THREAD: the filings by Mueller and SDNY on Cohen are BIGLY bad news for @realDonaldTrump and his spawn, Don Jr, Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie, and Eric and *clearly* indicate that Trump is an UNINDICTED co-conspirator.
And then, there's the Manafort memo... 1/
But let's stick to the juicier stuff that involves Team🇷🇺Trump. 6/
Full SDNY memo:…

SDNY clearly implicates Trump as an UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR.
Cohen "acted in coordination with & at the direction of Individual-1," who "began an ultimately successful campaign for President."
If you direct someone to commit a #felony, that is a #conspiracy. 7/

"After the election, Cohen sought reimbursement for election-related expenses," including the hush money payments.
"Executives at the Company (@Trump Org) agreed to reimburse Cohen."
Trump "executives" = Trump, Don Jr, Ivanka & Eric (and CFO Allen Weisselberg).😎 10/

Here is a link to the full memo:…

Mueller nails Cohen for lying about Trump Tower🇷🇺Moscow that req'd the assistance of the #Russian🇷🇺gov't, so Trump Org could have made "hundreds of millions of dollars."
"Cohen continued to work on the project and discuss it with (TRUMP) well into the campaign."🔥18/

Mueller cuts right to the heart of #TrumpRussia.😎 19/

So much for "no #collusion."🤣 20/


Mueller says that these "executives" were involved with **#Russia🇷🇺related matters** core to the #TrumpRussia investigation.🔥 24/

The #SteeleDossier alleged "an extensive #conspiracy between Trump's campaign team and the Kremlin.🤔 25/

Exactly WHO are these individuals? Kush? Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie? Others??
ANYONE at the WH who had contact w/Cohen should be *very* worried.😎 26/
WHO received Cohen's response? Trump?
Looks like Mueller is laying the foundation for a #conspiracy to #ObstructJustice case.😎 27/

Here's a link to the FULL filing:…

Most interesting: Mueller talks about LIES that Manafort told about "pending investigations or uncharged individuals."😎 29/

Giuliani says Mueller told Manafort they don't believe that Trump did not know about the #Russian🇷🇺"lawyer" meeting.
Meaning: Trump *knew* and likely LIED in his answers to Mueller. 30/…

And Mueller does NOT need Manafort to *prove* that crimes were committed.😎 36/
Time to celebrate this horrifically bad day for Team🇷🇺Trump...and glorious day for us patriots.🇺🇸