is maliciously biased

Thread coming soon about #CauseOfDeath #DataFraud

#AmericanSwamp #MedicalControlFraud

ANOTHER HINT: My inability to escape intrahospital, interhospital & health/disability insurersā€™ #ConspiracyAgainstRights using #MedicalControlFrauds exposes motive of the right answer.

Watch this video later to understand #PublicCorruption by examplešŸ“½ļø
Read 43 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
1/16 It has begun. The GOP is spinning that the sole transcript Trump says he will release is more important than the #WhistleblowerComplaint as a tactic to insist everything should ride on this one supposed piece of evidence.

#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachmentParty #UkraineTranscript
2/16 All reports indicate this was a months-long conspiracy Trump and Giuliani were engaged in, subverting & bypassing officials who tried to stop them.

A single call does not BEGIN to give an accurate depiction of the events that lead up to this.ā€¦
3/16 And Trump already has a shady history with releasing information.

Forget the obvious like his tax returns, school grades, and secret meetings with Putin.

Actually, a reminder of those secret meetings:
Read 348 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
Acting @FBI Director #McCabe opened a criminal investigation of President Trump on May 16, 2017, one day before Deputy AGl @RodRosenstein appointed #SpecialCounsel #RobertMueller, according to a memo by McCabe released by @JudicialWatch.

(Thread šŸ‘‡)ā€¦
In the memo, #McCabe wrote that he had ā€œapproved the opening of an investigation of President Donald Trumpā€ on the morning of May 16, 2017.

McCabe informed @RodRosenstein of the opening of the investigation at 12:30 p.m. on that same day.
The memo, which was obtained by @JudicialWatch on Sept. 20, is the 1st document to publicly confirm that #McCabe opened a formal investigation of Trump shortly before @RodRosenstein appointed the #SpecialCounsel to run the investigation.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 27th 2019
No matter how they come out, the #impeachment hearings that now appear to be on their way will turn out to be a long overdue family conversation and massive online civics course where we, as Americans, get to grapple with some really important questions. Leave your examples below
Please make all examples based on facts that were preserved in the #MuellerReport. You may not like his looks or style, but the man knew how to preserve a record.
Ex. 1: If a foreign power offers you help in an election, do you accept the help or do you call the FBI?
Ex. 2: If you continue to pursue potential business deals involving said foreign power, or any other entity looking to do business with you, and refuse to divest or put everything in a blind trust (or even make routine disclosures), have you made yourself susceptible to bribery?
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Jul 27th 2019

The House has opened an impeachment investigation against Trump

The House filed a petition to access to redacted portions of the MR re GJ testimony re Trumpā€™s knowledge of criminal acts, RU interference in the 2016Elex election & RU connex to his campaign.

Finally, the committee seeks grand jury testimony about actions taken by former WH counsel Donald McGahn; this last request probably anticipates the committeeā€™s rumored plans to seek an order compelling McGahn to testify.


It is settled law that House committees can obtain GJ materials as part of the impeachment inquiry.

The Constitutionā€™s text and structure ā€” supported by judicial precedent & prior practice ā€” show that impeachment is a process, not a single vote & IT IS UNDERWAY!
Read 73 tweets
Jul 5th 2019
#RobertMueller will be testifying before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on July 17.

Here are some crucial questions that should be asked when he testifies (Thread šŸ‘‡). | Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketsworkā€¦
1) Did #AttorneyGeneral Barr in any way misrepresent your 448-page report?

#Mueller failed to identify the grand jury info in the #MuellerReport. Barr noted that ā€œit immediately meant that you know it was going to be a period of weeks before we could get the report out.ā€
2) Who actually wrote Volume I and Volume II of the #MuellerReport?

At this point, it isnā€™t known with certainty if #Mueller had any hand in writing the report directly, or if he simply served in an oversight capacity.
Read 56 tweets
Jun 25th 2019
The narrative of #ObstructionOfJustice originated prior to the conclusion of the #MuellerReport. (Thread šŸ‘‡)

Less than 6 months after #Muellerā€™s appointment, @BrookingsInst published ā€œPresidential Obstruction of Justice: The Case of Donald J. Trump.ā€ā€¦
The report outlined a scenario whereby #Mueller would refer his #Obstruction findings to #Congress, which would then take up the matter and continue investigating.

The report also discussed ways Congress could #ImpeachTrump, mentioning the word ā€œ#Impeachmentā€ 90 times.
2 of the report's authors, Barry Berke & @NormEisen, were later retained by #HouseJudiciaryCommittee Chairman @RepJerryNadler on a consulting basis as special oversight counsels to the Democrat majority staff.ā€¦
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Jun 19th 2019
Talk about collusion & obstruction! WH lawyers won't let Hope Hicks answer congressional questions about her time in the White House. She is a major eyewitness to multiple of Trump's obstruction crimesā€”documented in the #MuellerReport. It's beyond absurd. It's a criminal coverup.
FYI #HopeHicks is mentioned over 180 times in the #MuellerReport. WH legal spox Mark Corallo recently spoke about the time she suggested destroying evidence of the infamous #TrumpTowerMeeting w/ Russians. It made his "throat dry up." Then he quit. #ObstructionOfJustice #Maddow
Judiciary Chair @RepJerryNadler is rightly furious abt absurd WH "immunity" claim to prevent Hope Hicks from answering questions. Even Corallo knew convo wasn't privileged b/c no lawyer was present as they schemed to cover up Trump Tower Meeting w/ Russians. #Maddow #Obstruction
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Jun 16th 2019
@realDonaldTrump Another poll that was conducted by #FoxNews and released on Sunday shows that 50 percent of Americans believe the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia.
@realDonaldTrump Pundits TRIED to put the toothpaste back in the tube after you admitted to the world that you'd gleefully accept ILLEGAL help from a foreign country.

Nope - that doesn't equate to GPS oppo research, try as you might to convince otherwise.ā€¦
@realDonaldTrump Former Brit intel agent, Steele, created the dossier on behalf of Fusion GPS, a US-BASED oppo research firm that was hired to work for the Clinton campaign AFTER it was originally hired by a CONSERVATIVE website.

Steele WASN'T connected to a foreign govt. & he reported to FBI.
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May 22nd 2019
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion."

Russia attacked the US using a new form of warfare.

Essentially Russia invaded the US. They just used the internet instead of tanks.

Take note of this statement from page 2 of the Mueller Report.

"A statement that the investigation did not *establish* particular facts
does NOT mean there was no evidence of those facts."

Watch for use of the word "ESTABLISH".

Read 47 tweets
May 16th 2019
šŸ”„In a recently unredacted sentencing memo for MishašŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗFlynn, prosecutor say Trump allies and an unnamed person ā€œconnected toā€¦Congressā€ allegedly tried to discourage Flynn from cooperating with Mueller.šŸ¤Ø

@GOP Reps. Devin Nunes or Dana Rohrabacher?šŸ¤”ā€¦
Muellerā€™s team indicated that Flynn provided ā€œstatements made in 2016 by senior campaign officialsā€ that included discussions of reaching out to WikiLeaks.šŸ§

Looks like Misha gave evidence AGAINST Bannon and Stone.šŸ˜Ž

h/t @visionsurrealā€¦
The #MuellerReport refers to a VM left a Trump attorney shortly after Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with TrumpšŸ‘‰šŸ¼the attorney suggests that Trump still has warm feelings for Flynn.šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®

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May 9th 2019
News Analysis šŸ”Ž | Over the past month, there has been an inversion of peopleā€™s opinions of #RodRosenstein.

Those who praised him are now claiming he has been running interference for President Trump, while his critics have begun to reassess his actions.ā€¦
#Rosenstein submitted his resignation letter to the president on April 29, with an effective date of May 11.

Rosenstein had previously discussed his intent to resign from his post when a new #AttorneyGeneral was confirmed, following the resignation of @JeffSessionsā€¦
ā€¦After the appointment of #WilliamBarr as #AttorneyGeneral in February, however, #Rosenstein stayed on to assist #Barr in guiding him through the #MuellerReport.

Rosenstein had knowledge of the more intimate details of the case and its underlying focus.
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May 6th 2019
šŸ”„THREADšŸ’„: Jeff Sessions (1995): "Mr. President, the Constitution of the United States requires the Senate to convict and remove the President of the United States if it is proven that he has committed high crimes while in office. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and
to a moral certainty that President {} has persisted in a continuous pattern to lie and obstruct justice. The chief law officer of the land, whose oath of office calls on him to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, crossed the line and failed to protect the law, and,
in fact, attacked the law and the rights of a fellow citizen. Under our Constitution, such acts are high crimes and equal justice requires that he forfeit his office."

It is CLEAR Donald Trump has committed the impeachable offense of #ObstructionOfJustice.
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May 6th 2019
More than 370 former federal prosecutors who worked in GOP and Democratic administrations have signed on to a statement asserting Muellerā€™s findings would have produced obstruction charges against President Trump ā€” if not for the office he held.ā€¦
It has been clear for years now Trump committed #ObstructionOfJustice. More than that, it is clear that even other Presidents in the recent past have been held to much higher standards than Trump by mant of the same people now vehemently defending Trump.
The list of prominent Republicans who, but for the (R) next to Trump's name, would be staking all of their political capital on removing Trump from office is very long. The definition of obstruction of justice hasnt changed in 25, only their patriotism.
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Apr 26th 2019
>> Chuck Rosenberg: Here's a useful exercise. Read Volume 2 of the #MuellerReport (on #obstruction) and substitute any other name and title for Trump and President. You would already have somebody in handcuffs. It's *such* a compelling case of obstruction. @lawrence @TheLastWord
Wow @FoxNews legal analyst rips Barr & Trump. Citing facts in #MuellerReport, Napolitano: Ordering ppl to break federal law to save him from the consequences of his own behavior IS obstruction of justice. Itā€™s immoral, criminal, defenseless & condemnable.
Former DAG Sally Yates: "If he were not the president of the United States, he would likely be indicted on obstructionā€¦ I've personally prosecuted obstruction cases on far, far less evidence than this." @SallyQYates: #MuellerReport #ObstructionOfJustice
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Apr 16th 2019
News Analysis šŸ”Ž | Following AG William Barrā€™s refusal to recuse himself from the #SpecialCounsel probe, a series of revealing and interconnected events rapidly unfolded. (Thread šŸ‘‡)ā€¦
Barr-Huber Meeting
On March 7, Barr had a notable meeting with Attorney John Huber of #Utah, who had been appointed as vice chair of the AGā€™s Advisory Committee by former AG @JeffSessions to investigate ā€œall the allegations that the House Judiciary Committee members sent to us.ā€
Sessions wrote:
ā€œMr. Huber is conducting his workā€¦ in cooperation with the Inspector General. The additional matters raisedā€¦ fall within the scope of his existing mandate, and I am confident that Mr. Huberā€™s review will include a full, complete, and objective evaluationā€¦ā€
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