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Wanna become a freelance data scientist? 😎

5 tips to help you become one ↓
#Tip 1: Start small

Clients don´t look for an all-in-one data scientist, but someone who can solve their SPECIFIC problems.

Identify the things you are already an expert in, e.g.

→ Dashboarding with Tableau, or
→ ML for computer vision, or
→ Scrapping

Apply only for these.
#Tip 2: Build a Minimum Viable Portfolio

Clients want to see real work you have done in the past. They want to see solid proof you can deliver.

Build a small public/private portfolio that focuses on your strengths (from #Tip 1 above).
Read 8 tweets
I'm sharing this so hopefully people will stop buying stolen Microsoft Windows 10 & 11 product activation keys from "cheap product key" websites some YouTubers keep advertising even though they are selling non-transferable stolen product keys. Keep reading & share 🙏

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The best way to verify if a cheap product key website is legit is to simply search for "Microsoft Windows" & if they sell keys for those products then they are corrupt. Microsoft Windows product keys are non-transferable sold as OEM, Volume & Retail keys only! #Tip

This means the only valid way to obtain a legal Windows product key is to buy it directly from Microsoft or buy it from an authorized PC builder who will ship it installed on your PC with genuine sticker! So, how do these scammer cheap key websites get these keys? 🤔

Read 18 tweets
¡Atención SEOs! ¿Luchando con problemas de crawl-budget y urls sin tráfico, en tu sitio con más de 4000 urls? Descubre cómo hacer una limpia eficiente en menos de 2 segundos, sin plugins ni tapujos en este hilo #SEO #Crawlbudget #Optimizacion #Wordpress  👇
Aunque existen varios métodos para eliminar publicaciones. Aquí te mostraré cómo hacerlo de forma eficiente sin necesidad de conocimientos de programación. Hay dos métodos infalibles, utilizando WP-CLI (requiere un poco más de habilidad técnica) y el otro... 👇
Que es el que vamos a explicar es a través de nuestra base de datos PhpMyAdmin, lo primero es acceder a nuestra base de datos, para ello sino recordamos los credenciales hay que irse a nuestro wp-config.php. Te muestro una imagen de ejemplo para ayudarte a encontrarlo 🔍
Read 9 tweets
Wanna become a freelance data scientist? 😎

5 tips to help you become one ↓
#Tip 1: Start small

Clients don´t look for an all-in-one data scientist, but someone who can solve their SPECIFIC problems.

Identify the things you are already an expert in, e.g.

→ Dashboarding with Tableau, or
→ ML for computer vision, or
→ Scrapping

Apply only for these.
#Tip 2: Build a Minimum Viable Portfolio

Clients want to see real work you have done in the past. They want to see solid proof you can deliver.

Build a small public/private portfolio that focuses on your strengths (from #Tip 1 above).
Read 8 tweets
The console log is more powerful than most web developers think.

See below 👇 Image
Go to and log in.

Stackblitz is an online code editor (I'm not affiliated with them)

You can even use the local Javascript file to test the following.
Open a new Javascript project. Image
Read 9 tweets
#Classification of Guidewires
( very important Topic)

Guidewires have different properties ,it is classified on different parameters but most practical classification is ""Based on Lesion -Type Classification.
A.Based on Tip -Flexibility ( Tip -Load )

#Tip Load..Amount of force ( in grams) needed to buckle distal 1cm of Tip

1.Floppy wires (<1.5gm)
2.Intermediate wires (2-4gm)
3.Stiff wires (>4gm)
.............. ..............
B..#Based on Tip -Coating

3.No coating


C..#Based on Tip -Tappering Design

2.Non -Tapered


D..#Based on Tip -Style

1.One Piece design
2.Two piece design
Read 16 tweets
¿Te acabas de incorporar a un puesto de responsabilidad en tu organización sanitaria?¿Resultas una persona creíble para tus compañeros?Aquí te propongo algunas ideas en esta nueva entrega de tips para #gestoressanitariosnovatos basada en esta referencia… 🧵
1.Conviértete en un recurso de referencia: aprovecha tus habilidades de investigación para sintetizar y aportar conocimiento en tu institución en torno a las tendencias en gestión sanitaria, compartiendo información específica, experiencias, fuentes, etc.
Averigua que conocimientos se necesitan (y cuáles son las carencias) y construye un "área de especialización a tu alrededor". Convertirse en un recurso útil y único para resolver problemas es una vía para reforzar tu credibilidad.
Read 11 tweets
🏅Bu senenin #Nobel Ödülleri sezonu resmi olarak açıldı. Her Ekim ayında, #İsveç ve #Norveç’teki komiteler; bilim, edebiyat ve ekonomi ve barış çalışmaları adına çeşitli ödüller veriyor. Ayrıca bu sene öncekilerden farklı bir tören gerçekleşecek. #Nobelprize
#Pandemi sürecinde Nobel Ödülleri de her şey gibi sekteye uğradı. 2020 ve 2021 Nobel törenleri çevrimiçi düzenlenen etkinliklerde dağıtılırken, Nobel #Barış Ödülü için #Oslo’da düzenlenen törene katılım oldukça azdı.
Bu nedenle bu seneki organizasyonun coşkulu bir şekilde yapılması hedeflendi.

Organizasyon, ödül sahiplerinin Nobel Ödülü madalyalarını ve diplomalarını #Aralık ayında #Stockholm’de alacaklarını ve önceki iki yılın kazananlarının da davet edileceğini söyledi.
Read 6 tweets
Quick #tip for anyone doing #WebDevelopment for #Business: *Always* check what sites look like with #Javascript turned off! 👍

I just saw one with a business tracker which - Because I have JS off - Suggested the company hadn't done any satisfactory business in 10+ years! 😳

In this case the tracker counts satisfied customers, completed projects and metres of material produced, all defaulted to zero and updated by the JS. 📥

Because JS wasn't running the zero defaults were shown instead, and this definitely isn't a good look for the company! 🏢📉😳
Although JS is commonplace, it should never be relied upon for #MissionCritical things. In todays resource-scarce climate every little must be conserved, and for some of us that even extends to blocking JS - Which is also a valid #Security measure. Especially for Govt users!
Read 4 tweets

All it is/has been this whole time is, ones who have been long gone for YEARS NOW but continuously put within the public eye with CGI or people wearing masks & Ones who sing/dance along with the false reality
Trying to give the truth BEYOND face value like I do but little to no one sees what those who have bo choice but to sing & dance along with the script are saying ..
Those who have to sing & dance along with the scripted reality that has been scripted for the last 100 years
Have bo choice but to leave it up to 1 “nobody”/GOD because of they try doing what God is supposed to do, the people will look at them with the eyes they’re supposed to look at God.


Most of The people have chosen everyone
Read 37 tweets
Real Estate Investing #TipTuesday
Get a steal of a deal - scoop up something way undervalued? Maybe a grand residence in a state of disrepair picked up at an estate sale? An off-market listing with a desperate seller? Don't Forget to do THIS ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Tip: Make sure to document the CONDITION property and get an independent report on VALUE. That means, EVEN if you secure the purchase, spend the extra time and $ to run comps and ideally get a BPO or even appraisal. You want rock solid documentation for the true value
But Why? Is this just a tip for your vanity and to make you feel super smart for getting a great price? Or so you can proudly type in your value into mint or your net worth calculator and see the number go up?

No, Its for a much more important reason ⬇️
Read 10 tweets
Wanna become a freelance data scientist? 😎

5 tips to help you become one ↓
#Tip 1: Start small

Clients don´t look for an all-in-one data scientist, but someone who can solve their SPECIFIC problems.

Identify the things you are already an expert in, e.g.

→ Dashboarding with Tableau, or
→ ML for computer vision, or
→ Scrapping

Apply only for these.
#Tip 2: Build a Minimum Viable Portfolio

Clients want to see real work you have done in the past. They want to see solid proof you can deliver.

Build a small public/private portfolio that focuses on your strengths (from #Tip 1 above).
Read 8 tweets
Sale 🧵 sobre LinkedIn y algún que otro tip ?

Ustedes dirán ! 👇🏼👇🏼
Escribir de forma apropiada el Nombre, Apellido y Titular en el perfil de LinkedIn!

En nuestro perfil de LinkedIn,tener nuestro nombre y apellido en la sección correspondiente, y sólo eso! No escribas en esa sección información de tu profesión, área (para eso está el Titular!)
Pero Kat, Que es el Titular?

👉🏼 Es el "subtítulo" que está debajo de tu nombre y apellido en tu perfil. 😀
Read 9 tweets
Maxi tranvata #ECB sulla testa dei populisti che hanno messo alla porta il #WhateverItTakes per l'Italia ergo #Draghi. #Lagarde su criteri per accedere a scudo anti-spread #TIP: sostenibilità DEBITO, rispetto regole fiscali Ue, assenza gravi squilibri macro...#crisidigoverno
1/A bocca asciutta chi voleva un pasto gratis dalla #Bce di #Lagarde dopo aver sputato nel piatto dove mangia. Scudo anti-spread #TPI salva #BTP ok, si chiamerà #TPI. Ma potranno accedervi TUTTI i paesi dell'area euro, a DISCREZIONE #ECB e con rispetto di 4 criteri #Lagarde
2/I 4 criteri da rispettare per vedere blindati i titoli di stato sono i seguenti
1) Compliance with EU fiscal framework 2) Absence of severe macro-economic imbalances 3) Fiscal sustainability 4) Sound and sustainable macroeconomic policies #ECB #Lagarde #crisidigoverno #Draghi
Read 4 tweets
En route pour écouter @sretailleau à l'@UGrenobleAlpes #esr Image
En vrai, c'est ça mon moyen de transport Image
Le campus de Gre. Image
Read 8 tweets
Every now and then I will make a #thread 🧵 of #threads 🧵 to keep you all updated on the #alpha I shared across time on #Twitter.

Today is the day. I don't know how long this will be.

Let's start with the previous threads🧵of threads🧵
Read 18 tweets
Hé goedemorgen en wat leuk! Ik mag een week lang verslag doen van mijn werk via een ander account dan mijn eigen @shossontwits.

Mijn naam is Sander de Hosson. Ik ben longarts.

Mijn aandachtsgebieden zijn longkanker en algemene longziekten.
Deze week gaat het vooral over mijn passie: de palliatieve zorg.

Zorg voor patiënten die niet meer genezen én zorg voor patiënten die gaan sterven.

Zoals Emma. De vrouw van Joost Prinsen. Hij beschreef haar dood. Ik kom later deze week op deze column terug.

Al sinds mijn opleiding ben ik erg geïnteresseerd in de palliatieve zorg.

Voor de duidelijkheid: Dat is maar een deel van het werk dat ik doe. Ik behandel vooral veel mensen met astma, COPD, acute longziekten zoals longembolie, corona of embolieen.
Maar ook longkanker.
Read 8 tweets
There are several myths regarding raising children in more than one language.

My son is 4 years old.

We live in Barcelona. He's surrounded by Spanish and Catalan language. Yet, he speaks Bosnian like I do.

This is what I discovered about raising a multilingual child:

Myth #1: If they learn more than one language at the same time, they'll learn slower.


Learning 1 language: N days
Learning 2 languages: WAY less than 2 x N

Think of it as a "buy one, get one free" offers in supermarkets.
Myth #2: The child will be confounded by the two languages.

False, again.

They learn differently, but they don't confuse the languages.
Read 24 tweets
En DIT is dus schandalig eenzijdige verslaggeving van de #NPO😠
Is het #narratief zo belangrijk dat alle #feiten er maar voor moeten wijken?
Of is dit soort journalisten gewoon te LUI om zich op de hoogte te stellen?
We gaan er puntsgewijs doorheen.
1) @carolmrock zegt dat #KyleRittennhouse niet uit dezelfde staat komt, maar laat zorgvuldig weg dat hij op 29 minuten rijden woonde👇 dat hij in Kenosha werkte en er familie had.
Dat is misleidend.
2) Ze noemt zijn wapen een mitrailleur. Over #misleiding gesproken. EN overdrijving.
3) ‘Het werd wat onrustig,’ zegt Carol. Over understatement gesproken.🙄
Kijk vooral de beelden👇 en zie wat een ontzettende rellen daar gaande waren. #Misleiding
Read 24 tweets
💬 Parlons de @publish0x, une plateforme qui permet de gagner de la #crypto en lisant, en écrivant et en partageant du contenu de qualité.

Oui Messieurs-Dames, lire des articles peut vous rapporter de la crypto avec le #EarnToRead & #EarnToWrite, c'est GRATUIT et c'est ici ⬇️ Image
La plateforme @publish0x a été fondée en 2018 par @bigbirdvc.

Son but vise à rémunérer avec de la #crypto, les auteurs ET les lecteurs autour d'un contenu de qualité sous forme de #blog comme @Medium.

C'est totalement #GRATUIT et ça vous permettra d'arrondir vos fins de mois. Image
Pour pouvoir commencer à participer et #gagner de la #crypto, vous devez préalablement vous inscrire à la plateforme.

Ci-dessous, mon lien d'affiliation (non obligatoire) qui me permet de récupérer 5% de vos gains en guise de #parrainage.
Read 18 tweets
The #Proton-M third stage from the #Nauka launch is now coming down faster and faster.
Current prediction models place reentry within 2 days from now, either late August 5 or early August 6, with the trend in predictions tending towards August 5.
@SSC_NL ImageImage
These reentry forecasts are also on my blog:…
The #Proton-M third stage from the #Nauka launch now has less than one day left in orbit. Current model forecasts suggest a reentry in the morning of August 6 UT. ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
#Afghanistan: Turkistan Islamic Party - #Khurasan Branch (#TIP, ex-#ETIM) released a video of the training of their militants.
Most common weapons are M4(A1)s & M16A4s —which are locally quite common.
M4(A1) carbines & M16A4 rifles can be seen with ACOG scopes, Aimpoint CompM4 scopes, ATN ThOR-HD 384/MARS-HD 384 thermal scopes, 40mm M203 UBGL and Knight's Armament QDSS/NT4 suppressor.
In addition to these; several AKM variants (including both customized and standard rifles) were also used by the militants. Also at least one AKM rifle can be seen with a GP-25 UBGL.
Read 8 tweets
Pro #tip

Get a Google acct (aka a gmail) (if possible)

W/ ur new Google acct, explore all the wonderful FREE services & products that u get access to all for the low low cost of Google knowing ALL ur data (so do not share anything private w/ the Google)
Specifically :
A) Sheets
B) Docs
C) Photos
D) Drive
E) Slides
F) Forms
G) Colab
A) Google Sheets

The much better Microsoft Excel

Used to make & edit :
- spreadsheets
- CSV (comma-separated value) files
Read 14 tweets
NEW: Just released @UN report warns of "heightened threats emerging" from #ISIS #alQaida affiliated groups worldwide

"This is especially true in parts of West and East #Africa" per the report, based on member state intelligence
In West/East #Africa, affiliates of #ISIS #alQaida "can boast gains in supporters and territory under threat, as well as growing capabilities in fundraising & weapons, for example, in the use of drones" per the @UN report
#ISIS in #Syria "has evolved into an entrenched insurgency, exploiting weaknesses in local security to find safe havens & targeting forces engaged in counter-ISIL operations" per the @UN report
Read 55 tweets

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