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Apr 12th 2023
#Value proposition. I would like to disclose how we #support our #portfolio companies, because I do believe that neither #investments nor market making are enough, if there is nothing else provided. Our #vision is to be a #partner and friend for our portfolio companies and…… Image
Market making (#MM)- it has three main parts: Market #depth - we add more #liquidity on bid and ask side across exchanges where a token is listed on. Spread - we reduce the spread between the best bid and ask offers by adding more quotes around the middle price in the order book.……
#PR and #marketing - the most powerful tool to boost projects on the #crypto market. We support projects with everything from #media to KOLs, and we can act as an outsourcing marketing agency (spoiler - we will extract our marketing department to an independent company very……
Read 10 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
(1/3) Do you wait in court for a listed matter that doesn't get heard? Do you get just a day’s notice before your hearing is scheduled?

To tackle these issues, we’ve launched The Listing Project -…
#listing #causelist #courts #cases #access #listingproject
(2/3) With opaque and inconsistent processes, listing in Indian courts affects access to justice and equality. The Listing Project brings stakeholders together to co-create solutions for better transparency and accessibility. #AccessToJustice #Transparency #ListingProcess
We would love for you to be a part of this Project. We invite you to join us, collaborate and share your stories with us -…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
#Zionist-#Leyen's Revenge:
#EU #Ombudsman - page down at least since Feb 14, 2023, 8:22pm CET.
EU institutions and bodies profiles | #EuropeanUnion!btCjND ImageImage
#Zionist-#Leyen's harsh #revenge:
#Ombudsman's last webpage saved Oct 7, 2022
The European #Ombudsman, Emily #OReilly, works with the institutions, agencies and bodies of the @europeanunion to achieve the highest standard of #administrative practices… ImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
AKTUALIZACJA : Super longa na $PRQ z bliska i z daleka 🐺

Na razie od mojej sredniej +20%, moj plan zaklada wykrecenie kilkuset procent, co najmniej na pierwszym kolku a mysle o 2ch. 💡 Jest na to potencjal poniewaz ostatnio byl, lub jeszcze jest hype na AI bedzie i takie tam🚀 ImageImage
#Web3 #ai #BigData i tak dalej a ten jak by nie patrzec dzialajacy byt, istnieje dziala i sadze ze maja kapital na rozwoj. wystarczy impuls do wzrostu ktory moze przyjsc nagle. No ale kim ze ja jestem aby oceniac hahahaha😂
Kolejnym koniem pociagowym moze byc, acz kolwiek nie musi sie wydazyc... ale uwazam ze sie wydazy w tym roku, zakladam ze w pierwszej polowie nawet... No ale tego nie moge wiedziec :) #listing na gieldzie #Binance 🍌 @cz_binance Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
@linda_a_burnett's workshop done, presentations attended, scholars met, and conversations had. What have I learned? Surprising things. Here's a partial reflection histories of scientific instructions, lists & colonial travel. @UU_University, @BookScribbler, @eayers0, @dominikhhh
First off, not all lists are alike. Much can be learned by the order of items, especially when it comes to ethnographic observation. The order of observation tells us about the intellectual context from which the instruction arises. #listing #History #Science #KNOWLEDGE
But study of intellectual context takes us into other domains - of national experiences, of inter-imperial exchanges, of cross-cultural encounters and yes, so often, of violence and indifference to sufferings. #History #Empire #colonized #Violence #KnowledgeManagement
Read 12 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
👾To celebrate the upcoming listing, we are running a guess-who competition. Predict correctly what is the next #token to be listed on #Cryptology #exchange and get a chance to win a juicy #reward!
Here is the first clue :The multimedia project has not only its own #token, but also some awesome #NFTs collectibles. It is also the first adult animated series, which is being created entirely with the financial support of cryptocommunity enthusiasts. So you think you’ve got it?
🤑Three lucky winners who made correct predictions will be rewarded with a collectible #NFT each!

🔥Good luck, everyone! 🔥

🗓️Contest period: 2022-11-11 — 2022-11-13 15:00 UTC. Winners will be selected randomly.
#listing #guesswho #giveaway #prize #crypto
Read 4 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
Unravelling the most awaited and #LARGEST #IPO of #India. #LICIPO #LIC #Investing #Equity #DRHP
Random FACT - LIC is a part insurance and part investment products company.
The price band is set at Rs 902 - Rs 949 per equity share, and I find it very attractive.
Read 24 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
#Saudi pharmacy chain @AldawaaCare targets to exceed 1000 stores by 2025 after $500m #IPO
.@AldawaaCare 's e-commerce platform “doubled in size last year and this is undoubtedly also a focus for growth going forward,” Commercial Director Fahad Al-Farraj told Arab News.
#Listing represents a chance to “strengthen @AldawaaCare's brand presence and future growth potential as well as reinforce our commitment to the highest standards of corporate governance,” Al-Farraj said.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
[#Thread] Après une semaine mouvementée pour les plus sensibles d'entre vous, parlons éducation et terme #crypto technique.

Abordons ensemble la notion de #vesting

Qu'est ce que c'est ? En quoi ça consiste ? Est-ce risqué ? Partons à la conquête de cet univers obscur ⬇️
La définition du #vesting

Le « vesting » est un terme anglais qui se traduit par "acquisition".

Dans les #crypto, c'est le processus de libération des tokens des investisseurs après la période de verrouillage (#lockup).

Un mix entre la durée et la quantité de tokens reçu.
Après la période de blocage, les #tokens pourront être réclamés par les #investisseurs.

La quantité de jetons récupérer va dépendre de la courbe d’acquisition adoptée :

- Linéaire
- Logarithmique
- Exponentielle

Chaque projet possède son propre modèle de #vesting.
Read 26 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
So #HFXBurgerWeek is starting tomorrow, and I haven't gotten around to making my unofficial fast-find burger listing web page yet. Well, I've got some time now and I should be able to punk rock this thing together in about an hour. Follow along in this thread! (Or mute me)
Here's the burger lineup in the official site:

Big delicious pictures, some search tools - but if you just want to find a burger quickly on your phone, it's a bit clunky. You have to tap to see details. Devtools says it's 176 files and nearly 8 megabytes ImageImage
I'm not blaming The Coast for their website - it has many jobs to do for many different stakeholders - but I like fast simple lookup tools over big splashy sites. In fact this year's version seems a bit more svelte than before. Still, I'm going to make my own much lighter version
Read 77 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020

Looked into #Paypal's access to #cryptocurrencies, as a lot of people in the #xrpcommunity were giving out about them not including #XRP

Would appreciate critical thinkers to give their opinion: @HamEggsnSam @galgitron @XRP_OWL @Kevin_Cage_ @MoonLamboio @WorkingMoneyCH

Here is the @Reuters article:…

2 quotes from the bottom of the article:

"cryptocurrency licence from the New York State Department of Financial Services"

"PayPal is teaming up with cryptocurrency firm Paxos Trust Company to offer the service."
Read 10 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
Long Thread [Alert]

1/n Something big is up at @binance. First @Poloniex, then @steemit and now @CoinMarketCap. If we go by the reported news on the @TheBlock__ , this could be worth $400 Million. Assuming that it is not an #AprilFoolsDay prank...…
2/n Over the last 12 months, @cz_binance has acquired at least three companies - @BinanceJEX, @WazirXIndia, and @dapp_review. Looking at the big picture, it is a notable development as @cz_binance mops up the key players in the #decentralized fundraising space
3/n If you're looking to develop a #dapp, your best best is soon going to be the #Binance Blockchain. Why? Because it tacitly lets #developers know that it has the most well-oiled machinery in the much muddied #crypto space.
Read 11 tweets

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