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Jun 5th 2023
🌈 Thread: Exploring the Vibrant Colors of LGBTQ+ Pride 🏳️‍🌈

🟥 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟣

LGBTQ Flag Colors meaning Image
$Pride Month is a celebration of love, diversity, and equality. As we adorn ourselves with the beautiful colors of the rainbow, let's dive into the significance of each hue and what they represent for the LGBTQ+ community. #PrideMonth #LGBTQ
🟥 Red: Red symbolizes life and the passion that fuels our fight for equality. It represents the resilience and strength of the LGBTQ+ community, reminding us of the progress we've made and the battles we continue to face. #Red #Passion
Read 11 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Yellowstone, Johns Family …

The Duttons used to tell Jr’s Story.
Ranch/Farmer (IMPORTANT) Used to represent United States/World/World Stage, just like Wrestling does it with the ring being the world stage ..

My grandfathers letter, #FAMIL-Y—The #Y is #YELLOW because he
Was crying when he was writing it, it was one of the last letters he wrote before he died.

“Never forget the #Y

Cold Play —#YELLOW
The Simpsons family =
- John/Homer
- Marge (My grandmothers name was Margaret)
- Bart/The Son
SANTA has Reign Deer, The Y ..

This is Gods CountryY & it belongs to the people ..
God is the only way that everything gets returned back to the people, anyone else who tries it’s always endless WARS or endless something else, GOD PUTS AN END TO #ENDLESS
Read 20 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
#Globalist Jews Created And Run Communist #China
- Israel #Epstein was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party.
- Sidney #Shapiro, an American Jew, was a high ranking member of CCP’s govt
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, '19
"Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and occupation of the US body politic by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania & Russia, ALL becomes clear."
Read 20 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
@ANice24675304 So what You’re saying is, you would rather see all who have done those evil acts you listed be ‘Unforgiven’? Which I then would have made them not sing (flip on all other evil in the world) & continue Making everyone’s lives hell even worse than what everyone’s gone through?
@ANice24675304 You too would choose & Accept being ‘Unforgiven’ for what you have done in your life?

“When bad does good”?
How/#WHY do you think MANY evil beings chose to do good for humanity?
Just because you Don’t see it or hear about it, does not mean it hasn’t happened. ImageImageImageImage
@ANice24675304 Show me someone innocent in this world …

Where does that question come from?
- A heart of Stone?
- A Heart of Flesh ?

What is A #ROOT ?
If you NEVER forget the #WHY, Care about the #Why Along with the #ROOT, you begin to show mercy for those who-
Read 29 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
Raids are happening swiftly, Midnight Oil …

Banks & Buckets,Call Me— 🤙 ..
You have the #NUMBers
Dark Is Light
Many who claimed to be of light all these years, Evil.
Nothing is what it seems. ImageImage
🕯 1-2H (C)loser

Close. Call

✌️ 22
31-13 Pool Party
+3 10
11 ImageImage
Dale Z
Jesus Z
Step Brothers
Catalina Wine Mixer

College #ZZ
PUeTz #SUNK ⛳️ Happy Wins
Ryan Road

I Am The Beginning & THE END, Back to THE BEGINNING ..
Back To The Future. ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Sep 14th 2022

All it is/has been this whole time is, ones who have been long gone for YEARS NOW but continuously put within the public eye with CGI or people wearing masks & Ones who sing/dance along with the false reality
Trying to give the truth BEYOND face value like I do but little to no one sees what those who have bo choice but to sing & dance along with the script are saying ..
Those who have to sing & dance along with the scripted reality that has been scripted for the last 100 years
Have bo choice but to leave it up to 1 “nobody”/GOD because of they try doing what God is supposed to do, the people will look at them with the eyes they’re supposed to look at God.


Most of The people have chosen everyone
Read 37 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022
Shane Owns WCW, Just remember …
He gives it all back to THE PEOPLE ..

Hulk ends up choosing to go back to his #ROOTS, #YELLOW & #RED ..
The Toaster
The Vacuum
The Light
The Radio 🎶
All Looking for their Master, I was once lost, being searched for, I have been found..

My #REAL FAMILY Means everything to me, all the hate in the world or drama, I have no time for. .
I choose to be the change, those who choose
Daily to be lost forever being apart of the problem, that’s their choice ..
Eventually it’s all going to be even more clear than it already is, those who chose the paths they have of hate/division will eventually have A choice to make, that choice comes once forgiveness of self
Read 5 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
Thank you to @BloorStreetCap for yesterday's insightful #uranium discussion with some of the pioneers of the industry. A fantastic line up with in depth insight into all aspects of the #uranium sector.

Some of our highlights can be found the the thread below:
1/ “The world is recognising the science of nuclear power, not the false ideology.” – #NexGen CEO

“Price of #equities is screaming buy relative to the #spot price” – @uraniuminsider

“We’re on the cusp of a really really big move here [spot price]” – @UraniumEnergy
2/ #Sprott are seeing growing #institutional and #FO interest in the #uranium space. Very early stages of broad adoption by generalist #investors. Ciampaglia believes we are ‘just starting the second inning of this uranium cycle’.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
Does anyone know of any Monarch /mkultra triggers that could help explain the propaganda reaction to the Ukraine Russia war? Any blue/yellow programming etc?
1. Thread exploring reaction to Ukraine - Russia war and mind control... #Ukraine #mindcontrol Image
2. My inquiry was not so much was there blue and yellow public symbolism, as we have all seen that - but what might be the trigger that starts this public signalling, and if any Monarch survivors had been programmed with blue/yellow or other programming for these times... Image
Read 36 tweets
Nov 13th 2020
1. It's difficult to say the truth about events in Nigeria but as a believer in the prosperity of the Nigerian project, I'll dig into the truthfulness of the #ENDSARS even though it'll meet an unpleasant place in the body of some so-called Nigerian youths involved in the protest.
2. The protest when officially began was to detest the brutality and harassment by the SARS unit of the @PoliceNG Nigerian police force.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
Large charismatic birds with disproportionately large beaks and distinctive calls, #hornbills are the #farmers of our #forests. Today’s #WildAboutFacts series focuses on these feathered foresters.

Join us & share your hornbill images!

Rufous-necked Hornbills
📷Sarbajit Ghosh

There are 62 #hornbill species in the world, with 32 in #Asia and 30 in #Africa.

#India is home to 9 of them including the #GreatHornbill, the #MalabarPiedHornbill and the #RufousNeckedHornbill.

Malabar Pied Hornbill
📷 @samyak15

Several #hornbill species have a distinct #casque on their upper mandible. #GreatHornbills have a prominent #yellow and #black casque.

📷 Keya Das
Read 20 tweets
Jul 1st 2020
Catastrophic crisis brewing in China. The three gorges dam on verge of collapse. Rain expected for another 7-10 days.

400 million at risk.

Read 379 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
#DXone_Indicators [14/04/20]: #AroonIndicator

It shows whether the #crypto is #TRENDING.

The indicator comprises of an #AROON_UP (Yellow) and an #AROON_DOWN line (Blue).

Rising AROON-UP+Falling AROON-DOWN = #Uptrend
Falling AROON-UP+Rising AROON-DOWN = #Downtrend
Sign Up at to check out all 68 technical indicators available for the professional traders.

#trading #cryptocurrency #CryptoNews #Crypto #cryptocurrencies #Bitcoin #LearningNeverStops #TuesdayThoughts #bitcoin #cryptotwitter
Analysing #BTC, notice, how the #DOWNTREND shown by the AROON-UP (#Yellow) line crossing and falling below the AROON-DOWN (#Blue) around the 7th of #March could be correlated with a fall in a little over $1000 in #price.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
Have been following @sidagarwal's #FiftyTrees and was nudged by @SloganMurugan to join in soon. So, I'm now joining the lovely @AratiKumarRao to post photos of #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees

1/50: Tabebuia rosea (Pink Poui), photographed in Basavanagudi ImageImage
2/50: African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)
Image 1: Jungle Myna feeding on the flowers (from Magadi Road)
Image 2: All the red-tops in this scape are African Tulip trees that have just come into bloom in September (from Arekere)
#FiftyTrees #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees ImageImage
3/50: Gulmohar (Delonix regia) photographed near the State Central Library in Cubbon Park
Contrary to popular belief, the Gulmohar is not a native species; it comes from Madagascar.
#FiftyTrees #NammaOorinaMaragalu #NOM #trees #BangaloreTrees ImageImage
Read 33 tweets

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