#creativity and the everyday #brain
#creativebrain #playfulness #connections
#flow #play #recess #quiet #downtime #practice #wisdom

Distinct from #intelligence – a superhighway; #creativity as a slow meandering process down dirt road / side road
Must be both #novel and @useful – beyond simple #utility – something #new within a social context. Unexpected links ✨🤓✨
Novel ✅
Useful ✅
Socially relevant ✅
Unexpected ✅
@Trevornoah @hasanminhaj @donaldglover @dannypudi @mindykaling @azizansari @kenjeong @aliwong @MayaRudolph @TheEllenShow @JimCarrey
–– and one of the many reasons why we dislike "open plan" offices ––:
New ideas and social conformity #groupthink do not mix
#teams #holacracy #innovation #disruption #futuresthinking #problemsolving
Stovepipe /ˈstəʊvpʌɪp/ – isolated vertical conduit
Having too narrow a field of view really stifles #creativity
@MIT Building 20
#incubator #architecture #teams
#random @unplanned #debate
#postdiscipline #silos

#recess at school, #quiettime #bathtime #downtime #exercise
A workspace for you to meander around and put ideas togethers
#innovation #disruption #ideas #change #thoughtleadership #connections

–– emphasising the #influencing & #adapting specialisations in the #globalMBA degree ––:
"It's not just going to be a #product... an artifact... It's going to be ✨moving✨ groups of people together and ✨motivating✨ groups of people"

Co-opt #TransientHyperfrontality (aka creativity) from mid-40s onwards when de-myelinating starts downward trajectory
#ageingworkforce #futureofwork
#boomers #genX #xennial #genY #genZ

"back and forth between the frontal lobes [logic, order] and transient hyperfrontality [unstructured, downtime, play] and lots of disappointments + successes + compromises.. solved lots of problems in your life successfully"