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⭐️Vedic Rishika's - The Female Scholars of the Vedic Age of India and First Feminists of the World
Who was Vedic Rishika?

#Sanatan #Vedic #Rishi #Rishika #India #Hinduism Image
1. During the Vedic Era women had two paths to practice -
a). Brahmavadini who studied philosophy and theology for the rest of their life
b). Sadyowaha who were students till they are married. Vedic society revered women as equals with respect and modesty of values. Image
2. Brahmavadini was the title attributed to women scholars, who dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the Vedas. Some were unmarried, living as ascetics, and independent of their fathers, brothers, or male counterparts. /n

#Hinduism Image
Read 26 tweets
⭐️Vedic Origin of the Universe - Families of the Vedic Gods
What is the origin of the universe in Hindu Vedic Culture:
#Hinduism #Vedic #India #Puran #Upnishda #Samhita #Aadishakti #Brahman… Image
1. In Vedic scriptures There is a primordial cosmic force mentioned, that is believed to be beyond Human understanding: -
Brahman - Masculine aspect of this force
Shakti - Feminine aspect of this force, which can be more powerful than its counterpart.
Brahman is considered a…… ImageImage
2. During the initial days of the universe, 3 supreme deities popped up, from Brahman, in the below order:
Vishnu - The god of Preservation
Brahma - The god of Creation
Shiva - The god of Destruction
#Hinduism #Vedic #India #Puran #Upnishda #Samhita #Aadishakti #Brahman…
Read 68 tweets
⭐️Vedic Rishika's - The Female Scholars of the Vedic Age of India and First Feminists of the World
Who was Vedic Rishika?
#Sanatan #Vedic #Rishi #Rishika #India #Hinduism
1. During the Vedic Era women had two paths to practice - 1. Brahmavadini who studied philosophy and theology for the rest of their life 2. Sadyowaha who were students till they are married. Vedic society revered women as equals with respect and modesty of values.
#Hinduism #India #Vedic #Rishsika #RigvedaImage
2. Brahmavadini was the title attributed to women scholars, who dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the Vedas. Some were unmarried, living as ascetics, and independent of their fathers, brothers, or male counterparts. They were paragons of intellectual proficiency, natural philosophy, and spiritual enlightenment. They were Rishika's–female sages–in their own right and were revered as teachers, doctors, and theorists.

#Hinduism #India #Vedic #Rishsika #RigvedaImage
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⭐️Most Beautiful Women in Hindu Epic Literature and History
PS - This is not a ranking, but a tribute to the vedic womanhood
#Hindutva #Sanatan #Nari #Woman #Stree #Veda #Bharat #India #Vedic Image
1. The most beautiful among goddesses is Adi Shakti Jagat Janani Jagdamba Maa Durga who is Triloka Sundari Maha Tripura Sundari (most beautiful in the Tribhuvan, three worlds). Even great saint rama krishna Paramhansa did darshans of many gods and goddesses such as Krishna,…… Image
2. Mata Laxmi
Mata Lakshmi is the daughter of Maa Durga, and she is the wife of Lord Vishnu. Birth story of maa Lakshmi started when lord Indra met sage Durvasa with respect sage gave a garland of flower to lord Indra, lord Indra accepted that and put that garland of the head of……
Read 35 tweets
⭐️Seven Immortals of Hindu Vedic History


#Hindutva #Vedic #Purana #Sanatan #India
1. Maharshi Ved Vyas
A sage who narrated the Mahabharata to Lord Ganesh who wrote it. He was also sage in all the Chaturyugs.He was blessed by Lord Vishnu and was the Maharshi who parted Vedas thus the name Vedvyas. Image
2. Mahabali
Righteous demon king also known as often called King Bali who lives in patal lok and this king of the patal lok. He was sent and made the king of patal lok by the Lord Vishnu incarnation of Vaman. Image
Read 15 tweets
🚩An imp thread🧵 regarding #HoliFestival


💫 Clear confusion regarding date & timings of #HolikaDahan '23

🌉 #Holi Jagran Importance

🪅Harmful effects of #Chemical Colors

🎋How to make Alternative #Homemade #Organic Colors

🔮#VedicHoli with ♻️#Palash
Date & Timing of every #Hindu festival is considered according to the Panchang which is a detailed calculation & study of stars, constellations and planetary positions.

Hence this year #HolikaDahan will occur on 2 days based on the timings of sunset.
There are 4 Maharatris in Sanatan Dharma which bestow maximum spiritual benefits to the spritual aspirant who makes the most of this auspicious time.

#Mahashivratri, #Holi, Shri Krishna #Janmashtami & #Deepawali. The sadhana performed during these pious hours acts as catalyst.
Read 9 tweets
🧵#Shankaracharya #SriSri Vidhushekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji on The glory of #Shiva’s names spoken by Vayu in the Shiva Purana

शिवो महेश्वरश्चैव रुद्रो विष्णुः पितामहः॥
संसारवैद्यः सर्वज्ञः परमात्मेति मुख्यतः॥
नामाष्टकमिदं मुख्यं शिवस्य प्रतिपादकम्॥

Those eight names are Shiva, Maheswara, Rudra, Vishnu, Pitamaha, Samsaravaidya, Sarvajna and Paramatma.

He is named ‘Shiva’ as he is very pure Or as the source of all auspicious qualities, Lord Shiva is called so.

This doctrine of #Parameshwara is found in the beginning

of Veda and in the end of Veda. This is the principle that can be understood from the Veda alone.

Maya should be understood as Prakriti. The wielder of this is Maheshwara. His Vibhuti, glorious manifestation, is the whole world.

‘Rud’ is the cause of grief or sorrow.

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Ṣatru abhicār from #palm (enmity), life threatening from palm, ṣatru sthāna, #loans, #debts, court cases, allegations. Rare Insights into #Vedic #Palmistry

A line from ṣatru sthāna cutting the prana rekhā indicates ṣatru abhicār. From below the base of thumb it indicates
mohana, from ṣatru sthāna it indicates maraṇa, vidveṣaṇa & staṃbhana etc.
When the line cuts punya rekhā or vidhyā sthāna then the person loses name due to court cases or allegations, court cases etc. When ṣatru sthāna carries many lines and the hand is devoid of punya
rekhā or punya rekhā is weak then person suffers from lot of debts.
If the line from ṣatru sthāna cutting the prana rekhā also forces the prana rekhā to stop at the same position where it is cut, then the person dies at the same point where there is a clash. The person in this
Read 7 tweets
#Comets, #Vedic Astronomy & Medini

Impact of upcoming #greencomet (Kethu) on earth atmosphere ( based on Brihat Samhita) after 50,000 years

According to Ancient seers research there are 22 types of comets originated from the earth atmosphere & they have different shapes,
sizes mostly in round in shape. having rays luminious like water or oil. Whenever they have appeared in the sky they gives arise famine, War, drought or sometime heavy Rainfall. Some of appearances gives only heavy rainfall & brings atmospheric changes on earth.
There are 3 comets those are originated from the moon , white in colour seen around northern horizon, whenever it appears brings heavy rainfall. Biggest comet as per ancient seers which has been located around somewhere western horizon having big glossy body stretched
Read 15 tweets
Thanks ICP for publishing this essay on #Ritamic Decision Policy. Into year-3 of this series, this post summarizes manthan, research and study of the Vedic origins of sustainable decision policy and strategy, with contemporary examples all can relate to.
Post focuses on sustainable policy to make not one, but a series of interconnected decisions over time.

Can ideas of Vedanta be applied here?
short ans: Y.

Content is of interest to those making gov or private policy, designers, startups, #Ganita/stem students, young parents.
The post is divided into 7 sections with links to each at the top. Those who simply want a easy-to-remember idea of Ritamic decision policy can go to the examples- read how Air India altered its DEL-SFO route in harmony with Ritam.…
Read 38 tweets
The #Vedic #PurushSukta is dedicated to the Cosmic Being from whom Creation manifests & serves as the source of Puranic accounts of Lord #Vishnu as the #Cosmic Purush. I have earlier mentioned His 3 Purush #Avatars so sharing some details in this thread, do read till the end 1/5
According to the #Satvata #Tantra the first form is known as #Karanodakshayi #Vishnu, #MahaVishnu or #Narayan who is the cause or 'Kaaran' of our #multiverse. #DeviBhagwat #Puran states that it is impossible to measure how many #Universes emerge from His body pores..2/5
The 2nd form is of #Garbhodakshayi (Garbha = Womb) #Vishnu who permeates each Brahmand & from whom emerges #Brahma to begin the process of #Creation.

According to #Devi #Bhagwat there exist countless #Brahma, Vishnu & #Shiva forms to cater to the billions of Universes...3/5
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While adding index to Chapter 11 #Vedic #Courts in Tamil Nadu, the Land of Vedas (#TTLV) authored by my father Dr. #Nagaswamy, I came across this fantastic reference that Appa quotes "Ancient Hindu Judicature" authored by G.R. Rao in the year 1920.

Appa writes "Yājñavalkya was an extraordinary personality whose code is admired even by modern exponents of Law. "

Read 8 tweets
Sun in the houses of the natal chart
#VedicAstrology Image
Sun in Ist house
Person feels in charge, a leader, doesn't like to obey, wants independence, prefers to work for himself or have subordinates. From his father he gets values ​that give him self-confidence. Very likely a civil service person at a high position.
#VedicAstrology Image
Sun in 2nd houseSun gives pride in the family, authority, bright speech, good education. This person will do everything to get rich, have a good standard of living, his work may be related to communications, the stage, financial structures, singing & lectures.
#VedicAstrology Image
Read 21 tweets
The ShriVidya initiation from @mmpandit exclusively for my students yesterday will never be forgotten. The session went on for close to 4 hours!!!! From #Mahabharata dating to the initiation, the energy was high. #SriVidya #Vedic #Mahavidya +
We practiced the mantras, yantras, and Mudras all the while @mmpandit patiently corrected the mistakes while always encouraging us to practice.
@mmpandit clearly gave directions for the sadhana including the duration, timing, and essential do's and don't. +
The Q & A session covered spirituality aspects with his most valuable advice to my students regarding their Jyotish learning going forward.
My humble pranams to @mmpandit. I am proud to be his Sishya. 🙏🙏🙏

cc - @25_shivansh @homam108
Read 3 tweets
What was the genuine reason behind a "wedding" according to the Vedas?
To truly understand this “genuine” reason behind a wedding, we must first know Vedic nomenclature; thus its important that we start with some linguistics.
#SanatanaDharma #Vedas #Vedic
A wedding in Sanskrit is “vivāha” - it is comprised of two roots:–

vi = viśeṣa - specific or particular.

vāha = bearing, carrying, transporting.

So it refers to the taking on, or accepting of specific burdens or responsibilities.
#SanatanaDharma #Vedas #Vedic
So to elaborate, marriage is about responsibilities - duties and obligations which can best be dealt with as a couple.
#SanatanaDharma #Vedas #Vedic
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Whys #NavPancham considered generally good?#NavPancham is #Genesis, #Progression, #CauseEffect relations. In #KaalPurush #Kundali, if #Jaatak is denoted by #Lagan, his/her progeny is denoted by the #PanchamBhaav while the father of this #Jaatak is the #NavamBhaav of the #Chart...
Many ancient #Astrologers have expressed that a #Bhaav can find #Catalyst 5 houses behind itself or 9 houses away from itself (same thing).

So in effect if there is any good connection of the #Navam #Bhaav with the #Lagan (or #Navam #Bhaav from any other #Bhaav) ...
the particular #Bhaav in question can get #SuPrabhaav. The #Lagan or any other #Bhaav is always the #PanchamBhaav from the #Navam.Hence the theory- #NavPancham, is generally considered #YogKaarak.

Basic theories apply as always...

Explaining #Shadow #Grah #Rahu...
Read 13 tweets
Vedic Math and its application

#Hinduism #Vedanta #Hindu #vedic
Recently I have been reading this book called Vedic Mathematics or sixteen simple mathematical formulae from the Vedas by late Jagadguru Sarikaracarya
Sri Bharati Krsna Tlrtha Maharaja ji
and learned some simple mathematical techniques to simplify calculations. I want to share this knowledge so here I am showing you the process of multiplication.
The Sutra: reads : (Nikhilam Navatascaramam Dasatah) which, literally translated, means;
“all from 9 and the last from 10”!

Suppose we have to multiply 9 by 7.
(i) We should take, as Base for our calculations, that power of 10 which is nearest to the numbers to be multiplied
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OX in #IndoEuropean: #Vedic ukṣā́, #Avestan uxšā, #ProtoGermanic *uhsô (#Gothic auhsa, #Old Norse oxi, #OldEnglish oxa, #OldHighGerman ohso, #German Ochse, #Durch os), #Welsh ych, #OldIrish oss, #Tocharian B okso, A pl. opsi.
This word, my friends, is so fascinating that one could write a whole PhD thesis about it (trust me, I know). The immediate reconstruction for all items in 1/ is a masculine n-stem with a nom. sg. *hₓuksō(n). For such a stem we would expect a nom. pl. *hₓuksō̆nes.
However, just as all languages point to or are consistent with an “amphikinetic” nom. sg. *hₓuksō(n), the evidence of three separate and independent branches unequivocally supports reconstructing a “hysterokinetic” nom. pl. *hₓuksénes.
Read 16 tweets
Atlantis #Nusantara Indonesia #Sundaland

Sebuah #Thread singkat: Pembentukan Laut Jawa

1~5 : Last Glacial Maximum , 21.000 Thn lalu.
Atlantis #Nusantara Indonesia #Sundaland

2~5 : Awal Masa Dryas Muda , 13.000 Tahun lalu
Atlantis #Nusantara Indonesia #Sundaland

3~5 : Masa Akhir Dryas Muda, 11.600 Tahun lalu
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1-What could be a man’s point-of-opening into the #Vedic Corpus?

For me it is #Ayurveda, #VedicAstrology and #Vastu. (1/16)

2-Vedic #Astrology that ways is well & truly a #Vedanga…for it virtually has answers to every question one might have

If one has a subtle enough perception! (2/16)

3-Consider this from the works of #Parashara.

This is used as a tool for #BirthTimeRectification and #PrashnaAstrology by #Jyotishis

..especially in the #Tamil School of #VedicAstrology. (3/16)

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--- Fivefold forms of Brahman in Rg Veda ---

“janma karma ca me divyam” - One must know inner meanings of his acts & forms he assumes during avatārās. This is called “avatāra rahasyam” by ācāryās & is fhe intent of this sūkta:…

Who are these gods in these mantras? Well, these rks are not describing various gods, but various forms of the same god.+

#Hinduism #Vedas #SanatanaDharma #RigVeda #Sanatani #SanatanDharm #Hindus #Vedanta
This god takes a fivefold form – para (supreme abode), vyūha (among the devas), vibhava (among us), antaryāmin (in all beings) and arca (visible to all in temples). Of these, vibhava is further divided 3-fold and antaryāmin as 2-fold, which we will see+

#Hinduism #Vedas
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-- Vamadeva's Hymn --

Beauty of śarīra-śarīri sambandha between the self and Brahman is that "I" denotes your innerself, equated to the innerself of other entities as well as directly to Brahman, enabling blissful anubhava of equating oneself to all entities+

#Hinduism #Vedas
This is demonstrated by the following pasuram of Nammazhwar:

kadal gyālam seydhenum yāne ennum kadal gyālam āvenum yāne ennum kadal gyālam koṇdenum yāne ennum kadal gyālam kīṇdenum yāne ennum (Thiruvaimozhi 5.7.1)+

#Hinduism #Vedas #SanatanaDharma #Sanatani
[I created this world, I entered it, by pervading them, I became the sentient and insentient entities, I then protect them. I uplifted the Earth as Varāha from the waters, and I placed the worlds all in my stomach and protected them at the time of deluge.]+

#Hinduism #Vedas
Read 18 tweets
Interesting event in Taittiriya Samhita (2.1.7):

“Devas and asuras vied with each other in respect of the Lordship (of these worlds). Vishnu saw a “Vāmana" (Dwarf Pasu, sacrificial animal), that he offered to himself as the Deity...."+

#Vedas #Hinduism #SanatanaDharma
"...By this act, he conquered the worlds. He who vies (in this manner) shall offer a dwarf to Vishnu. He will become Vishnu himself and conquer all these worlds.”

Sayana takes “Vāmana" as dwarf animal (ox) & links it to a sacrificial offering+

#Hinduism #Vedas #SanatanaDharma
Appayya Dikshita goes one step further & says this is a rite to attain “Vishnu Padavi" as it says “he becomes Vishnu.

If only it were that easy, "Sacrifice an Ox, become Lord Vishnu"😂 Reality - this isn't an animal sacrifice. As below+

#Hinduism #Vedas #SanatanaDharma #Vedic
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