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Our latest research is out in @TheLancet today

We sought to answer:
1. Are autoimmune diseases on the rise as has been suggested?
2. Can we identify clues as to their causes (genetic or environmental)?
3. Do different autoimmune diseases cluster together & what might this mean?
Here's what we found:

1. Trends over the past 20 years and across a broad range of autoimmune diseases do not support the idea of an epidemic of autoimmunity (at least not pre covid and in the UK).
2. We found evidence of socioeconomic, seasonal, and regional disparities for several autoimmune diseases (particularly Graves’, pernicious anaemia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and type 1 diabetes).
Read 12 tweets
This #WomensHistoryMonth, let's celebrate the remarkable contributions of #WomenInScience! 👩‍🔬

Help us recognize their achievements by joining our #NameAFemaleScientist campaign.

👉 Follow us @GeneticSystems as we'll be featuring one #femalescientist each week in March.
#NameAFemaleScientist — Meet #MarthaChase with her groundbreaking work on DNA that challenged the prevailing theory at the time that proteins were genetic material.

Her work laid the foundation for further research into the role of DNA in inheritance and genetic disorders.
#NameAFemaleScientist — Did you know that the key to understanding the link between diet and heart disease was unlocked by a pioneering African-American biochemist named Marie Maynard Daly? Image
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It’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science! @OxfordChemistry we’ve been speaking to our students, staff, alumnae and friends to celebrate the amazing achievements of women and girls in chemistry, and think to the future. Read on... 🧵#IDWGIS #WomenInChem #WomenInScience Hexagonal mosaic image of t...
PhD student @Karen__Clare is helping develop an understanding of how proteins help our bodies respond to low oxygen levels, important for treating diseases like cancer. For her, representation is the key to supporting women and girls in chemistry: Karen Heathcote says "...
“What interests me most about chemistry is how it can be used to understand biological systems. Science works best when it’s interdisciplinary, and there’s so many places where our knowledge and skills as chemists can help.”
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📢♀️Demà és 11 de febrer, Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència, però que en coneixem d’aquest dia?

🤔Per què ho celebrem en aquesta data? Quina és la història darrere d’aquest dia?

Obro fil 👇#DiadelaDonailaNenaenlaCiència #11F #womeninscience
🏛️L’Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides declarà el dia 22/12/2015, l’#11F la data per combatre cap a una igualtat de gènere dintre de la ciència, així com el seu apoderament.

🤨Però per què necessitem un dia per donar visibilitat? No hauria de ser evident?

Doncs no ho és⬇️
👩‍🏫La història ens ho explica una mica:

🧬Rosalind Franklin, ocultada darrere el seu descobriment amb el DNA
🌏Inge Lehmann, desacreditada pels seus companys
🧪Mare Annie Pierrette Paulze, invisibilitzada pel seu marit Lavoisier

Què hauria passat si Einstein fos una dona?🤡
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Just had a male physician colleague refer to me as a "girl."

As in, "I love working with you girls." 😑🤬

I have a PhD. Teach at Stanford & UCSF. Wrote 2 books. On the board of international pain orgs. What will it take to be considered an equal in medicine??? 👎🏼
We are doctors, not "girls." We are women, not schoolchildren 👧🏻🍭

If confused, call us by our TITLES.💥

Men don't have to ask. Why do we??

Advocate. 🌟

thank you for coming to my @TEDTalks 😑

#WomenInMedicine #WomeninScience #MedTwitter #psychtwitter
Pretty good reach for a Girl 💅🏻🎉🖕🏼

To be clear, I have no issue with the term "girl" in certain contexts - pop songs, Girls Night Out, ballfields.

But when a male colleague refers to the men in the room as "Dr." and you as a "girl," there's a clear problem. 🙄
#WomenInMedicine Image
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🚨 Alert! We are excited to share our new preprint in which we define the roles of individual class I molecules on brain endothelium in the regulation of T cell responses and development of neuropathology in experimental cerebral malaria…
CD8 T cell engagement of brain vasculature has been implicated in the neuropathology of cerebral malaria. In this work we interrogated human and mouse data during infection and noted upregulation of activation and Ag-presentation molecules or transcripts in brain endothelium
When either class I was ablated, the mice were normal at baseline and also established normal peripheral plasmodium infection and peripheral immune responses. However, T cell interactions with brain endothelium were disrupted during infection
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Agnes Pareyio Recalls Hers:
"I was 14 when my mom and grandma announced that I was going to have my clitoris, my labia majora and my labia minora cut out. They said that if I resisted I was a coward. In my culture, the worst thing you can be called is a coward.
On the day I was mutilated, I was woken up at three in the morning and taken outside, naked, because the villagers believed that if I felt the morning breeze on my body it would cool me and I would bleed less. I saw that the object they would cut me with was not sharp. I was not
offered any anaesthesia, but I was told not to cry – your father is in the house, they said, and he should never hear you cry.
I was determined to show I was not a coward, so I tried very hard not to show any emotion. As a result, I was cut deeper and I could not stop bleeding. I
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Parece que si hay interés así que ahí les va:


Estos tips están basados en el concepto de #BetterPoster de Mike Morrison @mikemorrison

Lo primero que hay que tomar en cuenta es que una sesión de pósters en un #congreso es un espacio donde hay 50, 100 o más personas presentando su trabajo 👩🏻‍🏫 y, de entrada, es imposible que alguien los vea todos con detenimiento y cache de qué van 🥴


Por lo tanto, el póster tradicional (una mini versión de un artículo con introducción, métodos, etc📃) no es la mejor idea ya que requiere demasiada atención para poder comprender toooodo el contexto de la #investigación y las implicaciones de nuestros resultados

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A #studyspo conducted sometime ago had found that the number of online #WomenInScience gamers has doubled over the last five years. And this growth trend has been witnessed primarily among corporate women who have entered into the gaming industry. One of the primary reasons suggested for this phenomenal growth is the anonymity offered by online gaming. With the choice of non-disclosure of personal details, women no longer have to face lewd remarks during a game.… The risk factor in an online environment is much lesser and women find it easier to learn the game through the web.

It has been observed that the number of winning women players has been increasing in online poker.
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THREAD: Happy International #WomenInScience day! Take a look at some influential women who have had a positive impact on the field.👇
Janne Nolan made us all part of something. Part of her girl gang. Part of her consensus. Part of her plan to break open the nuclear priesthood and speak truth to power. #WomenInScience
Kateryna Pavlova battled a pandemic, wildfires, corruption, and sexism in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone #WomenInScience
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Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Here are just some of the women who have shaped the way we understand our planet, the universe and everything in it.
#womeninscience #womeninSTEM
Research behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine was led by Sarah Gilbert, alongside a team including Teresa Lambe, who helped design the vaccine’s genetic code, and Catherine Green who helped manufacture the first batches of vaccine used in trials.…
Katherine Johnson was a NASA mathematician whose calculations helped the US get an astronaut into orbit for the first time. She also played a crucial role in calculations for the first moon landing.…
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Today is #WomenInScience day!

Discover the remarkable life stories & work of the women featured in The Lancet this year 👇 Copyright © 2021 Bloomberg/Getty Images
Ayoade Alakija has never been motivated by career goals; her work is about making a difference to people's lives.

Meet the newly appointed @WHO Special Envoy & Co-Chair of the Access to #COVID19 Tools Accelerator.

@yodifiji #WomenInScience
Ros Taylor's engagement with how we die has defined her career.

Discover Taylor's approach to palliative medicine; which she defines as "just good family medicine with more time".

@hospicedoctor #WomenInScience
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In occasione della Giornata mondiale delle donne nella scienza, vi racconto una storia brillante e di successo segnata da tante difficoltà: quella di Katalin Karikó, la scienziata dietro al #vaccino contro #COVID19. 1/n 🧵 #WomenInScience #11febbraio #scienza Image
La biochimica ungherese, oggi vicepresidente senior di #BioNTech, ha dedicato la sua carriera alla messa a punto di terapia genica basata sull’mRNA. 2/n
La possibilità di una terapia genica basata sull’RNA messaggero è stata a lungo ignorata dalla comunità scientifica. La carriera di Karikó è stata segnata da numerose battute d’arresto, ma lei non si è mai data per vinta. Alla fine, l’ha avuta vinta lei. 3/n
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Como la invisibilización de las mujeres en la ciencia es algo todavía muy presente, voy a hablaros de la persona más importante en la neurociencia actual: Suzana Herculano Houzel (@suzanahh)
#díamujeryniñaenciencia #11F2022 #Neurohilo #WomenInSTEM #WomenInScience @11defebreroES
El inicio de su historia es curioso: ya había dejado la investigación y trabajaba como comunicadora científica. Y un día para una de las actividades de comunicación usa como dato la entonces conocidísima cifra de que el cerebro humano tenía 100.000 millones de neuronas pero…
…cuando busca una fuente para referenciar ese dato, no la encuentra. Por mucho que busca no la encuentra. Lo más que encuentra son algunos estudios de hace décadas completamente desactualizados donde esa cifra era una aproximación.
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Hipatia de Alejandría fue la primera mujer en realizar una contribución sustancial al desarrollo de las matemáticas. Nació en el año 370 en Alejandría (Egipto) y murió asesinada en el 416, cuando sus trabajos en filosofía, física y astronomía fueron considerados como una herejía.
Marie Curie, la mujer que dedicó su vida entera a la radioactividad, siendo la máxima pionera en este ámbito. Nació en el año 1867 y murió en 1934, siendo la primera persona en conseguir dos premios Nobel por dos ciencias diferentes: química y física. #WomenInScience
Ada Lovelace nació en 1815 y fue una pionera en computación, considerada la primera programadora del mundo. Lovelace escribió el primer algoritmo pensado para la máquina que el matemático Charles Babbage diseñó pero que no llegó a construir. #WomenInScience
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Today is #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience! I am so incredibly lucky to have so many amazing #WomenInScience to work with! So listing just a few here… 👩‍🔬👩‍🔬👩‍🔬

#11Feb #WomenInSTEM #GirlsInSTEM #GirlsInScience

Starting out with my team @Uni_Newcastle @UoN_CaMS with so many stellar women doing super cool research! Big shout outs to @rosey_hart, @Cristina__Viola, Maddy, @annette_burke77, @EliseBuller, Kendall (not on Twitter 🤯) and @_KarenPalmer down in Tassie!
@UON_research I have amazing colleagues in #STEM, from those I work with like @KiddVerdon to others who are just doing amazing stuff like @scientistjessie, @DaphneJamesUON, @oreotheoread, @juanitatodd10, and @Dr_Jess_Allen. Some I’m lucky enough to consider as mates!
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After that inspiring panel of women in Data Science, I want to give a spotlight and appreciation round to all those #RLadies that are active on #rspatial and that have definitely inspired me to also try and be part of the community 🤩
I invite you all to give a shoutout to those amazing #RSpatialLadies that have crossed your path!
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Thank you @IWS_Network for giving me the opportunity to share my #story 💜 ! This a part of Voices Without Frontiers program… #IWS #WomenInSTEM #VoicesIWS #ecology #conservation #biodiversity
I was born in #saopaulo, #Brazil’s largest city, very different from the #Amazon Rainforest & Rio! See me and a #samauma, the most famous Amazon tree 🌳
Also me & @IsabelaHissa in front of Sao Paulo’s #MASP (Modern Art Museum) & me and my mom in #Rio! #VoiceIWS @IWS_Network Image
I can say I lived in a great #rainforest because Sao Paulo & most of the coast of Brazil are in the Atlantic Forest 🌴🌺🐍. It is one of the 34 world’s #hotspots of #biodiversity, with more than 1500 plant species and 90% of original area loss. #VoiceIWS @IWS_Network Source: https://www.e-educa...
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Today we are thrilled to have @CatrionaNR (aka the singing scientist) from @TheDohertyInst @UniMelbMDHS share what she's excited about for the future of STEM!

In fact, she's an In2science mentor because she wants to support young scientists who will one day take the reins. Catriona in a school science lab holding a beaker. Catriona
One thing @CatrionaNR loves seeing is more creativity being mashed with science. #SciArt is an amazing space and provides great ways to explore and engage more people in STEM - from songs & comedies to images & nerdy tees. She sums up it up in @museumsvictoria's 10s challenge:
More and more #WomeninSTEM are taking a stand 👩‍🔬 Women are poorly represented in the STEMM workforce, comprising <30% of researchers worldwide.

But there are programs that lift #WomeninSTEMM up, and they are banding together to create change.

#WomeninScience @WomenSciAUST 3 Women in white lab coats in a science lab. The first womanA photo of 4 women hugging in a selfie photo
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#PlantScienceClassics #2: Radiation-induced mutagenesis. 100 years ago, in 1921, Emmy Stein developed radiation-induced #mutagenesis of #Antirrhinum majus plants. But today it seems that her invaluable contribution is being ignored… Read on… A portrait of Emmy Stein an...
Mutagenesis is now an invaluable tool to understand a gene’s function. In the early 1900s, when the hereditary substance was not even identified yet, it was an even more important tool, which Emmy Stein added to the small toolbox available to biologists at the time.
Stein used gamma rays from radium to irradiate both, adult plants & seeds, & showed the effects of different doses & different lengths, determining the lethal dose, &, importantly, the dose that induced weak mutants, that would still produce seeds to continue experimental work. A wild type Antirrhinum pla...
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I had two research papers accepted today. TWO! And a third was accepted two weeks ago. I am thrilled these projects are going to see the light of day, but I need to be honest about how draining it has been to do so much work in my free time that I am no longer being paid to do.
Academia left me in June 2020, yet I am still finishing out projects from my post-doc. In what other career are you expected to continue doing your old job — unpaid — for months and years after your last day at work? This is an abusive practice, & we need to stop normalizing it.
There should be a clean slate, especially as you transition your career out of academia. But there isn’t. You feel like you have opened the window and begun to crawl out, but one leg is stuck.
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Beyond thrilled to have been awarded a *renewal* for my @NIH_LRP award!!!!!! Story time (on #privilege and #perseverance)

#medtwitter #academictwitter #blackinSTEM 1/
As a first-generation #Kenyan American, raised in #Kenya and very much an #African child (if you know you know), a #doctor is very much what I was going to be from the time I was born. 😋 (thankfully, also a marrying of my love of science and taking care of people!) 2/
So it was to my parents’ incredible delight when I got accepted to #medicalschool, never having... basically... known someone who had done so, in the US anyway. #firstgen #firstgeneration (yes, this story has a comical peak, wait for it...) 3/
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I wrote this article for my own catharsis. I never expected it to be peer reviewed. When @NEJM accepted it, I experienced my first panic attack. 1/
@WomenInMedicine @WomeninOnc @AMWADoctors @womeninmedchat @WomeninAcademi1
My sudden physiologic reaction took me by surprise and was really embarrassing – I was super tachycardic, diaphoretic, and vasovagal. Then had an intense parasympathetic reaction with acute-onset diarrhea. TMI, sorry. 2/
When I managed to recoup, I realized - how dare this system, this culture, make me feel so panicked about being vulnerable, truthful, and righteously angry? 3/
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