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Nov 15th 2022
#2022 has proved to be a challenging year for the #crypto world

The industry had to deal with back-to-back blows (i.e. TerraUSD crash, #FTX collapse, etc)

This will lead to intense regulatory pressure on the nascent #crypto sector from #FATF, #G20, and more
FATF has demanded #countries implement #TravelRule at the earliest 

However, there are several problems that need to be sorted from Travel Rule #compliance first

The major issues being:
⚠️ #VASP discovery 
⚠️ #Data security
So, what's the solution? 🤔

 Find out below 👇…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
EVERYONE can & must support diversity, equity & inclusion 🌈🌏
#DEI #WorldWomensDay

Clear facts & straightforward solutions? ➡️ See this #thread 🧵#WomenInScience #WomenInSTEM

Infographic: @visualsnscience 💚
#worldmap #getthenumbersout
We show @ConLetters:

♀️ Only 11% #women among all top authors in ecology. Slow change to 18% (1945-2019). 68% TA from US, UK, AUS & > 150 #countries with no TA 🌎🌏🌍

👇 ✅ #actions we all should do…

#WomenInSTEM #WomenInScience #DEI #worldwomensday
We asked top authors 6 questions on "what holds you back from publishing even more?"

The #WordCloud shows what
39 TA's said (45% ♀️ & 65% from #GS).

Top 5 factors: Time lack; slow reviews; tasks like teaching, collaborating & proposal writing underappreciated 💬
Read 6 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
Read 56 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
Bangladesh PM snubs Imran's efforts to raise Kashmir in bilateral conversation via @EconomicTimes

#Pakistan has been snubbed by a #large number of #countries on many occasions, but it continues to raise #Kashmir shamelessly.
#Pakistan role in #assassination of Hasina's father and #Bangladesh first leader has been widely acknowledged. #ISI-backed #Terror terror groups have been active in Bangladesh under BNP-Jamaat rule. But the #Hasina government cracked down after it returned to power in 2008.
Pak spy agency’s efforts to support BNP at last elections in 2018 was also foiled.

@Ra_Bies @CestMoiz @hussain_imtiyaz @StratManOne

@LtGenGurmit @TarekFatah @Lone_wolf110
Read 3 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
In developed #countries, #government policies to restrict private behavior in response to #COVID-19 have had no effect in reducing #deaths at all. Excess all-cause mortality is actually associated, though insignificantly, with increasing restrictiveness.
In developed #countries, #deaths caused by #COVID-19 have had no — zero – correlation with #government policies of increasing restrictiveness such as #lockdowns.
Given the statistical #evidence, it is reasonable to infer, in the absence of contrary statistical evidence, that increasing restrictiveness does not decrease mortality. Any assumption or assertion that it does is not following the #science – and #ScienceMatters.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/03/2020-2…

An interpretable mortality prediction model for COVID-19 patients | Nature Machine Intelligence…
#model #intelligence #machine #prediction #mortality
“Immune to Evidence”: How Dangerous Coronavirus Conspiracies Spread — ProPublica…

#conspiracy #evidence #immune #spread
The public do not understand logarithmic graphs used to portray COVID-19 | LSE Covid-19…

#public #Graphics
Read 12 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Read our note on the initial strategic responses to #COVID19 implemented by #Countries around the globe. The European Union's responses can teach lessons to a federal #India that single nations’ experience do not provide. 1/n
@EU_Commission… Image
a) Ensure principles of adequate coordination to address common challenges of raising awareness, prevention for vulnerable groups, ensure coherent containment measures. 2/n…
b) Establish regulations to provide financial help to most affected States, mobilise investments in #healthcare systems and other economic sectors of the States. 3/n
Read 6 tweets
May 18th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 5/18/2020-2

Interpreting Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2 | JAMA | JAMA Network…
#testing #coronavirus #diagnostics
Tools for Culture Design: Toward a Science of Social Change?…
#tools #culture #design
Why this crisis is a turning point in history…
#TurningPoint #History #crisis
Read 8 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
The #Coronavirus Could Reshape #Global #Order ~ @kurtmcampbell @RushDoshi

"As #Washington falters, #Beijing is moving quickly and adeptly to take advantage of the opening created by US mistakes, filling the vacuum to position itself as the global leader in pandemic response. 1/n
It is working to tout its own system, provide #material #assistance to other #countries, and even organize other #governments. The sheer chutzpah of #China’s move is hard to overstate. 2/n

#CCP_is_terrorist #CCPvirus #ChineseVirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirusCHINA
Yet #Beijing understands that if it is seen as leading, and #Washington is seen as unable or unwilling to do so, this #perception could fundamentally alter the United States’ position in #global politics and the contest for #leadership in the twenty-first century. 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Mar 24th 2020
Boarded flight today from #NewYork to #Beijing via #Incheon, here's a thread about my experience so far (in context of the #Covid19 #outbreak and measures that #countries, #airlines and #airports are taking for it).
Was surprised that there were no temperature checks or any other #Covid19-related tests for outbound passengers at @JFKairport (drastic contrast with airports in #Asia that have been checking temperature of every OUTBOUND passenger since ~2 months now).
One would expect a country like #USA to take its leadership role in the world more seriously. Shocked to see this lack of responsibility towards what is now a GLOBAL threat. (Also, no hand sanitizers at checkin counters like #Phuket airport had >1 month ago)
Read 27 tweets
Dec 21st 2019
#Update #Nordstream2

The #German Government has condemned the #US sanctions against the construction of the controversial #NordStream2 pipeline as "interference". "The Federal Government rejects such extraterritorial sanctions," said Deputy Government Spokeswoman @UlrikeDemmer.
"They meet #German and #European companies and represent an interference in our internal affairs. The #US measures would in particular be based on the protection of #Ukraine.
In connection with this, it referred to the basic agreement reached on a new gas transit agreement between #Russia and #Ukraine, the #US sanctions against #NordStream2 are "particularly incomprehensible against this background,"
Read 9 tweets
Dec 9th 2019
@UNRWA #Gaza #Genf

More than half a million people in #Gaza depend on #food #aid. Every quarter there is a discounted ration per person. The #goods are ordered for the first quarter of the new year, but not yet #paid.
Whether the @UN organization can pay the salaries of its 13,000 workers in the #Gaza Strip in December is unclear. In Gaza, under the eyes of #Hamas, @UNRWA operates 276 schools, 22 health centers and distributes food. The unemployment rate is also 41% (Total PA Area 30% 2018).
@UNRWA currently cares for 5.5 million #Palestinians. But they are missing 167 million € to pay everything. It would take at least € 30 million for the current quarter and € 60 million for the second quarter of next year.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
44. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 468 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019
36. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria🤨👇🏼…
Read 294 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
001/ [article content in this tweet series 001-180 reproduced with permission from Martin Howe QC of Lawyers for Britain @lawyers4britain]
#quote "Leaving the EU on WTO terms: pulling down the barriers to world trade
Introduction: why prices will FALL after Brexit, not rise" /002
002/ #quote "Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement." /003
#tariffs #NoDeal #Brexit #WTO #ProjectFear #shortages #food #medicines
003/ #quote "One of the most ridiculous and UNJUSTIFIED of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines." /004
Read 180 tweets

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