Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #SPAM

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💥🔥 El Poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en internet?, ¿Es fácil recopilar y vincular en diferentes servicios digitales nuestro #RastroDigital?, pues claro que si, y en este 🧵MEGAHILO🧵, te enseño como...

#Ciberinteligencia #Socmint Image
1⃣ Iniciaremos esta ciberinvestigación, desde un mensaje #Spam o #Phishing, esos que a diario se difunden en las diversas aplicaciones de mensajerías como WhatsApp.

💥 El número de remitente empezaba con el código de área "+62", que al parecer era de Indonesia...

⬇️ Image
2⃣ Realizando una búsqueda inversa del teléfono podemos encontrar registros en los sgtes servicios digitales:
💥 WhatsApp
💥 Instagram
💥 Google
Y lo más importante... Una vinculación con una cuenta en:
💥 Telegram
(Esto nos servirá para continuar nuestra investigación)

⬇️ Image
Read 17 tweets
Been seeing these replies everywhere?

It's happening because Musk can't stop bots.

Let me break it down what's going on with this spam. 1./ Image
2/ Reply spammers fight a cat & mouse games with platforms like #Twitter.

One way they get spotted is by the platforms examining links.

If spammers hammer a platform by sending the same link in a thousands replies to the same scam site, it's not hard to spot & scale blocking. Image
3/ Remember spam emails w/misspellings, weird names, blocks of garbage text, mixtures of words & numbers etc?

These were all tactics to avoid spam filtering done by looking at each of these things for patterns.

Each new filtering strategy = new workarounds. ImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Say Goodbye to #Spam calls & SMS. This TRAI initiative might KILL Truecaller alongside spammers👇
TRAI has yesterday announced that the telecom operators including Jio, Airtel would need to use AI filters from 1st May to block spam messages and calls.


#Truecaller - The app has built its business strategy on spam tagging and it is one of the 4-5 apps on every Indian phone. In fact, we might uninstall all other apps but not Truecaller.

Now, it might see big EXODUS of users in case the AI filters work as expected.
Read 12 tweets
El poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?, ¿cómo saber si he sido víctima de una filtración de datos (#Facebook, #Instagram, #Twitter?, ¿Qué medidas tomar?.

#databreach #dataleak #Ciberinteligencia #Socmint
1⃣ Sabe ud., ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?

💥Es una pregunta que muchos tratan de omitir e ignorar... es por ello decido iniciar este🧵HILO, que por cierto espero que sea de agrado para uds., a fin de tomar conciencia de la peligrosidad digital. 🚨
2⃣ SAMUEL, era un estudiante de una Universidad de PERÚ 🇵🇪, decide contactar a Manuel, debido a que recibía muchos mensajes de correos electrónicos SPAM, así como también llamadas y hasta había sido víctima de suplantación digital en Instagram y Facebook (🚨¡ALARMANTE!)...

Read 18 tweets
The classic #trilemma goes: "Fast, cheap or good, pick any two." The #ModeratorsTrilemma goes, "Large, diverse userbase; centralized platforms; don't anger users - pick any two." 1/  A trilemma Venn diagram, showing three ovoids in a triangul
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The Moderator's Trilemma is introduced in "Moderating the Fediverse: Content Moderation on Distributed Social Media," a superb paper from @ARozenshtein of @UofMNLawSchool, forthcoming in the journal @JournalSpeech, available as a prepub on @SSRN:… 3/
Read 73 tweets
Searchers often ask me what tools they should use for their search. There are a lot of amazing tools out there for you to use, but some that really helped me on my search are.... (@jimsteinsharpe)

Jim is the OG of search. He has diligently documented every facet of the search on his blog and is the most entrepreneur friendly guy out there.

This was my outbound email tool. They do a really nice job and have grown the features substantially since I used it.

Make sure you setup your email server correctly, with DKIM and DMARC settings correctly (they can also help you with that).
Read 14 tweets
Important questions for those who may have received blocked property in a #grief #spray #spam attack from blocked #tornadocash #ETH addrsses remain unanswered. #OFAC may give clarity in an FAQ; are a few questions that would be helpful for OFAC to address.1st some background/1
By now all of #crypto knows that #OFAC sanctioned #ETH & #USDC addresses related to #Tornadocash and service providers and many #crypto users are struggling to adapt. Why? /2
We’re dealing with a law designed to regulate legal people & entities, &their property, not quasi-autonomous code used by third parties to transact third party assets to others. Arguably the designation exceeds #OFAC’s statutory authority. That’s an argument for another day. /3
Read 23 tweets
1️⃣7️⃣ Pasos para montar tu propia #web

Crea una web para tu #negocio, para un #evento o lo que prefieras con estos pasos.

💜 RT para guardar este hilo
💜 Like en agradecimiento

Dentro hilo 17 pasos para tener tu web

🔵 Paso 1

Necesitaremos un hosting y qué mejor que emplear el de @RaiolaNetworks además que con nosotros en @nomadasme tienes un 20% de descuento.

Siguiente paso 👇
@RaiolaNetworks 🔵 Paso 2

Ahora que tenemos hosting, necesitamos un dominio, aquí tienes 2 opciones:

- Cogerlo en @RaiolaNetworks ya
- Cogerlo con @DonDominio 

Centrate en el #branding de tu marca a la hora de elegir

Siguiente paso 👇
Read 18 tweets
Dear @Walgreens I received this package today a week after purchasing a pregnancy test at your store. I was asked to take the test by my doctor despite having no Fallopian tubes. 1/X
I, of course, used my rewards card when checking out. So, I’m pretty sure that’s how this got to me. Let’s consider some things: 2/X
THERE IS A FORMULA SHORTAGE, and yet @Enfamil is sending out formula all willy-nilly based on the data you clearly sold them. Shame on you @Enfamil 3/X
Read 17 tweets
Service Tweet: Twitter-Umtriebe

Nachdem ich in den letzten Tagen gleich mehrfach mit diversen "Bubbles" kollidiert bin, eine davon mit Q-Nähe, erlebe ich gerade reichlich neue "Follower":

Neue (und ein paar ältere) Accounts, mit der Besonderheit, wenig zu posten, aber

selbst Accounts aus der #SPAM-Ecke zu folgen.

Ziel ist offensichtlich, die Reichweite ungeliebter Accounts dadurch einzuschränken, dass man ihren Qualitätsindex in Twitters Algenrhythmen dadurch senkt, dass man massenweise Follower anhängt, die selbst fast ausschließlich
Porno und Spam folgen.

Bei mir hatte die überwiegende Anzahl der Accounts auch einen gemeinsamen Account, dem sie folgten... Elon #Musk. Zufälle gibt's.

Leute, seid vorsichtig und überprüft jeden neuen Follower. Wir haben hier in .de noch 5 Monate (halbwegs) Schonzeit,
Read 4 tweets
how to grow a community on twitter
pick a theme and state it directly or indirectly in your bio. mine is, startups & vc for first-time founders
post consistently. there’s a difference sweet spot for everyone depending on where you’re located, but generally it’s 11am. post daily.
Read 12 tweets
This past Saturday (August 12th, 2021), a couple thousand accounts tweeted "This is the truth of this world" accompanied by a brief video containing the phrase "Corona virus fake" at more or less the same time. #AstroturfedBullcrap #Spam

cc: @ZellaQuixote
2882 tweets from 2875 accounts containing the "Corona virus fake" video and the text "This is the truth of this world" were posted over the span of 13 minutes. All but the first tweet end with a random 6 character code and were (allegedly) sent via "Twitter for iPhone".
Interestingly, the duplicated tweet was the first time 1754 of these 2875 accounts (61%) tweeted via iPhone (many are Android users). This suggests that some entity other than the account owners tweeted the iPhone video tweets from iPhones (or emulators) under their own control.
Read 7 tweets
So a guy in #LosAngeles has a problem with $AMZN's COU and posts something about it in @Facebook
He points to the section that he finds disagreeable and includes screenshots of it.
I comment on it, then it gets swatted down as #spam by $FB. 🔕 #censorship…
Read 3 tweets
$HD puts an ad for a #tornado shelter in my $FB news stream…
I know that I saw something that looks a lot like it before.
I made a comment stating as much in the ad. @Facebook perpetrates on #censorship on my comment, labeling it #spam. Image
Read 3 tweets
To help countries engage in more informed discussions on #digitaltrade, including in the context of the @WTO JSI on #ecommerce, we developed this #DigitalTradeInventory.

Read the full @OECDtrade report:
Follow🧵for quick download
1/The rules affecting #digitaltrade are complex and spread across a diverse set of issues and fora.

Did you know that there are over 52 instruments that are directly relevant to digital trade in 24 different fora? 🧐
2/ Currently, due to progress at WTO, there is strong consensus on
👉#telecommunications; and
👉market access for ICT goods
But also
👉#ElectronicTransactionFrameworks, with UNCITRAL instruments having substantial influence
Read 5 tweets
Twitter is the most powerful social media platform in the world.

However, most people don't know how to use it effectively.

Here are 10 tips that will help you master Twitter...
1/ Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Your Twitter profile is your new business card.

People should be able to quickly understand who you are and what you have to offer.

Pick your banner photo purposefully.

And have a link in your bio so people can learn more about you.

2/ Content Is King But Format Is Queen

Spacing and formating matters.

When making a list, put the shorter words on top and the longer ones on the bottom.


• Banana
• Apple
• Blueberry


• Apple
• Banana
• Blueberry

(PS: Press alt + 8 for bullet points)
Read 12 tweets
Thread on Hospitals, Medicines, Plasma Donors etc for Delhi:

Hospital Info below: Image
Refer to this Page for Plasma Donors across in Delhi:…

- please DM her
2. Cipla Med Gautam Enterprise - 9868124105
3. Mitesh Shah - He is not a supplier, he is finding the injection on demand as a social cause, and he was helpful

I request you to only text and not call them.
Read 29 tweets
@lenovode Wäre schön, wenn's bei euch echten #Support gäbe, statt nur DM-#Spam...

@Lenovo mir egal, ob @intel/@Intel_DE oder @FibocomW dafür zuständig sind:
Liefert mir nen #Treiber für's #Intel #XMM7360 / #Fibocom #850GL - #LTE #Modem für @ubuntu LTS 20.04 #Linux. Image
So langsam bin ich einfach nur noch pissed...
Read 4 tweets
I have opened support tickets since late August with no resolution. The latest one is ticket number 5006172. The SendGrid support team members tell me to upgrade to a dedicated IP plan.
#phish #spam #spamhaus #sendgrid #twilio @SendGrid @spamhaus @TwilioHelp
This is prohibitively expensive for me. SendGrid’s SBL items since August 17 have not been resolved. This is significantly impacting delivery of emails sent via SendGrid.

#phish #spam #spamhaus #sendgrid #twilio @SendGrid @spamhaus @TwilioHelp
What is SendGrid’s timeline for resolving these block listings?

#phish #spam #spamhaus #sendgrid #twilio @SendGrid @spamhaus @TwilioHelp
Read 5 tweets
The use of SMS messages to facilitate phishing attempts has been growing. This #phishing attempt meant to steal Facebook credentials was sent out earlier this week. We were alerted to it, reported it and wrote up the following analysis #infosec #malware #facebook #osint #spam Image
The bit[.]ly shortener sends the user to a domain called dulcegustovita[.]com that was registered that same day. The malicious actors created a fake Facebook login page in an effort to harvest Facebook user credentials. #spam #malware #phishing #infosec #osint Image
You can read the full write up and analysis of the "Anatomy of a Facebook / SMS Phish" here: #spam #malware #phishing #infosec #osint…
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SPAM - spam atau email spam, disebut juga email sampah (junk), adalah pesan yang tidak diminta dan biasanya dikirim secara masal lewat email.

#KamusSobatIT #spam #it #Share #nmax #tirta
SPAMMING - mengirimkan email spam dengan menggunakan sistem tertentu sehingga dapat mengirimkan pesan dalam jumlah banyak dalam sekali waktu

#KamusSobatIT #spam #it #Share #PS5 #PS5Reveal #webdevelopment #webdeveloper
SPAMMER - orang atau sistem yang mengirimkan email spam secara otomatis maupun manual

#KamusSobatIT #spam #it #Coutinho #YLBHI #programmer #BlackLivesMatter
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Lesenswert & kurzweilig, der #Tätigkeitsbericht 2019 der #BlnBDI:
1⃣ Ist einem #Algorithmus eine Entscheidungsbegründung unmöglich, darf dieser keine Empfehlung aussprechen (S.27)
2⃣ Adressvermietung begründet gemeinsame Verantwortlichkeit (S.33)
3⃣ Einsprüche im One-Stop-Shop-Verfahren gegen #Beschlussentwürfe anderer ABs (S.43/45)
4⃣ Probleme mit gütlicher Einigung als Verfahrensende in 🇪🇺-Staaten (S.44)
5⃣ #Windows10 ohne Internetzugang + getrennte Umgebung für Internetnutzung genügt nach DSK-Papier (S.55)
6⃣ Nach #Ransomware-Vorfall erhält das KG mobile Dienstgeräte. Man empfiehlt das für alle #Richter und #StAs bei #Homeoffice (S.58f)
7⃣ #Polizei & POLIKS: Aktuell rw. System der Personensuche (S.64)
8⃣ Art. 6 I f #DSGVO für #Kundenzufriedenheitsumfrage im Nachgang (S.86)
Read 8 tweets
Current scam targeting political campaigns. Not sure if its purely a financial scam or if the links might include malspam. Campaign receives an ominous email saying its campaign web domain will expire if it not immediately renewed. #malware #spam #malspam #infosec #elections2020 Image
Clicking on the bit(.)ly URL shortened link takes the user through a javascript redirect chain & likely redirects depending on a variety of factors (victim fingerprinting) to another site. Here the user lands on domainremit(.)com #malware #spam #malspam #infosec #elections2020 Image
Here the user is asked to enter their information and eventually enter online payment information. The thing is the domain in question was NOT in danger of expiring & the language is clever by saying "search engine registration" #malware #spam #malspam #infosec #elections2020 Image
Read 4 tweets

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