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May 19th 2023
🚨 China and Hong Kong Crypto Narrative is Back:

Here are 5 Coins to Watch 🚀 Image
➡️ June is the month of the Hong Kong and China #cryptocurrency narrative, which has captured the attention of the #crypto community and sparked lively discussions.
Hong Kong's Crypto Decision

➡️ Hong Kong is embracing cryptocurrency with its upcoming VASP framework, allowing certified professional investors exclusive access to cryptocurrency exchanges.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
#EU speelt een spel met #democratie en #vrije_markten wat zij zeggen te zijn. EU is een #neo socialistisch model waarin marktwerking wordt beperkt en bestuurd door Staat monopolie zoals milieu als productiemiddel te introduceren, uitgifte CO2 rechten is zo’n #monopolie en verbied
t, vrije marktwerking. Prijzen van dit soort rechten komen tot stand door door de overheid in Brussel gecreëerde schaarste (milieu wetgeving) en geeft Staat ongekende invloed op marktwerking. #Mises #EU #neosocialisme ⚒️ #eu_commission #eu_council #vvd #d66 Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 5th 2022
Neurophysiology data is so expensive and valuable. Let’s not waste it! Let's share it and reuse it!

Our @eLife paper ( outlines the NWB software ecosystem for standardizing, analyzing, and sharing neurophysiology data #tweeprint 1/11 Image
Neurophysiology experiments span many species, tasks, and recording modalities. Labs are also diverse in the analysis tools and programming languages they use. This diversity has for a long time resulted in silos in the field. 2/11 Image
Neurophysiology data collected for one purpose is often useful to answer other questions, but sharing data is difficult and tedious- data formats are diverse and complex, and essential metadata may be missing. We need a way to bridge the gap between groups. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Potential Alpha: Why @demexchange's $SWTH may be the most undervalued perpetual platform in the #CosmosEcosystem and can do another 10x from here.

Most perpetual platforms on Cosmos are being valued at above $100m market cap.

However, $SWTH is only at $10m market cap, 10x lower than competitors.

With the launch of leverage perps today, $SWTH is potentially undervalued and presents a good risk/reward bet. Let me explain.
The volume on perps or margin pair on a CEX is usually about 10-15x the spot volume on average due to leverage.

Demex's volume was mainly spot, but with perps and leverage being enabled, our volume may multiply by 10-15x, bringing our #realyield and valuation up.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
1/⚖️ [CIP-11] The V2.6.0 upgrade is here 😉

Key improvements to #Carbon
🔹 Bridge module
🔹 Token import
🔹 Promoting greater participation → Slashing inactive oracles

Calling all $SWTH stakers!

📜 Proposal details…
🗳 Vote…
2/ Bridge module 🌉

The bridge module will enable users to bridge tokens in just ONE transaction — without needing an account on Carbon. Soon, you will be able to bridge $SWTH across #BNBChain, #Ethereum, #Neo, #Zilliqa and #Osmosis directly on CarbonHub!
3/ Token import 🪙

#Carbon is here to streamline your #DeFi experience. With the upcoming token import feature on #Demex, users can list tokens permissionlessly in just 2 steps without having to submit a proposal!

Simply select your desired blockchain & token address to go🚀
Read 5 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
🧵 on some of the major smart contract chains, their different approaches, and how HOPEFULLY (for the love of all that is holy) we are moving away from simply "X chain is superior because it did XXXX TPS on a closed environment testnet"
#Ethereum #terraluna #Solana #AVAX
As @epolynya has alluded to several times, #TPS numbers are almost meaningless now. Especially anything under 100k.

At the risk of having this thrown in my face 5 years from now, TPS is essentially solved.
This is due to many things but some reasons include:

- #modular designs (@CelestiaOrg, #ETH + #rollups, and @avalancheavax to an extent)
- Rollups, in general, and how they can somewhat "defeat" the #ScalabilityTrilemma
- @IOHK_Charles & his giga brain (ok maybe not this 😉)
Read 22 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
1/ Thank you to @cosmos & @ticojohnny for having us in the community AMA! We’re stoked for #Carbon to be joining the booming Cosmos ecosystem ⚛️💠

Check out the AMA with @ivan_switcheo 👉

2/ Say hello to Carbon, a Layer 2 trading protocol powering cross-chain financial markets and infrastructures. Carbon envisions to be the core of all financial ecosystems in the multi-chain world, & hopes to integrate every chain and token possible ♾

3/ Meet $SWTH! The native governance token of Carbon that helps to secure the Carbon protocol via the dPOS system. ☑️

You can choose to stake your $SWTH on Carbon or to provide liquidity to our $SWTH pools on #Demex to start earning rewards! 🎁
Read 13 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
Diyagonaller ve Üçgenler | #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Elrond #FTM #WRX #NEO Elliott Dalga Analizi
#mith #flm

Yassı -> A, B yayvan, yavaş / C hızlı, ani, sert (Beyaz)
Zikzak -> A hızlı, ani, sert / B, C yayvan, yavaş (Kahve)
#kriptopara ImageImage
#total2 ve #btcdominance da durum buysa ki öyle görünüyor, bak sen #ALTSEASON a. Bu ay hızlı geçecek. #kriptopara #Bitcoin ImageImage
Read 20 tweets
May 30th 2021
Crypto Economics vs Tokenomics (Thread)

Are crypto economics and tokenomics the same thing? No. Tokenomics is a subset of crypto economics.

#economics #tokens #cryptocurrency #DeFi #blockchain #incentives
Crypto economics is about 3 things:

1. Messages in the past (through cryptography)

2. Economic incentives to be used in the present (through game theory and mechanism design)

3. Desired system properties in the future (through token design)
Tokenomics (or token economics) is a subset of crypto economics. It is basically economics of the token; aka the crypto project. It does not include the crypto-system (aka blockchain technology like #ETH, #NEO, #NEM).
Read 5 tweets
May 28th 2021


Women's month💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🛀🛀🛀🛌🛌🛌🛌

Manual for beginners in spirit journey

1) #Callings/ubizo

It's the frequency of spiritual divinity from universe (spirit) to child (soul) regarding your purpose in life
#Remember purposes vary

/ Sangoma





/Dreamer & solver of problems verbally

2) #gift/neo/isipho

It's the baby spirit gifted to you by universe. It might not be so much that you need to twasa or open it, Nooooo it might just be a normal presence or might be huge presence of spirit frequency

in short gift means spirit presence
Read 28 tweets
May 6th 2021
$10M exploited. BTW I screenshot these so they will survive in case someone deletes a tweet one day in the future. Image
$17M in hacks this week Image
This one is being emptied as we speak I think. $14M so far lost Image
Read 59 tweets
Apr 28th 2021
$51M rug pull on yet another BSC scam. ImageImageImage
$30M exploitted Image
$10M exploited. BTW I screenshot these so they will survive in case someone deletes a tweet one day in the future. Image
Read 60 tweets
Sep 20th 2020

Monitoreo para el sábado Image
Me agrada ese reconocimiento de MM final
Read 5 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
Hoy se cumplen 20 años del estreno de #TheMatrix, la obra maestra de las hermanas Wachowski que revolucionó las forma de ver y hacer cine de ciencia ficción. Para conmemorarlo, y por petición popular, abrimos #hilo sobre su producción y sus #VFX. ¡Vamos!
#cine #DeshilachandoCine
El rodaje de #TheMatrix comenzó en marzo de 1998 y duró 118 días. Casi todas las escenas están rodadas en Sídney, Australia. Se procuró no usar lugares muy icónicos para dar la impresión de estar en una ciudad genérica norteamericana indefinida.
#VFX #cine #DeshilachandoCine
El papel de #Neo en #TheMatrix le fue ofrecido a varios actores, entre ellos, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio y Will Smith. Todos ellos lo rechazaron. Will Smith en concreto para hacer Wild Wild West. Finalmente se le ofreció a #KeanuReeves que aceptó entusiasmado. #cine #Matrix
Read 22 tweets
Mar 9th 2019
Civilian wing of #neo-Nazi led Azov regiment attacks Poroshenko election rally, clashes with police & threatens him in another indication that the far right could be used to help to defeat Poroshenko in presidential elections by force or threat of force.…
As I wrote in my studies, the far right has power to overthrow the government in #Ukraine by force in alliance with oligarchic parties, as such alliance successfully did five years ago during the Maidan.…
Read 16 tweets
Dec 5th 2018
#NEO gave an update to the decentralization process today. The long awaited process of making NEO politically decentralized (it is geographically decentralized already) will finally speed up in the next months.
If you missed the blog post, here is the link…
But what does that mean for #NEO?
First, NEO isn't the average PoW- or PoS-blockchain, NEO utilizes dBFT consensus which comes with several advantages but also some downsides. You can read about it here:…
One significant downside to this model is that you have to trust most (66%) of the consensus nodes to not be bad players (its nearly the same for PoW and PoS, isn't it?)
Consensus nodes aren't competing for consensus, they're cooperating. This leads to one significant advantage:
Read 10 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
0/ Been away from the #crypto and #blockchain space for a while and now find yourself out-of-the-loop?

Fear not! I've pieced together a thread dedicated to ecosystem events that occurred over the past day or two. Read on to get back up to speed.
1/ 🥼 Over on #EthResearch, @JieyiLong proposed a SNARK-based sidechain for #ERC20 tokens.

Can reduce processing time per transaction significantly on the #Ethereum network, relative to a fully on-chain ERC20 smart contract. Click below for more!…
2/ 🤝 @FantomFDN x Fuiou Group

Having partnered with one of China's leading payment solution provider, #Fantom will work to integrate its pioneering DAG-based smart contract platform to give Fuiou users access to a faster, more scalable payment service.…
Read 25 tweets
Nov 7th 2018
0/ Another doozy of a thread for you!

The past ~24hrs saw a great many #blockchain projects share development updates and partnership news. Amid this, the #crypto space was ripe with discussion on several topics.

On what, exactly? Well that's for you to find out 😉
1/ 🇺🇸 @AugurProject [ $REP ] - yeah, that #Ethereum-powered decentralized prediction market everyone wrote off post-#mainnet as quickly as @Novogratz revises a #bitcoin price forecast (😘) - well the #USmidterms have seemingly awoken punters from far and wide. Those numbers!
2/ 🔎 @adam3us's leading #bitcoin and #blockchain technology firm @Blockstream announced its new block explorer,

Now, users can search and view specific data published in real-time to the Bitcoin #blockchain, Bitcoin #testnet and Liquid #sidechain. Neat!
Read 30 tweets

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