@MarinSanna THREAD 30
FROM: #NATO poll. The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO.
TO: #Eduskuntavaalit2019 [3:33:05] - 93.9% of votes have been counted (2893919 pcs). SDP won with 7,666 votes and appointed a girl as PM who pleaded that she was against #NATO
Totti Hämäläinen: Miten yhtälö paisuvista palveluista ja tyhjentyvistä kuntien kassoista tomii?
- #demarit#kassa: "No #pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltio, sitä kuvataan kimalaiseksi (#Hornet), jonka ei pitäisi pystyä lentämään, se vain lentää."
@MarinSanna#GDP. #Finland's #economic#growth is almost the WEAKEST in the WORLD | 18.3.2021
- “Why have Finns not noticed this,” wonders Johnny #Åkerholm, who dug up the information.
- “We are on a worrying path, the growth gap to Sweden is ripping,” says Åkerholm
#Sotaa#Venäjä'ä vastaan valmisteltu Suomessa 2014 lähtien | Mar 29
- Ilmavoimien alistaminen valtamedian hiljaisuudessa ”Pohjolan ilmavoimille” ei ole kuitenkaan kuin kuin pieni osa massiivista sotilaallisen todellisuuden salaamista ja harhaanjohtamista mvlehti.net/2023/03/29/val…
“I’m Petrified for My Country – This Is Third World Tactics Right Now” | -2min
- He’ll be charged with something he didn’t do. We know that for a fact from Michael #Cohen himself and his lawyers… And knowing Alvin #Bragg, the #Soros backed DA dcweekly.org/2023/03/30/im-…
In #NewYork, the DA has made sure that hardened criminals are above the law, but not political enemies | Mar 30
- the case against #Trump seems murky at best. - feels like they wanted to find something, anything to give them an excuse to #arrest Trump. dailysign.al/40qdHeC
#Trump lawyer admits ex-president ‘shocked’ at indictment on ’30 counts of fraud’ | Mar31
-I have never felt so angry about an accusation because today the #RuleOfLaw in the United States of America is dead. He is dead. #Tacopina said. whatsnew2day.com/trump-lawyer-a…