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Did you know that #India's 🇮🇳 Universal Immunization Programme is one of the world's most cost-effective #publichealth interventions?💡

It's been instrumental in reducing vaccine-preventable diseases and under-5 child mortality rates.

Here's how it works: 🧵 Image
Despite efforts,unvaccinated children in India still run high.

LODOR (Left-out,Drop-out,Resistant) families are especially at risk.

That's why #UNICEF partner with civil society organizations & community-based groups(CBOs) to ensure full immunization coverage #foreverychild.
Strengthening the system through community outreach!

Civil society organizations are key partners in implementing immunization programs. They disseminate crucial information, provide health system support, and train frontline workers to ensure seamless logistics.
Read 11 tweets
Qatari Emir slams politicizing aid to disaster-stricken Syria

The #Qatari Assistant Foreign Minister says international organizations and the international community "have failed #Syrians once again."
Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani urged on Sunday against politicizing the humanitarian assistance to quake-struck Syria, stressing the need to help the Syrian people without delay.
Addressing delegates at the UN Least Developed Countries conference in Doha, Sheikh Tamim affirmed that there should be no "hesitation" regarding helping the 🇸🇾 & 🇹🇷 nations deal with the aftermath of the national disaster that hit the countries on Feb 6.
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Catastrophe brewing for 3.7mln children in quake-hit #Syria: #UNICEF

According to the organization's chief, immediate assistance is not enough; what is needed is long-term support to be provided to the families and children.
Sufferings of the #Syrians from the ongoing 12-year war waged on the country were further exacerbated by the insufficient and slow humanitarian quake response, mainly due to illegal unilateral #Western sanctions.
UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell warned on Thursday that 3.7 million Syrian children are facing numerous life-threatening dangers and threats as an aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck both the country and Turkey on February 6.
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میخاییل لایتمن یهودی پزشک وکارشناس علوم سایبرنتیک ودستیاربزرگترین کابالیست قرن حاضرمیگوید:همه چیز به سیستم قدرت جهانی بستگی دارد،دنیامجری اوامرماخواهدبودسران کشورهافقط مجری اوامر ماهستند ودنیابه سازما می رقصد!
حالابیایم به این بپردازیم که چگونه اینهادنیا رابه سازخودمی رقصانند!⬇️
واما سران کشور ها چگونه مجری اوامر شان خواهند بودآنان باطراحی سند ۲۰۳۰ ودستور کار ۲۱ از طریق سازمان ملل متحد که خود نیز یک سازمان جهانی صهیونیستی آمریکایی ست بدنبال برقراری نظم نوین شیطانی خود وبرقراری نظام برده داری نوین! ⬇️
از طریق سازمان های جهانی صهیونیستی آمریکایی که هم اکثر کشورها عضو این سازمان ها هستند وبابستن معاهده های الزام آور مجبور به اطاعت از اینها می‌شوند و بدینگونه تمام کشور های عضو سازمان ملل در نظم نوین جهانی شیطانی به طورخودکار همراه اینها میشوند از طریق بستن معاهدات بین‌المللی!⬇️
Read 8 tweets
#November2022 #November12 #WorldPneumoniaDay #LungCancerAwarenessMonth #LungCancerScreeningDay

This 'long' thread is about-

"Lung Cancer Awareness month- Nov"
"World Pneumonia Day- Nov12"
"National Lung Cancer Screening Day- USA: Nov12"
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is taking the opportunity this November, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, to highlight the burden and principal risk factors of lung cancer around the world.
1.8 million (18 lakh) people died in 2020 due to this cancer (2/21)
This count is almost double the number of deaths caused by the 2nd most common cause of cancer deaths - colorectal cancer!!

Tobacco smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer

Smoking in public places exposes those who are not interested in smoking .. (3/21)
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wereldwijde afname in kindervaccinaties afgelopen jaar, én het jaar ervoor 😢
Gemiddelde kindervaccinatiegraad 🌎🌍🌏 is gedaald van 86% naar 81%, met grote verschillen tussen landen.
"Dit gaat levens kosten", aldus @who
@WHO gebruikt de 3e #DTKP (difterie, tetanus, kinkhoest, polio) 💉als maat voor algeheel beeld vaccinatiegraad, maar de afname geldt ook voor #BMR waardoor de kans op #mazelen uitbraken wereldwijd ook toeneemt
#mazelen is de meest besmettelijke infectieziekte die we kennen
En het mazelenvaccin is het meest effectieve vaccin dat we kennen 💉
Toch gaan er jaarlijks 140.000 mensen (met name jonge kinderen) dood aan mazelen.

vaccinatiegraad moet dus ⬆️, niet ⬇️…
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1/ Bill, l #Australia is NOT "the answer" to the next #pandemic if all countries responded the same

#disease, #poverty, #child dev dont go on vacation for a #pandemic. All of these will always lead to > death than the pandemic if Australian measures are enacted

We'll explain...

1) #UNICEF has >500M in severe poverty due to measures advocated by you and #Australia and NZ. 1:10 will die from severe poverty

Conservatively, that is > 10M deaths. & If all had done that millions more would die for just poverty

And #children die the most from poverty
2) 15M #cancer #patients need #Treatments. Over 50% aren't compliant & new diagnoses are down ~70%

Combined, we have ensured from #COVID19 measures the deaths of 5-10M cancer patients, conservatively

Those #s increase with a global #Australian / NZ response
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I.D.P sta per Internal Displaced People. In pratica, sono quelle persone fuggite dalle loro terre e città per trovare posto in altre zone dello stesso Paese.
In Afghanistan sono più di tre milioni e mezzo e molte migliaia di persone si sono aggiunte negli ultimi mesi, per effetto del ritorno dei talebani
Queste persone, vivono in campi profughi. Alcuni vecchi di anni, altri appena installati.
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Mentre mi trovavo nel carcere, un furgoncino ha portato all'interno dell'istituto un gruppo di bambini. Erano in condizioni penose e piangevano disperati. Le mani sporche all'inverosimile, i vestiti laceri e addosso gli oggetti utili per i lavori che stavano svolgendo.
Mi hanno spiegato che si tratta di bambini di strada che vengono prelevati e portati in prigione dai talebani. Le guardie mi hanno assicurato che si tratta solo di controlli necessari all'identificazione e alla restituzione alle rispettive famiglie.
A ogni modo, mi ha colpito e preoccupato molto vederli dentro un istituto penitenziario.
Read 4 tweets
WH issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's presidential foreign policy advisor, #YuriyUshakov, re: Russia and #Ukraine.

#Ushakov #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan conversation today with nat'l security advisors, foreign ministers & other officials from #BucharestNine of #NATO Allies re: #Russia & #Ukraine.

#B9 #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's foreign policy advisor to the president, #YuriyUshakov.

#Putin #Zelensky #Ukraine #Ushakov Image
Read 732 tweets
For those who missed the #Novacyt AGM here are some highlights 😊...

2021 Guidance
#Novacyt Small bolt on M&A can be financed from cash

Little reminder IT-IS purchase cost just £10m
Listing plans (AIM, EuroNext, NASDAQ)

"As of today we have no plans to change our listings"

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The number of children infected with #Covid-19 is less among all other age group in the global population. How about the #psychological, #social impact in on #children? Researches suggests social and psychological impact in this group were mostly severe.
To find some answer and have idea let's take a closer look at the researches and figures provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which shows the magnitude of the pandemic’s #impact on #children. Image
As families lose their sources of #income and home environments are turned upside down due to the socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19, #children find themselves more vulnerable to #poverty and likely to be deprived of their basic needs. Image
Read 26 tweets
La @UNICEFMexico apoya la decisión de regreso a #ClasesPresenciales en las escuelas de todo el país este 30 de agosto.
El organismo, que forma parte de #NacionesUnidas, indicó que este no es un desafío sólo para México, sino para el mundo entero.
@UNICEFMexico Actualmente hay mil millones de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el mundo que han vuelto a las aulas; 750 millones que están a punto de hacerlo, y 150 millones que no lo han hecho desde hace 18 meses.

En este último grupo se encuentra la niñez mexicana.
@UNICEFMexico #UNICEF, organismo encargado de velar por los derechos humanos de la niñez, califica la decisión del gobierno federal de comprometerse a un retorno seguro a la escuela como un acontecimiento fundamental para el país entero y un gesto de valor mundial.
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Really? We know who massacred our children and elderly IDPs. Instead of sending condolences you tell us to investigate the crime against humanity committed by yourself in #Galikoma. We remember every massacre commited by TPLF from #Barhle to #Gawani, and now in #Galikoma. 1/3.
In #Awra #TPLF killed 8 family members yesterday committing additional atrocities. You can't justify invasions and killings by acusing #EDF and questioning the credibility of #Unicef. There were no #EDFs in  Galikomma while TPLF massacred the children and burned a warehouse. 2/3
Invading #Afar and killing Afars will only make Afars stronger but will freeze the relations between brotherly people of Afar and Tigray. As your lies fades away the truth is coming forward. We know the truth and you're responsible! 3/3.
@SecBlinken @WFP
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By USA tax dollars Children are killed with their families under the rubbles of their homes in Gaza by Israel random airstrikes
Here is a father who finds his daughter killed with here kids
Gaza is under the Israeli siege since 2005 nothing enters/leave Gaza without Israeli permission even food is counted by calories!! The handmade rockets by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza CANNOT be compared with warplanes, drones, missiles, tanks, ... used by the Israeli army
Israel is repeating the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and is proud of it!! They bomb residential towers and infrastructures in #Gaza
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En las próximas décadas se vienen grandes retos globales, en los que la niñez serán les más vulnerables. La #Agenda2030 plantea 17 objetivos de #DesarrolloSostenible (ODS), en este 🧵analizaremos cómo vamos en 4 de estos objetivos que afectan directamente a la niñez @UNICEFMexico Image
ODS 1: Fin de la pobreza.
Se calcula que en todo el mundo casi uno de cada cinco niñes –es decir, 385 millones– viven en la pobreza extrema.
En México, el 51 % de la niñez vive en situación de pobreza, es decir, unos 20 millones de infantes. Image
ODS 2: Hambre cero. Les niñes que se alimentan bien son más capaces de crecer y aprender, de participar en sus comunidades y de resistir frente a las enfermedades, los desastres y otras situaciones de emergencia. Image
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thread : #ViolencesSexuelles sur mineurs : création d'une commission indépendante présidée par Elisabeth Guigou
C hallucinant @AdrienTaquet qu'on en soit encore là alors que ns avons ttes les connaissances ttes les analyses ts les témoignages nécessaires…
que ns savons ce qu'il faut faire, que c 1 urgence absolue de lutter contre une #pédocriminalité qui ne fait que s'aggraver avec une #impunité quasi totale, ns savons qu'il faut une volonté politique forte, des réformes, des lois et des moyens humains et financiers à la hauteur
et vs demandez une énième analyse par une commission présidée par une personne qui ds un documentaire sur l'affaire #DSK fait des déclarations qui entretiennent la #cultureduviol, vs demandez aux victimes de faire encore et encore des témoignages derépondre à des questions
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New important thread.

Explored: Rockefeller communique on #contacttracing, Verified (UN) guide on #vaccine #communications, insights via #Vaccine Confidence Project, & a Behavioral Insights report. Today> special report from Oct 15 2020 meeting, #WHO, Technical Advisory Group. Image
"On 15 Oct 2020, the WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights & Sciences for Health held a special meeting w/ the WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines & Biologicals to discuss behavioural considerations in relation to COVID-19 #vaccine #acceptance & uptake." Image
The report was developed by members of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behav. Insights & Sciences for Health, chaired by Cass Sunstein, largely credited w/ developing/popularizing notion of "nudges" as policy tools.

Technical Advisory Group members:… Image
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#ARG 🇦🇷

🔴 La carta del expresidente Mauricio Macri:

"¿Por qué el gobierno nacional insiste en mantener cerradas las escuelas, después de una cuarentena larga, ineficaz y destructiva? Nuestros chicos tienen que volver a clase lo antes posible”!…
“No hay ninguna razón epidemiológica para seguir demorando la apertura de las escuelas, con los protocolos necesarios”, continúa la nota de Macri

Y sigue...
"En el mundo ya existe un amplio consenso sobre la ineficacia de cerrar las escuelas para combatir el virus, basado en decenas de estudios científicos. La OMS y Unicef dijeron esta misma semana que las escuelas deben permanecer abiertas, aún durante la segunda ola del virus ...”
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M. @AdrienTaquet ns connaissons l'ampleur de la #pédocriminalité et la gravité de ses conséquences➡️les enfants ne peuvent pas attendre pr être protégés aidés soignés, ns savons ce qu'il faut faire pr leur rendre justice et pr lutter contre l’#Impunité de ces #ViolencesSexuelles
#ChangezLaLoi les enfants avant 15a (et avant 18a qd #Inceste, #handicap et pers. ayant autorité) doivent être absolument protégés d'actes sexuels qui st de graves atteintes à leur dignité et à leur intégrité, des actes criminels cruels dégradants et inhumains Image
#ChangezLaLoi ne pas poursuivre les pédocriminels, ne pas les condamner, c'est continuer à mettre en gd danger leurs victimes et bp d'autres enfants qui seront leurs victimes au fil des ans #Imprescriptibilité + #LevéeDePrescription pr crimes en série et pr #AmnésieTraumatique Image
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1-#COVID19 her ne kadar çocuklarda erişkinlere göre daha hafif seyirli olsa da, ekonomik koşullarının dezavantaj yarattığı coğrafyalarda, çocukların bu hastalıktan daha az etkilenmesi için önlemler şart. BMJ Global Health’de yeni yayınlanan makaleyi özetlemeye çalıştım:
2-Bu çocuklarda hayati öneme sahip, oksijen, antibiyotik, kişisel koruyucu ekipmanların sağlanması; rutin aşılama, doğum ve doğum sonrası bakım, emzirme ve daha sonrasında beslenmenin desteklenmesi, HIV ve sıtma için profilaksi ve tedavinin sağlanması kritik.

3-Tüm bu desteklerin sağlanması ve tedarik de yaşanacak tüm aksaklıkların giderilmesi (ki bunun pandemi ile ilgili alakası yok, her zaman olması gereken insani hakları), yoğun bakım koşullarının iyileştirilmesinden çok daha fazla yaşamı kurtaracağı düşünülüyor.

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The #COVID19 is the the global transformational reset button for the fourth industrial revolution sought by those World Economic Forum et al. We witness a global consolidation of power, inclusive of UN & WHO as the 4IR rolls out. Data & nature: the post2020 coveted class assets.
#WEF: "We partner w/ governments, leading companies, civil society, & experts from around the world to co-design & pilot innovative new approaches to policy & governance in the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

#2020Reset #IoT #5G #Blockchain #AI

#WEF Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Founding Partners:

MESS Turkey
Motsepe Foundation
Reliance Industries
Kaiser Permanente
Koç Holding
Latham & Watkins
Read 18 tweets

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