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Mar 31st 2023
Understanding TTP, Al-Qaeda & TTA 🧵

Al-Qaeda/TTA off shoot of Mujahideen:

Al-Qaeda appeared as an org & it strengthened its roots in Middle East, Central Asia & Africa. It was founded after the end of the Soviet war in 80s by Bin Laden. This was a sunni- salfi jihadist.

TTA was founded by Mullah Omar, a group consisting of 50 Talibs (students) in #Kandahar in 1994. It was a Deobandi Islamic fundamentalist org. Mujahedeen from #Pakistan joined #Taliban movement in #Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal.

History of TTP:

#TTP was officially established in Dec 2007 under the leadership of militant commander Baitullah Mehsud.

The group emerged as an alliance of fighters and radicals belonging to diverse backgrounds, tribes and nationalities.

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Dec 11th 2022
A local journalist:
"Fighting between AFG & PAK border forces started in 'Shiro Oba' area, in Spin Boldak-Chaman crossing point (on #Durand_Line), in Kandahar Province.
The #clash started when AFG forces were building new check posts in the area & Pakistani side prevented them."
The #Taliban confirmed clashes in Spin Boldak of Kandahar, but didn't provide details about the reason& casualties.
There are conflicting news about the status of the crossing point. Some sources said it was closed, others reporting about reopening of the gate.
31.02026, 66.48151 ImageImage
Unverified videos in SM, showing that the situation is chaotic in #Spin_Boldak-#Chaman crossing point& civilians suffered #casualties.
I am not posting the videos, proving casualties, due to Twitter rules.
Sources confirmed to @TOLOnews that 4 people were killed& 20 more wounded.…
Read 9 tweets
May 31st 2022
Current state of the #Taliban

Taliban has consolidated control over #Afghanistan, per @UN report released on Friday

41 UN sanctioned individuals are in the cabinet & sr level positions
#Taliban "have favored loyalty & seniority over competence, & their decision-making has been opaque & inconsistent" per @UN report

"Various Taliban factions are maneuvering for advantage, with the #Haqqani Network the most successful & influential among them"
Some fissures may be emerging within the #Taliban

"The pro-Pashtun bias evident in the composition of the de facto authorities & poor treatment of #Tajik & #Uzbek Taliban runs the risk of provoking defections from those quarters" per @UN member state intel
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May 31st 2022
ICYMI: Intelligence shows "The relationship between the #Taliban & #alQaida remains close, w/the latter [alQaida] celebrating the former’s success & renewing its pledge of allegiance" per report from @UN Sanctions Monitoring Team released Friday
Intelligence from @UN members "suggest that #alQaida has a safe haven under the #Taliban & increased freedom of action" per report "[AQ leader] Ayman al-Zawahiri has issued more frequent recorded messages since August, & there is now proof of life for him as recently as Feb 2022"
#alQaida-#Taliban relationship "underscored by the presence, both in #Afghanistan & the region, of alQaida core leadership & affiliated groups, such as alQaida in the Indian Subcontinent (#AQIS)" per @UN report
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May 28th 2022
UN Report: The foremost division within the #Taliban is between moderate & hardline blocs. The moderate bloc consists of Mullah Baradar, Abbas Stanekzai, Padshah Khan & Shahabuddin Delawar who believe the Taliban must integrate with foreign partners.…
The hardline bloc consists of Hassan Akhund and other senior leaders from #Kandahar. It takes a more ideological view of jihad and sharia, with less emphasis on international relations. Haqqani Network is independent from either bloc, closer to the hardliners but pragmatic.
#Kandahari (Durrani) #Taliban are in the ascendancy among the Taliban’s leadership. This hierarchy has taken shape at the expense of non-Pashtun groups within the Taliban.
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Feb 2nd 2022
NEW: Latest @SIGARHQ report finds overall violence in #Afghanistan is down since US forces left BUT...

"significant violence persists, including mass-casualty attacks by the #IslamicState-#Khorasan (#ISIS-K); civilian disturbances from abusive Taliban forces and others" Image
.@SIGARHQ reports calls #ISIS-#Khorasan the "current greatest security threat" to the #Taliban

ISIS-K attacks killed at least 90 ppl from October-December 2021 in #Kabul #Kundiz #Kandahar
#ISIS-#Khorasan attracting new members

"A violent organization with a significant bankroll, IS-K often appears as the last & most extreme option for disaffected individuals or groups" per @SIGARHQ
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Jan 28th 2022
In Imo State, #SupremeCourtGovernor, @Govhopeuzodinma, has turned so-called #Ebubeagu, into a private terror militia. This week, they Hope's Ebubeagu militia have killed at least 4 ppl in Ihitenansa, Orsu LGA.

In the early hours of today, Hope's #EbubeaguMilitia invaded Nnempi, in Oru East LGA. The shooting lasted over four hours from abt 5am. By the time they were gone, at least 3 were cofirmed killed. The number disappeared is unknown.
During their operation in Nnempi earlier today, Hope's #EbubeaguMilitia accosted a 10 y.o child, pointed a gun at him & asked him to lead them to his dad. The traumatised child informed them that his dad was already dead. They did not believe him until they had searched the house
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Jan 27th 2022
Are we #Kandahar? #Kuwait royal family member Sheikh Ali Jaber Al-Sabah criticizes his brother Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Sabah for issuing an order forcing women in the Armed Forces to wear hijab, not carry arms, not join physical training, & enlist only when needed.
...and the part of #Kuwait Defense Minister's order that raised most controversy is for #women to get a husband or father's written permission before joining the military. This forced an activist to ask: Is she joining a kindergarten or the military?

Are we becoming #Kandahar? Wearing hijab as a precondition for joining the military with prior consent of husband or father has stirred an uproar in #Kuwait. The brother of the Defense Minister issued a statement opposing the order. See Image
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Jan 12th 2022
@USAIDSavesLives please do not give the aid directlty to taliban because they have been distributing to aid to their fighters instead of eligble people and communities. @laralogan…
International aid meant for widowed women and women in general are being distributed to Taliban members and families of Haqqanis suicide bombers. @USAIDSavesLives
Do not give aid to taliban, aid civilians directly. #DoNotRecogniseTaliban
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Dec 26th 2021
Local sources told @Etilaatroz that Imam (prayer leader) of a #Shia mosque and three other people were wounded in a #knife_attack in #Kandahar City.
#Taliban reportedly arrested the man who #stabbed four people including a #Shia mosque's Imam in #Kandahar City, last night.
Kandahar intelligence department released details about the arrested attacker who stabbed a Shia Imam in a mosque in Kandahar City. The attacker is Sayed Abdul Rahman, a Shia Tajik from Adraskan District of Herat who introduced himself as a beggar.
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Dec 25th 2021
A spokesman for the IEA's Ministry of Propagation of Virtue& Prevention of Vice confirmed to @kabulnewstv that it had informed all drivers to refrain from playing music in their vehicles& not to pick up female passengers without hijab.
The ministry's letter also urged drivers ... not pick up female passengers without male #Mahram (chaperone) for long trips (45 miles) in their vehicles. Transport& use of drugs are not permitted in the vehicles& in prayer time, drivers should take a break for prayer. The last point is: "Advise people to grow #beards."
Afghans raised some important questions about the practicality& side effects of the recent written directive of the #Taliban to the (taxi) drivers.
Not only the open-minded Afghans (e.g. Prof. Rahimi), but even some pro-TB figures criticized the directive.
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Nov 15th 2021
Pro-Taliban accounts:
"Last night, #Taliban attacked four #ISKP hideouts in #Kandahar City.
The Taliban attacks on ISKP hideouts sparked clashes between the two sides, in Haji Arab & Al-Makkah Plaza in PD15, Deh Khwaja Manda in PD3 & Breshna Kot area in PD9 of Kandahar City."
A local journalist:
"Initial info from the TB operation against #ISKP in #Kandahar City shows that 4 ISKP fighters& 2 civilians were killed& about 10 other ISKP members were captured alive.
The operation is currently underway in PD4, near Saydal Hospital."
#Taliban didn't comment on operation against ISKP in Kandahar yet.
The photos of the dead bodies of alleged ISKP members, killed by the TB in Kandahar, are horrific& I am not going to publish it here.
In mid-October, ISKP claimed a deadly attack against a Shia mosque in Kandahar.
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Oct 29th 2021
First photos of graduates from "Military Academy of #Kabul".
In #Afghanistan after pol leaders fled & soldiers surrendered, #Taliban have talked about an inclusive national #army curently being reorganised. But what hardware/capabilities will they have

They have
-Millions of rounds of ammo
-10s of thousands of guns, radios other hardware
-1000s of MRAPs & Humvees
-Dozens of aircraft
-100s of technicians/operators

@AJEnglish had exclusive access to what #Taliban says is the beginning of its own #AirForce
Military analysts say much of the estimated $88 BILLION firepower built by US in its 20-yr #Afghan war is either obsolete/inoperable. The coalition destroyed large amounts of hardware on its way out.

Now some being rebuilt from scrap and spares.
Such as #Mi24 #Mi35 attack helis ImageImage
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Sep 18th 2021
📡✈️ I wrote an article about how aircraft traffic situational awareness can be improved by capturing aircraft transponder signals, using open source-based software defined radio receivers

Let's consider the Islamic Emirate of #Afghanistan's airspace

cc @TGhazniwal2 @TGhazniwal
Here's what I wrote last time about #Iraq, and how to improve aircraft traffic situational awareness over Iraq, by capturing the transponder transmissions the aircraft are broadcasting. #ModeS #ADSB #ADSBexchange… Image
The largest cities in Afghanistan are #Kabul, #Herat, #Mazar_e_Sharif, #Kandahar, and #Jalalabad. If any cities in #Afghanistan were to have telecom infrastructure and internet access, it's those five cities. Image
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Sep 6th 2021
Los centros sanitarios del país están sometidos a una gran presión por la falta de personal y equipos. Durante años, el sistema sanitario afgano ha dependido de la ayuda exterior. Si esta se detiene, podría entrar en un colapso total #Afganitán…
#MSF continúa con sus actividades médicas en sus cinco proyectos en #Afganistán: Herat, Kandahar, Khost, Kunduz y Lashkar Gah. Tras el fin de los combates, la población se puede mover con más facilidad y ha habido un aumento de pacientes, especialmente en Herat y Lashkar Gah.
#Khost: Mercados, sistemas de transporte locales y muchas clínicas privadas no funcionan plenamente.
Algunas pacientes han dado a luz en casa durante la última semana porque no estaban seguras de que los centros de salud estuvieran abiertos.
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Sep 5th 2021
1. #Afghanistan: The war in #Panjshir and the propaganda war continue. First, the #Taliban are not running the show in Kabul. Pakistani ISI is in charge and seeking to reap the benefits of their massive victory over the US @CIA and @DefenseIntel @NSAGov and @ODNIgov who have all
2. fallen for what was essentially a virtual war. Massive propaganda pushed though seemingly valid #OSINT accounts that caused a massive rout. I knew the rout was coming, but didn't spot the Pak control of the assault until late in the game. Now that the Paks are facing
3. a committed, capable force in Panjshir the reality of the ground war is starting to impair the move to annex Afghanistan that is the de facto result of the Pak invasion. The reports of the Kabul airport being open are not credible. The photos are taken to obscure the location
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Sep 1st 2021
Huge #Taliban convoy parade with seized #US gear
in #Kandahar
soviet D-30 howitzers
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Sep 1st 2021
#BREAKING Qatar urges Taliban to ensure 'safe passage' for people leaving Afghanistan
#UPDATE Qatar on Wednesday urged the Taliban to ensure "safe passage" for people still wanting to leave #Afghanistan after the chaotic US-led evacuations came to an end
#UPDATE Graphic on the number of #Humvee vehicles sent by the US to the now-defunct Afghan National Army (#ANA) from late 2019 to June 2021, according data from SIGAR quarterly reports
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Aug 31st 2021
VIDEO: 🇦🇫 Taliban fighters celebrate with gunfire as they enter #KabulAirport Tuesday after the last US troops flew out of Afghanistan to end two decades of war. Images posted by Ahmadullah Muttaqi, chief of the multimedia branch of the Taliban's cultural commission
VIDEO: 🇦🇫 The Taliban celebrate the US defeat in #Afghanistan in the country's second-biggest city #Kandahar, the capital of the southern province and the hardline Islamist movement's spiritual birthplace
#BREAKING NATO chief says 'essential' to keep Kabul airport open
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Aug 18th 2021
Kekuatan Taliban berasal dari rakyat Afghanistan yang ingin menegakkan syariat Islam.… #Taliban #Talibans #TalibanTrump #Islam #KabulFalls
Video Viral Tentara Taliban Asyik Main Bom-bom Car di Taman Hiburan Kabul Setelah Ambil Alih Ibu Kota.

#Republika #Taliban #afghanistan #Islam #KabulFalls
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Aug 17th 2021
#BEAKING: One of the most dangerous terrorists in the world just arrived in #Kabul. A7-MAP, the C-17A of #Qatar Air Force carrying Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar co-founder of #Taliban just landed at #KabulAirport with the Green Light of #US Government. His flight delayed for 1 hour.
#USAF is fully monitoring movement of #Taliban's leaders & their terrorists in #Kabul as the Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar & other leaders of the terrorist organization arrived in #Kabul onboard a C-17A of #Qatar Air Force with A7-MAP using #Iran's airspace.
Correction: The C-17A of #Qatar Air Force with A7-MAP register which was supposed to bring Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to #Kabul had a last minute change of plan. The airplane landed in #Kandahar where Mullah Baradar disembarked! You can see his convoy👇
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Aug 17th 2021
Nuovo thread con l’aggiornamento della situazione in #Afghanistan oggi 17 agosto. Vi anticipo che mi attendo che gli aggiornamenti saranno meno rispetto ai giorni scorsi.
Si inizia subito con questo: una prima assoluta nella storia dellmAfghanistan. Il portavoce dei #Talebani che risponde alle domande di una giornalista donna di @TOLOnews.
I #Talebani hanno dichiarato l’amnistia generale per tutti i funzionari statali. (Furbi: senza di loro non possono governare, la burocrazia serve sempre).
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Aug 14th 2021
#Afghanistan 🇦🇫: thread aggiornamenti situazione dall’Afghanistan, sera del 14 agosto 2021.
Continua la fuga di uomini e mezzi dell’esercito afghano verso l’Uzbekistan dopo la caduta di Mazar-i-Sharif nelle mani dei #Talebani.
Aerei americani hanno condotto raid aerei contro le forze talebane presenti nell’aeroporto di #Kandahar nel sud del Paese.
Read 8 tweets

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