Fear not! I've pieced together a thread dedicated to ecosystem events that occurred over the past day or two. Read on to get back up to speed.
Can reduce processing time per transaction significantly on the #Ethereum network, relative to a fully on-chain ERC20 smart contract. Click below for more! ethresear.ch/t/snark-based-…
Having partnered with one of China's leading payment solution provider, #Fantom will work to integrate its pioneering DAG-based smart contract platform to give Fuiou users access to a faster, more scalable payment service. medium.com/@FantomFDN/fan…
Be it on #iOS or #Android, Trust users can now securely store, send and receive ICX.

Trading was halted immediately. Has partnered with @Onfido and @ComplyAdvantage on KYC/AML. medium.com/ercdex/halting…
The #QuarkChain Foundation will distribute 1,000,000+ QKC to eligible ambassadors. Excludes citizens and residents of the U.S. Find out more below! medium.com/quarkchain-off…
Other participants: Coinbase Ventures, @Ripple's Xpring, Global Brain Corporation, @OKEx's OK Blockchain Capital, and more.
Users holding >5,000 WTC are eligible to apply for the Master Node status on the #mainnet.
More details: medium.com/@Waltonchain_E…

Disrupting the oligopolistic online marketplace sector. Keeping an eye on this one!
Now, any @0xProject followers can contribute to the future of the trade explorer and news aggregator. Also set for a branding and UI overhaul by @dApp_boi, a designer who has previously worked with various #crypto projects.
Includes #aelf [ $ELF ], #Bluzelle [ $BLZ ], #Quant [ $QNT ] and more! medium.com/switcheo/switc…
More details: medium.com/binanceexchang…
According to the #Binance team, they can now "support more trading pairs with different stablecoins offered as a base pair." support.binance.com/hc/en-us/artic…
Founded by James Ju, the former VP of Technology at X Financial (NYSE: XYF) and CTO of @HuobiGlobal. Click through for press statement. businesswire.com/news/home/2018…
They've hired @DemoSkalkotos to head the global business unit operations for Vault, a self-custody, multi-authorization #crypto wallet management solution for the financial industry.
Short ETH 12/15 (2x) marks the first-ever sETH to have an initial leverage ratio of -2x.

After having firstly detailed the motivations behind her July dissent statement, guest @HesterPeirce (SEC Commissioner) explains the SEC's role and decision-making process. whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/the-se…
For the first episode, Eric chatted to the @Ethereum Foundation's @HudsonJameson about the recent #devcon4, the future of #Ethereum and more! podcast.ethhub.io
Click below to get the latest on the #Ethereum ecosystem incl. L1/L2 solutions, developer-related news, progress re various token standards, project updates, media links and more! weekinethereum.com/post/180462051…
This week's newsletter - which showcases the progress of L1 and #Ethereum-based L2 protocols - features @ParityTech, @Aion_Network, @Wanchain_org, @Loopringorg, @AirSwap, @Quantstamp and more.
{fin} protocolweekly.8xprotocol.com/protocol-weekl…