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In 2019 zag je 3 campagnes die een radicaal op de toekomstgericht verhaal hadden: @PeteButtigieg (voorbij aan wij-zij denken), @AndrewYang, origineel en innovatief, & @VoltEuropa, dat liet zien dat je de uitdagingen v/d 21ste eeuw aankan door grensoverschrijdende samenwerking. 1/
Twee jaar later hebben ze alledrie nog steeds de wind in de zeilen. @PeteButtigieg was de grote verrassing van de #DemocraticPrimaries en @AndrewYang staat er goed voor in de campagne om burgemeester van #NYC te worden. @VoltNederland staat nu bij I&O en De Hond op 2 zetels. 2/11
Er zijn natuurlijk verschillen tussen de drie. Maar ook belangrijke overeenkomsten. Dit is een tijd waarin politieke start-ups met een open blik, oplossingsgericht, met pragmatisch idealisme de basis leggen voor het nieuwe politieke speelveld van de 21ste eeuw. 3/11
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Two weeks ago on this very spot we heard “It’s a revolution! We’re storming the Capitol!” while Elizabeth from Knoxville, Tennessee held an onion to induce tears in a blue tea towel.

Images matter.
Love Dr Biden’s outfit #Inauguration2021
Michelle Obama looks stunning in maroon and her HAIR #Inauguration2021
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My #SuperTuesday super thread!
With 1357 delegates up there is a lot to unpack here.
Im gonna start with some broader trends and then break down the states into regions.
This will be a long one!

General trends
1.general election type of fight

TBC 1/28
3.Narrowing field
4.15% voter threshold
1.California (415)
2.Texas (228)
3.Virginia & North Carolina (209)
4.New England: MS, VT, ME (131)
5.South: AL, OK, TN, AR (184)
6.West: Utah + Colorado (96)
7.Minnesota (75)

8.Weird stuff: Democrats abroad + Samoa (19)

General trends

1.A general election type of fight
Tuesday there will be 16 ‘states’ voting. Why the ‘ ‘ you ask? Because there are 14 proper states, and then democrats abroad and American Samoa. Both of which count as 3/28
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It only took 1 question for #Bloomberg to bring up #RussianInterference on behalf of #Bernie -to his credit he once again vehemently condemned it #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate Image
Pretty clear early on that #BernieSanders isn’t gonna get away from this debate unscathed, like virtually every #DemDebate before this one #DemDebate2020 Image
Joe Biden hits Bernie on his record on guns, invoking Mother Emmanuel church shooting. The first time he’s being challenged on that in a serious way #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate Image
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Overheard at a #PeteButtigieg rally:
Person 1: “#Bernie ran away with it. Like forty something percent.” Person 2: (shakes head) “I just don’t understand it.” Good sum-up of the way most traditional/moderate democrats are feeling today after #NevadaCaucuses #NexstarDC ImageImage
Following the #NevadaCaucus #MayorPete #Buttigieg beginning his #SuperTuesday campaigning here in Virginia #NexstarDC ImageImage
This campaign stop comes after stumps in Colorado last night and South Carolina this morning for #MayorPete #Buttigieg #NexstarDC Image
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Klobuchar basically came out and delivered a victory speech. As long as Pete Buttigieg doesn’t close the gap with Bernie Sanders to something like 1%, or overtake Bernie, Amy’s strong 3rd place finish will be the story #NHprimary2020 #NewHampshirePrimary #NexstarDC
Having said that, #MayorPete could steal the show if by the end of the night he’s within a point or so of #Bernie #NewHampshirePrimary #Primary2020 Image
I take @VanJones68’a point-but I wouldn’t say voters are depressed. “Confused” about who they’re supposed to vote for is more apt. Their priority is “Beat Trump” -still early, these voters don’t have a lot of contests to look back on and see who’s winning #NHprimary #NexstarDC
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⚡️With America locked in a global face-off w Iran, @PaulRieckhoff breaks down the latest w his trademark independence, experience, & humor. In Ep41, we approach the enormous stress of this precarious time in history w light, not heat. & @mazdackrassi:🎙⚡️ Image
⚡️Episode41 goes deep into the human side of the Iran/US relationship with one of the most successful Iran-American business and cultural leaders in America. @kanyewest called him “a visionary”. Meet @MazdackRassi:🇺🇸 🇮🇷🎙⚡️ Image
“@mazdackrassi, what makes you angry?” The powerful, fun and inspiring conversation with @PaulRieckhoff is at now. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. #IYNAYNPA
Read 401 tweets
2010 Clip: #PeteButtigieg pledged not to take money from Wall Street banks while running for state treasurer.

“It creates a conflict of interest. It creates an pay to play.” -#MayorPete
*same 2010 interview*

#PeteButtigieg’s low ethical expectations of his Illinois neighbors:

“Now I don’t want to pick on our neighbors to the west, but anytime you’re falling behind Illinois in any reform, ethics, or transparency issue I think that’s a bit of a wake up call.“
Pete has low reform, ethics, and transparency expectations for his Chicago neighbors yet took in a big haul of cash from them.
Read 8 tweets
1/ For the December #DemDebate @JudyWoodruff @IAmAmnaNawaz @Yamiche @TimAlberta please consider asking questions that have been ignored so far like the #deficit, #infrastructure and how they will get their agenda passed with a slim Senate majority.
2/ For tough candidate-specific questions, @JudyWoodruff @IAmAmnaNawaz @Yamiche @TimAlberta consider challenging #MayorPete on his experience or #BernieSanders on his questionable history in Latin America (including refusal to denounce dictators who were on the left) #DemDebate
3/ Two other overlooked areas @JudyWoodruff @IAmAmnaNawaz @Yamiche @TimAlberta should consider are (i) #housing and the #HOMELESSNESSCRISIS (a big issue here in LA) and reviving #labor rights in the new economy. #DemDebate…
Read 3 tweets
If you think Pete Buttigieg worked to help an ailing MI Blue Cross Blue Shield cut costs to remain viable, this presentation by the Michigan Attorney Generals office in 2007 is really gonna blow your mind. (BTW 2007 is when #MayorPete had that BCBS gig.)…
Interestingly enough, 2007 was also the year Blue Cross Blue Shield tried to ram through a package of bills via political puppets that looked more like a giant Christmas present to themselves than legislation for the people.…
BTW this is the same "non-profit" MI BCBS that the MI Attorney General & the US Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit against. Suit was dropped when legislation was passed that barred them from their contested practices.…
Read 5 tweets
🚨 Breaking: #PeteButtigieg donated to an anti-LGBT marriage equality candidate per 2012 FEC filings.

Pete’s donation came at a crucial time in the fight for marriage equality.

🎥: #MayorPete-funded candidate Joe Donnelly reiterating his anti-equality position during a debate.
Per the FEC report, the “Donnelly for Indiana” campaign recorded a $409 donation on September 17, 2012 from #PeteButtigieg “Mayor” employed by the “City of South Bend.”

Joe Donnelly campaigned on anti-marriage equality even as the issue gained more support under President Obama.
#PeteButtigieg’s September 17, 2012 donation to an anti-marriage equality candidate needs to be seen in the context of the 2012 push for #MarriageEquality:

On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama told ABC News, “I think same sex couples should be able to get married.”
Read 17 tweets
#Thread The list is long on the “things” #MayorPete didn’t know while mayor of #SouthBend. It would be an #SNL skit IF he wasn’t a front runner for POTUS
2/ This is some of wat I knw: From the time I was a kindergarten student in #SBCSC— the district was & still is under a desegregation order 🤦🏾‍♂️
3/ And, for the ppl in the back, segregation doesn’t happen in schools, it happens in neighborhoods. #MayorPete is the mayor of every (segregated) neighborhood in #SouthBend
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“Kids” from “lower income, minority neighborhoods” don’t have “someone they know personally who testifies to the value of education.” - Pete Buttigieg, 2011 South Bend Mayoral Candidate

#MayorPete #PeteForAmerica #Pete2020 #Buttigieg2020 #Buttigieg
🔦:The longer clip isn’t better:

#PeteButtigieg agreed (🗣: “definitely”) w/ Libertarian Pat Farrell that he/retired people could be mentors to kids.

Pete identifies poor “minority neighborhood” kids as needing mentors b/c no one they know “testifies to the value of education.”
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The Democrats have already put my daughter to sleep, before they start talking! #DemDebate #PJMDrunkBlog #DemocraticDebate Image
"The impeachment must go forward," says Warren.

Bernie says "No, they don't" have any choice other than to impeach.

Biden says Democrats have "no choice" but to begin an impeachment inquiry.

Three shots down, nine more to go! #DemDebate #PJMDrunkBlog #DemocraticDebate
Kamala calls Trump "the most corrupt and unpatriotic president we’ve ever had." Is she forgetting FDR, LBJ, Nixon? Whatever, she's on a roll.

Booker is what passes for moderation in this radical rodeo: "We have to conduct this process in a way that is honorable." #DemDebate
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Let's see which retweet bots are super excited about the third Democratic presidential debate. #ThursdayThoughts

#Warren2020 #AmyForAmerica #YangGang #Booker2020 #FeelTheBern #KHive #MayorPete #Biden2020 #BetoForAmerica #Castro2020

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote A duo of extremely similar real estate bots (@RealtorFairfax and @FairfaxVAAgent) were the first two automated accounts to retweet the preceding tweet. Based on a brief jaunt through their timelines, they seem more focused on retweeting political hashtags than real estate.
@ZellaQuixote @RealtorFairfax @FairfaxVAAgent The third bot retweet comes to us courtesy of @BernieBot_2020, which retweets various Sanders-related hashtags (#Bernie2020, #FeelTheBern, #NotMeUS, and #NoMiddleGround.) We've run across it before.
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@Chimos5CAD @2020inslee @ewarren @PeteButtigieg @BetoORourke @amyklobuchar @JulianCastro Here is @PeteButtigieg’s voluntary national service plan. The climate corps would “build resiliency & sustainability against climate disruption and help first responders in the wake of disaster that threatens us all.”…
@Chimos5CAD @2020inslee @ewarren @PeteButtigieg @BetoORourke @amyklobuchar @JulianCastro .@PeteButtigieg has experience to inform his Climate Corps’s disaster relief function. As mayor, he has deployed his Fire Department’s highly regarded Swift Water Rescue Group to help in flooded areas, like in North Carolina after Hurricane Florence.
Read 21 tweets
THREAD: Hi, @youngsinick - some notes about your recent opinion piece about how @PeteButtigieg is “long overdue for a reckoning.” In forming, or at least presenting, this opinion you have left out a lot of information and context. I’ll provide sources.…
2/You address Boykins’ demotion (not firing as characterized), but leave out was due 2 lack of confidence as Chief since he was under investigation & did not tell the Mayor. Further proof he wasn’t fired-kind of hard to retire 5 years after you were fired.…
3/”No action was taken against the police officers and whatever language was used remains a mystery due to Buttigieg’s refusal to release the tapes.” 2 things: 1) Buttigieg has no legal authority to take action against the officers per state law.…
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1/TYT, in their unending crusade 2 tear dwn Buttigieg, has shown again they r willing 2 misrepresent facts & mischaracterize events 2 meet their ends. This vid is latest example & while a lot 2 unpack, I’m going to focus on Cenk’s characterization of PD Chief demotion & the facts
2/Paraphrasing Cenk @ 4:30: “Black police chief (Boykins). Pete fired him. Why? There were tapes showing cops saying racist things. The police chief and other person revealed that information & it was inconvenient for Pete & SB so he was fired.” Lets break this down:
3/In court docs, officers - and Boykins - claim recordings began in 2010. Officers claim it was to monitor them for “loyalty.” These recordings allegedly continued for *two years* before Pete became Mayor.
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In another thread, @Asians4Pete asked how we first encountered @PeteButtigieg. My story is kinda long (or maybe I'm just long-winded), so I'm starting a different thread. The operative word is "long" 😬. 1/31

I moved to the US to attend Notre Dame. One of the first people I met was the chair of the English department there. So basically, unlike most of my fellow Americans, for as long as I've lived in this country, I've known how to pronounce Buttigieg. 2/31
(Aside to @Chas10Buttigieg: Buddha-judge is not how you pronounce Buttigieg. As any #desi will tell you, that's not even how you pronounce Buddha.) 3/31

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I was a little surprised #MayorPete #PeteButtigieg got such strong applause when he said, contrary to Bernie Sanders/Kamala Harris, he doesn’t believe incarcerated citizens should have the right to vote. Image
Felt like the applause came in response to the fact that he gave a definitive answer, after Kamala Harris who wavered a bit before saying she’s interested in having the conversation. Image
Pete Buttigieg says he came out as gay because “frankly, I wanted to date.” #MayorPete #PeteButtigieg ...btw tweeting about Pete versus the others only because I’m working and this is the only full townhall I’ve gotten to watch thus far. Image
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On my phone I went to @PeteButtigieg's Twitter feed to hit a link that brought me to his mobilesite that offered me a hyperlink to open up the YouTube app which allowed me to cast to my TV a gay millennial announce he is ruining for President. Possibly the most 2019 sentence ever
If anyone needs it here is the link to the YouTube Live Stream. @PeteButtigieg is about to officially announce his candidacy for President of the United States. It will be a historic moment. #PeteForAmerica

.@PeteButtigieg starts off his announcement with a prayer from local Reverend. #PeteForAmerica

(Very loud applause when @Chas10Buttigieg is mentioned)

Announcement is accidentally made by female in the middle of prayer. Rev says "listen to word of God." (Crowd goes wild).
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THREAD: I know 2020 is supposed to be the year of women but when I see @PeteButtigieg I see myself, a gay millennial. Its so powerful and I csnt help but root for him. It's not something a straight white Christian man can understand, no matter how "woke" they are.
I always wanted to go into politics but didnt bc I thought l one day when I came out that would be that. To see someone just like me do something I always wanted to but that I never thought was possible is forcing me to reevaluate everything. I thought I was well adjusted
To our current reality, gsy rights are starting to be recognized and in parts of the country we are accepted as equals. But the past few weeks seeing someone serious running for an office I thought I could never hold has got me thinking. I would never suggest we should
Read 9 tweets

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