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Ja, es gibt schon wieder eine neue Studie, die sagt, dass junge Menschen psychisch besonders belastet sind. #mentalhealth
In einem Beteiligungsworkshop für die #Jugendpolitiktage habe ich mit Jugendlichen (16-27 Jahre) zu diesem Thema gearbeitet. Und das ist mir aufgefallen (1):
Die junge Generation hat das Gefühl, dass sie Probleme lösen muss, die sie selbst nicht verschuldet hat: Klimakrise, Krieg, Inflation. Dass Erwachsene sich aus der Verantwortung ziehen, sich auf ihrer Macht (#Wahlalter16) ausruhen. Das erzeugt Hilflosigkeit - und Depression. (2)
Hilfsangebote für #mentalhealth gibt es entweder nicht flächendeckend (ländlicher Raum!) oder die Info darüber kommt nicht bei den Betroffenen an. Teilnehmer*innen schildern, dass sie seit Monaten auf der Suche nach Therapieplätzen sind. Und langsam daran verzweifeln. (3)
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Feel Good Friday! 😃Here's some #GoodNews stories to encourage you -- not all news is negative. 💙
Asbury University Revival Makes History: ‘God Is Moving’ #AsburyRevival #AsburyRevival2023 #Revival #GenZ…
Joshua Bassett baptized at Bethel Church, shares what Jesus delivered him from #JesusSaves #Baptism…
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ChatGPT semakin popular, dah try?

Saya dgr podcast Morgan Stanley tntg trends 2023. Antara trend: Gen Z akan buat multiple income streams. Why? antara sebab: chatGPT

Saya tanya chatGPT utk dpt jawapan mengapa ini berlaku.

ChatGPT jawab dlm masa 10 saat sahaja‼️ Image
"Why settle for one source of income when you can have many? #GenZ is embracing multiple earnings streams for job security, financial stability, the freedom to pursue their passions. The gig economy & technology make it easier than ever! #MillennialMoney #EarningsStreams"
Soalan saya ChatGPT untuk suggest a tweet on multiple income di atas👆

Kemudian saya tanya:
"what are 3 reasons why Gen z going for multiple earnings stream?"
Read 10 tweets
1. #GenZ members are born into technology. So, they are the pioneer of the #metaverse. I guess we can call them "real digital natives".

They are interested in metaverse, but why?

via @HBRTTurkey
2. They want to escape from real world issues and problems. Hence, GenZ meets metaverse faster than older generations. Virtual experiences and social connections, fame and stability are influencing them a lot.
3. For example, they think that metaverse gives them more explicit, free, liberal and flexible world. Also, they are wanting to preserve those opportunities so that they could improve them.
Read 5 tweets
Anyone can see the world has gone mad.
Our matrix is insane. Why?
Since antiquity, the ruling families have practiced strategic inbreeding programs to sustain their wealth and power, from Pharaoh to King Charles III and everyone in between.
+1 ImageImage
Its no secret the ancient Egyptians used this practice during many of their dynastic periods. The most famous being King Tut, the offspring of the famous androgynously portrayed monotheist, #Akhenaten and his sister. Tut also married his sister.…
Hapsburg Holy Roman Empire was so inbred for centuries that ruling heads of state suffered from low intelligence, mental issues and physical deformities ranging from inability to walk straight like King Tut, enlarged tongues - inability to eat/talk and the famous #HapsburgJaw ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Brands having a higher purpose - does this stick with the new-age customers anymore? #MADD28 got #MADDers together over tis weekend to dig in2 tis contentious issue. And boy, some discussion we had!

#ForLoveOfBrands #MADD
Ethical, sustainable & concern for society as purpose was highlighted by @NickSarma who opened t debate which got @vivdragon2006 bringing up contextual relevance in to t debate warning tat Brands can't deviate from their chosen path of business

#BusinessOfBrands #BrandsInSync
@renuka_kamath felt that Brands using CSR as a crutch is just not on & spoke about CRM- Cause-related-marketing in some detail. @tjaswal questioned the purpose of 'purpose' & spoke abt taking up issues opens up t Brands to trolls.
Read 6 tweets
The #PriestKings love #GenZ because they suffer the most severe mind control brainwashing of any previous generation in human history. This generation will lead #GenAlpha into transhumanism and beyond.
These two generations will destroy the USA.
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A little Wed AM inspo for #GenZ #MedTwitter. YOU have the power to change the face of #LongCovid, #MECFS and complex chronic illness history by challenging the status quo, investigating new ideas and LISTENING to your patients. Don’t believe that what you read in textbooks is 1/
all there is to the story. Read the latest research, question everything, befriend your patients, see ‘it’ with your own eyes and, most importantly, when they tell you it’s impossible, think Muhammad Ali: “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small-minded people who 2/
find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.” 💥🥊
Read 3 tweets
🧵 Is the American Dream dead? - a tweetstorm

This is a brain dump of .@RaoulGMI's 30+ years of knowledge, how the world works, and how his macro framework fits into it all ⤵️
1/ There's no denying that we're in a mess!

By the Law of Unintended Consequences, every time we try to fix A, we create problems B, C, D, E, etc.

We hardly understand these new problems unless there's hindsight to connect the dots...

So, how the hell did we get here?

Let's start by looking at the peak of the #British Empire:

It was the world's largest realm. But as with every empire, trying to control so many people across the globe has its price & #debt weakened its structure...
Read 81 tweets
Sanitary pads take 250-800 years to decompose, which is pushing young Indians to opt for greener alternatives


By @karunasharmaa
Every year, around 12.3 billion used sanitary pads are dumped in landfills in India, said a report by the environmental group Toxics Link. Each of these non-organic sanitary pads is equivalent to four plastic bags, and it takes 250-800 years to decompose.

To reduce their carbon footprint on Earth, young #millennials and #GenZ are switching to greener options like menstrual cups, reusable pads, period discs, tampons, period panties, etc. Not only are these alternatives greener but some of them are also cheaper.

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A lot of attention tonight is going to be paid to #DeSantis It makes sense. He’s terrible and he’s learned from Trump how to exploit extremism into headlines and fundraisers for his own career, but there’s something else to see in Florida tonight, something incredible.
Voter just made history by nominating @AramisAyalaFL to be the Democratic candidate for Attorney General. She’s fighting for women’s rights, public safety and to reform the system of punishment we call criminal justice. She would be the first Black person elected statewide.
She’s joined on the ticket by @RepValDemings who is geared up to trounce Marco Rubio and help build a bigger majority in the US Senate so we can truly #BuildBackBetter and move forward as a country still reeling from the pandemic and it’s economic fallout .
Read 11 tweets
I love being gen z. We have so much power😭💀💀🤌🏼 #tiktok #MinionsTheRiseOfGru #Minions #gentleminions
Naw bc y’all needa follow me fr. We #genz need to stick together on these burner accounts 😤😤
Y’all big big mad huh? 😭😭 Just say y’all old and go
Read 4 tweets
Live from #GartnerSEC | The Multigenerational Workforce in Security with Lisa Pierce, Gartner VP, Advisory.

About this session: The #security workforce encompasses many generations - baby boomers, Gen Xers, millennials and Gen Zers. #GartnerSEC
This is a must for #security leadership, so that they can create an IT and security culture that leverages strengths and confronts weaknesses to uncover opportunities and overcome threats into our collaborative future. Change starts with people. #GartnerSEC Image
Generational issues are among CIOs top-of-mind-concerns. #GartnerSEC #CIO #workforce Image
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On #GenZ work culture - as you are making choices, others, including organizations are making choices too. For every action there is a reaction. So as you are doing you, please respect other people's right to do them too. Namaste. 🙏🏾
That said, kindness and respect are human values. They are non-negotiable at work and at home. So are hardwork, commitment, discipline and responsibility.
I think the problem in many workplaces is communication and understanding. Set clear expectations. If you need to shift the goal post in the event of business emergencies, don't take the sacrifice for granted or assume it. Ask.
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"When you push against a system and it is an unjust system, you must prepare yourself mentally for the isolation and resistance that comes with that. Activism and whistleblowing looks sexy on TV, but it’s hard on your mind and wellbeing." --Dr. Monica Cox…
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If you are into the financial market( Stockmarket) then this thread is for you. These are some stocks under $500 that you can consider buying, when the general market picks up you can get to make good returns on them. #buythedip #blaqbonez #At22 #GenZ #StocksToBuy #StockMarket
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. ($AMD)- controls the premium pc gaming market and gamers will select this over Intel because the chips are far better at multitasking and it is at an affordable price, Samsung also partnered with them to produce their mobile chip.
The company’s market cap is currently at $135.46B with the stock price at $112.70. The company’s stock is undervalued and when the general market picks up the stock price would also see a spike.
Read 12 tweets
1/ How #NFT collectibles are reframing culture.

Ft. insights by @punk4156 @Kevin_Kelly_II @RaoulGMI @garyvee @ysiu. Only on @RealVision.
2/ Most consider NFTs as either:

• Cool, unique PFPs (profile pics)
• Digital art to accumulate $ETH
• A ticket to be part of an 'inner circle'

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
3/ NFTs are a convergence of:

• Arts & aesthetics
• Economic value & incentives
• Identity, community & culture
• Community governance & decision-making

This convergence is reframing culture. How?
Read 24 tweets
NEW POLLING I conducted and shared w/ @Morning_Joe team on social media, #Facebook, #Instagram.

1) Nearly 2/3 of Americans who use platforms believe life was better without them.

2) 42% of #GenZ addicted, can't stop if they tried.

1/5 Image
3) Depressed, angry, alone are most common words Gen Zers associate with after checking Facebook.

4) Missing out and alone are tied with informed as the 3 words that Gen Zers most associate with their feelings after checking Instagram.

2/5 Image
5) Social media users recognize that it has a net negative effect on politics, the media, the country and how we think of ourselves.

6) About one-in-three Gen Zers say that Instagram negatively impacts their body image -- about twice as likely as everyone else.

3/5 Image
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“Makes me happier than a flea at a dog show to be here with you all”

We have to say, @JimHightower that the feeling is mutual. 💙

Thank you for being out on the road with @BetoORourke & us- the energy you bring is like no other!

#TexasDriveForDemocracy is #PoweredByPeople Image
“We often have candidates and congressmen that become lobbyists and disappear on us…well @BetoORourke has never disappeared on us…in fact, he keeps reappearing when we need him.”

#TexasDriveForDemocracy is #PoweredByPeople
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We are live in Beaumont, TX for tonight’s episode of the #TexasDriveForDemocracy presented by @poweredxpeople @poweredxyouth_ @PxPAmbassadors @BetoORourke Image
Live Facebook link
“It doesn’t matter if they give you a water bottle. What matters is that you can vote. Don’t let them convince you that it it’s too hard to vote”
- Sheriff Zena Stephens

#TexasDriveForDemocracy is #PoweredByPeople Image
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A look at today's wide-ranging @pewscience report on #climatechange, #energy and #environment.
Partisan gaps continue to loom large, but survey goes deep on generations showing how #GenZ, #Millennials stand out for engagement on climate
@pewresearch 1/x
Climate change is viewed as an issue that needs attention today and majorities view government, industry -- and even 'ordinary Americans' -- as doing 'too little' to help reduce its effects.
Americans continue to prioritize alternative energy development (like wind and solar) over fossil fuels, but public is roughly divided over phasing out gas-powered cars by 2035; opposes eliminating fossil fuels from energy picture altogether
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C'mere #GenZ I be needing you to teach me some #21stCentury colloquial slang language so I can impress my grandsons. The other day my 16 year old complained that his parents were too strict and I said, "It do be like that sometimes, Homie." He said, "You speak my language? Cool!" Image
#DoBeDoBeDo two hundred thousand words in the English language, and more every day, we'll never live long enough to learn them all!
I might use some of this new lingo in tweets too, but only if I'm talking to #GenZ because others may not understand the references. I do want to talk to #GenZ because they are the ones who saved us from a second term for #TheHateYam & they must do it again. We must #PassTheTorch
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1. "Covid-19 is dead now, and finally we can live without masks and can reunite with our friends and families" - how happy does this sounds? Everybody wishes to go back to normal, for that please wear your masks. #WearAMask
2. Today, this situation is really out of hands. Our whole generation is falling apart. We have lost hopes on our dreams, ambitions, studies, career and all we want to do is to SURVIVE. We want to live. We want to fight this so badly. #fightagainstcorona
3.We don't want to see our future getting destroyed right in front of our eyes because of this virus. Some of us might be thinking, do we even have a future? Yes, we do if we stay safe and follow all the protocols. It feels as we have aged, without actually ageing. #GenZ
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