1. Trump is an entertainer and has friends in entertainment, gets elected.
2. Conservatives conflicted from day 1
3. Trump does enough to be impeached, but isn't, conservatives are split further into factions.
5. Thought leaders emerge to wrangle a message together.
6. I see Candace first, slinging slave and plantation narrs, "NRA was civil rights" and other questionable unproven ideas.
So simply let's say there's 5 groups
B. Black MAGA
C. Conscious Black Conservatives
D. Black Independents
E. Black Dems
Instead of thes Black Maga listening and tweaking their message from the outpouring of "love" from C, D and E, they instead think they are getting attacked, which is understandable but immature.
And sounds to uncomfortably like the linked tweet.
They too, had a different moral compass, for a check. I'm -pretty sure- they weren't allowed to speak ill against their leader either and their job was to get people to follow too
At the end of the day, A's can easily be fooled by red herrings from lack of knowledge and exposure and expect these B's to give to them what they've never tried to truly understand.