Me: The real issues are not about it.
X: But climate change/crisis is everywhere, in the news.
Me: So what?
X: What are the real issues then?
Me: It's about wrong intent, imbalance, and negative externalities.
X: ?!?
Me: As a belief system, an ideology to govern a society, yes I'm against it, but as a tool no.
X: Sorry, I don't follow you.
Me: If we use capitalism (the system) as a tool to spur innovation through competition, I'm all in favour.
Me: If you are a liberal/neoliberal you may think that way. But you are wrong.
X: Prove me wrong.
Me: If you think that way, you really don't know the huge amount of waste that exists in most companies. There's a reason why big consultancy companies are, well... big.
Me: No they aren't. What they are great at, is on extracting huge profits from those strategic assets already paid by the taxpayer.
And by the way, China state-owned companies will be more than happy to buy western states' strategic assets by acquiring those western rent-seeking companies, I'm sure.
X: So, what you are saying is that every western state needs a public sector?
Call it "national interests" if you want.
And this is not capitalism, is it?
Me: Exactly.
X: But is #capitalism compatible with #socialism?
Me: Remember the wrong intent at the beginning: if you look at capitalism and socialism as mere tools that we can use for a greater common good, yes, states/societies should use both.
Me: Use #socialism as a platform to enable #capitalism.
#Platform means the rule of law, security & opportunities for all, and of course, all state's strategic assets in the hands of the societies that paid them in the first place to protect your national interests.
Me: Let's start with #intent: societies need a new one. As of today, the new intent should be the #Earth #Regeneration.
If we don't embody this new bold #intent today as a society, we all be gone due to #environmental #pollution, destruction of #biodiversity, and yes, #ClimateChange.
My answer was given above:
Use #socialism as a platform to enable #capitalism.
#Socialism is about our collective interests, in this case, our own survivability as a species, and protecting national & world interests, aka, the planet #Earth we inhabit.
- Protect rainforests worldwide by international law: these are sacred biodiversity places.
- Regenerate degraded native forests everywhere and also protect them by international law.
- Make #Ecocide an international crime and a crime against humanity.
X: Yes, using #socialism as a platform to enable #capitalism and our new collective #intent to #regenerate #Earth. Please proceed.
In #economics, a #freemarket is a system in which the prices for goods and services are self-regulated by the #openmarket and by consumers, meaning, they are set freely by the forces of #supply and #demand and...
But more importantly, a #freemarket is #free #from all forms of #economic #privilege, monopolies, and artificial scarcities, as per Adam Smith, the "Father of #Capitalism".
More at Wikipedia:…
Read #wardleymaps by @swardley for more.
Me: #Embrace it and #take #advantage of it, don't fight it. If you do, you will lose. Remember the old #USSR.
X: But how can we, as a society, do that?
Me: Again, it depends on what our collective #intent is and...
X: How so?
Me: If our collective #intent is the pursuit of GDP growth alone as a country, and the acquisition of more wealth as individuals, then, and in short, we tend to believe #liberalism, capitalism and #LaissezFaire...
But if we look into #capitalism and #socialism as mere tools that we can leverage to achieve a completely different #intent, than we start to think differently.
Me: If our new #collective #intent becomes #Earth #regeneration in order for our species to survive on this planet as discussed above, then what will be the most valuable #economic #asset in the near future?
It's a sure recipe for disaster: we all (humanity) crash in the ground if we continue down this destructive path.
Combined these actions have the potential to reduce property speculation & increase the economic efficiency of productive #capitalism.
- Their share of #Earth #surface #area as stated above.
- Their #NaturalMonopolies, that is, their big and expensive infrastructures, which are all commodities today...
- Their core state services to #secure and #protect their own #population & #culture (healthcare and educational systems, social security, police, army, justice).
By the way, nothing of this is new: it's happening for decades.
Me: Well, apart from the protection of their #Earth #surface #area, #NaturalMonopolies, and #core #security #services stated above, almost all markets left are...
- Agriculture, fishing, mining.
- All sorts of manufacturing.
- Almost all services we know of.
We can even have multiple businesses operating on top of the #naturalmonopolies' infrastructures owned by the state..
Me: Yes, but for all good reasons (read: our #commons and the common good):
- Our #species' #survivability, by heavily protecting through law and strict regulations a country's #Earth #surface #area against...
- The country's #independence, by owning the big infrastructures...
- The #population's #security and its #culture's #protection, by providing core state-services like education and healthcare.
X: How so?